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Yes. No joke.
Twitter disagrees with me posting lewd art so my account was likely flagged for porn content or something like that.

For those unfamiliar with it, this means my account and tweets will not appear on searches or art related tweets. Outside of my followers I'm effectively invisible.
The ban might be temporary or permanent, there's no way to know. Twitter has yet to admit to our faces their stealth ban practices.

So what now? I'll stop using twitter as my main hub for updates. It's pintless now as any further exposure generated by it has been rendered useless by the shadowban. I will now only post finished artwork and only safe artwork at that. I may return one day, if those dicks at Twitter ever unban me. In the meantime, I'm off for Tumblr to try and gather more exposure. Since I live off my art it's critical that I get my name out there.

In the meantime, you guys can help me out by spreading the word about my art and linking people to my sites. Word of mouth goes a long way and I'll be forever grateful to you all.

Many thanks again for your continued support and stay awesome!
Warm regards, Helvetica.

Notes: The twitter fiasco has hit me hard, so I'll be posting a little of my Patreon artwork elsewhere to help my exposure. Of course, only low resolution of it and with the corresponding Patreon watermark.



Just finished setting it up :D <a href="https://lehelveticastandard.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://lehelveticastandard.tumblr.com/</a>


Honestly, Twitter's algorithms seem completely arbitrary at this point. You can see that with the "show more posts" functionality, which is supposed to filter low quality and rude posts, but appears to apply completely at random. And the fact that they neither allow to appeal, or even acknowledge that this mechanic is in place is ridiculous. Sorry to see this happen to you. Followed you on Tumblr.