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Miko felt her heart melt at her friend's earnestness. The warm numbness in her limbs, the soft cushioning of the couch cradling her body, the gentle pressure of Betty's fingers against the base of her neck, the constant pulsing light behind Tina's smiling, embarrassed face...there was nothing she could do but smile and enjoy it all.

“You see...I've had these urges, and these...fantasies. And the...” she paused, as though trying to swallow a lump in her throat. “...they involve you, Miko.”

Miko's mouth hung open. Her brow furrowed. She wasn't sure exactly what Tina was talking about. Tina seemed upset about it, though.

The camera began pulling away from Tina's face. Behind her, the stars were gently pulsing on and off, like a heartbeat. “I know it's hard to understand. I know it's a lot to take in. But I need you, Miko. I need you to listen to me very carefully. I need you to relax and take in what I'm telling you. Can you do that for me, Miko? Just relax, and really listen to me with everything you have? Just breath, in and out, and let me explain everything I'm feeling to you?”

Miko was so relaxed, she could barely move. Every bit of her felt wonderfully warm and slow. Her head bobbed up and down. A noise like “uh...huh” sounded in the very back of her throat. Tina's face was her whole world.

Tina glanced down at her feet. The camera was pulling back slowly, so that only her shoulders were visible. She was wearing a light yellow shirt. The color seemed so vivid in that eerie, soft light that surrounded her. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this before. You see...I have this problem, and I really need your help. I'm not asking you for a favor. This is...this is too big to be a favor. I need your help in ways that I have trouble...even describing. I guess there's no way to say this that won't sound...just completely embarrassing, so I'm gonna have to spit it out. You see...I wet my pants.”

The camera finally panned out enough to show Tina's jeans. They were indeed soaked, with a dark patch spreading down both her legs along the inseam. Miko just stared at the wet pants with faint amusement. All she could think was that Tina looked so silly in her wet pants.

“I...I don't just mean the one time, either. I wet my pants a lot. I've wet myself at home, at work, on dates, on the street...It's okay if you want to laugh, I kinda think it's funny, too. It's not like I lose control, either. It's not a medical thing. I just like it. It's like...it's like something just clicked and I realized that I hate the toilet, and I always have. I really like the feeling of peeing myself. You'd think I would be humiliated when people see me walking around in wet pants, but seriously, that is the best part. I love walking around with everyone knowing what a pantswetter I am. Knowing that no matter how much I try to impress them with my tough, independent shtick , they'll always just see me as a silly baby who can't even be trusted in big girl panties. It's taken me a while to come to terms with this, but I finally get it. I've explored these feelings, and the fantasies that they inspire, and I've finally realized what it is I need to make me a happy, healthy, more complete person.”

The tiniest flicker of confusion trickled across Miko's face for a moment, before it was swallowed by the blissful feeling of relaxation. She was too comfortable to think about what Tina was saying to her. It took every bit of mental energy she had to just to listen.

“Miko...I've come to the conclusion, that I really belong in diapers. Every time I think about diapers, I get this weird, excited feeling. It's so embarrassing, so ridiculous, but lately it's all I can think about. Diapers are just the best, Miko. The thought of getting to wear them everyday, at all times, in front of everyone...Just imagining myself stomping around in thick, fluffy diapers that hold my legs apart so I can barely even walk, showing everyone around me that I'm nothing but a dumb little pantswetter.....Gaaaawd, it makes my toes curl up!”

Miko nodded and smiled faintly. She was glad that Tina understood herself better now. It sounded like she had found something that she really enjoyed, which is always nice.

“But it's not enough to just wear them. I've thought about getting myself some diapers, but that just feels too much like thinking for myself and making my own choices, and I really don't want to do any of that anymore. Miko, I need someone to...to force me to wear them.”

Miko winced. She was barely conscious of her surroundings now. Tina's voice was falling through her soul in rippling currents of pleasure. Still, she knew that something felt wrong in all this, even she had no idea what it was.

“I want someone, a really good and close friend, to force me to wear diapers. Someone that I know I can trust, someone really kind and really...really beautiful to make me wear them, whether I want to or not. But I also need someone really smart that I really respect, someone that I can look up to and admire. I need a strong, authoritative woman to judge me unworthy of my big girl pants and put me back into diapers for my own good! Someone I can absolutely trust to do all my thinking and make all my decisions. Someone loving and nurturing, but also someone I can look up to and obey. Someone who can turn me into the dumb, helpless, diaper-wetting baby I know I need to be. Miko, I've given this a lot of thought, and I want that someone to be you.”

Miko felt the corners of her mouth curl downward as tears ran down her cheeks. Tina was so adorable, confessing such deep and personal feelings to her. She had never felt so trusted, so needed, in her life. Her best friend needed her help in such an intimate and personal way, and she alone had the honor of helping her achieve her deepest desires. Miko felt herself filling with the the wish to become the strong, dominant, caring woman that Tina so clearly needed her to be.

“I need you to make me wear the diapers, and tell me that I'm not ready to use the potty like a big girl. But that's just the start. I need you to take care of me, in every way. I need you to dote on me, and coddle me, and make me feel completely helpless. I need you put me down for naps when I'm tired and don't realize it. I need you to put my pacifier in my mouth when I'm being whiny. I need you to tie a bib around my neck and put me in a high chair when it's time to feed me. I need you to hug me, and hold me, and comfort me when I'm crying. I need you to brush my teeth and put me in my jammies when it's my bedtime. You'll be the one who decides when that is, by the way. I might try telling you that I'm not tired, or that I'm busy with some silly thing or another. You can just ignore all that. I don't know whats best for me, Miko, but I trust that you do. I need to have all my grown-up power and responsibility taken away, and replaced with lots of love and affection. Can you...can you do that for me, Miko?”

Miko's head bobbed slowly up and down. Of course she would do anything she could to help her friend.

“Now, I'll fight this at first. I'll pretend every step of the way that I don't want this. That I'm a big, responsible adult, and not the helpless pantswetter that we both know I am inside. You have to be prepared for that. I can be stubborn, and willful at times. You know that. I have a lot of pride, and my ego is going to be fighting hard to keep me away  from what I really need. You need to always remember how important this is for me. To be diapered, and coddled, and treated like the big baby I am. I'll whine and complain, and maybe try to run away at first. You have to be firm with me. I need your guidance, and your...discipline.”

The more Tina spoke, the more eager Miko was to get started. She was so cute, confessing her feelings in her soggy big-girl underwear. The image of the diaper that she had just been holding flashed through Miko's mind. So wonderfully soft and thick, so absorbent and secure. Just perfect for her sweet, adorable little friend.

“The next time I see you, I'll be a hundred percent in character, Miko. I'll pretend to be totally unaware that I need diapers, and I'll stubbornly tell you that I'm a big girl. You can just ignore all that though. I'll act willful and disrespectful, but you have my permission to take complete control of me. I need to be laughed at, and punished for being disobedient. Miko, I need you to take me over your knee and spank my naughty little butt when I step out of line. I need you to monitor my language and wash out my mouth with soap if I start using words you don't approve of. I need you to make me stand in the corner with my nose against the wall. You're such a kind, sweet person, so I know it won't be easy for you, but I need you to be strong. The more I fight, the more I complain and talk about how I'm a grown-up and that I'm too old to be wearing diapers and sleeping in a crib, the more I need you to punish me and force me to do as you say. I'll probably spend a lot of time over your knee the first few weeks. Gawd, I'm so looking forward to that! As I learn to submit to you and obey you and use my diapers like a good girl, you can switch over to milder forms of discipline. Don't go too easy on me though, or I might just start slipping back into my bad old habits! You'll know by then when I need a maintenance spanking to remind me who's in charge.”

Miko was a kind, caring person. She would never dream of hurting anyone, especially Tina. Still, the way Tina talked about being spanked, it was clear that she dearly wanted that. Miko imagined herself setting Tina across her lap and pulling down her pants. She imagine what it would feel like to bring her bare hand down on Tina's thickly-padded rear again and again, until she was promising to be a sweet, obedient girl from now on. The thoughts felt oddly effervescent as they bounced around in Miko's  heavily-compromised mind.

“I'll be yours, entirely and completely, Miko. You'll decide everything for me. What I eat, what I wear, when I sleep, when I bathe. If you decide I need a diet of baby formula, then that's what I'll have. If you decide I should be double-diapered to go to the park, then I will be. If you decide that I need to suck my thumb or carry around a stuffed animal, then I have to listen to you. If I complain, you'll just have to spank my little tushie until I fall into line. Remember, I might say all kinds of things, but you're the one who always knows best.”

Betty had moved to pressing her fingers expertly into the back of Miko's head. Miko no longer felt it. All her thoughts were occupied with her future of looking after her wonderful, adorable friend. Tina's voice continued to trickle through her as her thoughts slowly faded away...

What felt like a very  long time later, Miko awoke in her new bed. It was extremely soft and comfortable. She felt marvelously well-rested. She felt as though she had not even dreamed in at least twelve hours. Her surroundings felt so unfamiliar, yet very luxurious. It was like waking up in a really high-end hotel room on the first day of a great vacation. A delicious smell struck her nose. She knew what was awaiting her, and it made her feel ecstatic with anticipation.

She got up and looked around. None of her things were here. It was so disorienting to see a bookshelf full of unfamiliar titles, a rather tacky Thomas Kinkade that she certainly wouldn't have chosen for herself, and a framed cross-stitch that said “Bless this Mess” in big, colorful letters. None of it seemed like her, and yet she was certain that this was now her room.

Still, she had more important things on her mind now than the decor. She was having trouble remembering the details, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered, except making Tina happy. That was her new mission in life, the reason for her existence. She didn't need to question it. She didn't need a reason to do it. It was the reason.

Her first stop was the small en suite bathroom. She looked at herself in the large brass-rimmed  mirror above the marble sink. She inhaled sharply when she saw herself. She couldn't remember the last time she looked so good after just having woken up. Her hair wasn't perfect, but all of it was already approximately where she wanted it to be, with nothing sticking out noticeably. Her skin had a richer, more vibrant color than it ever had without makeup. She smiled. Her teeth were not perfectly straight, but they were noticeably brighter than they had been.

Putting herself together hardly took any time at all, despite having to search through the drawers  for everything she needed. After combing her hair, brushing her teeth, and applying less than half of her usual makeup, she felt ready to start her day. She headed down the hall to the nursery.

The wonderful smell grew stronger as approached the door. It mingled with the heady scent of baby powder. Miko's heart rate began picking up as she silently approached the crib. She wanted the first thing Tina saw upon waking up to be her smiling face beaming down at her.

Miko's indulgent, maternal smile twisted into an irritated scowl. The figure in the crib yawned, stretched, and showed off her toothpaste-commercial grin.

“You aren't Tina! Where's Tina?” demanded Miko angrily.

Betty had exchanged her neatly-pressed blue pantsuit for a fuzzy set of light blue footie pajamas. A pair of brass snaps held the trap door closed. Her shiny nametag was still pinned into place on the new outfit. “Tina will just be a little while. Don't worry about a thing! This will be a good chance to brush up on all the skills you'll be needing when she arrives! Oh, and speaking of which...”

Betty stuck one leg onto the bars of the crib, made her hands into fists, and clenched. A series of  squelches and popping noises followed. The marvelous smell in the air grew more intense still. Betty stuck her hands behind her head and smugly relaxed.

“...I do believe I'll start the day with some nice fresh pampers, please! Then a bottle, and maybe a nap. Chop, chop, Miko!”

Miko rolled her eyes and groaned as she let down the bars of the crib. She hugged Betty and hefted her into her arms with a grunt of effort, careful to support her head and butt. She was right, of course. She could use a chance to get used to her new duties before the real star of this show arrived. Besides, she was very eager to change a diaper, even if it wasn't Tina's this time.

She hauled Betty over to the changing table. Getting used to the weight would be one challenge. She guessed that all the wiping and powdering would come easily enough, although she would certainly give each task her full concentration.

“Don't dawdle, now! Our Sponsors are watching!” said Betty as her messy bottom settled onto the changing table with a slight squish.

Miko decided that Betty would be getting a good spanking before her bottle. She would need plenty of practice with that, too.


Josh Stack

I’m just now realizing that this was probably inspired by my comment on Wetting. If that is the case, thank you for making such a good story out of my idea. It really showcased the one thing I love the most about ABDL: that’s it’s a semi-wholesome version of BDSM. There’s just something I find wonderful about the idea that you can take full control of someone’s life (with their full consent of course) and use that power to make them feel nice and comfortable. Of course, this probably isn’t consensual. It’s darkly humorous how blissfully oblivious Miko is going to be of Tina’s genuine fear and outrage at being forcefully regressed. Though knowing the Sponsors there will probably be all sorts of magical mind control to help her “get used to the idea”. A few last things to note: “Tina”‘s speech felt so genuine that it took me until her line about being “in character” for me to realize it was a trick. Clever writing (or maybe I’m just that gullible). Next, it’s interesting how Miko still maintains aspects of her original personality, such as her annoyance with Betty. I would love to see more of that later.