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With a thick, gray binder tucked smartly under one arm, Hilda stepped into what was still officially referred to as the branch manager's office. Of course, the official hierarchy had undergone some recent rearrangement, of a highly unorthodox kind. Normally, a sudden change in the relative status of her co-workers would have bothered Hilda. She liked the clarity and sense of comfort that came from a well-made org chart, in which it was clear and unambiguous who was responsible for managing what portion of the organization and who they were reporting to. Information flowing upward, tasks flowing downward, and her in the middle keeping it all neat and tidy.

Hilda's career had been a little unpredictable since Marie had signed on. It was a difficult adjustment to incorporate someone like her into the company culture. For one thing, she had made it quite clear that she had zero interest in filling any official role within the organization, either as a decision maker, administrator, or indeed any functional position. In fact, she had stated plainly on multiple occasions that she had no intention of serving the organization's goals in any capacity, and in fact intended to drain its resources and disrupt its basic functions as much as possible, and had proceeded to do just that. Normally, someone like that would simply be fired, but Marie had also made it clear that that would also not be happening, and she appeared to be correct. This rather unique set of circumstances posed a significant challenge to Hilda's professionalism. Still, she was nothing if not adaptable, and she had found that that quality paid dividends where Marie was involved.

She smiled pleasantly at Pauline, Diane's secretary. The younger woman returned the smile, and popped her thumb out of her mouth.

“Marie said to just let you right through.” she explained cheerfully. She stood to open the door to the inner office.

“I see.” said Hilda quietly. Pauline froze and looked slightly uncomfortable, which was the usual way subordinates reacted to her “quiet voice”. She had worked hard to perfect it.

“I take she also issued some new...instructions regarding your uniform? It isn't Halloween, you know.”

Pauline folded her hands in front of her and glanced down at her outfit. It consisted of a bright blue skirt, a tight white tee shirt that left her belly exposed, knee-length blue socks, and a large pink neckerchief tied in a large bow under her chin. “Er, yes, ma'am. She said my old uniform was too drab and boring, and that this would be a lot more...fun.” her voice trailed off and her demeanor darkened when she saw that Hilda was not succumbing to the playful vibe her outfit was supposed to project. “You, uh, you can overlook this, right? It is for Marie...” she stammered.

Hilda sighed deeply and held up a hand to stop her. “Yes, yes, of course, it's no problem at all. I'll...amend the relevant passage in your personnel file. I trust the...thumb issue is of a similar nature?”

Pauline nodded solemnly. “Yep. I'm a thumbsucker now. Marie said it makes me look cute.” she returned her thumb to its new proper position and began sucking noisily.

Hilda tiredly nodded acknowledgment. “Yes, well, I suppose you do at that. Keep up the...good work, I suppose.” said Hilda, making a mental note to update this in the handbook as well. She wasn't accustomed to altering policies to match the behavior of the employees instead of the other way around, but that was becoming routine with Marie around.

She stepped forward to enter the inner office, but a thought occurred to her that paused her mid-step. “Out of curiosity, has Marie made any new pronouncements regarding your...” she paused and searched for the right word, not wishing Pauline to take offense at having such a subject discussed openly.

Pauline nodded quickly, clearly understanding the unfinished question. She tugged at her bright blue skirt nervously. “No...not yet, anyway. Still a...still a big girl.”

Hilda nodded. As a result of Marie's rather whimsical displays of power and influence, the number of employees who were wearing conventional underwear had been trending downward quite dramatically. Hilda was somewhat concerned that she herself was at risk in this department, especially considering that she had managed to inculcate herself into Marie's inner circle, and she was the only member of that august group whose professional apparel had so far avoided alteration. She cautiously continued inside.

Beyond the double doors of frosted glass, Hilda saw that a large leather-bound massage table now dominated the floor of the office. It looked quite expensive. Hilda didn't envy the women in accounting who would be forced to hide yet another outrageous expense among the various line items. Marie lay face-down on the table, her head wedged into the padded slot. She was wearing nothing save for a bulging white disposable diaper.

Allison squirted some oil into her palm and smiled as she saw Hilda. Her eyes were dreamy and unfocused. She was also wearing a thick diaper, albeit partially hidden under her short skirt. “Oh hi! It's sooo good to see you! Is it time to go home?”

“No, Allison. It's only just after noon.” responded Hilda. She resolved to retain her calm demeanor, despite her circumstances. Coming from anyone else, the question would have seemed ridiculous, but since Allison's current reduced mental capability had been Hilda's own handiwork, she regarded the look of bafflement on the younger woman's face with a degree of professional pride. She squinted and began counting slowly on her fingers, lips moving as she went.

“Wait...wait...which one is...is noon the one after...?” she asked, brow furrowed in concentration. Marie's back shook with laughter under her.

“Don't worry about that. I'll inform you when it's time for us to go home.” said Hilda, trying to sound reassuring.

“Oh! Good! Umm...what's inform again?”

Allison had been working hard at her daily hypnotic treatments, and the results were better than even Hilda had expected. Of course, technically all the hypnosis in the world couldn't actually make a person any smarter or dumber, but Allison certainly believed that she was dumb as a post now, and what you believe about yourself has a huge impact on how your mind actually works. The human brain is a naturally lazy organ, always looking for any excuse to conserve energy.

“She means she'll just tell you what to do when it's time.” muttered Marie from the comfort of the face-port. She gestured to her naked back with her thumb. “Eyes over here, shit-for-brains. Makee with the rubee.”

“Oh! Sorry, Marie! I'm such a ditz!” She began pressing her thumbs along Marie's spine, smiling dreamily as she did. Diane had a similar look on her face as she sat at her desk, humming happily to herself as she read over her daily reports, surrounded by dozens of images of Marie. That look was another thing that was getting more common around the office lately.

Much like Hilda, Marie had chosen to leave Allison's wardrobe largely unscathed, most likely to comedically contrast with her bubbly new persona and reduced mental abilities. Apart from her extremely thick pink-rimmed glasses and the puffy white disposable diapers peeking out from under her skirt, she was dressed just like the upwardly mobile young career woman she had once been. Hilda had dressed her herself that morning, since that kind of thing tended to take her a while now, if she remembered to do it at all. Thanks to the influence of Hilda's “visualization techniques”, Allison tended to just wander around in a dull haze these days, cheerfully agreeing with whatever was said around her. In some ways, Hilda actually envied her.

Marie folded her arms under her breasts and glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Jeez, she only dropped you off, like, three hours ago. How dumb are you?”

Allison perked up at the question. It was one of the very few questions she could still give a clear answer to. “Oh, I'm like, a super-duper dumby-head! Thanks for making me a total airhead, Marie! You're the best!”

“Yeah, I am. Just rub my back and keep your stupid pie-hole shut for a while. Hilda, tell me how the new training program is coming along. Oh, and uh...go ahead and twerk for me while you're at it.”

Allison giggled and mimed closing her lips with a zipper. She resumed the massage, rubbing more scented oil into Marie's already very shiny back. Blushing heavily, Hilda took up position in front of the table, turned,  and carefully bent at the knees. She wasn't an experienced twerker by any means, but she had a grasp of the general theory, and she understood well how important it was to keep Marie happy. She bobbed her rear back and forth, alternating with a little circular motion, while she delivered her report. It wasn't easy to do in her high-heeled shoes, but she had always excelled when performing under pressure.

“I'm very pleased with the progress we're making. I have made several modifications to my earlier attempts that have accelerated the desired development in my subjects considerably. Allison's intelligence reduction appears to be advancing. She can already duplicate the verbal effects of reduced cognitive capacity, but I'm concerned that some of this effect is superficial, and some is almost certainly transient. Still, if we keep up with her sessions, I am confident that the effects can be rendered both genuine and permanent. I believe the improvements in technique should allow me to get the next batch of trainees up to your specifications in half the time.”

Hilda swallowed hard. Her face reddened still further as she prepared to ask a question she knew she might regret.  “That is, of course, assuming that you wish to expand the training program?”

She didn't want to raise the suggestion, but she didn't see a workable alternative. She knew that she had to give Marie whatever she wanted. She knew Marie would almost certainly want to create more diapered idiots to amuse her. Still, given Marie's fondness for petty cruelty, there was a very real risk...

Marie snorted. “Good suggestion. Like the way you think. Have you given any thought to giving it a try yourself?”

Hilda's heart raced. Her face felt like it was on fire.“Um, do you think I should?”. She drew a sharp breath as quietly as she could. She hated the idea of losing something so essential to her lifestyle and self-image as her intelligence, and yet she knew full well that if Marie demanded it, she would certainly do it, regardless. She continued to wag her ass back and forth, up and down, back and forth again, hoping that she could somehow avoid being permanently reduced to a hapless idiot.

Marie shrugged carelessly on the massage bed. “Eh, whatever. Do whatever you feel like doing.”

Hilda exhaled. Sweet relief washed over her. Marie was certainly dangerous, Hilda reflected, but as long as she recognized her value as a capable functionary, she could still be reasoned with. “I...suppose I'll pass then.”

Marie stuck her index finger to her chin. She uttered a single word that completely annihilated all the relief Hilda had been feeling. “Although...”

There was the a pause. The world held its breath.

“It would make me soooo happy if you did.”

Hilda swallowed. There was not a trace of sincerity in Marie's face, but it did not matter. Hilda knew what was required of her, no matter how it made her feel. “May I ask why?”

“It's what I want.” said Marie, an edge of irritation in her voice.

Hilda pressed her lips together and swallowed. She continued to twerk, even as she held back tears. “I suppose I'll...turn myself into an idiot...for you.” The words made her throat constrict.

Marie lifted herself up off the massage chair, interrupting Allison's diligent work on her shoulder muscles. She pulled Hilda by the hand and turning her, forcing an end to her degrading performance. She stared fixedly at Hilda for a moment. Then she snorted, and laughed hollowly. Hilda clenched her fists.

“I got you good!” she laughed as she lay back down and snuggled her way back into the table's face port. She was clearly enjoying having her head cradled in soft leather. “Seriously though, I think I'll let you keep your brains, since you've been using them for my benefit. I guess the message here is to just keep doing that. Kay?”

Hilda trembled with terror and rage, but she held still and kept her tongue. She had dealt with smarmy, insufferable superiors all throughout her career. Marie might well have been the worst one yet, but if so, not by much.

“Thank you. Will there be anything else?”

“Oh, yeah! Right there. Yesss.” sighed Marie. Allison was working her magic on a spot just to the left of the base of her spine.

“If I may be excused, I do have a lot to do.”

“Gawwwd, I needed this! I never thought being an ass to people all day could be stressful, but it's starting to feel like a job, you know?”

Hilda wasn't sure what Marie was talking about. “I...really couldn't comment.”

“It's like...sometimes I'm really worried. Like, I wonder what people would do if I stopped pissing them off? Would they turn on me? Would they stop obeying me?

Hilda hardly dared to breathe. Nothing Marie was saying made sense to her, but she sensed a shift in tone that she was sure she didn't like.

“And everybody is so different! Like, everyone has their own emotional thresholds, and likes and dislikes! So how am I supposed to know who's really under my thumb, and who's just going along with me because I have all the power? Any thoughts on that, Hilda?”

Hilda forced herself to keep calm. She was frozen like a deer in headlights, but she had come too far to get here to allow her emotions to overwhelm her now. “I don't think I follow, Ma'am.”

Marie sat up, gesturing to Allison to pause the massage. “That's kind of the point, Hilda. See, for a long time, I wasn't sure what to make of you. Most people scream and yell and call me mean names when I start taking them over, and then they just kinda lay back and accept that I'm calling the shots. After that, they actually seem to enjoy having me treat them like crap! But you, you just never fought back at all. Not even a pitiful, token attempt. Some people are easy, but not like you. At first, I thought that maybe you had arrived kind of broken in already. You're a pretty bog-standard corporate stooge, so I figured you were just used to being bossed around by assholes. And yet, here you are, still shaking like a leaf, still so mad at me and still not willing to do a damn thing about it.”

Hilda's lips tightened. She was well and truly terrified now. She knew that Marie was powerful, unpredictable, and almost unbelievably cruel, but she hadn't expected her to be this astute. She had been looking right through her outward facade this whole time.

“Oh? Cat got your tongue? Well, here's my theory. I think you've been doing this corporate bullshit for so long, and taken so much crap from so many assholes, that it just feels normal to you now. I demean you, humiliate you, make you change Allison's diapers, play with your butt cheeks, and that barely registers to you as a problem. Even brainwashing other people into diaper-wearing nitwits doesn't really bother you. But I think I've finally found the key to really understanding you. You stick around me because I have power, and you understand power. You feed on it. You've learned to make yourself useful to those who have it. You've really just been using me to maintain your position, making yourself indispensable, like you always do. You're not some silly plaything like Allison or Diane. You're still looking out for yourself, feeling your way along, hoping to somehow come out ahead of all this.”

Hilda swallowed. She took a long, deep breath. “Very...perceptive, Ma'am. I think you understand my position quite well. But be that as it may, haven't I done good work for you? Haven't I supported your goals? I've bowed to your every whim. I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to please you. Is that not sufficient? Why should we not continue to be of use to each other?”

Marie smiled. “Oh, Hilda. You silly goose! No. You've got it all wrong. I don't want you standing in the background, plotting and scheming while I'm trying to enjoy myself. I don't want to be looking over my shoulder while I grind this company into the dust. I don't want an employee who does what I say because it aligns with her goals. I want happy, eager, devoted...little bitches. I want people who do what I say because...I'm Marie.”

She nodded to Allison and Diane, who each smiled warmly at her in turn. “No, I'm gonna have to take stronger measures with you. My normal methods just aren't up to snuff, it seems. The only things you really seem to care about are your intelligence, your position, and your dignity. I think, if we're going to really get you to where you need to be, I'm going to have to take at least some of those things away from you. I think you're due for a major demotion. Something around Allison's level would be good.”

Hilda's face reddened again. “But...what would that accomplish? I wouldn't be able to finish the program if I use it on myself! I'd be useless to you!”

Marie shrugged. “You're useful, but you're not like, indispensable or anything. I have your notes. You're not the only Psych major around here. I think you'd be a lot more fun as a funny little nimrod who worships the ground I walk on.”

“Oh!” said Allison suddenly. “Would you like me to start doing that? I had no idea you...”

“Not literally, of course.” interrupted Marie, turning and tapping Allison condescendingly on the nose.

Allison's brow furrowed in confusion. “What's...litterly mean?”

“Forget it. Just kiss my ass.”

“Okie-dokie!” said Allison, brightening immediately. She turned her attention to Marie's diapered rear and got straight to work.

Marie listened with satisfaction to the wet smacking sounds for a moment, then returned her attention to Hilda. “See? How can you put a price on entertainment like that?”

“This...is insane.” she whispered.

Marie shrugged. “Sure, whatever. The world was crazy long before I got here. The only thing that's changed is that now I'm the one that getting catered to for a change. Oh, that reminds me...”

Marie's smile widened as she arched her back slightly and strained. With a smattering of pops, crinkles, and less savory noises, she pushed a sizable load into the seat of her thick diaper. Allison's rain of kisses was not even briefly interrupted. Hilda was the only one in the room who showed even the faintest sign of displeasure at the smell that slowly spread through the room. Diane sniffed the air thoughtfully, smiled, and returned to her work. She had a messy diaper change to look forward to, but she would have to wait until someone in the office complained, which often took a while.

“Goddamn, that feels amazing! It's so much fun just getting to take a big, smelly dump whenever and wherever I choose!” Marie savored the moment, on her new massage table, with her oversized disposable diaper the only thing separating her messy “accident” from Allison's face.

“What do you think about that, Hilda? About your boss wearing dirty diapers in the office? About being ordered around by a grown women in stinky, poopy pampers? Be honest, now.”

“It's...very, very...unprofessional, ma'am.” said Hilda, still struggling with herself.

“You really hate that, don't you?” asked Marie. She leaned back against the massage table. Her diaper squished audibly.

“...yes.” whispered Hilda through her teeth.

“And why is that?”

“I...we have a system here! A system that works! It has rules! It has reams of rules! This is not how it was supposed to go! Look, I'm sorry. I think...with all these changes, maybe I'm just not a good fit for this...organization anymore. I really thought I was willing to do whatever it took to succeed, but this is too much even for me! I should leave. Please, I won't say anything, can I please just go?”

Marie nodded her head and pursed her lips in an unconvincing imitation of concern. “That's fine for now, Allison. Why don't you go show your stupid diaper butt to everybody at the Starbucks across the street? ”

“You got it, Marie! Bye everybody!” Allison skipped out the door, only too happy to further degrade herself. Diane waved to her, then returned to her work.

Marie rose from the massage table and sauntered up to Hilda. She was shorter than Hilda, but she towered over her in confidence.

She reached forward and gave Hilda's cheek three condescending little pats. “Oooh, silly, silly Hilda. Even after all you've seen, you still talk like this is all just business as usual. You still act like what you want or what you're willing to do still mattered.”

She leaned forward, and softly whispered as though sharing a secret. “They don't. Not even a little. You can't stop me from doing whatever I want, and you can't stop yourself from doing whatever I want, either. But don't worry. I think you can still be a very important part of this company. You just need to adjust the way you think a little. I'm going to help you learn your lesson. Now, strip.”


“Go on. All your clothes are going bye-bye. Just drop them in that waste basket there. Now, Hilda.”

Hilda seethed inwardly, but there was no alternative. Marie wanted it, so it had to happen. Hilda began slowly undoing the buttons of her neatly-pressed suit jacket. Into the trash it went, along with her long skirt, her shoes, socks, and bra.

“Stop.” said Marie, just as Hilda's hands had grabbed the waist of her white panties. She stood frozen in place, still holding her underwear, tears in her eyes.

“I bet you'd like to keep those, wouldn't you?”

Hilda pursed her lips and nodded.

“You don't want to have to walk around in just a big diaper, do you?”

Hilda shook her head. Her face was practically glowing red.

“You don't want to have to poop yourself and beg someone to change your stinky pampers, do you?”

“Please...” whispered Hilda.

“And you want to keep that brain of yours, too?” she drew in a breath through her teeth. “That's a big ask, Hilda. Are you sure?”

“Anything. Whatever it takes. Please.” Hilda's voice was barely audible.

“Hmmmm...I guess we could try things your way It just means I have to really push you to get you where I need you to be.”

“Thank you. Thank you very, very much, Ma'am.” A drop of sweat rolled down Hilda's forehead.

“Heh. We'll see how you feel in a minute.”

Marie cupped a hand over her mouth and called toward the door. “Oooh, Pauline! Could you come in here please?”

The door quickly opened, and Pauline poked her head in. Her nose wrinkled for a moment as the smell hit her, but she manged to maintain her composure. “Y-yes Marie? You wanted to see me?” she said, her voice muffled by her thumb.

“Yes, right over here.” said Marie. She pointed at a spot on the floor beside Hilda. Pauline skipped into the room and quickly took up a position at the exact spot indicated. She folded her hands in front of her nervously.

“So, Pauline...How's that new underwear treating you?” asked Marie.

Pauline blushed heavily. “I, uh...it's quite comfortable, ma'am, thank you.”

“Show us now.” ordered Marie, still smiling.

Pauline slowly drew up her skirt, revealing some suspiciously thick lavender panties. Little butterflies fluttered across the front. She tried to stop partway, but a raise eyebrow from Marie was enough to persuade her to unveil them completely. Hilda reflected that Pauline's claim to still be a “big-girl” was only true by a rather generous set of definitions.

“Good girl! Still all dry. Using the potty like I told you?” asked Marie.

Pauline's blush intensified. “Yes. I love using the big-girl potty. Thank you, Marie.”

“And where does that thumb go?” asked Marie.

Pauline popped it back into her mouth and resumed her noisy sucking. Her face reddened.

“Fantastic. Now Pauline, I've decided that we need to adjust Hilda's role in this company just a bit. I think it would be best if she reported directly to you for the time being.”

“Me?” asked Pauline, looking uncertain as to how she felt about this.

“Her?” asked Hilda, looking considerably more certain of her feelings.

“Yes.” said Marie. There could be no debate. She looked so authoritative and confident in her loaded diaper. “Hilda has been getting just a little too big for her britches, so to speak. She'll need to be taken down a few pegs to really fit into the company culture. I'd like you to personally oversee her rehabilitation.”

Pauline was taken aback by this, but she rallied. “Sure. I'll do my very best! But, um...what would that involve? I've never done any management before.” She was careful to resume her thumb-sucking once she had gotten this out.

Marie chuckled. “Don't worry about that part. Hilda already knows all about the paperwork and protocols and what-not. You can just make her do all that. Your job will primarily consist of...well, bullying is probably the most appropriate word. Just keep reminding her that you're in charge of her, and that she has absolutely no power in the situation. Now, that can mean things like making her fetch you coffee, making her prepare lots of boring, stupid reports for you, randomly cutting her breaks short for no reason, typical boss stuff like that. But you really need to push it, sky's the limit, don't even worry about  getting in trouble. She needs regular, consistent humiliation. I want you to use her as your personal flunky. I want her standing in the corner for time-outs. I want her crawling around on all fours, barking and begging for treats. I want her working at all hours, day or night, weekends, holidays, whatever. ”

Pauline raised her hand. Marie gestured that she could speak.

“Isn't that kind of...a lot?” asked Pauline nervously. “I mean, I'm not sure I want to be that harsh...and it sounds like I wouldn't have a lot of free time either.” Her thumb went straight back in.

Marie blew a raspberry. “Oh well! Did you think this was supposed to fun for you? How about you both just stay here in the office all the time, so you won't have to worry about the commute? Great little time saver there. There's plenty of room. We can just put some beds in a conference room or something. You don't need to be running off into the world doing whatever when you could be here, doing whatever I want. Oh, and forget about getting paid. That money could be used for more important things, like buying lots and lots of big comfy diapers for me! Sound fair?”

Hilda looked over at Pauline. Her face was pale with horror. Just for moment, Hilda wondered if there was still a way to salvage this. If she could just get Pauline on her side, maybe they...they could...the thought kept sliding out of focus.

“I...I can't...I don't...” Pauline was struggling too. Her hand kept forming fists, then relaxing. The pace of her thumbsucking quickened She looked like she was on the edge of a panic attack.

Marie leaned in. “Hmmm? Gee, I wonder if training pants are little too advanced for you. Maybe you need to trade those thin little things in for one of these bad boys?” Marie turned her rear toward Pauline  and pressed down on her diaper, producing a nauseating squelch. Pauline's nose wrinkled again. Her face tightened into a disgusted grimace.

Then, she relaxed. She inhaled deeply through her nose, and her lips spread around her thumb in a radiant smile. “Okay! It'll be like a sleepover!” she said, all resistance gone from her voice.

Marie patted her head and tweaked her nose. “There's my girl! See how easy that was? Just had to get you over the edge, and you're all set for a lifetime of demeaning servitude!”

“You're sooo right! I can't wait to get started!” said Pauline. Hilda stared in dismay at her smile. She was gone for good now, just like the others.

“Now, we need to get Hilda in her new work uniform. Diane, could be a love and catch Hilda up on the latest fashion craze?”

“Yeeees Ma'am!” Diane jumped up from her desk and ran eagerly over to the rack of costumes that had replaced her filing cabinet. She retrieved a single item from its hanger and merrily unfolded it for all to see. Even now, after all her indignities, Hilda could hardly believe her eyes.

It was a one-piece costume of fluffy pink fleece. A full body covering, leaving only the face and hands exposed. The outfit sported a hood with two long, floppy ears projecting up and forward, a white belly with the words “Hippity Hoppity!” prominently displayed in pink lettering, and the legs terminated in snug feet decorated to resemble paws.

“Now, we had to make quite a few careful design decisions when ordering this.” explained Diane, as though she were going over the specifications of a new car. “We discussed adding coverings to the hands, but that would make changing Allison's diapers impractical, and obviously we needed to keep the face uncovered so that everyone could see who you are. If you could just put your foot in there for me...”

Hilda winced as she obediently slid her bare foot into the sleeve of soft, fluffy material. It was like being marched into a fuzzy pink dungeon. Pauline helped her get her arms into the sleeves, adjusted the ears on her hood, and finally drew the zipper up to her chin, sealing her inside.

“Sooo cute!” gushed Pauline as she examined her new underling. She gasped as an idea struck her. “Do you think we could draw little rabbit whiskers on her face? That would be adorable!”

“Can we!” chuckled Marie. Hilda looked ready to burst into tears.

“Ooh, and her panties should have little hearts on them! That'll make it even more embarrassing when I open up the flap!”

“See? You're a natural at this!” said Marie.

Hilda's eyes shot wide. “Flap?!!”

“Yes, that feature is definitely a favorite of mine.” explained Diane. Hilda twisted around to examine her rear. The trap door was held by two large pink buttons, and a little cotton tail was secured at the base of her spine. Diane unsnapped the two buttons and dropped the flap, leaving her underwear once again exposed for all to see. “Now, obviously it would be convenient for diaper checks and changes without having to remove the whole costume, but if we're keeping you in big-girl panties, it also allows you to use the potty if Marie or Pauline allow that. It's also super convenient for all your spankings!”

Marie turned an annoyed look to Diane. “I was just getting to that...”

Diane clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oops! Sorry Marie.”

“We'll discuss your punishment later. Let's not lose focus! Yes, Hilda, spankings. Pauline will be responsible for keeping this bottom of yours nice and red.” she forcefully patted Hilda's ass to emphasize her point.  “I'm thinking at least a hundred spanks a day, minimum, in three or four sessions, just to start you out. Obviously, if you give Pauline an excuse, and I mean any excuse at all, she'll need to discipline you accordingly! Any backtalk, any insubordination, any defiance whatsoever, and your ass is going to feel it. Give it a try, Pauline!”

Hilda gasped as Pauline's free hand landed on her left cheek, sending a jiggling wave throughout and leaving a warm hand-shaped shadow behind. The slap was soon joined by another, and another and another. The pain was manageable. The humiliation was almost more than she could stand. She looked down at her adorable fuzzy feet as Pauline warmed her backside.

Marie supervised Pauline's performance with a  critical air. “Not bad, but we can do better. Diane, the paddle.”

Diane rushed to fetch the item in question from a drawer in her desk. It was pink to match Hilda's new uniform, and had a row of heart-shaped openings to reduce air resistance. She handed it to Marie, who turned smartly and presented it to Pauline. It looked a little like a knighting ceremony.

“Awesome!” Pauline tested the paddle against her own hand with a resounding thwack, returned her thumb to her mouth, then set about Hilda's rear with glee. Hilda moaned as her rear was set ablaze.

For some reason, Marie still wasn't pleased. “Damn, really? Even this isn't over the limit for you? Somebody forgot to put the quit in when they made you, bunny girl.”

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!” wailed Hilda, now openly weeping.

Marie ignored the outburst. “Oh well! Time to pull out the big guns. Diane, the pail.”

Again, Diane rushed to fulfill Marie's order. She dragged a large cylindrical container from behind her desk over in front of Hilda. She depressed the foot pedal at the base, and the lid popped open, releasing the air that had been trapped inside, along with at least a dozen of Marie and Allison's used diapers.

“Nooo.” moaned Hilda. She felt like throwing up even before the appalling stench wafted around her.

“Yes.” corrected Marie. She pressed her palm against the back of Hilda's head. “Oop, here we go! Too late to change the channel!”

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Hilda felt herself being pushed down into the world of utter revulsion that awaited her. She could not even struggle to resist. This was what marie wanted, so it had to happen.

Her face descended into the foul hotbox of concentrated diaper stink. As she felt the paddle smack against her backside again and again, the stench of dirty diapers now so strong that she wasn't sure whether she would vomit or pass out first, Hilda fought with herself. She knew she had to somehow regain control of this situation. She had been through too much, worked too hard, sacrificed too much to get where she was to allow herself to be defeated by some psychopathic bitch who crapped in her pants. There had to be some way to get past this, to get to the other side of this nightmare. No matter how hard she had to fight, it would all be worth it someday. When she was rich, and powerful, and respected by all her peers, then, somewhere in the far-off future, she could finally relax, and be truly happy.

Hilda felt something like a jolt of electricity run through her body. There was a muffled click, like something had quietly snapped in two. She felt her body relax. She took a deep breath, allowing the terrible smell to fill he lungs. The tension drained from her face. Her eyelids fell. Something had changed, she knew. She had crossed a threshold, a Rubicon, and she would never again be the same. She felt...weightless. It was as though a huge rock that she had been carrying for years had suddenly fallen from her shoulders. It was a moment of profound liberation. If she had been the religious type, she might have called it a spiritual experience.

It was all gone. All her lust for power. All her need for order and sanity in the universe. All her demands for advancement, wealth, and control. All her wishes and dreams that had revolved around herself, her power, her happiness, her needs. All vanished in an instant, replaced by a feeling of absolute, joyful contentment.

When they finally pulled her out of the pail, Hilda was smiling warmly. Her face was still wet with fresh tears, but they were no longer tears of anger and frustration, but of joy and gratitude.

“Ah, looks like somebody's had a nice little attitude adjustment! How are we feeling?” asked Marie.

“Much better I think, Ma'am. Thank you.” said Hilda. Her voice was utterly calm.

“How do you feel about...me?” asked Marie.

Hilda's smile widened as she considered the question. “I feel that...that it's very important for you to get everything you want, Marie. That's all that really matters. I'm here to serve you. My purpose is to do whatever you desire of me.”

“And how would you feel if I told you to go stick your head back in the diaper pail and breath my stink some more?”

“Of course! If that's what you'd like, I'd be more than happy to smell as many stinky diapers as you want.”

“And you're just fine with Pauline being your boss? You're cool with her spanking your ass as much as she wants?”

“If that pleases you, then I guess that's what has to happen. I shall accept all my punishments and do my very best to be a good little plaything for Pauline.”

Pauline pulled Hilda into a hug. “I'm gonna have so much fun with you!”

“I shall work out a schedule for my spankings, and any other punishments you feel are appropriate, Pauline. May I close my flap?”

“Nope!” said Pauline. “I wanna show you off to everyone first!”

“Very good, Ma'am. Will there be anything else, Marie?”

“Nah. I'm sure you two have a lot to do.” said Marie.

“Come on Hilda. Hop along like a good little bunny!” ordered Pauline through her thumb,

The former secretary in training pants left the office, proudly sucking her thumb. Her new underling hopped along joyfully behind her.

Marie watch them go, satisfied with her handiwork. “Welp, I'm off to play hide and seek, Diane. Count to a thousand and then come change me.”

“Of course, Marie. Have fun!” said Diane pressed her face to the wall. “One...Two...Three...”

Marie charged out into the offices in her full diaper, ready to wreak havoc.


Josh Stack

I am consistently impressed by your ability to make humiliation so adorable, not to mention your quality writing in general. Small details like “the brain is a naturally lazy organ” (personally I prefer the term efficient) really elevate your work from just fetish material to genuinely interesting stories. I can’t help but pity Hilda. She may be a selfish coward, but her horror at being reduced to the plaything of a sadist makes me want to hug her and tell her it will be ok. I wonder if Marie’s love of cuteness is a side effect of her “curse”. There are many ways to humiliate people, and few of them are this adorable. She could make them give play-by-plays of their most embarrassing memories in exquisite detail, confess disgusting personal habits, be constantly prone to emotional breakdowns, but instead she chooses to turn them into friendly, happy, bunnies, bimbos, and babies. Pauline, Hilda, and Diane are just so endearing, even if their fates are rather tragic. Your exquisite descriptions of their outfits definitely help in that area. The smell of Marie’s dirty diapers being what finally pushes them over the edge into blissful obedience is also a very fun idea.