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The doorbell rang, electronically imitating a set of tingling wind-chimes.

“Come in!” Miko called from the couch. Her eyes were red and puffy, although her non-makeup remained immaculate. She blew a breath of frustration through her nigh-perfect teeth when another ring answered her.

“I said come in!” she shouted as loudly as she could, but the doorbell only continued to chime.

Muttering under her breath, she set her latest wad of tissues down beside the box where a pile of its fellows had already accumulated. With slow, labored movements, she gathered up her enormous breasts in her arms, took a deep breath, and heaved herself into a standing position. After enduring several more rings, she finally managed to cross the short distance to the front door. Her heavy, jiggling flesh threatened to unbalance her with every step.

Some, maybe even the majority, of the effect of the perfume that Tina had used to disable her had worn off in the hours since her escape. It was now possible for her to walk, although it was like walking with two heavy sacks of flour nailed to her chest. It didn't hurt, thankfully. Pain hadn't been an issue for her since she had first woken up here, any more than hunger or fatigue had. Her expanded cleavage was only a minor annoyance compared to the deep pangs of loss she was experiencing. Without Tina, she felt utterly lost and alone here. The beautiful house and all its luxurious amenities seemed to mock her.  After everything she had done to try to appease Tina, to accommodate her as best she could, she had been utterly rejected. She sniffled, and felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She hated to answer the door in such a state, especially since it was so awkward to turn the knob while also keeping her over-sized funbags under control.

The door swung open, revealing the police officer who had originally delivered Tina, along with her diapered deputy. The silly woman had apparently abandoned her blue police slacks and black police shoes since her last visit, and was now wearing nothing below her belly-button but an absolutely huge diaper with a letter “L” decorating the front panel. The officer's smile was as warm and radiant as ever, and the deputy's eyes shot wide with amazement as the the door opened. She was staring at Miko, utterly entranced.

“Thank goodness you're here! I'm at my wit's end here!” said Miko. “I would have called sooner, but...I had some trouble...ya know...reaching the phone.”

“Not to worry, ma'am!” said the police officer, flashing her immaculate smile. “We're on the case, and I'm confident that we'll have Tina back where she belongs in short order!”

“Really?” Miko gestured toward the shattered remains of the television set with her head. “That's...just normal, I guess?”

The shimmering doorway into the unknown had long since disappeared. The set now showed nothing but a black screen with a massive hole through the center, run though with fine white cracks. Occasionally, a crack would quietly disappear, or a shard would lift itself off the floor and click neatly into place, as the device slowly repaired itself. Miko wasn't sure what to make of that, except for the fact that it was stopping her from chasing after Tina, massive cleavage notwithstanding.

The officer chuckled. “I'm sure it's very upsetting Ma'am, but really, this isn't too uncommon. We already have a solid lead on where Tina has run off to. She's being traced as we speak, and I'm sure we'll have your little sweetie home to you in two shakes of a lamb's tail!”

“Oh! That's...wonderful news!” said Miko. Her smile was nearly a match for the officer's, but an edge of uncertainty crept into her voice.

The officer's smile was so sweet, so compassionate and reassuring, that Miko could hardly help feeling like everything was going to be fine. But there was an uneasiness in the back of her thoughts that would not let up. Something was off about this whole situation, and the fact that the officer was seemingly trying to downplay it did nothing to reassure her.

“Tiddies!” shouted the deputy suddenly, jumping up and down excitedly. Tina was jerked out of her thoughts. The officer turned her brilliant grin to one one side. “Yes, Winny, she does have a very nice set, doesn't she? They've been getting a whole lot bigger lately, haven't they? Just like your big ol' booty!”

Miko looked down. Sure enough, the deputy's the deputy's diapered rump was looking significantly out of proportion with the rest of her figure. Her butt cheeks were peeking out from behind her upper thighs. The officer patted the bulging mass of her deputy's backside affectionately. “She saw a commercial for Budunkadunk Lotion and she just had to have it!” explained the officer, petting her deputy's back. “Now she just can't get enough! I've been ordering it by the case, but she's always begging for more butt rubs! Aren't you, Winny?”

“Yep! I love my butt rubs!” cheered the woman, clearly enjoying her superior officer's attention. “They feel so nice and dey make my butt even bigger!”

“They sure doooo!” said the officer, transitioning into a playful sing-song voice. She tickled her deputy's belly as she cooed. “Her butt grows so much, I have to go up a size practically every other change! Still, if it makes my cute widdle deputy happy, nothing is too good for her sweet cheeks! Ohhh, I just love rubbing this big stinky butt! Yesh I do!”

Deputy Winny squealed with delight as she was fawned over. A long fart escaped her swollen rear. The officer didn't show any sign of having noticed. Miko sniffed the air.

“Oh, I sooo want to wipe my Teeny's precious little rear! I waited to for so long, but she wouldn't let me! When I finally thought she would give she...she...” Miko gestured toward the television again, which was still trying to knit itself back together. A fresh set of tears welled up in her eyes.

The officer's smile didn't waver. “Ahh, you've had a terrible, time haven't you? Come on, why don't you lie down? I'll fix you a nice cup of tea while we wait.”

Miko carefully stepped away from the door to allow the two visitors in. “But...shouldn't you be out searching? What if Tina is hurt, or alone somewhere? What if she's hungry? Oh gawd, what if she's getting a rash?”

The officer took Miko by the shoulders and gently guided her toward the couch. “Relax. Tina will be back with you soon. Just a minor hiccup. Nothing to get all worked up over.”

Miko didn't feel any more at ease to hear this, but she allowed the officer to settle her on the couch. For a moment, she thought that the couch had vibrated slightly underneath her, but she dismissed it. The couch's vibration setting was much stronger than that little shake.

“Winny, Miko is feeling sad today. Why don't cheer her up, sweetie pie! Go give Miko a big hug!”

“Yayyy!” cheered Winny. She settled her huge ass on the floor beside the couch and snuggled up to Miko, wedging herself between the two mounds of jiggling flesh. Despite herself, Miko returned the hug. Gabby was no Tina, but she was awfully cute, and Miko was feeling very lonely. She patted the diapered woman's back as she rested her head on her breast.

“Would you mind feeding my deputy, Miko? I'm sure she would love it, and...”

“Can I? Can I can I can I...!” interrupted Winny excitedly. Miko smiled and nodded.

“Yay! You're da best, Miko!” cheered Winny. She lost no time in pulling aside Miko's polka-dotted dress and latching onto the nipple of her left boob.

“Hungry, isn't she?” muttered Miko as Winny began noisily suckling away.

“Always!” giggled the officer. “She's not much use as a police officer these days, but she sure can pack away the food! And it all goes straight to her sweet, pampered butt! Such a good little diaper filler, aren't you Winny?”

“Mm-hhm!” said Winny, trying to talk without taking Miko's tit out of her mouth.

“Why don't you show Miko how good you've gotten at using your diapers? I'll go fix something nice and relaxing for her.”

While the officer retired to the kitchen, Gabby got to work. By the time she had drained Miko's left boob and started on the right, she had wet herself plentifully, causing her diapers to bunch up between her legs even more than it already had. By the time her superior officer had returned from the kitchen carrying a steaming mug on a small saucer, she had finally detached herself from Miko, leaned back with a deep sigh of contentment, and began, noisily and with obvious pleasure, to poop her pants.

The pictures hanging on the wall shuttered slightly. Miko felt another vibration, stronger this time. She still wasn't sure whether she had imagined it. The officer didn't seem to notice, although she did grab the cup she was carrying just before it struck.

Tina wrapped a stuffed rabbit around her head, but the voices could not be blocked out. It seemed to come from every direction at once, as though the crib itself had become a speaker.

Breathe In...Breathe Out. Very Good. Every Single Breath You Take Is Bringing You Closer And Closer To Becoming A More Peaceful, A More Joyful, And Above All, A More Diaper-Dependent You! You Know That Your Knowledge Of How To Use The Potty is Slowly Disappearing. You Know That Your Bladder Is Getting Weaker And Weaker By The Minute. You  Know That Soon It Will Be Quite Impossible For You To Avoid Wetting Yourself, No Matter How Hard You Might Try.

Tina lay wrapped in a thick fleece comforter. It was strawberry and banana-flavored, but at the moment it made a better blanket than a snack. She sucked on the ludicrous bulb of her oversized pacifier. Every bone in her body felt like gelatin. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so utterly and blissfully relaxed. The voice spoke in a gentle, rhythmic cadence, lulling Tina into a comfortable haze for her naptime. She could not stop her mouth from sucking on the pacifier, even knowing what it was doing to her brain. She didn't feel even a tiny bit like moving. Her bladder released a weak little squirt into her already saturated diaper.

Wearing Big-Girl Panties Is Simply Out Of The Question For You. The Struggle To Control Yourself Is Finally Over, And It Feels So Wonderful To Surrender Completely To Diaper Dependency.  You Know That Your Diaper-Training Will Soon Be Complete, Permanent, and Utterly Irreversible. You Will Be Wearing Your Bathroom Everywhere You Go, And You Will Love It.

You Will Not Miss Being Potty Trained. Not Even The Tiniest Little Bit. You Hated Using The Bathroom Like A Big Girl. You Hated Being Mature And Handling Adult Responsibilities. It Was Such A Burden To Have To Pull Down Your Own Panties To Sit On The Toilet. You Are So Much Happier Now That Your Diapers Are Back On Your Butt Where They Belong, And You Know That This Time, They Are Here To Stay!

There was no point in trying to control herself any longer. Her bladder muscles were just as soft and relaxed as every other muscle she had. She sighed as the faint trickle of warmth spread through the already soggy mass. She thrust her head into one of her many teddy bears and allowed her legs to stretch out and quiver until the wonderful sensation passed. She sighed, drinking in the smell of baby powder. She knew that she was being rewarded for pissing herself. She knew that she was being slowly worn down, taken apart, reduced from the strong-willed, responsible adult woman she had once been to a lazy, pitiful weakling. She couldn't feel bad about it, though. Ashamed, pathetic, helpless, and trapped, yes, but not really bad. There was no room in this new world of endless self-indulgence for anything as high and noble as the pang of loss or the shame of failure. The simple fact was, they had won. They had defeated her completely. She knew that she needed diapers, and that she always would. She could no longer imagine living without that thick, absorbent bulk pushing her legs apart, catching her endless parade of embarrassing little accidents. She had lost, completely, and all she could feel was a pulsing haze of comfort and pleasure. When she thought of how much effort and struggle it had taken her to defy the Sponsors for so long, and how it had had all turned out to be a colossal, futile waste, her Loser Diapers signaled their approval with another pulse of lingering pleasure.

Diapers Are Just The Best, Aren't They? You Are So Happy To Be Back In Them. You Certainly Have No Desire To Ever Wear Big-girl Panties Again. You Know That You Are Being Conditioned To Accept Being In Diapers, And You Know That This Is Exactly The Conditioning That You Need. You Want To Learn To Love Your Diapers. You Want To  Be Conditioned To Accept Your Diapers Completely. You Want To Learn To Depend On Your Diapers, As Your Need For Them Keeps Growing Stronger and Stronger.

You Are Becoming More Comfortable With Yourself As A Completely Helpless Diaper Wearer. You Are Learning To Accept Yourself As The Silly Diaper-Filler You Were Always Meant To Be. It Feels So Good To Know That You Are Never Again Going To Be Ready To Use The Big-Girl Potty. It Feels So Right To Know That You Will Never Be Ready For Adult Life. You Will Never, Ever Have To Say Goodbye To Your Diapers. You Will Never Be Ready To Live Independently. You Will Always Need To Be Cared For. You Must Have A Mature, Responsible, Competent Adult To Feed You, To Comfort You, To Bathe You, To Spoil You, To Check You, And Of Course, To Change You. Nooo, Of Course You Can Never Change Yourself, Silly! Not In A Million Years Will You Ever Be Ready To Handle Your Diapering Needs Yourself. You Are Much, Much Too Lazy And Too Silly To Ever Handle Such A Difficult, Complicated Chore. You Need Someone Much Smarter And Much Stronger Than You To Clean Up All Your Messes For You. A Loving, Doting Caregiver To See To Your Every Need, To Protect You And Guide You. You Love Being Changed, And It Is So Freeing To Release Everything Into Your Diapers, Knowing That Your Next Change Is Right Around The Corner.

Tina groaned. She hefted the fleece blanket off of herself, despite the fact that it seemed to weigh fifty pounds. For the third time that hour, and the fifth time since she had been put down for her nap, she grabbed the bars of her crib and struggled with all her might to hoist herself up and over them. After a few seconds of struggle, she had barely succeeded in getting her chin above the top bar. A fine mist of sweat appeared on her forehead. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she heaved herself up once again, this time getting her chest above the bar. The bars sagged under her weight, as though they were made of rubber. Tina growled in triumph through her teeth; this was the farthest any of her escape attempts had gotten her so far.


Then, the bars sprung suddenly back into position, launching Tina backward into soft embrace of the crib. She sputtered and giggled as she plopped back onto the bulging cushion of her diapered rear, the soaked padding squishing under her. Her Loser Diapers shot a fanfare of happy chemicals into her system to congratulate her on yet another abject failure. She sighed with relief and allowed her head to collapse back on the pile of friendly-looking stuffed animals that served her as a pillow. She squeezed her legs together and her toes curled. She wondered if she would be able to try again. She wondered, just as she had after the the first four failures, if she even really wanted to.

She felt a tickle run across her tongue. She rolled her eyes as her lungs involuntarily filled with air. She felt her face arrange itself into a grin. Her eyes fell of the television set, which was now acting as a mirror, showing a very Happy Tina sitting in her crib in a soggy Loser Diaper. “My Mommy sure is smart! She knows that when I get a little too worked up and fussy, it's time to put me down for my Nappy-Nap time! Of course, I just want to keep playing forever and ever, and I'll wriggle my way out of damn near anything to get at all my awesome toys! That's why she put me in a No-Escape Crib! Nothing is getting me out of this baby! No climbing out, no squeezing through the bars, no way for me to drop the side! Once I'm all safe and secure in here, I'm know I'm not going anywhere until Mommy comes to change me! Thanks Mommy, and thank you No-Escape Cribs!”

Tina felt the invisible force operating her like a marionette suddenly release. She collapsed back ward, feeling ill. The feeling of her mouth being forced to form every empty, stupid, saccharine phrase. The way her hand had formed a thumbs-up to punctuate the silly script. It was wrong. She was certain of that. For all the comfort and pleasure it offered, this was still a prison. Worse, it was a kind of servitude, being made to dance and do tricks for the amusement of her captors, just like all those poor people trapped in Marsha's nightmare world.

Tina examined the crib again. It certainly looked ordinary enough, simple bars of painted wood carved into delicate curves with no signs of any hidden mechanisms or other tricks. Nothing visible would suggest that it was capable of holding an adult woman against her will. Was it really as inescapable as the commercial had said, or was that just another cruel mind game? It wasn't like holding her prisoner in her current condition was anything to brag about. She had had almost nothing to drink except that sweet, syrupy Weaksauce concoction since she had arrived here. Her arms and legs felt like overcooked spaghetti. Her neck barely had the strength to lift her head. Even getting herself into a sitting position felt like a hard day's work. A cardboard box with a brick on top could have held her just as securely as any magical prison these grinning monsters could create. They were still all around her, at all hours of the day, attending to her every need. She couldn't recall how many times she had been hefted over to the changing table by one smiling babysitter or another, to have her butt wiped and powdered and sealed into another clean Loser Diaper, while she struggled uselessly to fend off their gentle but inescapable hands. She knew it wouldn't be long before one of the throng of smiling nannies came to her again, pink ba-ba in hand, to turn yet more of her muscles into soft, useless goop. She knew there was no point in being angry about it. She had no choice in what she ate, what she wore, where she stayed, or what she watched anymore. There were no choices anymore. Her arms and legs felt like lead weights, pinning her helplessly to the soft comfort of the crib. It was relaxing to feel so helpless, to finally know with certainty that there was absolutely nothing she could do to escape from this lazy, pampered existence.

So there was no actual harm in trying again, was there? It was pointless, obviously, but then, wasn't giving up completely pointless as well? If there was no chance to succeed, then why not have another little failure? What was the the alternative? Just lying there, filling her diapers and sucking her pacifier forever like they wanted? She rested for a while. An hour later, after another bottle and another trip to the changing table, she tried again.

It took even longer this time. Getting her padded rear off the ground was like pushing a car out of a snowbank. The crowd of beautiful babysitters chuckled and whispered to each other as they watched. Tina knew knew that even if she somehow got out, it would be the work of a few seconds for one of them to simply pick her up and drop her back in again. Still, even that would be something. A small victory, the kind you would need a microscope to see, but a victory none-the-less. Something to show that she hadn't just given up and let them have their own way.


And even that was to be denied her. The crossbar suddenly expanded like a balloon as she struggled to get over it. She tumbled backward onto her ass, feeling every inch of the marvelously comfortable cushions under her. She choked out raspy breaths. She might have been soaked in sweat if the air conditioning had not been so perfect. Her Loser Diaper surged with joy as it noted yet another total lack of success. The crowd of smiling women clapped and cheered as they watched.

Tina gave up. She knew it was useless. She knew that no matter what she did, the result would only be more humiliation. She settled into her cushions. She stopped covering her ears and allowed the soft voice on the speakers to echo through her brain, hoping that it would quickly melt every last synapse into warm pink happy-juice.

Then, after a short interval, she tried the bars again. The bars let her get a little further this time, letting her hope that something had finally changed.


Then, without any apparent effort, they whipped her back into place like a spatula flipping a pancake. Her diaper glowed once again as she finally gave up for good.

Then, a little while later, she tried again. It was like scratching an itch. Even knowing that it would be her fate sooner or later, Tina could not allow herself to settle into this comfortable, infantile existence. She couldn't allow herself live in a world where these evil smiling things had won. She would just have to keep trying until she either succeeded or was too far gone to care.

The officer sniffed the air as she handed Miko the little saucer. “Ah-ha, there's my good little deputy's special little stink again. Did somebody make me a nice, big present in her baby pants?”

“Yay! I”m gonna get changed again! I gonna be changed again!” squealed Winny with great enthusiasm. She lay on her back and kicked her legs in the air in joy at the prospect. Unfortunately, her foot struck the saucer, sending the little cup's steaming content splattering across the thick, fluffy carpet.

“Oh, no! Winny!” said the officer, hands on hips. “I am so sorry, Ma'am! Winny isn't very smart these days, I'm afraid. That's why we had to demote her so far. Say you're sorry now, Winny.”

Winny looked down at the carpet, looking very ashamed. “I'm really sorry, Ma'am!”

Miko scoffed. “Oh, you're both being dramatic! It's just a little cup of tea. Don't cry, sweetie.”

Winny sniffled and quivered on the floor. The officer knelt beside her and rubbed her back.

“It's okay, Winny.” said the officer. “I just have to make sure my little deputy remembers her place! When you make a little mistake like this, you just need to remember that nobody expects any different from you, okay? Know why, honey?”

Winny nodded, knocking a tear down her her cheek. “It's cuz I'm...I'm a big dummy head.”

“That's right, Winny! You're very, very stupid. And what else?”

“I'm lazy, an an an...I'm a Loser.”

The “L” on the front of Winny's swollen diaper glowed with a fierce, golden light for a moment.

“Very good! All better. Miko, would you be a dear and keep an eye on Winny for a second? I need to go grab her changing supplies from the squad car.”

Not seeing much choice in the matter, Miko stretched out her arms and beckoned Winny over for some additional cuddling. The woman's mood spun on a dime, seeming to forget her earlier unhappiness. She rammed her face back into Miko's generous bust.

“Won't be a minute! Then I can fix you another cup of tea.” said the officer as she left, not bothering to shut the door behind her.

When the smartly-dressed officer was past the front gate, Winny pulled herself to a seated position and looked straight into Miko's eyes. Miko felt a pang of fright. Despite sitting on the floor in a stinky diaper, Winny's eyes were absolutely serious, her expression calm and determined. Miko squinted in sudden discomfort. Had what she just seen all been some kind of act?

“Don't drink the tea.” she whispered, as softly as she could.

“What?” mouthed Miko.

“Tina didn't wanna go. She told me. She was fightin' an...an she's so much tougher than me! I couldn't fight, but she could an an an...”

Miko narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean? When did she...in the car?”

Winny nodded. “She said she wanted to escape from the Sponsors. She wanted me to come to, but...I just couldn't!”

Winny's bottom lip quivered. Miko felt a lump in her throat.

“All this time. They...they tricked me.”

Winny nodded again.

“Don't drink it. Don't take anything they give you. They know where Tina is. They want to make sure you're under control before they...”

“There we are!” sang the officer as she swept in through the door. She had a large blue diaper bag under one arm and a roll of paper towels in the other. “Now then, who's ready for an even bigger butt?”

“Me! Me!” cheered Winny, all sunshine and rainbows once again. Miko fought to keep her expression as neutral as possible.



I'm sorry. I've been suffering from severe writer's block the last few months. I don't really know why, but putting together something that I consider good enough for my patrons has been a real struggle lately. I didn't want to talk about it until I had at least one new chapter ready to go. You guys come here for my stories, not my excuses. I will be refunding again this month. Thank you so much for sticking around.

Josh Stack

I can relate and personally I'm just glad that you're not so burnt out you want to quit. Some of my favorite stories (and not just kink stories) have been permanently left hanging because of that. I wish you the best of luck in overcoming your writer's block.

Josh Stack

Wow. I know that I've mentioned how good you are at getting me emotionally invested in your stories, but for a little bit I genuinely thought that this was the end and Tina had lost, and that actually scared me. Fortunately, Tina’s got things figured out: when you’ve got nothing left to lose you might as well keep trying. Still, though I definitely want Tina to win, I don’t see any way she can. Maybe she could hijack some Sponsor tech and find a way to spread her willpower to others, but that seems unlikely. Maybe the world is actually full of people who are secretly resisting (like Winny) or just need to figure out that everything that’s happening isn’t safe, sane, and consensual (like Miko), but that seems even more unlikely. I think Tina’s best option is to somehow convince the Sponsors to put everything back to normal, because even if they’re defeated that’s still just gonna leave a whole planet full of Adult Babies who now don’t have anyone to care for them. Short of a last minute plot twist, I'm not sure how this story can have a happy ending, but I'm very eager to find out.