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“Now, this is the main bathroom. There's a full en suite bathroom upstairs adjoining the master bedroom, so that you don't have to come downstairs all the time, but this will be perfect for when you're entertaining...”

Miko struggled not to roll her eyes as the estate agent showed off one luxurious amenity after another. The only “entertaining” she wanted her home to be equipped for would ideally involve a sofa and a Netflix account. She had already explained at least three times that she was just looking for a simple, temporary home, with enough room for herself, a few potted plants, and maybe a cat. She didn't need a two-bedroom family home. Especially not one as lavish as this one.

“These paintings are included with the home. Only prints, obviously, but very tasteful! They were selected by Walton and Marbury Interior Designs to perfectly balance the color palette with the sofa and the entertainment center...”

She was beginning to feel that she was being purposefully ignored. Sure, the back yard was spacious, and there was a service to keep it trimmed and maintained. Yes, the kitchen had all sorts of modern gizmos to make dinner and entertaining a snap. Blah blah blah blah blah . It was all lovely, and it was all a million miles from anything that she could actually afford on her current salary. This wasn't just a place to hang her hat while she was working her way through school. This was a finisher house, with room for a partner and a few kids. Miko doubted seriously that she would ever want a house like this, as nice as it was to look at.

“Through here is the main garage. There's also a side garage you can use as a storage area, or a parking spot for a secondary vehicle. Of course, it's a gated community, so there's no need to worry if you decide to park on the street...”

At first, she had been oddly flattered to be shown something that was obviously intended for an upper-middle class family, probably with two kids and a dog. Now, the little charade was becoming tiresome. As she was marched from one expensive-looking room after another, her temper was beginning to fray.

Once again, Miko marshaled her courage to interrupt the constant stream of sales patter.

“...the banisters were re-done just this last April. If you don't like the color, we can...”

“Look.” said Miko abruptly. She hated to interrupt people, but it was becoming very clear that waiting for a natural break in the conversation was an exercise in futility. “This is all very nice...”

“It is, isn't it? You've got a rare opportunity here to snap this place up! It certainly won't be on the market for...”

“But, as I've already explained...” Miko said through gritted teeth, speaking much faster than she usually did for fear of being interrupted yet again. “...this is way more of a...commitment than I'm really interested in right now. Could I please look at something more reasonable for my budget?”

The estate agent (The shiny chrome-plated nametag pinned to the left breast of her jacket declared her to be Betty Knowles) smiled. Miko didn't care for her smile. It was too...nice. Teeth are not supposed to literally be pearly white. Eyes are not supposed to actually sparkle. Miko wasn't sure if plastic surgery or excessive makeup was to blame, but Betty looked more like a cover model for a magazine dressed in an estate agent's costume than the real thing. It was a nice costume of course: a clean, pressed, very shiny blue pantsuit with a string of pearls around her neck. She nodded hurriedly, in that way people do when they want to create the false impression that they've heard what you said.

“Ma'am, if you'll just bear with me, you'll see that your financial concerns are essentially a non-issue! We have a very flexible mortgage broker on standby, and when you see some of the sponsorship deals I can set up for you...”

“Sponsorship?” asked Miko quizzically. “How the hell would that work? What are you talking about?”

“I'm glad you asked! You see, we have an arrangement with several companies to test and display their products in exchange for...” and she was away again. Miko lost the battle and rolled her eyes. There was no stopping this sales pitch, and seemingly no amount of indifferent body language could persuade this woman that she wasn't interested. Might as well just tune it out. Miko nodded along as the seemingly oblivious woman prattled on.

“...fully furnished, ready to move in. Why even call a moving van? This place is all set up to meet your needs perfectly! Here let me show you the second bedroom...”

Miko's already thinning patience finally tore in half. “Second bedroom? For what? I keep telling you, it's only going to be me in the house!”

Betty shook her head and chuckled. “Well, you say that now!”

Miko bared her teeth in a silent snarl. The vapid, arrogant, air-headed presumptuousness expressed in that one sentence...she felt like she had just stepped through a portal into the 50's.

“Yes! I do! I'm saying it now! The time that it currently is!” Miko was practically yelling now, but Betty's placid smile didn't so much as twitch. She opened the door.

Miko's head of steam evaporated when she saw the bedroom.  The sudden whiplash of emotions made her feel a little ill. Inside, she saw that the room was decorated as a nursery. The wallpaper featured rows of marching ducklings, rainbows arching between puffy white clouds, and little teddy bears falling down from above on colorful parachutes. A mobile of plush bluebirds spun gently above the crib, playing a simple jingling lullaby. Stuffed  animals were packed into the crib and spilled out from the large ornate toybox. The changing table was equipped with dozens of boxes of diapers, wipes,  bottles of scented baby powder, and a selection of creams and lotions, all carefully arranged to prominently display their brand names. Surveying the room, Miko realized that what she was looking at was more like an add for a nursery, rather than the real thing. She also noticed that the crib was as big as a twin-sized bed, and that the top of the changing table was nearly six feet across.

“...you have got to be fucking with me.” breathed Miko.

“Not at all! All this is provided free of charge with the sponsorship deal! It not only pays for itself, it actually provides the majority of the rent! If you're willing to sign up right now, I can even arrange a sizable bonus...”

“Look, I don't know what you think you're playing at here, but I can assure you that whatever it is, I'm not interested.” said Miko, trying to sound calm in spite of her seething anger.

“If you'd like a different model, I can certainly show you a catalog of different options. Perhaps something with a 'kitten' or 'heavenly bodies' theme? This design is intended to appeal to a broader range of tastes.”

“You think this appeals to a broad range of tastes?” spat Miko, gesturing to the oversized baby furniture. “This is a nursery for an adult. I'd call that a fairly specific taste.”

“I think you may be a bit behind the fashion curve in this area! You see, if you'd be willing to provide some testimonials and consent to a few simple photo-shoots, I think you'll find...”


“...that the opportunities for upward mobility...”


“...would more than compensate you for any incon...”

“No! Absolutely not! Who are you! This is not even close to what I asked to see! How did you get my number! What...”

She felt like the room was spinning. The soft, calming music of the mobile was getting on her nerves. “What would I ever want with any of this crap!” She snatched up one of the diapers from a neat stack on the changing table. It was decorated with a pattern of pink and blue balloons across the front panel. The fact that it was many sizes too large to fit any infant was not lost on her. “Look at this thing! I wouldn't wear this for all the money in...”

Her rant was interrupted by an odd pinching sensation in her behind. She spun around to see Betty carefully replacing the safety cap on a tiny syringe.

“What...did you...what?” Miko shifted on her feet unsteadily. A feeling of soothing warmth was spreading up her back and down her legs. Her tongue suddenly didn't fit in her mouth properly. Betty's smiling face blurred slightly as she returned the syringe to its hiding place in her coat.

“Oh, you misunderstand! All this isn't for you! No, no, no, no! It's all for Tina.”

Miko grabbed the edge of the changing table to steady herself. Tina? Was she talking about the same Tina that had been her best friend since middle school? What did she have to do with this?

“Wha...what on earth? Whadduz Tina gotta...gotta?” slurred Miko. Her tongue was sitting limply in her mouth as the warm numbness continued to spread through her body. The jingling music from the mobile seemed to grow louder, or maybe it was just catching more of her attention.

“What does she have to do with this? I'm glad you asked!”  completed Betty. That “I'm glad you asked” part wasn't just the same sentence as before. It had the exact same tone and inflection, like a recording. “We've prepared a short presentation on that very subject. Right this way, ma'am!”

Miko slapped feebly at Betty as she took her arm and led her out of the nursery. Betty didn't seem to have felt it. All Miko's limbs felt so heavy. Lifting her hand felt like trying to levitate something by telekinesis. Miko was forced to cling to Betty to avoid falling over. She felt like she had just finished a hard night of drinking. The tasteful decorations of the luxurious home wavered and swam around her as Betty half-led half-carried her forward.

The strange woman led her down the stairs, catching her over and over as she threatened to fall. The room that now surrounded her seemed to have no straight lines anymore. Miko felt herself being lowered onto the pristine white couch of faux leather. The cushions seemed to be hugging her ass. It was like sitting in a giant marshmallow. Despite her confusion and dismay, she couldn't help but sigh with relief at how comfortable the couch was.

“There. All nice and cozy.” said Betty, as she rounded the couch. With a soft click, the large flatscreen television came to life. The screen showed a whirling galaxy of stars, all pulsing with a soft yellowish light. Miko felt her eyes drawn into the beautiful lights. All thoughts of where she was or what was happening trickled out of Miko's mind as the delicious, blissful feeling in her body grew stronger and stronger. The heaviness in her limbs began to give way to a strange feeling of weightlessness. Betty's hands began kneading her shoulders from behind her. Miko groaned almost inaudibly. Betty's hands were inhumanly soft and gentle.

A face appeared on the screen, seeming to form out of the pulsing starlight. It was the face of Tina. Tina waved at her.

“Hello Miko.” said Tina. Miko, feeling very relaxed, wiggled her arm in a feeble attempt to return her friend's gesture. Tina's face on the TV was lit from behind with that warm, pulsating starlight. She was smiling, in a way that Tina rarely smiled. Her cheeks were flushed. She seemed both very happy and very embarrassed, as though she were about to admit something that she knew would be a load off her mind, however much it stung her pride. Despite being on a screen, Tina somehow seemed more real than if she had actually been in the room. Miko smiled back, too dazed to care about what was happening. She was really enjoying the massage, and wonderful feeling in her limbs. Tina looked so adorable on the screen.

“I'm really sorry to catch you off guard like this, but there's something very important that I need to talk to you about. I know this will be a big surprise for you. I mean, you've known me for years. You know what kind of person I am. At least...you think you do. I've always put up this facade of being in control. Always knowing what is what, having my own opinions, and making my own way in the world. You've always thought of me as a friend and an equal, someone you could count on when times are tough or confide in when you aren't sure what to do. You've relied on me, and I've relied on you, too.”

Miko felt her eyes begin to tear up. Tina was being so open, so sincere and genuine, that Miko couldn't help but nod agreement. Betty's nimble fingers continued to work on her neck, helping her to relax still further.

“This hasn't been an easy time for me, Miko. I've been going through a lot of changes. My life, my interests, my responsibilities...it's all been a little up in the air. I've tried really, really hard to deal with it all on my own, but I know now that that was very silly of me. It's far past time to admit that...I need help.”


Josh Stack

Hey, I’m back. I’ve been very busy these past few weeks but I’m free now. Your stories were the highlight of those busy days and I just want to say thanks for that. This one in particular looks like it will be pretty interesting. For starters, I like your variation on the typical “uptight asshole learns to lighten up, whether she wants to or not” fetish story, in that Miko, as grumpy as she is, is being entirely reasonable, sympathetic, even relatable. The details this story adds to the mystery are fascinating. This is the first indication we have that the “sponsors”, whoever or whatever they may be, might actually just be trying to help, in their own messed up twisted way. They’re being awfully generous with this life of luxury they are promising Miko and Tina, not to mention that they took the time to reunite the two best friends to ensure that they would have familiar companions in their new lives. The syringe is the most mysterious part. Why would people with access to magic (or, at the very least, sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic) use such a mundane tool for incapacitation when they have mind control?