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When I first wrote the encounter between Red and Pink, I imagined that Pink would be so excited that he'd jump right on there without bothering to take his shirt off. I think he looks cute that way and it emphasises his rank as well:

But then again... without being able to see his sides, it's hard to see how slim and cute his little body is. Maybe he'd be better with no shirt at all:

Wagner (the amazing artist doing this work) prefers no shirt. 

What do you think, oh amazing patrons?



Or maybe half on, half off? On one arm and shoulder but not on the other? Or maybe on one shoulder and drooping off and down the other shoulder? Like, maybe he was in the middle of taking it off (not just unbuttoning it) and said to hell with it! I understand his inhibitions and on the subconscious level, the respect he gives his rank but with him at odds with his father and what their original mission was, with his shirt hanging down one shoulder, it would be like him on the verge of giving his father the finger, yet at the same time saying to Red, take me now! Or with his shirt on but halfway unbuttoned by Red (With Red's hands at the buttons), showing Pink's impatience.... Damn! There's just so many freaking hot ways I'm imagining this scene right now.... but you are the writer and story teller! <3


Based on all of the great feedback, I have decided to make it so you can take his shirt off while you're yiffing him >:3