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Hi there friends!
Hope everyone is great out there.

We were hoping that by this time Patreon support would have already fixed our issue that has been making our page unavailable, but it has not been so... Not much our team can do about it, unfortunately.

With that in mind, we are releasing our November Set anyway, both here and on MMF, so hopefully you guys can access one way or another. It will be available throughout the whole month of December, so plenty of time to download it.

EDIT: This set has been retired! But fear not, you can still get it from our Gumroad store! Make sure you use our code for 50% Discount!    

For not so great news... As we will begin December with the page still suspended, and Patreon charges your account every 1st of the month, you won't be charged for the whole month of December. This means that, unfortunately, we won't be able to have a new set this month. But just stick around, as we should be back sometime this month and we will have a brand new set early January, to kick of 2022. We will keep you guys posted during production 😉

So, this wasn't the way we have planned to end the year, but at least you guys will get some time to go through your print/paint queue and we will have new stuff coming January!

We thank everyone that has been getting in touch with us here and through other platforms to show support and love. We really appreciate all you guys and we will definitely keep working hard to deliver the best minis we can to you guys!

Thank you for the support!



Mikeal Gallaway

Loving the Nov/ Dec set! I just went and got the Mystery Gang and Ghosts and Hunters sets too!! Cant wait for Jan set!

JM Hamilton

Someone help me out... Who's the armless guy?


Hi man! That would be Mean Machine from Dredd movie/comics. Pretty bad guy!