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Gentle, lilting, electronic music played over the store's speakers. Tina hunched inside a circular rack of footie pajamas. They were all colored in bright pastels and sized for adults of various body types, which is what made them an ideal hiding place. Her pacifier was in her mouth, and tears were running down her cheeks.

She didn't want to suck her pacifier. Well, not all of her did, anyway. Still, under the circumstances, denying herself a source of comfort was simply unthinkable. She now knew that her journey here had been a massive mistake, and getting out with her freedom and mental faculties intact would not be easy. The urging from her bladder was getting more and more desperate, but she held on for all she was worth. She began chanting to herself in her mind, trying to reassert her self-control.

“I can handle this. I am a grown woman. I am strong. I am responsible. I can handle this. I am a grown woman...”

She forced her impromptu catechism to repeat over and over, no matter how violently it clashed with her physical circumstances. She had never felt so clearly and obviously out of control. She considered coming out of hiding to search for a bathroom, or even just peeing on the floor and trying to get away before she was seen, but neither idea sounded promising. Given how extensively these mysterious “Sponsors” had altered the store, there probably was nowhere left where she could do her business and get away with it.

She heard someone outside her hiding place, walking with slow, even steps. She was frightened, but not surprised. It was a good hiding spot form a strictly technical standpoint, but a hiding place needs other hiding places to support it. She pulled her pacifier out of her mouth and stuck it in her purse. The last thing she wanted was to be seen with such an infantile item. She held her breath. A shadow became visible just under the dangling fleece feet of the pajamas, where the approaching figure blocked the store's fluorescent lights. Tina could tell by the footfalls that this was not a fellow shopper. No one who was perusing the selection would have such a steady, efficient gait.

With a slide of coat hangers across the metal bar, Tina's protection was suddenly gone. Standing above her was the saleswoman who had greeted her when she had entered the store. Same tidy green apron, same impossibly flawless face, same happy, beaming smile.

“Well, hello there! Are you playing hide and seek?” asked the woman in a syrupy voice.

Tina's mouth begged for her pacifier. Her hand actually reached for it, but she manged to stop herself. Her skin crawled as the woman, who she was certain was not wholly human, offered her a hand up.

“I...I was just...I'll just go! I'm sorry...” She stammered. She had no idea what the protocol for such a situation was supposed to be. This just wasn't something that grown-ups were supposed to do.

The woman's smile didn't so much as twitch, but her eyes shifted to a look of exaggerated compassion. “Oooh, you've been crying! Did you get lost? I bet your Mommy is looking all over for you!”

Tina stared at the proffered hand like it was a cobra about to strike. “No! I'm not...not a...Noooo!”

But then it finally happened. Her straining bladder finally gave in to the constant pressure. She felt her jeans grow hot and wet as the stream was unleashed. The blissful relief of finally letting go was almost immediately crushed under a crashing wave of shame. Tina breathed heavily and felt her face redden still further. A dark patch spread across her jeans, and drops began falling on the carpet below.

The saleswoman clicked her tongue condescendingly. “You wet yourself! Oh, you poor little pumpkin! You must have gotten real scared, huh? Come on, let's go find your Mommy! She must be worried sick about you!”

Tina felt primal fear well up inside her. The ancient kill-or-be-killed instinct that had seen the human species through countless trials and disasters over the eons (many of which it itself had caused). Tina drew in a sharp breath and sprang into action. Yes, her pants were soaked, but that just meant she was now free to move.

She grabbed the woman's hand by the wrist. She pulled with all her strength. She launched herself upward and forward, and with the momentum of the same motion, she brought her fist straight into the saleswoman's jaw. If nothing else, she wanted desperately to knock a few teeth out of that awful, perfect grin. She struck again, and again. Two fast jabs, then a haymaker. Tina's heart pounded with rage and terror. Nothing mattered except to destroy this smiling abomination.

The smile didn't waver. The woman grabbed her by the hand. Tina struggled, but the woman took no notice. Her grip was gentle, but strangely inescapable, like being caught in deep mud. There was no sign of injury anywhere. She didn't seem to even notice Tina's fists striking her. Tina stared at the implacable face in horror.

“Come along, little gumdrop! Let's get you into something nice and dry, and then we'll find out where your Mommy has gotten herself to.” She said. Her voice had lost none of its kindergarten-teacher sweetness from Tina's attempt at physical assault. Tina did not need to guess what “something dry” might mean.

“Let me go! Let...go! You can't do this! You're not putting me in diapers, you crazy...creepy...thing!” snarled Tina. The woman was dragging her through the maze of pastel outfits with no visible effort. Tina's feet struggled to find purchase on the carpet as she was dragged forward. It was like being handcuffed to a moving bus. Tina pounded on her back ineffectually. She realized dimly that her fists didn't even hurt from the impacts. It was like the woman was protected by an invisible layer of gummy oatmeal. She giggled good-naturally at Tina's protestations.

“Oh my goodness, how silly! I guess you must have worked hard to earn those big-girl panties of yours, didn't you sweetie? Well, don't worry. Those big, mean ol' diapers aren't coming back over one teeny tiny little accident. You're still a big girl!”

Tina screamed obscenities at the top of her lungs. She kicked and fought and pulled items off the shelves as the woman dragged her toward the back of the store. She even tried to use her purse as a hook to catch herself, but her captor effortlessly plucked it out of her grasp and tucked it under her arm. All her struggling proved fruitless. They passed more store workers and shoppers as Tina was dragged along like a toddler having a tantrum. Everywhere were big shiny smiles and eyes full of blissful contentment. Tina realized with cold terror that she might be the last person here who hadn't already been replaced or mesmerized. The cheerful store music continued to jingle as she struggled desperately for freedom. By the time they reached the back and entered the big double-doors that read “Employees Only”, Tina was tired enough that she just allowed herself to be dragged across the floor like wheeled luggage.

“Another one already?” Asked another saleswoman as they passed in the hallway. This one was younger, shorter, and had blonde hair in a ponytail, but was otherwise a carbon copy of her coworker. Their smooth skin, shiny smiles, and indulgent expressions were essentially identical.

“Yep! Found this one hiding in the pajama section. Isn't she just the cutest?”

“She sure is! What's your name, cutie?”

Tina tightened her lips and sniffed. She really needed her pacifier. Or her thumb. Anything to help her deal with this. She looked up her two captors with tired, sullen eyes.

“I bet I know what the trouble is!” said the blonde woman. Her voice was different, and her accent was less pronounced, but the syrupy cadences were the same. “You learned not to talk to strangers! Is that it? Well, my name is Marsha, and this is Sally! There. Now can you tell us your name?”

Tina took a deep breath, trying unsuccessfully to steady herself. “Fuck...you.” she snarled. Once again, the gleaming smiles were unfazed.  They looked at each other and exchanged a wordless “Oh, so precious!”.

“I'll get her all cleaned up and calmed down.” said the one called Sally in a stage-whisper. “Could you get her something to wear?”

“No problem! Don't worry, sweetie. We'll take good care of you!” Marsha spun on her heel and headed back through the double doors.

“Here. You like candy?” asked Sally. Tina turned just in time to see Sally unwrapping a little ball of shiny blue. She got to her feet and tried once again to pull away, but Sally simply planted the thing in her mouth before she could even close her teeth. The flavor instantly coated her tongue. It was as sickly sweet and patently artificial as Sally herself. It was probably intended to imitate the flavor of some fruit or another, but Tina had no clue which one. She started sucking on it immediately, never thinking of spitting it out. Tina felt the floor waver under her feet. Her knees buckled. She looked up at Sally, whose smooth non-features were starting to grow slightly blurry. The floor felt very comfortable under Tina's butt. “Of course you do! Good girl! That'll chase away those silly little worries of yours. Right this way, pumpkin!”

Tina realized that she felt drunk. Everything in her world, both physical and emotional, was being surrounded by an aura of shimmering haze. It was obvious the candy was more than just congealed sugar and artificial flavorings. It was another weapon of whatever evil force was at work here. The trouble was, as she sucked away at the sugary orb that seemed to fit so nicely between her tongue and hard palette, Tina's fear and anxiety melted away like a snowcone on the hot pavement. Even after Sally took her hand away from her mouth to lead her through a door marked Employee Break-Room, Tina felt no sense of urgency to escape. Even staying standing felt like it was barely worth the effort. She stumbled along as Sally lead her easily by the arm.

Inside the break room, Tina was instantly struck by the smell of baby powder. The room was much larger and more open than a break room had any right to be. The floor was tile, in a pink and white checkerboard pattern. There was a sink and a microwave on one side, and a set of lockers for employees to to store their things during work hours. But despite these few trappings, Tina new that she was looking at something more akin to a nursery or daycare center. Diapered cartoon animals of all colors pranced merrily across the wallpaper. Dolls and toys were scattered across the checkerboard floor. There were more than half a dozen women playing on the floor, all clearly in no condition to help her. Some wore simple dresses or overalls, but some were crawling around in nothing but absurdly thick diapers. The smiles looked genuine, not inhuman like Sally's or Marsha's, but they were clearly gone. They giggled and stared and drooled as they played with the collection of toys. Tina wondered how many of them had been trying to buy a few precious supplies, like her, and how many had once been the staff of this store. Sally dragged Tina toward the far corner of the room, where a massive wall-mounted changing table lay in waiting.

A smiling, pink kangaroo hopped merrily across the cover of the gigantic changing table. Its bulging diaper had a special hole to accommodate its tail. Above the cartoon mascot were blobby pink letters spelling out “Kangaroo-Kare”. When Sally grabbed the handle and began pulling it down, some concealed music box began playing “Pop Goes The Weasel”. Inside, the table was covered in a plastic-coated cushioned pad that resembled white leather. The back was mostly covered by a mirror, presumably so that the occupant could watch themselves as they were changed. The mirror was surrounded by pink light strip that bathed the whole affair in a faint, rosy glow. Tina goggled at the contraption. It looked like something from another world entirely. It bore about as much resemblance to the changing tables she was familiar with as a luxury yacht bears to a rowboat. She glanced at her own face in the mirror. Her eyes were half-lidded, her pupils dilated. She was losing. The thought drifted by with hardly a whisper of emotion.

“Wha...eh?” she mumbled around the candy. The flavor felt like it was seeping into her brain. She thought about spitting it out. She didn't.

“Yes.” said Sally, agreeing with the incoherent muttering. “You do need some fresh pants. Let's get these icky, nasty wet things off you, okay baby?”

“Ah...nada...ah naha...” she muttered as she felt Sally's hands cradle her soggy behind to lift her onto the changing table. There was plenty of room. The surface was just as soft and luxurious as she had imagined it would be, like sitting on a giant plastic-coated marshmallow. She was so tired that she couldn't help but sink into it. Sally removed her sneakers and socks, then undid her jeans and lifted her legs to pull them off. “No, you're right! You're not a little baaabyyy, are you?” She drew out the word teasingly. Tina shook her head in agreement. Some of the babbling women turned to watch, eyes staring blankly.

“You're a Big Girl! In your Big Girl panties!” said Sally in a playful sing-song. She tickled Tina playfully. Tina stared at her for a moment. Her eyes narrowed through the haze. That cloying, saccharine condescension in her voice. It was a sugary toxin, just like the melting ball in her mouth. Tina glanced down at her white panties, with a drying dark patch and faint yellow stain in the front. This was all wrong. She knew it, and yet the thought still felt long ago and far away, without any relevance. She watched indifferently as Sally dug two fingers into her underwear and pulled them down her legs. “And I'm suuuure your Mommy will let you wear these again when we find her.” assured Sally as she displayed them to Tina. The way she drew out the word made Tina certain that it was a lie. “But not this pair. Sorry deary, but these are going bye-bye.”

Sally tossed the damp white panties into a little barrel-shaped receptacle beside the changing table. A small foot-pedal opened the lid, then closed it with a loud snap. Tina started. The sound was loud and sudden enough to penetrate the dull indifference that was suffusing her mind. A jolt of adrenaline shot through her system...and then was promptly drowned in the hazy sweetness. The moment passed, and Tina relaxed onto the changing table, not even caring that her privates were now exposed to a room full of women, one of whom she had, not five minutes earlier, done her best to beat into submission.

From a nearby set of shelves on the the opposite side of the mirror, Sally drew a very large, mauve box of baby wipes. She held it at an odd angle, allowing Tina a good view of the label, which read “Wuvvies” in puffy white letters. She popped the lid with a nail, delicately withdrew a wipe that could easily have served as a paper towel, and began cleaning Tina's crotch, humming pleasantly to herself as she did. Tina's legs involuntarily kicked as the cool, lavender-scented material was drawn  across her sensitive skin.

“I just love these new Wuvvies Baby Wipes, don't you? They're moist and silky soft, but so strong that they never tear! And with the new lavender-scent, a diaper change can feel just like a walk through the garden!”

Tina's forehead knitted together for a moment. She passed the candy from one cheek to the other. Another ad. Of course. What else could it be? Was that what these things wanted? For humanity to buy a bunch of stupid giant baby products?

Sally finished the largely unnecessary but very thorough wiping, discarding the wipe into the disposal. “There! All nice and clean. Just sit still, sweetie. Marsha will back soon with your new pants.”

Sally passed the time by opening Tina's purse and perusing the contents. The pacifier was the first item out. Sally sat it on the changing table by Tina's knee. Tina's eyes locked on it. The ball in her mouth was only a vague proxy of what she really needed. Tina's eyes widened when she saw the woman carelessly toss her keys into the trash, producing a metallic jingle as it hit the bottom. Tina shook her head and pinched herself. Sally didn't seem to notice. She was busy looking through the contents of Tina's wallet. “Christina. What a pretty name!”

Tina's vision half-cleared for an instant. No one other than her own mother had ever called her Christina. It was the name that was pulled out whenever Tina wasn't living up to her mother's expectations. Her eyes fell on the image of herself in the mirror, half naked, eyes dull, bathed in a rosy glow. She looked at the women on the floor. She wondered if any of them still had any comprehension of what had been stolen from them. Were they watching her, hoping against hope that she somehow escaped?

She knew that she was almost gone. Her mind was turning to mush. If she didn't do something now, she was lost. She clenched her fists. She narrowed her eyes. She forced a burst of anger through the soft cloud of calmness. She kicked her leg. The pacifier clattered across the tile floor.

Sally paused her casual destruction of Tina's possessions to turn and retrieve the little piece of plastic. “Aaaah, does the 'Big Girl' not want her paci?” She walked to the sink and began rinsing it off.

While the faucet ran, Tina quietly opened the trash and forced herself to spit out the little blue candy. She quickly returned to her position on the changing table, hoping that Sally hadn't heard her over the sound of the sink. She missed the sickly sweet little thing instantly, even as its flavor began to slowly fade from her mouth. Her mouth had never felt so empty, but her head began to feel clearer. She allowed herself a small glow of victory. That tiny, childish act of defiance had taken almost everything she had.

Sally returned with the pacifier. She looked curious for an instant, but Tina stuck her tongue to one side and made a sucking noise, all while forcing an unfocused look into her eyes. “I bet you'll be wanting this soon enough!” said Sally cheerfully. She set it down again, then returned to the task of feeding Tina's worldly possessions into the garbage one by one.

Tina wanted it now. Her empty mouth was unacceptable. The stress and strain that had haunted her the last few weeks were coming back with a vengeance. Nonetheless, she sat placidly, sucking on nothing. The pacifier sat teasing her with its shiny yellow bulb.

She heard the break room door open. In walked Marsha, proudly holding a large package in her arms. She was using the commercial-carry, so that the label was always on full display. It read “Wuvvies Pull-Ups Training Pants”, and then in smaller letters: “For Big Girls in Training!”

Two more grinning sales clerks came in behind her. They were each carrying a brass trumpet with a mauve flag attached. They took up position on either side of Marsha as she advance, and they each raised their trumpets to blow a regal fanfare. The flags were likewise adorned with the Wuvvies logo. A crashing, triumphant musical score began playing, although from where Tina could not guess, as there were obviously more instruments involved than just the two trumpets. Marsha and Sally broke into song as the trumpeters continued to play. First one, then the other. Their voices were too perfect not to be the result of auto-tuning. The diapered women on the floor sat up and clapped as the commercial began in earnest.

(Sally)“Welcome to your new life,

(Marsha)  your new life,

(Both) new Life!

(Sally)“Welcome to your Wuvvies life! The time is Right!”

(Marsha) “It's time to learn! It's time to cahnge! Time to shine Bright!”

(Sally)“Wuvvies knows just what you need, for a brand new Day!”

(Marsha)“Wuvvies keeps you nice and dry, while you run and Play!

(Sally) “Keeping your little tinkles in, can get pretty Hard!”

(Both)“But while your mind is wandering, Wuvvies is on Guard!”

As they sang, they pulled a pair from the package and displayed it to Tina. She stared. It was pink and purple, with happy cartoon elephants and mice frolicking on the front. They weren't diapers, technically, maybe, but Tina wasn't fooled. These were disposable underwear that you could pee in. Not as thick as what the poor women on the floor were wearing, but close enough.

Sally drew Tina from the soft embrace of the changing table. The joyful music seemed to vibrate its way into her bones, and her body was helpless in the grip of the commercial's power. Marcy mimed making the disposable underwear swoop toward Tina's feet like a bird as the pair continued to sing. Tina knew that resistance was impossible. She was being put in Pull-Ups, and  there was no way out of it now.

(Marsha)“Pull em up! Pull em down! You are in Control!”

(Sally)“Wuvvies on your bottom!

(Both) “Wuvvies in your Soul!

The instant the faux-cloth garment touched her toe, Tina knew the silly ditty was right. A surge of pure joy shot through her as Sally “helped” her into her new underwear. Tina was filled with an overpowering sense of Pride. Victory. Accomplishment. It was like having a dozen medals pinned on her chest. She couldn't stop herself from smiling as they were drawn up her legs and secured around her waist. The women on the floor clapped for her, some even audibly cheered. She thought about how superior she was to them now, standing upright in her Big Girl pants while they crawled around in their baby diapers. She knew that her mind was being twisted and perverted yet again, but that knowledge could not change what she felt. She was a Big Girl, and it felt more wonderful than she ever would have imagined possible.

“Till you learn your lesson, they are here to Stay!

“Till you learn the secret, to make 'em go Away!

Tina had no time to contemplate the lyrics, because she could feel the strange force that was seizing control of her body tighten its grip. Marcy handed her the package. She felt herself stretch to hold it over her head. Horrible, alien words were pushed into her tongue. She bit down. She struggled with herself. She would never be able to look herself in the eye if she said that! The music skipped a beat. For an instant, she was staring at the smiling faces of her captors and fellow prisoners in utter silence. Then, the evil force animating her won out, the music resumed, and she sang the hateful line with a big, stupid grin on her face.

“Mommy, Wow! I'm...A...Big...Girl...For Now!”

This Message Is Brought To You By...Our Sponsors.

The music faded. The forces that had seized control of Tina released her. She was standing with a pack of totally-not-diapers over her head, surrounded by smiling, applauding women. The feeling of swelling pride was still coursing through her, but that couldn't compete with her embarrassment. Her face blushed so hard it was almost painful. What was worse, her bladder was already beginning to feel funny. She knew that her “Training” was about to start.


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