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This is something I cooked up a while back when I was trying to work out an ABDL-based RPG System. I still use it to help me plan out character dynamics for my stories. Very loosely, of course. Alignment systems work best as a source of inspiration or framework for thought rather than an actual set of rules. A well-developed character never quite fits perfectly into an archetype, and most characters shift their roles over the course of the story.

The Three Dichotomies


Devious, Selfish, Subversive

Enjoys annoying, frightening, deceiving, and/or humiliating others

Motivated by power and personal gain.

Creates chaos, conflict, and uncertainty.


Friendly, Caring, Honest

Disposed to protect, support, and comfort others.

Motivated by relationships, duty, and morality

Creates peace, happiness, and stability



Forceful, Confident, Authoritative

Disposed to command and control others.

Tends to conflict with other Dominant characters.


Meek, Obedient, Rule-abiding

Prefers to refer to an authority figure when making decisions

Tends to fare poorly if no Dominant characters are nearby to offer direction.



Energetic, Direct, Physical

Changes things through direct, personal action, utilizing intelligence, skill, and determination.


Relaxed, Influential, Social

Changes things by influencing other characters, works with emotions, relationships, and motivations.

The Twelve Traits

Nice-Dominant: Benevolent. These characters attempt to exert power and control in order to help others and make the world a better place.

Naughty-Dominant: Tyrannical. These characters like to punish, exploit, intimidate, and humiliate those under their control.

Nice-Submissive: Loyal. These characters form close bonds with their dominants and do their best to please them and carry out their instructions faithfully.

Naughty-Submissive: Rebellious. These characters are constantly seeking to annoy and frustrate those with power over them.

Nice-Active: Helpful. These characters solve problems and improve things directly.

Nice-Passive: Precious. These characters provide emotional support and a sense of purpose to others.

Naughty-Active: Troublemaker. These characters like to generate chaos, confusion, and conflict, either to gain an advantage or just for entertainment.

Naughty-Passive: Manipulative. These characters control others by exploiting their emotional triggers.

Dominant-Active: Strong- These characters are tough and formidable, able to take control of situations quickly and easily.

Dominant-Passive: Ruler. These characters issue orders and make judgments, and act by wielding influence and authority rather than force.

Submissive-Active: Servant. These characters carry out the will of others through direct action.

Submissive-Passive: Charge. These characters need to be protected and supported by others.

The Eight Archetypes

Note: Names are only placeholders. A character in a given archetype can fill a wide variety of story roles.

The Angel

Nice, Dominant, Active

The Babysitter, The Mommy, The Hero, The Wizard

Benevolent, Strong, Helpful

These characters sincerely wish to use their power to protect and support others. They deal with problems directly and seek to make the world a better, safer place.

The Witch

Naughty, Dominant, Active

The Demon, The Warlock, The Dark Warrior, The Dreaded

Tyrannical, Troublemaker, Strong

These characters wield power carelessly and always for their own benefit. Dominating and intimidating others is second nature to them. Often forces other characters to band together to repel them.

The Maid

Nice, Submissive, Active

The Big Sister, The Butler, The Robot

Helpful, Loyal, Servant

This character happily carries out the orders of their master, and prides themselves on their loyalty, efficiency, and skill.

The Imp

Naughty, Submissive, Active

The Genie, The Minion, The Fairy

Troublemaker, Rebellious, Servant

This character presents themselves as a humble, if potent, servant. They love to subvert this role whenever possible, however, and can cause a great deal of trouble if their nominal master is not careful.

The Princess

Nice, Dominant, Passive

The Queen, The King, The Beloved

Precious, Benevolent, Ruler

This character occupies a position of power and authority, which they wield with grace and virtue. They are often an object of adoration and support by those around them, and their opinions are never ignored. They seldom get their own hands dirty, however.

The Mistress

Naughty, Dominant, Passive

The Wicked Stepmother, The Boss, The Villain, The Sorceress

Tyrannical, Manipulative, Ruler

This character delights in wielding power over others, and will skillfully use the beliefs, attitudes, and goals of others as leverage against them. They would always prefer to make someone else do something than to do it themselves.

The Doll

Nice, Submissive, Passive

The Good Girl, The Bimbo, The Pet, The Crybaby

Precious, Loyal, Charge

This character is largely unable to care for themselves or look after their own interests. They are more often the recipient of help and kindness than the source of it. They have little to offer their caregivers in exchange except love, gratitude, and emotional support, which they offer freely.

The Brat

Naughty, Submissive, Passive

The Stinker, The Bad Girl, The Pain, The Little Terror

Manipulative, Rebellious, Charge

This character must be watched over by an authority figure to keep them out of trouble. They will always resent this control and will annoy, trick, and undermine their unfortunate caregiver at every opportunity. Often requires strict discipline to earn even a moment's peace.


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