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Hi there friends!

We are happy to be back online, as Patreon support finally was able to work on our issue! Thank you all for the support and feedbacks during this unfortunate time!

Unfortunately, because of Patreon not been able to charge current patrons early this month, we won't be able to have a new set for December.

This means that if you signed up before December, you will have regular access to November set and will not be charged for December at all.

For our new patrons, signing up during December, you will also get access to our November set. This means that our current set will act as a November/December set and you will be refunded for January.

If you for some reason you can't access the post to download the Set, and don't want to get  it from MyMini Factory, message us here and we will send you the link to download them. 

That is it for now. We are happy to be back and we have some awesome stuff coming next year... January will definitely have you shouting Cowabunga! 😉 

We appreciate you guys support!


Jack Robinson

Has anyone tried printing using the “TOYBOX” 3-D printer?


Hi Jack! All of our prints are tested on resin printers, but you could probably print them on filament on high resolution too. Maybe you will need to create your own supports? Really curious to know if someone actually tried it though. 😄

Jack Robinson

How do they fit on the base? Do you have to glue or do they plug in?


We usually just glue them together Jack. No plugs or anything 😉