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(Thank you to Ilya for this amazing artwork)

“Mark” the rabbit intoned confidently.

The ship’s rockets fired, pushing red backwards into his seat. 

“I’ll kick her into an elliptical orbit. We’ll slingshot around the planet and get up to speed so the cat can do his thing.” Violet’s paws flicked over her console. 

“Just make sure we’re pointed in the right direction, I need accuracy, not speed.” the cat next to her intoned, staring at his console. 

“I’m sure you say that to all the boys” the coyote’s face was deadpan, though if looks could kill they’d have a need for a new science officer. The cat’s ears splayed irritably. 

“Quiet and focus on your tasks” the captain interjected quietly. Comms, please keep an ear out for any communication from the planet.”

Red paid no heed, instead looking out the huge viewport at the planet growing rapidly larger. 


“Comms, status.”.


Violet poked Red in the back of the head.

“Comms yes, me, that’s me aye aye captain” the fox yelped in surprise 

“There’s a, uh, blinky light.”


Red smacked the button with his paw and the view screen was filled with an angry face. 

“Lunar One, you have broken orbit, please respond.”

“Uh, captain, what shall I say?”

“Tell them we’re scouting on ahead.”


“F-father.” Pink’s voice wavered for just a moment.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“I have to see them for myself, these people you so hate and fear.”

“You come right back here this instant, Pink, as your father and your king, you listen... ”

“No, you listen, you’re wrong father, you’re… wrong about most things and you’re especially wrong about me. End transmission.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me!”

“Did he just hang up on me.”

“Uh no, your majesty, the line, uh, still appears to be open.”


“Pink, are you there? Answer me, dammit!”


The pink rabbit made a “cutting motion” with his paw against his neck.

“Comms, cut communication” he hissed

“I don’t understand” the king on the other end of the line said, “have they cut communication or not,, I mean I can still see video…”

“Fox!” the whole bridge chorused. Violet lunged at Red’s console and hit the button again.

The screen went dark, replaced instead by the beauty of space all around them, the planet loomed bright off to starboard. 
