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Little over a year later and I have finally been able to update the theme animation!

I have included all of your names in the credits. so please let me know ASAP if you don't see your name or if you don't want your name included in the credits - I am assuming you do since that's a perk!

In about a week, I will make this public!

The long time to get the animation out was not for lack of trying! For the first few months I thought my ancient laptop was just not up to the task. Then when I tried on a more powerful computer as a test, I realised that the version of OpenToonz I was using had a bug. I upgraded to the latest version and then got this great error: 

The "green tail" issue plagued me through Christmas until I finally figured it out on boxing day!

Then I had to re-do some animations to make them more efficient by resizing them:

No wait, that's not right... time to realign them again:

Even with all those improvements, a render takes about 3 hours and sometimes hangs frustratingly like so:

Anyway, that's all behind us now. Please enjoy the updated theme and I hope you wait till the end to spot your name!


Lunar Theme Dec 2018 - attempt 2

Uploaded by Lunar on 2018-12-30.



Ooooh! Gorgeous! Will there be a NSFW version? Oh, and you know me about hi resolution and that I looove to archive them. <3 Oh, I noticed that from 1:26 to 1:43, as he's breathing, his torso separates from his shoulders.


And since everyone knows me as Taimaishoo, may I have the credits updated to reflect as such? I've also changed it in Patreon. :)


Good trial i love It


OK, I have updated this post with better credits and fixed Red's shoulders!


What happened to your YouTube page? It says it's terminated!