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Greetings my cherished benefactors.
Allow me to give you once again my deepest heartfelt gratitude for supporting my art and helping me realize my passion. I'll never get tired of saying thank you and I owe you the world for allowing me to be a freelance artist and live off my art. I love you to death and your support makes me very happy and fulfilled. :D

I hope that we stay together for a long, long time to come and we keep creating awesome memories together.

I also give the new patrons a very warm welcome and my deepest gratitude for the support. Here's a kind reminder for those new and regular:

In the event that you can't keep supporting me, please don't worry. Investing in art is a luxury and it's perfectly understandable
if you need to use your money for other things. Don't hurt yourselves in order to help me.

I thank you deeply for this second month with me and here's to more art!

Warm regards,


Concerning delays:
I have no excuse. I lost any time advantage I had when I prioritized my pending commissions of the 1st month (July) And haven't been able to catch up with current rewards. I'm not a speedy artist (tho I'm working hard on that.) I don't want to half-ass drawings and give you poor results.
Quality is one of my guarantees and I owe you guys that much.

Proposed solution: Bi weekly raffles will go to the backburn while I catch up. Leaving us with The monthly artwork poll and the monthly doujin.
I will try and add some more exclusive artwork in between bursts of work, though, so please don't worry about content. I will keep you updated and posted. If anyone has another idea or a better suggestion please speak up. I want you guys to be satisfied with my content.

Concerning schedules:
No longer scheduling events rigidly. at least till I catch up. My primary goal right now is to keep dishing out content for you guys. So that will not change.

IMPORTANT: Concerning Patreon commissions:
Limiting slots now. Working on both patreon commissions and the rewards is very taxing and time consuming. To strike a balance between the two I will take a maximum of 3 patreon commissions per month.
As I become faster and more efficient, this number might increase.*
Also, public commissions will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

Concerning exclusive artwork:
The twitter shadowban hurt my exposure as freelance artist, as Twitter represented my main source of exposure and was my updates hub.
I will publish some of the Patreon artwork to help my exposure, but there will be plenty of art that I will only post here.


Right Arm

I prefer the quality than the speed, so you'r doing great!