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I think it's pretty clear by now that I have no idea how long a story is going to be when I start it. Hope it was worth the wait.

Molly Brannon, Professional Model

“Welcome back, ladies! Ready to finish up?” said Jared. I could tell his pleasant demeanor was phony and forced, but something in his body language suggested that his excitement was genuine. I could sense that something that he and Natalie had been building toward was about to happen.

In the center of the room, right next to the “X” marking, was the final box, clearly labeled with the #3 in black marker. I had some inkling now of what was waiting for me in there. I didn't know how to feel about that, frankly. The artificial feelings of happiness and normality were still running strong. It felt like everything was fine, great even. I didn't feel tensed or disturbed, even though I knew intellectually that I ought to, given the circumstances. Even my bladder felt normal, despite the fact that I now felt I needed to pee again, even though I had just finished wetting my training pants.

I glanced toward the door, hoping that they wouldn't notice. I wondered if I could make a run for it. I doubted that I could outrun these two, and I wasn't completely sure how to find my way through all the corridors back to the front door. Besides, even if I escaped entirely, I was still never going to be able to go near a...I shuddered even thinking about the word...a toilet...ever again. How could I live? What had these two done to me, and why?

Natalie dragged me toward the center of the room. Taking my chin in her hand, she turned me toward the camera. Yeah, that's what that thing was. That jumble of freaky machinery that looked like it had been stolen from one of Lex Luthor's secret labs. The fact that it was the source of all my weird thoughts and feelings seemed so obvious now.

Natalie leaned against me. I felt her hot breath against my skin as she whispered: “Just one more 'picture' to go, my dear.”

This was it. The final stage of whatever creepy plan these two had for me. What could I do? Fight? Maybe I could deal with Jared, but Natalie was well out of my weight class.

While I considered my options, they evaporated. Another blast of steam, like the hiss of a dragon. Another swirl of psychedelic color. I searched my mind for whatever they had taken from me now. I hated the fact that I felt nothing, not even a tickle in my head. Nothing to indicate that anything was different, even though I was certain that something was.

Natalie let go of me, and snatched the box from the floor. She was looking at me with that predator's smile that never quite reached her eyes. She gently lifted the lid. I wondered again if I should run, or maybe clock her one and hope for the best.

All my thoughts vanished as the lid opened. I gasped. What was inside defied all description. It was as though, all my life, some central, vital thing had been denied to me. It was as though I had been hungry all my life, but had never eaten. I had been running and running, and had never once sat down. In that box was the other half of the world, the one thing I needed to experience true happiness and fulfillment, such as I had never even dreamed was possible. I knew that I could never run away now. I would do and say and believe whatever was necessary to hold onto them. They were unbelievably, luxuriously, thick. The light glistened off their perfect contours. The shape, the smell, the soft crinkle as Natalie picked one up and displayed it to me. The impossibly adorable little pink teddy bears that danced playfully across the front panel.

“Is somebody ready for her diaper change?” asked Natalie in breathy, sensual voice.

Damn her. Damn her to hell. I knew exactly what she was up to. I knew I only loved the Diapers (gaaaawd, that word, that awesome, beautiful word!) because that machine had made me that way. But that fact changed nothing. A mother may as well say she “only” loves her children because she gave birth to them and raised them. The love had been carved into my soul with a blade of white-hot pleasure. I had no ability or wish to fight against it. Those Diapers were part of me now. I needed them now, with ever fiber of my being.

“Yessss!!! God yes!” I breathed. I planted my ass on the floor, hurting my butt a little in my eagerness. I needed those blessed things on my ass NOW! I belonged in them. They were my destiny, my reason for existing! I once again began desperately trying to undo my adorable pink overalls, and once again, my fingers could find purchase on nothing. Natalie crouched down beside me and pressed the wondrous Diaper under my nose. I inhaled deeply, exalting in the marvelous perfume and smooth plastic backing.

“Do you want this, you silly little rugrat?” said Natalie, with her usual toxic sweetness.

“Yesss!!!” I screamed. She was dangling it over me, teasing me with it. The evil whore! I could have ripped out her throat with my teeth for even dreaming of denying me those heavenly Diapers! If I could only get into them without her help...damn it!

“Hmmm...” said Natalie, stroking her chin in a bullshit thinking-it-over gesture. “...I don't know...will you be my good little baby girl from now on?”

I hated her sooo much, but I had no choice. Waiting for those Diapers was agony! “Yes! Good little girl! Anything! Please!”

“Will you do everything I tell you from now on?” she asked. The sweetness was lifting from her voice, leaving behind naked, unbridled lust.

“Everything! You're the boss! You're the boss forever!” I breathed. Even I wasn't sure if I meant it or not. It didn't matter. Only the Diapers mattered.

She slapped me. Right across the cheek. I could feel the red mark she left behind. She grabbed my nose between thumb and forefinger. She pulled the luscious Diaper away from my face. The last thing was the only one that actually registered as pain.

“Mistress.” she hissed fiercely. “I am your Mistress, and you are my little Diaper Slave. Say it!”

There was no hesitation. Feeding me lines just made it easier to please her. “You're my Mistress! I am your Diaper Slave! I'm your Diaper Slave forever, Mistress!”

Her smile returned. She pulled off my shoes. She undid the straps on my overalls. With one idle gesture, she opened all the buttons on the pink corduroy leggings, pulling them off of me like wrapping paper. I seethed, knowing that they were actually designed to be extremely easy to remove. Slowly, knowing full well how eager I was, she began pulling down my training pants, brushing her fingertips against my skin as she did. Just on the edge of consciousness, I heard a mechanical whine behind her. Her face went white.

Dr. Jared Fitzroy, Neurostimulation Specialist, A.T.I.S.

“Welcome back, ladies! Ready to finish up?” I asked, as Natalie dragged the subject by the arm into the room. She closed the door behind them. The subject was the very image of resigned compliance, thumb in mouth, head down, but still unable to keep a smile off her lips.

“Just one more 'picture' to go, my dear.” said Natalie into her ear. The subject looked around, seeming dazed. Natalie brought her the marked spot and held her in place for me. I knew what she wanted. It was the item on her list that had leapt out to me when I had first seen it.

Running emotionalresponsemodification/diaperlove.exe

The steam blasted out as the new emotional complex burned itself irrevocably into her mind. She simply sucked her thumb, and glanced between me and the door. I wondered for a moment if she was still capable of contemplating escape. Maybe she even realized that my device was more than a camera. Still, she couldn't get far. Even if she made a run for it now, we know the building better than she does. Natalie picked the box off the floor, where I had positioned it while the two of them were off in the bathroom together (typical). Natalie might have dragged her new toy into the changing room if I hadn't, and I knew Natalie wouldn't object to showing off the final stage of her domination.

When Natalie opened the box, the subject's baffled look turned to awe and delight. It was only a stack of adult diapers and some changing supplies. The diapers were decorated with little pink teddy bears and rattles, making them look extremely babyish despite their size. Not hard to guess how Natalie found them. She probably had them before she even showed me her list, the kinky bitch! Given what I just blasted her with, the subject probably likes them even more than she does, now. Those emotional response modifications are no light touch, especially with the power turned up so high. That toilet would have looked like the most hideous, threatening, monstrous thing her mind was capable of rendering. Likewise, as she stared into the box that Natalie was proudly holding open for her, her mouth dropped open in wonder and ecstasy, like she had just been shown the very gates of paradise. I'm quite proud of those programs. I worked hard on them.

Still, compared with my 'finale', they're just parlor tricks. I pulled up the program from a separate file, one that Natalie knew nothing about. This one was pure, undiluted mind control, with all the stops pulled out. Emotional responses were indeed altered, but the change would be so much more fundamental than that. At full power, I could re-route the mind's  full range of motivations into a single social target. Simply put, once this program was introduced, the target would be primed to form the strongest emotional bond imaginable. Whoever spoke to them next would become the focal point of their entire emotional universe. With this, I could make someone my permanent and complete slave. Not merely compelled to obey me, but willing to do literally anything to please me. I had spent many hours compiling a completely ideal form of loyalty; a heady mix of deep personal connection, unshakable trust, empathy, submission, and hopeless infatuation. I would become, in their eyes, a combination of their Daddy, Superman, their One True Love, and God, replacing all other loved ones and authority figures. They would be falling all over themselves in their eagerness to earn my approval, and would carry out my will without the slightest compunction. And now that Natalie was stripping down her little bundle of joy and getting her ready for a trip back to Pampertown, it's time to turn my device up to  one hundred percent and turn the projector toward its real target.

Natalie Divine, Director of Special Projects, A.T.I.S.

“You're my Mistress! I am your Diaper Slave! I'm your Diaper Slave forever, Mistress!” moaned the beautiful, defeated brat. My heart sang! This is it! The feeling of total victory, of absolute power! With this device behind me, there's nothing I can't do! I need only stretch out my hand, and anything I desire, from the most exalted to the most base, shall be mine!

I carelessly stripped her of her adorable outfit, enjoying the look on her face as I did easily what was now impossible for her. The fact that I could now hold her diapers over her head for the rest of her life...priceless! She was so helpless, so dependent, so utterly unable to ever defy me. I pulled her soggy training pants down with sensual slowness...

I heard a faint whine behind me. I heard the device powering up. My blood was suddenly ice cold. I had been so focused on dominating and humiliating Molly, Dr. Fitzroy had completely slid off my radar. Realization struck just in time. I threw myself against the floor, before that little swine could drill whatever program he had up his sleeve right into my brain.

I should have seen it coming. Really, I should have. He had agreed to support my plans just a little too readily. I had known it was all too good to be true, but I had gone for it anyway. I had always known he would betray me eventually. I just didn't think he had it in him to take a swing so soon. Well, you take a shot at me, you'd better kill me, because I don't give second chances!

The blast of steam and the weird colors flared up. I jumped up as fast as my legs could carry me. I'm a natural sprinter, and I can take on a decent turn of speed when I need to. Fitzroy was mine. The machinery that aimed his beam was too slow to track my movements. I ducked and weaved towards him, as he thrashed at his keyboard, trying desperately to get his little toy into action.

Dr. Jared Fitzroy, Neurostimulation Specialist, A.T.I.S.


I turned the projector as fast as its little tripod could turn it, but it's built for precision, not speed. I beat at the activation trigger, racking up dozens of programs in the queue.

Running fitzroyisgod.exe

Waiting to run fitzroyisgod.exe

Waiting to run fitzroyisgod.exe

Waiting to run fitzroyisgod.exe

Waiting to run fitzroyisgod.exe

Waiting to run fitzroyisgod.exe

But it was no use. I had hoped to catch Natalie off-guard while all her attention was on her new plaything, but she had heard the projector turning. Two spritzes of WD-40, and my cock would be in her mouth right now. I could kick myself.

Luckily, Natalie had that covered. She jumped back and forth too quickly for the projector to track her, and in the two seconds it took me to close the gap, she had manged to jump onto the work bench and swipe my laptop aside with her foot. The computer was entangled in the rest of the equipment, and when it went, it took a lot with it. Cords and cables broke apart, sparking dangerously. Boiling liquid coolant sprayed across the floor. Smoke began to billow from the motor, on top of the bursts of steam. The machine was never designed to operate at one hundred percent capacity, certainly not over and over in rapid succession. The beam of the projector became visible as it refracted in the smoke, sending colorful bursts of light streaking through the hazy air.

It is a testament to my great brilliance and perspicacity that I was able to observe and consider these events in the fraction of a second before Natalie planted the heel of her shoe right under my collarbone.

I did not invent a mind control device because I had become bored with mixed martial arts, okay? I was  bowled over in my chair. I emitted a high-pitched scream...uh, I mean, a manly battle cry! Yeah, that's it.

Before I could stand, Natalie was already on top of me. Her fists hurt a little less than her heel, but her knee was there to keep me company. I tried to get a kick in from the floor, but that left my  genitalia perilously unguarded, and Natalie Divine is nothing if not a born opportunist.

I rolled into the fetal position, trying desperately to protect my huevos from another savage impact. The began to vanish behind a haze of pain and colorful beams of light.

Then, the beating suddenly stopped. I lay on the floor quivering for a moment. I peaked out from between my fingers.

“Natalie!” said the subj...wait, what was her name? Molly. That was it. Molly was standing on the work bench, half-concealed behind the fumes. Her cutesy underwear were halfway down her ass. She was no longer smiling, except with her eyes. She was holding onto the projector, tipping it precariously. It was much too heavy to carry, and she was visibly straining just to move it the few inches necessary for her to nail Natalie right in the head.

Natalie was staring at Molly. It took me a moment to decode the expression on her face. It was awe. It was abject submission and unconditional love. I had never seen anything like it, and certainly not on Natalie's face. She was looking at a women who she acknowledged as her absolute, unquestioned superior.

“Move Jared into the beam!”


I tried to fight her off, but every inch of me hurt. Another colorful pulse split the air above me as Natalie hauled me to my feet by the ear. Why did I have the hit the button so many times? It doesn't work on crosswalks or elevators! I stared into my marvelous creation as it beamed another of my creations into the thing I had used to create them.

“Now shut up and keep still, ya little creep!” said the voice of the Almighty One. I obeyed. What else could I do? There was no resistance. How could there be? Her majestic voice spoke, and I existed to do her bidding. There was nothing more to it than that. She was everything to me, the only part of the universe that mattered, even a tiny bit. That was simply the natural order of things, and I could never even wish them to be otherwise. All I could wish was that my new Goddess was a little happier with me.

Molly sucked in a breath through her teeth. “Now...you are going to explain everything you have done to me, and you are going to do that while putting my ass back in Diapers! No more delays! Diapers! Now!” shouted Molly. Natalie and I rushed to do as we were ordered. There was no longer any thought of animosity between us. We belonged to Molly, and I could never damage anything that belonged to my exalted mistress.

We spoke at length, once Molly's beautiful, precious ass had been properly oiled, powdered, kissed, and thickly diapered. Of course, what she mainly wanted to know was whether there was any way to reverse the changes that we had made to her mind. I tearfully explained that that was impossible. Nothing short of a lobotomy could get rid of all the new neural connections my device had created. They might lose their effectiveness with time, as new connections were formed around the old ones, but there was no way to make them not there. The look of disappointment on her face nearly broke my heart. Nearly, because it was clear she was not all that sincere. The idea of losing her diapers and having to use the toilet again terrified her, and I doubted that she would make any serious attempt to regain her toilet training. Similarly, I had no wish to return to my old, independent existence, now that I had experienced the complete and utter bliss that was service to Molly.

She also had many questions about A.T.I.S., about their “business model”, and some of the technology we'd been developing. She was clearly disgusted by the whole thing, which made me feel horrible for the role I had played in so much of it. Once she was satisfied that she had understood our situation, she explained how we would now be punished.

Dr. Jared Fitzroy, Evil Little Worm

Later that night, I sat in front of A.T.I.S. headquarters as the fire trucks began to arrive. I had spent most of the day working on the A.T.I.S. mainframe, getting it ready for the final immolation. The reprogramming pods and the R&D Department would both be so much ash and rubble long before the firefighters were able to get into them. I had bathed both areas in a stew of oxidizers and accelerants to ensure that nothing would remain of the amazing technological and neurochemical secrets they contained. I had purchased the needed supplies from several local chemical supply companies using my own company credit card, so there would be no question as to who was responsible for the blaze.

The information on these priceless secrets was now utterly scrambled in the A.T.I.S. files, even the files the managers didn't know I knew about. No one would ever be able to replicate what we had created here. Anyone who tried would have to start over from scratch. I had also spent a great deal of time transferring a large portion of the company's liquid financial assets through a untraceable maze of cryptocurrency transfers, ending in a secret Swiss bank account, to which only I, Natalie, and the unquestionable mistress Molly knew the access codes. The only useful information still on the mainframe was a set of incriminating financial documents, which I had hacked into and then re-secured with much weaker protocols. I had planned out the fire carefully so that the computer would survive, but it would appear to any investigator that I had been attempting to destroy it. The F.B.I. shouldn't have any trouble finding enough evidence to arrest and convict the board of directors, at least most of the managers, and a half-dozen of the major shareholders.

It had been a long day. I had never worked so hard when I had merely been trying to accumulate wealth and power. Now that I had single, unambiguous goal in life, I was more productive than I had ever had been in my previous existence. I looked at the stars and drew in a lungful of the cool night air. It smelled of fire and baby powder. I brushed my sleeve across my face.

I rested on the pavement next to an empty drum of acetone, as the firefighters marched past. The police would not be far behind. I wondered wistfully whether I would end up in federal prison or a mental word when all of this was over. Molly had told me that it didn't matter, though, so clearly it didn't. I knew that being separated from Molly would be awful, but I certainly deserve it for being such an evil little worm. Molly had said so.

Natalie Divine, Molly's Diaper Bitch

I woke up in the servant's quarters, and I eagerly got up and put on my uniform. It consisted of a lavender bikini with a crisp white apron and white gloves. My collar, which I never removed even to sleep or shower, declared me to be Molly's Diaper Bitch. Mistress chose my outfit for me, so obviously it is perfect in every way, just like her. I started breakfast. My wonderful Mistress liked her pancakes with chocolate chips, and her coffee dark-roasted and sweet. I hadn't been much of a cook in my self-centered old life, and Molly has often given me a spanking when my work hasn't satisfied her. I had worked hard at it, though, and now I could look forward to the smile on my Mistress' face when I present her meal to her.

I loved my new life. Molly had called it a punishment, and I certainly wasn't about to argue with her, but I rarely felt like I was being punished. Being near Molly, being able to wait on her hand and foot, is the greatest privilege and highest aspiration I can imagine. All my old dreams of wealth, power, and sexual dominance feel so pathetically selfish and small-minded, now that I had experienced what true fulfillment means.

I was finishing up in the kitchen when I heard my Mistress' lovely voice float through the house. “Hey Bitch! Get in here!”

My heart leapt at the sound. I quickly turned off the burners and hurried to Molly's Nursery. With some of the money we had stolen from A.T.I.S., I had been able to remodel my old bedroom to suit Molly's new tastes and needs. I straightened my uniform and smiled before opening the door. Pastel colors and cuddly animal pictures were everywhere. Mistress was sitting up in her crib, surrounded by her stuffed animals. It was warm this time of year, so Mistress wore nothing except her thick nighttime diapers . She yawned adorably and smiled back at me. There's literally nothing I wouldn't do to make my Mistress smile, and I knew I was lucky to get to see it so often.

“Good Morning Mistress!” I greeted her with a deep bow.

“Mornin', Bitch! Is my breakfast almost done?”

“Yes, Mistress! Would you like it at the table, or in bed?”

“Coffee in my baba, breakfast at the table. Right after Dipey-Wipey time.” she commanded. I smiled and bowed again in acknowledgment. “Very good, Mistress.”

I could smell Mistress' wonderful diaper. It was wet, as it always was in the morning. Mistress was working to regain control of her bladder, but nightime dryness was still a long way off. I reached down and scooped her into my arms, exalting in the feeling of her bare skin against mine. I hoped that Mistress would choose to have sex with me today. Giving her pleasure was my goal each and every day. I still liked getting an orgasm, of course, but that was a distant second to the goal of pleasing Molly. She passed gas on the way to the changing table. Knowing my orders, I inhaled deeply. Any smell Molly produced was like a perfume to me.

“Hold on! Gotta make you a present!” said Mistress, wiggling with excitement in my arms. My smile widened, and I gently set her down on the thick pink carpet. I lay down on my back beside her, ready to receive my gift. My heart fluttered as she slowly lowered her lovely rump onto my face. Every time was just as good as the first.

Molly Brannon, Eccentric Millionaire

Occasionally I have a twinge of guilt about what I had done to Natalie, but I just have to think about what she's done to me, and what she would have done given the chance. I hardly ever feel bad about anything these days. Thanks to Jared's programming, my life is full of joy and happiness. My room is awesome, my toys are fun, my cartoons are interesting, everything feels warm and soft and delightful. That goes quadruple for the Diapers. I find it almost impossible to feel sad for even a second while wearing my Diapers. Everything about them is perfect, from the way they hold my legs apart, to the way they smell first thing in the morning.

I genuinely need them, of course. My artificially-generated bladder issue has actually gotten worse with time, rather than better. It had been very uncomfortable at first, feeling like I needed to pee every other goddamn minute. I had to train myself to just relax and trust my Diaper to do its thing. My manual dexterity was also still shot, although I'm confident that with a lot of hard work and practice, eventually I'll be able to put on my own clothes and tie my own shoes again. Changing my own Diaper might be possible someday, but I might just forego that entirely. I am definitely never giving up my Diapers (even after all this time, just thinking the word makes me happy), and Natalie has worked so hard to elevate her Diaper-changing game into an art form. It would be shame to let those skills go to waste.

Speaking of waste, I could still control my bowels, and I liked to use the opportunity to further humiliate Natalie. I had wanted it to be a punishment, but about the only thing that would be a real punishment for her now would be sending her on a vacation. I could hear the muffled squeal of delight from below me as I pushed. I liked the feeling of her nose pushing through the thick padding of my Diaper. Once I had pushed a good load in the seat, I mashed it back and forth a few times, really letting the mess mash around her face. Well, she was the one who wanted me in Diapers, so she was in no position to complain. I stood and helped her to her feet.

“Thank you so much, Mistress! Is it Dipey-Wipey time now?” she gushed. Her smile was utterly genuine. She was like an eager little puppy who had just heard the word “walk”.

I patted her on the head and nodded. She helped me onto the padded surface of the changing table. With a grin and another deep sniff, she got to work fulfilling her new purpose in life.


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