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This is very important. I hope you can spare a moment to read this update.
Many thanks for the feedback guys. While I'd prefer to wait for everyone to give their thoughts about the changes, time is of the essence and I need to get work done ASAP.

General consensus:
Not favorable.
Commission demand is too high and priority is expected across the board.
This leaves little room for Patreon rewards.

What's the fix?
Balance. I don't want to give more weight to commissions and abandon rewards and viceversa. There will be a balance, even if delays become the norm (at least while I become more time efficient with my output.)

So is this final?
No. Stuff is up for discussion and I'm open to all feedback.
If you have any thoughts on the matter please do share them with me.
We'll reach an agreement where everyone is happy.

What are the changes then?
For the time being, these are the implemented changes.
We'll test the waters and see how it goes:

- Bi weekly art raffle has been replaced by character art poll.
It's one of the monthly rewards and works similar to the monthly art poll, except I'll prepare a list of characters in advance and have you guys vote for the one you want to see art of. Seeing how Neptunia is a constant in our family of patrons, there will always be a Neptunia character at least.
This change was made in order to help me with the increased workload of the updated changes.

- Monthly art poll remains the same. No changes.

- Commissions are still limited per month, but I will do 3 commissions per month instead of 1.
It's a hefty increase in workload. I'll do my best to deliver on time.
All commissioners must bear in mind that delays are possible.
Specially if the commissions are of high complexity.

- New reward for $10 tier will be voted shortly. I urge all patrons of this tier and above to cast their votes.

- Dakimakura commissions are open for everyone.

This is an updated time table of what I'll be working on every month:
Be advised: Delays are on the table.
* Full artwork  (character art poll)
* Full artwork ( monthly art poll)
* (new reward) voting pending
* Full artwork (commission)
* Full artwork (commission)  
* Full artwork (commission)  

That's 6 artworks per month (2 every week) I'll do my very best to avoid delays.

Many thanks for your continued support!
Stay awesome :3

Kind regards,



Understandable - it's always best to be honest about what's realistically possible. You took on one heck of a workload, and while I applaud you for trying to give as much as possible to your Patrons, scaling down to a more reasonable pace will be better for everyone. Sad about the raffle though - it was the thing I was always looking forward to the most.