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They smiled. All three. Wendy felt her blood run cold when she saw them. It wasn't a warm smile of sympathy, nor a dreamy smile of bliss. It was the smile of someone who waiting for you to get the joke, and knew you wouldn't like it when you did.

“Well, if this doesn't satisfy you...I suppose we could be a little more generous.” said the one with the unicorn shirt. “It was an awful lot of licorice, after all.”

Wendy and Mindy both cringed as she gently tapped a finger against the table, releasing an even more powerful wave of transformations. With a loud rumble, the room began growing again, until it felt more like a ballroom or a gymnasium than an open-plan kitchen. The table became a sculpture of luminous white jade, and as though to mock the very notion of rarity itself, it grew and stretched until it could have easily seated a hundred guests. Threads of gold laced themselves through the ebony floor until it was covered in hundreds of life-size figures of unicorns, all frolicking in a garden of gold flowers and towering willow trees. The countertops turned from elegant marble into solid garnet. The crystal chandelier grew to the size of an elephant and resembled a frozen waterfall more than anything made by human hands. Everywhere Wendy looked, the merely expensive and ostentatious was replaced by the fantastical and absurd. Gold, gems, and lavish artwork were crammed into every available surface with reckless abandon. They were no longer in any earthly palace. It was so garish, so overblown and extravagant, that it was almost painful to look at.

“Thank you!” called Mindy as the glittering walls retreated away from her.  “You can stop now!”

Wendy knew that her employer's expression of gratitude had come too late. The three magical “guests” were indeed very powerful. She was only grateful that their annoyance was not directed at her. She was tempted to hide under the absurdly oversized table until they were finished. Instead, she simply shielded her eyes from the dazzling lights and waited for the floor to stop vibrating under her feet.

“Oh, we're just getting started!” said the one with the apron. “I think she needs some new clothes as well.”

Her dress billowed behind her as she swooped toward Mindy. The frightened woman had no time to escape, although she clearly wanted to. The flying woman gave her a tap on the shoulder and floated away, as though they were playing tag.

Mindy let out a frightened squeak and began rubbing frantically at her clothing as shimmers began to spread over it. Her plum-colored robe shifted around her as though it were alive, and began to glitter with thousands of tiny white lights. The material ballooned outward, transforming into an Elizabethan ball gown with puffed sleeves and a hem that swept the floor and projected out nearly a meter from Mindy's actual feet. The many layers of material seemed to be made of diamonds spun together with silver. White satin gloves covered Mindy's arms nearly to the shoulder. Every slight motion of her body caused a display of hundreds of tiny sparkles to appear as she stared at her new outfit with wide eyes. Her hair had arranged itself into a prim and tight bun, held in place with a glistening tiara. Mindy was clearly not pleased.

“You have got to be kidding me! I'd never wear something like this! It's absurd! I look like Cinderella for heaven's sake!”

The one with the kimono drew in a breath through her teeth and  reached for the silk ribbon at her waist. “Ya know, I think we're spinning our wheels a little here. We have plenty to work with, there's no need to cut corners. Let's skip the shiny baubles and talk about some big ticket items.”

She pulled aside her robe, revealing that those who are immune from the force of gravity have no need for bras. She was completely naked under the robe,  except for a thick, glossy, disposable diaper. The font panel was light green and decorated with little pink flowers to match her kimono. Mindy's eyes widened at the sight. Her eyes darted over to the with the apron. She realized now what Wendy had noticed almost as soon as the three magical beings had appeared. The one with the apron had a tell-tale bulge around her rear.

Mindy was suddenly struck with a dreadful suspicion. She considered the material that had just been magically formed around her body, particularly the area between her legs. She tried to feel around with her hands, but the ridiculous hoop skirt that supported her gown prevented her from investigating further. She was so preoccupied with these thoughts that she missed the one with the kimono bearing down on her, diapered butt first, until it was too late. Mindy started and stood in horror for an instant. A faint bluish glow reflected in her eyes, and she felt her fear and anxiety suddenly melt away like butter on a hot stove. A feeling of utterly blissful calm descended on her as the padded backside drew closer and closer. By the time the plastic backing and cottony padding were pressed around her face, she could not even think about trying to move out of the way. She tried to shout, but all that was audible was a muffled murmur in the back of her throat. She was utterly relaxed. Despite her best efforts, she could not step back a millimeter to avoid the softly cushioned flesh. Her face was in the diaper-butt, and that was all there was to it now.

“The real problem is that you don't really appreciate all the nice things you already have.” said the one in the kimono as she gleefully rubbed her backside into Mindy's face. Mindy felt the words bury themselves in her mind like a signet ring in hot wax. “So...I'm going to give you that. The ability to really appreciate all the ways life and the people around you have been kind to you. I'm going to really rub your nose (she wagged her butt for emphasis) in how wonderfully lucky you've been. Everything has really gone your way, and now, for the first time, you are going to really feel it. All the ease and luxury you've had, all the lucky breaks. You should wake up every morning thinking about how fortunate you are. So now, you will. I'm going to rub my butt all over your face, until you understand exactly how lovely your life is, and how much you are going to love it from now on. You are going going to be an absolute ray of sunshine. Your smile will light up the room. Every day of your life, you will think about how lovely everything around you is, and how marvelously grateful you are for all of it! You'll be kind, sweet, generous, and most of all, happy. Like a happy...little...princess. That is going to be you, from now on.”

A tremor of shock ran through Mindy's body as the one in the kimono's words became true, smoothly and easily, one at a time. She grinned. She loved the way the diaper-clad butt rubbed against her cheeks as she smiled. She loved not being able to move one finger. She loved the simple and irrefutable fact that she was a princess, and that she always would be.

“You're going to be so free and open from now on. No more scanning the horizon for threats and opportunities. No more searching through your life for something to get upset about. You have far more than anyone could possibly need, and now, you'll be ready to share your good fortune with everyone around you! You'll be caring, cheerful, trusting, and friendly. Every trace of greed, suspicion, and arrogance is disappearing from your mind, lost in the thick padding of my diaper.”

When the one in the kimono finally relented and floated away from Mindy, the transformation was obvious. Mindy's face was almost completely different. For an instant, Wendy wondered if the elfin woman had magically made her employer ten years younger, but she soon realized that this was not the case. The little dollop of fat under the chin and the faint suggestion of lines under the eyes were still there, but the truth was that Mindy had simply seemed older than she was. Gone was the arrogant curl of her lip. The hard glint of annoyance and suspicion in the eyes had melted. She no longer looked like a grasping, lonely widow. She looked like a princess. Her smile was warm, careless, and effortlessly friendly. Her cheeks seemed rosier, full of merriment. Her eyes were more open and clear.

“My gosh! You're all just so pretty!” gushed Mindy. She smoothly and naturally brought her gloved hands together beside her face as she surveyed her surroundings, as though seeing them for the first time. “Everything is so different!”

Wendy had to stop herself from giggling, in spite of what she had just watched. Her employer's voice was almost the same, but it had a charming, old-fashioned, regal quality, as though she had taken months of elocution lessons at some point in the last minute.

Mindy grabbed the one in the kimono and pulled her into a hug, seemingly undeterred by her bare breasts.“Thank you! Thank you ever so much! You are so very kind!”

Wendy couldn't imagine the old Mindy saying anything like this, but this version made it sound perfectly natural. There was nothing at all artificial or affected about it. She wasn't acting. This was just how she spoke now.

The one in the kimono returned the hug, patting Mindy's back gently as she hovered over the expansive hoop-skirt.

“Nicely done!” said the one with the apron, looking over her colleague's work with the air of a professional. “One last item on the agenda. I think our little princess needs a proper servant who can look after her in a manner befitting her royal status.” The diapered woman turned slowly toward Wendy as she spoke.

Wendy froze in place for an instant, eyes wide. Adrenaline shot through her. She bolted like a rabbit that has just spotted a coyote. She did not wait for clarification. As she fled the room (it took much longer now that it was the size of auditorium) she wondered whether she should have made a break for it earlier. Trying to stay quiet and inoffensive had seemed to be working for her, but now that was over, and there was nothing to do but run for the door. Despite her tiredness and her sore feet, she took on an impressive turn of speed.

She never had a chance. The one with the apron shot through the air and was in front of her before she could even reach the diamond-studded golden gateway that now led out of the absurdly over-decorated kitchen. Wendy mouthed the word “Why?” as she slid to a stop on the polished ebony floor. What had she done wrong? This was the one who had seemed to sympathize with her the most!

“Please! Just let me go! I didn't...” she stammered at the hovering woman. The one with the apron smiled and pressed a finger to her lips, shushing Wendy. She slowly pulled up her dress by the hem. Her diaper was even thicker than those worn by her two companions, and was decorated with a row of teddy bears dancing across the front panel. Shielded from the light of the massive chandelier by the dress, Wendy could clearly see the eerie bluish glow that emanating from the diaper. The strange light seemed to seep into her mind, paralyzing all thought. Suddenly it felt as though the entire room were floating.

“Listen.” said the one with the apron. Wendy did listen. She had no choice. As soon as the word was spoken, Wendy found that the beautiful stranger's voice was the only thing in the universe that mattered. It boomed through her consciousness like thunder, despite being spoken in a whisper.

“You are, now and forever, a Maid.”

Wendy felt the stream of bizarre, magical forces wash over her the instant she heard the fatal words. She felt the fabric of her plain, practical uniform stretch and crawl across her skin. She winced when she felt the air against her bare legs where her jeans had been a moment earlier. She looked down at herself in horror. Her new uniform was practically the opposite of the sensible outfit she had worn to work that day. Shiny black and frilly white was her new color scheme. In place of a loose-fitting shirt that left nearly everything to the imagination, her new outfit sported a bare midriff, a plunging neckline, and a playful fringe across the front to accentuate her breasts. She now wore white gloves with a lace fringe at the wrist, long white socks that ran past her knees, and a short skirt that did not even reach the hem of her socks, leaving her calves on display. The outfit was clearly and unambiguously erotic, covering just enough to emphasize what it showed. She felt around her head, and was not at all surprised to find a lacy headpiece framing her hair. She grabbed the tiny piece of white fabric and tried to rip it off her head, but no matter how she wished to, she couldn't move it a millimeter out of place.

“...noooo.” she muttered, her voice weak and tired.

“Yes.” corrected the one with the apron. “You're going to be the perfect little servant from now on. Efficient, professional, energetic. Perfectly built to serve.”

Wendy felt a surge of white-hot power rip through her body. She felt all her muscles tighten. Her belly (now plainly visible in her silly-looking costume) became more taut and toned. Her skin became glossy and vibrant. Her breasts and rear swelled slightly, filling out the outfit. All the tiredness, soreness, and grogginess vanished in an instant, replace by a powerful desire to move and work.

“Now, wait right there while I get myself into position. We've got a lot of work to do to properly reward that boss of yours.”

Wendy felt as though she were watching herself from somewhere outside. She could do nothing but stand and stare as the diapered figure approached, turning in mid-air to press her thickly padded rear against her face. Wendy winced as the plump butt cheeks with their thick cottony cover mashed against her head like a smooth, soft pillow. She listened intently as the magical being's words echoed through her brain.

“From now on, you're going to be able to do every aspect of your job perfectly. You are an expert on every subject to do with being a servant. Whatever your Mistress needs, you will instinctively know exactly how to make it happen. ”

Wendy felt a faint tickle in her head as new knowledge and skills sprang into being. She could remember years of training and practice that she was certain had never taken place. She remembered training to be a maid the way Batman had trained to fight crime. She knew that she could cook any meal like a master chef, remove any imaginable stain, and complete any chore perfectly and with practiced ease. She had read extensively on etiquette, aesthetics, organization, fashion, and even subjects that seemed almost totally unnecessary to a maid's duties, like chemistry, finance, medicine, and psychology. The equivalent of decades of hard work and practice, condensed into an instant.

“That little princess over there is no longer your employer. She is your Mistress. You love your Mistress. You are entirely and completely loyal to your Mistress. You will serve your Mistress. You will obey your Mistress. You will do everything in your power to make your Mistress' life as happy and comfortable as it possibly can be. You will love your Mistress with all your heart. You will adore everything about her. Serving her in every way you can is your one and only purpose in existence.”

Wendy's eyes widened inside the padded mass of her captor's butt. How had she been so blind! It seemed so obvious now that Mindy was a princess of blood royal, and that it was her solemn duty and singular honor to serve her in any way she desired. The fierce, overwhelming urge to be of service ripped through her, as though it had been sitting in her very bones waiting to be unleashed her entire life. She knew that her years of haplessly flailing about in search of purpose and meaning were at an end, and she could now look forward to years and years of blissful servitude.

“Now, obviously she is going to need someone to wash dishes and see to the laundry and keep her new palace absolutely spotless, and you won't have any trouble blowing through all that like a hurricane. But she is going to need other things, too. See, your Mistress over there just got herself a new lease on life, just like you have. Now, she may be much better off being so kind, trusting, generous and decent, but she may need a little extra help in the future. Now, let me tell you all about what you really need to do to keep that Mistress of yours nice and happy.”

She continued to speak for a long time, and Wendy beamed as she absorbed every word the kind stranger told her. Wendy smiled as the beautiful, magical woman opened up the doors of her reality and let the light in. She listened closely as the secrets of the universe (at least the ones that mattered) were opened up to her.

She and her Mistress waved joyously as the one with the apron, the one with the unicorn shirt, and finally the one in the kimono, flew out the window and left them standing in a massive palace bursting with riches. Wendy sighed with contentment and turned to her Mistress.

“Come along, Mistress. I know it's been a very exciting day, but you need your beauty sleep to keep you nice and healthy.”

“Oh, couldn't we stay up a bit? I haven't even seen most of my new house!” pleaded Mindy.

Wendy smiled. Her Mistress was so adorable. “Plenty of time to explore tomorrow, Mistress. Let's get Mistress ready for bed.”

She escorted her Mistress to a bedroom that could have served as a tennis court if it were not stuffed with so much extravagant furniture. She went through the complex process of disassembling Mindy's elegant dress and changing her into a set of unbelievably soft satin pajamas. Mindy stood before the bathroom mirror as her maid dutifully cleaned her teeth with an amethyst toothbrush.

“I know just the thing to get Mistress all relaxed and ready for a trip to Slumberland.” said Wendy softly as she guided Mindy toward the insanely oversized bed. “Let's try a little guided meditation exercise.”

Mindy sat among her numerous pillows and blankets and smiled with absolute trust when Wendy held  a flickering candle in front of her with a golden candlestick. Wendy spoke to her in a soothing, rhythmic cadence as the candle flame flickered this way and that. She spoke for a very long time. Mindy couldn't remember most of it afterward. She only remembered collapsing into the impossible softness of her bed and falling asleep like a well-fed kitten.

The two transformed women slowly adapted to their new lives together. Mindy was only too happy to sign over her power of attorney at Wendy's suggestion. With her newfound flair for matters financial, Wendy was easily able to ensure that Mindy would have no difficulty maintaining her new extravagant lifestyle, while also allowing her Mistress to pursue her new hobby: philanthropy.

The fact that her home was now a magnificent palace raised a few eyebrows around the neighborhood, as might well be expected. Appraisers who Wendy invited in to look at the furnishings rarely accepted that anything in the house was genuine. After all, many of the jewels and precious stones in the place were larger than the largest examples of their kinds ever mined on Earth. Still, even taken for the sheer quantity of gold alone, the house represented a deposit of precious metals worth billions. Under Wendy's supervision, Mindy divided the vast fortune at her disposal among poverty relief, wilderness restoration projects, and medical research, leaving more than enough to live a life befitting her self-appointed royal status. Wendy continued to use their nightly “guided meditation” sessions to steer her Mistress toward the most comfortable and happy existence she could imagine. It didn't happen immediately, of course. The one in the apron had made her a qualified clinical psychologist, not a wizard. But, she kept at it, and was eventually rewarded.

One bright morning, as Wendy prepared to get her Mistress dressed and ready for the day, she nervously broached the subject that had been weighing on her mind for some time. She cleared her throat as Wendy began lacing up her corset. “Uh...I was just considering, my dear Wendy. You see, I've been considering...a change of wardrobe.” said Mindy, tapping her index fingers together nervously.

Wendy felt her heart flutter with excitement. Could it be true? Had her persistence finally born fruit?

“I've been thinking about those, uh...oh, you know, those lovely guests we had that one evening.”

“Yes, ma'am. I recall them.” Wendy's excitement was building, but she kept her pleasant demeanor placid for professionalism's sake.

“Well, I've been thinking...those, those outfits, they were wearing, really made for a striking spectacle, and I believe I would like to...um...emulate them. I...in wardrobe, I mean.”

“Yes, ma'am.” stated Wendy firmly. She fought to keep her voice even, in spite of her racing heartbeat.

“The diapers.” explained Mindy, still stabbing her index fingers together.

“Yes, ma'am. I quite understand.” She loved the way her Mistress enunciated the word.

“I trust you can...” Mindy swallowed hard. “...make all the necessary arrangements.”

“If I may just request clarification...you would like me to purchase you some...diapers.” Wendy mischievously whispered the word, imitating her Mistress' pronunciation.

Mindy's cheeks turned an even rosier hue. “Um, yes. Purchase them...and see to their, er, appropriate...and correct...installation.”

Wendy sagely nodded agreement. “Shall I purchase some wipes for you as well, Mistress?”

Mindy stammered. “Yes! Er...yes, that will be...quite necessary, I should think.”

Wendy nodded again.“Powder? Perhaps some nice scented oils?”

Mindy pursed her lips and nodded, still blushing furiously.

“And by 'make all necessary arrangements', am I correct in assuming that you mean...”

Mindy winced and gave a barely perceptible nod.

“I see. Very good, Mistress. You can depend on me. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mistress?”

Mindy looked concerned. “You're...you're not...bothered by this, are you?”

Wendy shook her head. “Not at all, Mistress. I will gladly do anything I can to make Mistress' life as pleasant and easy as it possible can be. If Mistress would prefer not to use the washroom for her necessities, I will be happy to facilitate.”

“You're sure?”

“Yes Mistress. Don't worry about a thing.” responded Wendy, exuding cheerful confidence.

“...thank you.” whispered Mindy.

Wendy paused the lengthy process of lacing up Mindy's corset to rub her shoulders “Has Mistress experienced any control issues?”

“Er...no, nothing like that.” answered Mindy. She relaxed to allow her maid to massage her.

“Would Mistress like to?”

“...beg pardon?” she asked in a small voice. Wendy felt Mindy's shoulders tense in her gentle hands.

“I believe this transition would go much smoother if Mistress' toileting habits were properly adjusted.” explained Wendy, her voice not losing an ounce of its calm, professional tone despite her racing pulse. “I shall go ahead and put up a chart on the wall in Mistress' bedroom and keep it updated, so that Mistress may keep track of her progress. I believe a strict regimen of diaper checks, fluid intake control, guided meditation, and plenty of positive reinforcement should yield the desired results in a reasonable time-frame.”

Mindy's face was beet red and her breathing grew rapid and uneven. “P-positive reinforcement? What is that?”

Wendy finally allowed herself a wide smile. “That means that when Mistress makes her diapers all nice and wet, I shall give Mistress lots of praise and make her feel very good about herself. That way, Mistress will be encouraged to wet herself whenever she can, at the first sign of any pressure. Allow me to demonstrate.”

She  patted her employer lightly on the head, just behind the glittering tiara that was now her constant companion. She abandoned her professional demeanor and adopted a tone of syrupy condescension. “Good Girl! You made pee-pee in your diaper, just like a big, wonderful baby girl should! Your maid loves to clean her Mistress' soggy little bum-bum! Yes she does! Yes she does!”

Mindy's eyes rolled backward. Her whole body was singing. The attention, the utter freedom, the effortless approval washed through her. How could being spoken to like a helpless toddler feel so good?

Wendy wasn't finished. “And when Madam has soiled herself, I think even more praise will be in order.”

She drew close to Mindy and embraced her, pressing her breasts against her employer's back. She ran her palms across Mindy's rear as she softly spoke. “Did somebody make a big stinky in her pampers? I think she did! Yes she did! What a big, wonderful mess you've made! A big, stinky, squishy bum-bum for your maid to wipe up all nice and clean!” She patted and stroked the smooth cheeks as she continuing to coo praise. “Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?! Mistress is! Mistress is a good, stinky girl in her nice, full diapers! Yes she is!” She lightly kissed Mindy's cheek.

Mindy leaned backward and laid her head on her maid's shoulder. She trembled slightly. A tiny tear ran down one cheek.

“Yes...Please.” she whispered.


Josh Stack

YES! This was absolute perfection. It is everything I look for in an ABDL story. So much cuteness. Princess Mindy is adorable, Maid Wendy is adorable, and they go together so well. I know that as an alternate ending this probably isn’t canon but the detail that the Diaper Elves' powers are proportional to how much black licorice they’ve eaten recently is fascinating. Makes me wonder where the unit is. If they came across someone hoarding the stuff could they bestow upon godlike powers? Wendy converting Mindy into a Diaper Lover was a very nice detail. I wonder if she’ll also be converted into an Adult Baby. The lifestyle of such a fabulously wealthy AB would be quite interesting. Perhaps Wendy could offer “guided meditation sessions” to Wendy’s friends as well and provide her with playmates. A story like that would be interesting. As an addendum to the Camera alternate ending I posted last time: the timeskip in this version shows that Jared and Natalie used the device to turn Molly’s agent Linda into the perfect playmate for her and the two diaper girls have started a romantic relationship. If this is too much you don’t need to include it.