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Finally, Lunar version 0.24 is available for download

Change log:

  • Updated theme
  • Coloured sprites for Violet & Blue
  • Some coloured sprites for Red (on-going)
  • Coloured sex scenes for Blue & White  
  • Coloured cut scenes for Pink and Green

Please let me know if you have any feedback!


Index of /Lunar/d306f642



Hey, can't seem to get the download to work, a failed redirect after the patreon thingy

Didac Montero Borràs

same to me but i driect downloading from the website. https://foofox.furry.nz/2018/09/01/lunar-latest-version/


Oh no! Let me look into it. … OK, I have removed the silly security thing, try downloading it from http://foofox.furry.nz/Lunar/d306f642


ok, I have removed the silly security thing, the download is available at: http://foofox.furry.nz/Lunar/d306f642


So I played to the end for the first time, and I must say I love it. The coloured sprites look great and the background art is excellent. I didn't expect the twist with Blue (I didn't feel good about lying to him before that; Red definitely has a way of telling people what they want to hear in lieu of the truth). Green's revelation was definitely something I didn't see coming. I suppose if memory wiping is known to be possible in this world, then one would suspect Red had one fairly quickly? I'm not sure if choosing or not choosing to talk to Pink changes the story much, but I would suspect Red talking to him made him think something was up. The fact that Yellow was that eager to help Red after watching him escape the observation room leads me to believe that Medical Observation isn't exactly popular with the crew. I recall reading about the "monstrous" alien creatures that Lunar is supposedly being sent to destroy (yes Blue, I am the bookish type), though I don't think it mentioned much about their technology. I would hope it's much lower than that of the anthros, if they're only sending a single ship to destroy them. Then again, destroying a less developed species that isn't a threat to them simply for being... different than what they're used to, that wouldn't really reflect well on the anthro civilization. I think I'm starting to see why our Prince Captain is having moral dilemmas. I tried to get to the sex scene with White, but apparently it doesn't happen during the physical exam. Guess I'll have to try again later. So far I'm really impressed with this visual novel. I definitely look forward to the next update.


Yay! The twist with blue is supposed to be so harsh because for the very reason that you deceive him to begin with. Every character has an arc that makes them different to how you expect them to be, in a small way. For the sex scene with white you need a rip off from Junior to tell you to speak to white more.


A couple of questions, first the wolf cleaning the broken glass, is this another potential romance partner? Looking forward to seeing the finished sprite. Second, is there a guide somewhere to help with this? Confusing on what I can't and can do. For instance don't have a clue how to get intimate with white or any other character. Blue is the only and that's a little too easy.