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THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Hope you guys can give me some minutes of your time to read this.
I plan on running a double artwork raffle before September ends, as I've been lagging behind on focused rewards. I apologize for this and a schedule restructure will come soon.

The issue: Time.
We've danced to this song before but like I told you guys before, I'm not a speedy artist. And now that 3 months have almost passed I came to realize that I'm not fast enough to do both commissions and Patreon rewards at the same time AND have everything ready by the end of the month. I feel I'm doing you guys a disservice by making you wait so much.
And I don't like that. I really appreciate your support, your kind words and your amazing patience, but we need to make some changes. More so, as the page keeps on growing and our family gets bigger.

What's going to stay the same?
Mostly everything, Specifically, raffles and polls. I can do regular artwork weekly  without stress or pressure since I have enough time to work on it.

What's going to change?
Doujin will no longer be included as a monthly reward. My deepest apologies. The reasons are as follows:

- I clearly underestimated how tough and time consuming is to draw them.
Every panel requires time and care, like an individual artwork. There's also
the story boarding, script and the page layout to consider.
- I haven't really received much feedback about them by patrons. These are essentially not popular compared to regular artwork and I fear they might not be as good as my usual pieces.

So doujin are forever gone?
Not quite. I can still make them, provided there's a demand for them and if they become generally favored by the audience, I can do them occasionally as special rewards.
I'll release the Tiara and Eryn doujin to the public to gauge interest. I also ask of you guys to give me some feedback about it so I know what to aim for, include, or correct if I'm to draw them again.  

What will happen to that reward, then?
It will be replaced by another reward that we'll vote upon. I'll give some options that fit my time table and $10 patrons and above will be able to choose from this list (as this is a reward aimed for those tiers.)
This reward will be 100% Patreon exclusive. I will not post it anywhere else.

IMPORTANT: Commissions are still limited and are on a monthly ETA basis. This means, every month I'll be able to complete one commission and next in list, the next month. Once the pool is cleared, New submissions will be accepted. Slot limit is still 3.

Dakimakura are also now listed as commission-able for $50 patrons.

That's it for the major changes.

Here's a rundown of what I'll be working on every month:

* Full artwork  (bi-weekly art raffle)
* Full artwork ( monthly art poll)
* (new reward) voting pending
* Full artwork (commission)

That's 4 artworks a month.(1 every week) Fairly manageable and less stressful.

Many, many thanks for your continued support. Any doubts or questions please leave a comment below or message me anytime.

Warm regards,



Honestly, if you're doing a single piece of art per week, I'd prefer something like 3x commissions, 1x Patreon reward per month.


Glad you're getting back on track, slow and steady is definitely the way to go. Sad news about dakis for 50+ only though :(


Also maybe lowing the bi monthly raffle to once a month and doing an extra slot would be cool. Also need to let us know how you will decide who gets a commission slot