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A light, non-canonical "What-If" modification of one of my earlier works. I hope you enjoy.

Mrs. Danika Davis tossed and turned in her bed. It was late July, and the night was swelteringly hot. Her air conditioning was out, and the earliest it could be repaired was next week. A fan and an open window just weren't doing it for her.

She alternated between throwing her blankets aside and pulling them over herself, inevitably decided that, against all logic, each position was more uncomfortable than the other. She drifted in and out of half-consciousness, tormented by semi-formed thoughts and images that never quite congealed into dreams. She was miserable, and the prospect of getting up and going to work in only a handful of hours made it even worse.

A noise disturbed her already-disturbed sleep. She ignored the sound at first. Probably a gust of much-needed wind had blown in through the window. Then more sounds followed. The squeak of a cupboard being opened. The sound of things being slid across a shelf. She lived alone, her children were grown and her husband was long gone. As she sat up in bed and rubbed at her eyes, she wondered if a raccoon had or astray cat had wondered in. She might have felt frightened, but after failing so badly to fall asleep, she was actually grateful for an excuse to get up.

The noises continued as she threw on a housecoat and searched around for something she could use as a weapon. It never really occurred to her that it might be a burglar. Her neighborhood was very peaceful, if not particularly wealthy. As quietly as she could, she slid the door open and crept into the hallway. She found that her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. In truth, the house was relatively well-lit: not enough to read by, but enough to walk around without bumping into the walls. She decided that it must be a full moon.

She saw something move in the dimly-lit kitchen. A faint glow drifted past her vision. She froze, suddenly uncertain. Had it been a flashlight? Maybe there was someone there. She wondered if she shouldn't call the police. Her cellphone was on the charger back in her room. Trying not to make a sound or even breathe, she slowly turned around, intending to retreat back into her room.

“Hey look!” said a high-pitched feminine voice behind her. She squeaked in surprise and terror. “It's a lady! Hello, lady!”

In the hallway behind her was a young woman in her early twenties. She had smooth tan skin, short-cropped black hair, and eyes so intensely blue that they seemed to glow in the darkness. She wore a dark blue tank top and skirt with long socks, so that her belly and upper thighs were exposed. Her ears were long and pointed, sticking up from her head like a rabbit's. She had no shoes, which was only natural, since her feet weren't touching the ground. She hovered in mid-air. A bluish light emanated from under her skirt, as though she had an LED taped to her panties.

Danika stared at the intruder. She had to be dreaming, she decided. The thing that really frightened her, though, was the look in the woman's eyes. So relaxed, so blissfully happy. It was as though Danika herself were just a character in a nice dream that this young woman was having.

“What a nice lady! I wonder if she can talk?” said another voice behind her. She turned. Two more of them were hovering there. One was dressed in a cheerleader's outfit, and had her hair in pigtails. Another had long, smooth black hair, had a somewhat larger bust than the others, and was dressed in blue pajamas. Everything else about them was the same. Same pointed ears, same legs that didn't quite make it all the way to the floor, same eerie glow, same dreamy expression.

Danika hesitantly raised a hand in greeting. “H-hello.”

“Hiii!” greeted the one in pajamas.

“We like you!” said the one with pigtails.

“What's your name, nice lady?” said the one behind her.

She turned awkwardly. She felt surrounded, because she was surrounded. “Danika.”

“That's a cute name!” said the one with pigtails.

“It's great to meet you, Danika!” said the one in pajamas.

“Do you wanna be our friend, Danika?” said the one with long socks.

Danika was getting more frightened the more friendly her intruders acted. She had no notion of what was about to happen, or what to expect. Were these things fairies, or vampires, or demons, or what? She wasn't even sure whether she was asleep or awake.

“Umm...I'm not sure.” she said, hoping against hope that this wasn't an incredibly stupid thing to say.

The dreamy smiles didn't falter. “Oh, I understand!” said the one in pajamas.

“You're scared! That is so cute!” said the one with long socks.

“Don't be scared. I know what'll help you relax!” said the one with pigtails. She grabbed the hem of her pleated skirt and gently pulled it up. Underneath, Danika saw the source of the eerie blue light. The levitating woman was wearing a thick, disposable diaper. Its glossy plastic surface glowed from within, casting a bluish glow across the hallway. Danika's eyes were drawn to the strange object. Why on earth was she wearing a diaper? Why was that fact so much weirder than all this floating and glowing business? And why couldn't she look away?

“See? This is my diaper! Isn't it pretty?” asked the woman, still holding her skirt.

Danika felt her head nod up and down, her eyes never leaving the diaper.

“You're not scared any more! Everything is doing fine! You can be happy now!” the one with the pigtails informed her.

Just like that, Danika felt her fears evaporate. Her shoulders relaxed; her breathing became normal. She knew that the creature had put some kind of spell on her. She knew that she ought to be frightened. But that didn't change the fact that she was now perfectly calm, even happy. She still wasn't sure whether she was asleep or awake, but the question had completely lost all sense of urgency. The one with pigtails let her skirt drop back down over the thick, glowing diaper, but Danika still stood completely unconcerned, a faint smile beginning to play on her lips.

“There! Doesn't that feel so much better?” asked the one in pajamas.

Danika nodded. It really did.

“Awesome!” said the one behind her. She turned, just in time for to see the one with short-cropped hair flying toward her. There was room for her to pass on either side, or sail clean over her head, but the floating creature chose to drift just over Danika's head. Danika felt the woman's shirt, skin, skirt, more skin, and then long woolen socks gently rub the top of her head as she passed over. She could tell by the feel that this one was also thickly diapered. As the woman assumed a position next to her friends, Danika reflected that she ought to feel mad about about the intrusion into her personal space. For that matter, she ought to feel mad about the intrusion into her home. She didn't, though.

“Good. You just have to answer one question for us.” said the one who had just passed over.

“A really important question.” said the the one in pajamas.

“The most important question!” said the one with pigtails.

Danika just stared at them, feeling very calm.

The three floating apparitions looked at each other, and giggled. Then they looked back to her.

“Do you...have...any...” began the one with pigtails.

“Black licorice?” finished the one in pajamas. Her grin was positively manic.

Danika stood silently for a moment. She had no idea what she had expected, but she was sure this wasn't it.

“Umm...I'm sorry, no. I don't have any.” she finally answered.

The three women reacted as though they had just heard that the McFlurry machine was broken.

“Awww! Darnit!” said the one with long socks.

“Bummer!” said the one with pigtails.

“Is...is that bad? I can go get you some if it's important.” said Danika, although she wondered if it was okay to drive in her current condition.

“Sorry, not allowed.” said the one with pigtails, crossing her arms, as though she too found the restriction frustrating.

“Don't worry about it. It's no big problem” said the one in pajamas.

“We just have to punish you a little. That's all!” said the one with long socks.

Danika furrowed her brow. She knew that she didn't like the idea of being punished, but she found that she couldn't be afraid, angry, or even just upset about it.

“...Oh.” she managed finally. “That...that doesn't sound good.”

The one with pigtails grinned, as though she had just said something amusing. “Well, you say that now...”

“Don't worry!” assured the one with long socks. “You're cute, so we'll go easy on you.”

Danika looked back and forth between her bizarre visitors, struggling to comprehend what she was hearing. “I...I'm cute?”

No one had called Danika 'cute' for the better part of two decades. She wasn't sure how she felt about it now.

“Oh yeah!” said the one with pigtails.

“Definitely!” agreed the one in pajamas.

Danika snorted out a laugh and blushed. “Well...thank you. I think you guys are cute too!”

The three apparitions gathered around Danika. They cooed at her, petted her, and fussed over her as though she were a newborn kitten. Danika couldn't help but enjoy all the attention, especially from such beautiful women. Whatever was happening, whether dream or hallucination, Danika decided to just ride it out.

“Y'know, you could be sooo much cuter!” gushed the one in pajamas, as she brushed a stray hair out of Danika's face.

Danika only chuckled and tried to hide her face, even though she knew that she ought to be terrified. She could tell that the excitement of her three visitors was now whipping out of control. Each was feeding on the enthusiasm of the others, and there was no telling what thoughts they might entertain in such a state. She could feel all the innocent joy and capacity for mischief of a girl's sleepover, and she couldn't help but be swept along by the building frenzy.

“Oooh, I know! Don't you wanna be super adorable, Danika?” asked the one with long socks, shaking her energetically by the shoulder.

“I think she does! I tink she does!” said the one with pigtails, pinching Danika's cheek.

Danika giggled in spite of herself, but she knew that she had to interrupt these strange beings before the situation got completely out of hand.

“Guys, listen...you're all really sweet, but I need to go to bed. I have work in the morning.”

They laughed. It wasn't a mean laugh, not exactly. It was the laugh of an adult who has just heard a child make some charming but clueless assertion.

The one with pigtails rubbed Danika's back sympathetically. “Oh, you don't need to worry about boring stuff like that! A cutie like you should be more worried about not sucking her thumb!”

Danika's brow furrowed again. What were they talking about?

The one with long socks pulled up her skirt, revealing her own thickly padded bottom.  Eerie bluish light flashed across Danika's face. “Sucking your thumb is so nice and soothing! It's really, really hard to keep your thumb out of your mouth.”

Danika felt the words seep into her mind, no matter how hard she tried to resist. As soon as the one with the long socks spoke, she felt a yawning emptiness appear in her mouth, and a tickling feeling in her right thumb.

“Hey! Why did you do that?” she said. She had wanted to sound angry and affronted, but it only came out as a whine. She set her teeth, gripped her right wrist, and struggled to control the powerful new impulse that had just been planted in her.

The three visitors were quiet for a moment. They floated away from her, and watched her in eager anticipation.

“Wow! Good job, Danika! You're way tougher than I thought!” said the one in pajamas.

“I think it's cuter when she can resist, just a little...” explained then one with the long socks.

“Look at her! She wants so bad to be big girl, but she just can't!” said the one with pigtails.

It was true. The longer Danika held off, the more intense the feeling of longing became, and the more effort it took to keep her hand at her side. It was like trying to hold her breath underwater. She knew she couldn't last forever. She winced in concentration, determined not to give her captors the satisfaction, until finally...

“Awww! There, doesn't that feel better?” said the one with long socks.

Danika had never felt anything so deeply and fundamentally satisfying in her life. Her entire being seemed to melt as she ran her tongue across her thumbnail. She began to suckle rhythmically, feeling the pressure in her mouth tighten and loosen. She was shocked by how much pleasure the simple act gave her. She also felt the raw, unfiltered embarrassment of being unable to stop herself from indulging such an infantile habit. She felt her cheeks burn and her pulse race. She couldn't understand why it all felt so good.

“You're so pouty!” squealed the one in pajamas.

“Sooo adorable!” said the one with pigtails.

Struggling with herself, Danika managed to pry her thumb from her mouth. Not trusting herself to even look at the offending digit, she tucked it behind her back. The coos of her three visitors when they saw this made her blush all the harder. She looked down at her feet. Her thumb slowly began to itch again. It was maddening, but knowing it would soon be back in her mouth made it bearable.

“My turn!” said the one in pajamas. She wheeled around in the air and tugged down her blue fleece pajama bottoms. Danika inhaled sharply as the uncanny light washed over her again. “Know what's even cuter than being totally unable to keep your little thumb out of your mouth? Not being able to keep your big-girl panties dry! Looks like it'll be a little while before you're all done with potty training!”

Just like that, Danika knew that it was true. She didn't need to look at or feel anything to know. A moment ago, she had been a full and proper adult with no issues getting to the toilet whatsoever. Now, she was in the midst of potty-training. A warm, soft, ticklish sensation poured itself into her bladder. She thought for a second that she must be peeing herself. She patted her crotch through her bathrobe, but it was perfectly dry. She realized that she was genuinely uncertain whether her bladder had released or not. The feelings it was producing were strong and vivid, but somehow impossible to decipher. She shivered as another blast of embarrassment rocked her entire frame. Luckily, she had her thumb there to help her deal with the confusing swirl of emotions.

“Well?” asked the one with pigtails, grinning and tucking her knees into her chest in mid-air.

“Mm?” said Danika, startled out of her thumb-sucking reverie.

“Are they dry? Show us, show us show us!” cheered the one with the long socks.

Danika smiled behind her thumb. The idea ran back and forth in her mind, doing victory laps. She had dry panties. Nice dry, big-girl panties. And these women were all wearing big, thick diapers like stupid little babies! Of course she wanted to show off! She beamed with pride as she pulled loose the knot at her waist and opened her robe, doing her best to minimize the time her thumb spent outside her mouth. She batted the robe around with one hand, before finally giving up and throwing off the whole thing off. It was too hot for it tonight anyway.

Sure enough, her panties were still nice and dry. She had been wearing a rather worn and faded pair, as she wasn't expecting to have to present them to anyone. Now, she found that she was wearing a crisp pair of Pull-Ups, with Princess Jasmine looking coy and wistful on the shiny front. It wasn't until her three visitors broke into applause that her rational mind reasserted itself, and she realized that she was now standing completely naked apart from her cutesy new underwear.

The floating women gathered around to congratulate her.

“Good job, Danika!” said the one with the long socks, patting Danika'a butt with glowing approval.

“Somebody's almost ready for big girl panties!” cheered the one in pajamas. She scooped Danika into an enthusiastic hug, removing any doubt that she, too, was naked under her pajamas.

“But don't worry!” said the one with pigtails. “It's totally fine if you have an accident now and then. That's what your cute little Pull-Ups are for, after all. Just keep on tying, and eventually you'll get there. Are you ready to give the big-girl potty a try?”

Danika couldn't help but laugh. Part of her knew that she was long past old enough to be perfectly proficient with the toilet, and this was all just a bizarre game. Another part of her however, saw using the potty as a great achievement, her own personal Everest. She sighed, popped her thumb out of her mouth, and gave in to the madness.

“Okay. I'll use the big-girl potty!” she chuckled.

There was something wonderful about being gently escorted to the bathroom by the trio of flying women. It was so unnecessary, but it made her feel oddly secure to have so many hands gently guiding her forward, never letting go of her entirely, even when they had to form a line to fit through the door. As they swooped in one by one, Danika watched her plain, dingy bathroom transform itself. Sparkles and waves of light shot through it, annihilating every speck of dirt and grime. The decor transformed, and new decorations appeared. A collection of plastic toys in the shapes of clown-fish, starfish, and sea urchins popped into being in a little bin beside the bathtub. Most of the cast of Finding Nemo appeared on the backsplash. Her landscape of the American Southwest transformed into a colorful calendar, entitled “Danika's Potty Chart”. The toilet seat sprouted a plastic cushion decorated with little goldfish. The thought that all of this nonsense was for her made Danika's cheeks burn hotter still. She was almost surprised to see her three visitors reflected in the bathroom mirror. Her own image, that of a naked woman approaching middle age, with her thumb in her mouth and wearing nothing but a pair of toddler's Pull-Ups, surprised her a little as well. She giggled at herself.

“With ith...(pop) this is so ridiculous!” she chuckled.

The one with the long socks patted her shoulder from behind. “Oh, yes! It's very, very silly for a grown woman like you to need help using the potty. But it's also true! This is going to be you for a long, long time! Do you...remember how to do it?”

Danika sighed and sat down on the cushioned toilet. Her thumb slipped into her mouth yet again.

The one in pajamas just chuckled at the sight.

“No, no honey. Stand back up. You forgot a step.” said the one with the long socks, in a sweet, nurturing tone.

Danika nearly slapped herself on the forehead when she realized that she had forgotten to pull down her Pull-Ups. She got to her feet and tugged at the waistband with one hand. They went absolutely nowhere. She dug her thumbs into the waist-band and tried again. They may as well have been held in place by magnets. She sighed again and rolled her eyes.

“ Alright. I give up! What's the trick?” she asked.

The one in pajamas favored her with an evil grin. “Having trouble, pumpkin? It can be tricky sometimes, but remember, you don't have to do it all alone. Don't be afraid to ask for help!”

“Don't forget to say the magic word!” said the the one with long socks, giggling.

Of course. Danika took a deep breath and prepared to shed yet more of her dignity. “Pwease pull my Pull-Ups down!” she said in an exaggerated childish voice. Despite her attempt at sarcasm, her face felt like it was about to explode. The one in pajamas graciously obliged, easily tugging Princess Jasmine down to Danika's knees.

They guided her through each step of the process, and although she knew full well that they were laughing at her, she couldn't help but smile at all the enthusiastic praise and encouragement. Ridiculous and silly it certainly was, but it still felt nice.

“There you go, all set! Now...push!”

Danika did, hoping that the scrambled signals coming from her nethers were something to do with peeing. She gasped with relief and delight when she heard the splashing sound from below.

“Good Job, Danika! Do you know what you need now?” asked the one with long socks.

Danika thought she might to be catching the rhythm of this game. “Pwease wipe my bottom!”

The one with long socks tugged a baby wipe from a dispenser next to the toilet, and got to work, gently but thoroughly. It was all Danika could do not to twist a nipple.

“There's our nice, clean girl! Stand up now. Let's see if you can get your Pull-Ups up all by yourself.”

Danika did as instructed. The Pull-Ups showed the same magical reluctance to come up as they had to come down before, but the three women cheered for her so enthusiastically that she felt compelled to try harder. After a struggle that left Danika sweating and panting for breath, she finally secured the silly underwear around her waist.


“You did it, Danika!”

Danika's rational, analytical side stood in the corner of her mind, quietly clicking its tongue in disapproval. But it had no power to stem the flow of pride and achievement that swept through her. She felt like she had just finished painting her personal masterpiece.

The one with pigtails handed her a marker, and she eagerly drew a smiling face on her potty-training chart in sparkly green ink.

The marker clattered to the floor when she suddenly heard a thunderous roar behind her. It took her a few seconds to realize that it had only been the sound of the toilet flushing. The one with the long socks patted her back affectionately.

“Good girl! Let's get you to bed now, cutey. You''l have lots of time to play tomorrow.”

As the three intruders marched Danika to her bedroom, she watched the rest of her home transform as their magic swept through it. The living room became a large play-area, with a library of children's books and movies beside the television, and a playpen full of stuffed animals. Colorful cartoon characters and friendly animals appeared on the walls and shelves. Danika's bedroom warped into an adult-sized Disney Princess-themed room as they entered. Sleeping Beauty adorned her bedspread, and Rapunzel's hair flowed across her duvet. She yawned, happy to finally get back to sleep after such an intense dream. However, her captors had other plans. The one in pajamas patted the top of the changing table that had sprung into being beside her canopied bed, along with dozens of colorful boxes marked with the “Pampers” logo.

“Hop up, sweetie! Time to put you in your night-time diapees!”

Danika sighed. She knew it was pointless, but she had to ask anyway. “Duwaih...(pop) Do I have to wear a diaper? Aren't the Pull-Ups enough?”

“Shhh.” said the one in pigtails in a gentle whisper. “Just lie back and relax. I'll tell you all about it.”

They lifted her onto the changing table. Danika didn't resist. She still didn't know whether what was happening to her was real or not, and she didn't care. She simply basked in the fiery glow of humiliation. The one with pigtails floated above her with an indulgent smile. She lifted her pleated skirt and settled her well-padded ass onto Danika's face. Danika barely squirmed as the soft padding crinkled against her. The woman spoke in a musical cadence as she mopped her butt back and forth.

“You have to wear your nighttime diapers, sweetie, because you're a bedwetter! A silly, dreamy little bedwetter. You'll sometimes have cute little accidents while you run around playing during the day, but at night, when you're sound asleep, with your cute little thumb in your cute little mouth, there's just no chance for you at all. Beddie-bye time is time to relax, not worry about keeping your pretty sheets dry.”

As the words buried themselves irrevocably in her brain, Danika felt the teasing fingers of the other two. Her new daytime underwear were pulled off. She felt the soft dryness of baby powder dusting over her “private” parts.

“You just love sleeping in your diapers, honey! So soft. So comforting. Like a lovely hug that lasts the whole night. You want so bad to be a big grown-up girl, but when bedtime rolls around, you have to admit that you're really just a sweet little diaper baby! You can take another stab at potty-training in the morning. Right now, it's time to go sleepy.”

By the time the diaper lifted from her face, Danika was already halfway to dreamland. She smiled faintly at the glossy beach-ball that she now wore. Cinderella smiled back from the front panel. There was no doubt that she was now the biggest baby in the room, easily beating out all her competitors. She was carried to her bed and tucked in with a light fleece blanket. A ceiling fan that she was sure had not been there a moment ago whirred to life above her, making her canopy curtains rustle gently. A large peach-colored teddy bear was tucked into the crook of her arm, and she eagerly embraced her new friend. The three apparitions drifted away one at a time, each planting a kiss on her cheek as they left. Her diaper was so  thick and absorbent that never felt hot or uncomfortable as it wicked moisture away from her all night.

Danika slowly shook herself awake from one of the deepest and most satisfying sleeps of her life. As one does, she took stock of herself. She was late for work, but somehow that knowledge didn't bother her. Her diaper was swollen and soggy. Again, she felt no distress about that. She was a bedwetter, and that was just fine for right now. Her bedroom looked like a it belonged to someone who couldn't decide which stage of life they were currently going through. Again, that didn't seem out of place.

Someone was making coffee in the kitchen. That was unusual.

Danika rose and looked around for something to wear. She found a pink tutu in her closet, and was so enamored with it that she pulled it on without thinking. There. No one would be able to tell she was wearing her bedwetter diapers, unless of course they had eyes or something. She marched out into her home to confront yet another mysterious intruder. At least this time she had a teddy bear in her arms and her thumb in her mouth to keep her safe.

In the kitchen stood a tall, blonde woman in a lavender dress and white apron with frills over the shoulders. A lacy white cap adorned her head. She turned around with a start.

“Oh! There you are! Sorry I didn't knock, but they said it was okay.”

Danika realized that she recognized the woman. It was her next-door neighbor, Daisy Williams. It was a little hard to recognize her without her usual air of superiority.

“Umm...who did?” asked Danika blearily.

“Oh, they never did tell me their names! These really nice ladies visited me last night. They wanted some black licorice, but I didn't have any. They were really disappointed, the poor dears! They said I could make it up to them if I came over here every day for a little while. You know, just to keep up the house, and help out with the bills, and do a little cooking, that sort of thing.” she giggled at the memory. “I was so, so mad at first, but once they rubbed their cute little tushies on my face, it all just sounded swell as can be!”

Danika goggled at the woman. Apart from the slight southern drawl, she was completely different from the insufferable woman who had complained that her grass was a quarter-inch too high.

“Oh, speaking of tushies, let me just finish your breakfast, and then I'll see about that soggy diapee of yours! Don't you worry, we'll have you all potty-trained before you know it! Then maybe you can help me get used the potty again.”

Danika then noticed that the woman's dress had a telltale bulge at the back.

Daisy slapped her butt, producing a crinkling sound. “Yep! No big-girl panties for me for a while! Guess I better mind my p's and q's when my little potty-trainer is stomping around! Cup of coffee, dearie?”

Danika sat down, and Daisy set a sippy-cup of sweet, creamy coffee in front of her. Soon, it was joined by a steaming bowl of oatmeal and a small plate of bacon. Daisy hung a large bib over Danika's shoulders. It read “Yum Yum!” in large, pink lettering.

“Would you like me to feed you, dearie?” asked Daisy.

“Uh...I got it, thanks.” said Danika.

“Okie-dokie! You're the boss!” said Daisy, giving Danika an affectionate tap on the nose.

Danika munched her bacon thoughtfully. “I think I could get used to this.” she thought.

Danika spent the day playing with her toys in her playpen. Daisy played movies for her as she tidied up the house and called for various repairs. It became clear that not all the movies in Danika's new DVD collection had been reproduced faithfully by her magical visitors. She didn't remember Jafar making Princess Jasmine wear diapers when he took over Agrabah, and she certainly didn't remember her insisting that Aladdin keep her in them at the end.

A repairman came by to look at her air conditioning system, which had been a little awkward. For her. He was long since used to weird clients. Daisy got Danika up every so often to sit on the big-girl potty, which always resulted in a shower of praise and adoration. By the time evening rolled around, Danika was enjoying herself so thoroughly, she was barely even annoyed when Daisy brought her some black licorice that she had found in the back of the cupboard.


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