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Harley's question hung in the air. No one wanted to move. No one wanted to breathe. After seeing what had just happened to Diana, one of the world's mightiest and most admired heroes, no one wanted to do anything that might attract Harley's attention. Power Girl contemplated crushing the evil little twerp's skull between thumb and forefinger, but knew that it would only result in further humiliation. Harley had a power now that only Zatanna had any comprehension of, and she had shown no sign of any plan to deal with her.

Harley stared at the four women. They could practically see the gears turning behind her eyes, scanning the nearly infinite range of horrible things she could now visit upon them. Her grin was even more manic than usual. Power Girl and Supergirl, thanks to their super-hearing, could hear Harley's heart pound away with excitement, and more than likely some arousal. Her eyes jumped from potential victim to potential victim.

“Really? No volunteers?” said Harley through her teeth. “Usually you hero types can't wait to sacrifice yourselves for each other! Or maybe its a little different when being a martyr means ending up like Wonder Wimp here.” She patted Diana on the head. She continued to sit trembling on the floor in her diaper, her face downcast.

“Wonder Wimp, pick out one of these bitches for my next little demonstration!” commanded Harley. She grabbed Diana by the hair and pulled her face upward.

“p...please...don't.” begged Diana.

Harley cruelly imitated her faltering voice. “I...I...if y...you...don't want to come back for s..s...seconds, Wonder Wimp, give me a n...n...name!”

Batgirl stepped forward. “I'll go next.” she said. The three super-powered women behind gazed at her in admiration. Her heart was pounding too, but she stood defiantly.

“Didn't ask ya, Bats!” said Harley, making a dismissive gesture. Batgirl's feet carried her backward without her volition.

“Batgirl.” whispered Diana. She felt sick, betraying a friend like this, but the thought of being degraded still further by Harley was unbearable. After all, she had volunteered...

That thought only made her feel worse.

Harley furrowed her brow. “You think I should turn Batgirl into a ridiculous, embarrassing little disgrace like you, Wonder Wimp? Damn, what did she ever do to you? Oh well! Batgirl! Get over here!”

Batgirl again stepped forward. Harley put her hands behind her back and approached with big, exaggerated steps. “Batgirl, Batgirl, Batgirl...this has has been a long time coming.” she said with a mischievous grin.

Batgirl rolled her eyes, but said nothing.

“I've got something here that I think you're going to like.” she continued, trying to sound sly.

“I'll just bet.” said Batgirl. Despite projecting an air of mild annoyance, she was secretly terrified.

“Aren't ya curious what it is?” asked Harley.

A deep, exasperated sigh. “What is it, Harley?” she asked finally.

Harley pulled a chocolate ding-dong from behind her back, although it obviously hadn't been there a second ago.

Batgirl's eyes locked on the chocolate pastry. She obviously knew that some nasty surprise was waiting for her. Who knew what horrors the little cream-filled snack represented? Unfortunately, Batgirl felt her stomach rumble. The smell of the chocolate struck her nose, and the delicious scent combined with the sudden feeling of emptiness made her feel instantly ravenous. As she stared, the need only became more intense. Refusing to reach out and grab the delicious treat when Harley held it out to her was like refusing water after running a marathon. Still, Batgirl held firm. Years of intense training and discipline had honed her inner strength far beyond that of an ordinary mortal. As the hunger continued to grow in intensity, she bit her lip and tried to think of anything else.

Harly brought the pastry closer and closer to her lips, weaving it back and forth. “What's the matter Bats? You don't like my little present? C'monnn! After all that training, one little treat won't hurt!”

The Ding-dong wandered back and forth. Batgirl's eyes involuntarily followed it. The smell was all around her now, growing more sweet and intense by the second. Thoughts of how it would feel to bite into the soft, spongy cake filled her mind. Her mouth watered, and she had to purse her lips to keep herself from drooling. Harley brushed the fudge-dipped shell against her lips.

“I can keep doing this all day, Bats.” whispered Harley seductively. “Give in.”

Sweat broke out on Batgirl's forehead, hidden by her mask. Her hunger was unbelievable now. She felt as though she had been starving for weeks. Every second of this was torture. Her lips parted.

“Whoops!” said Harley, dropping the treat on the marble floor just as she saw Batgirl about to give in. It dented on impact and landed fudge side down, spreading crumbs across the floor.

Harley turned around threw up her hands. “Oh well! You win! Guess you're just too tough for me! Maybe I'll just call off the whole thing! Turn Wondie back to normal, send you all home to the old universe...clearly, if I can't get Batgirl to eat one lousy ding-dong, I just don't have a chance here!”

Batgirl wasn't listening. She was on her knees, eating the chocolate and cream filling straight off the floor. It only occurred to her after she had pressed her chin to the floor and licked up the last crumb with her tongue that she could have just used her hands. She knew that Harley was manipulating her thoughts and feelings just as she had with Diana, but she also knew that the choice had ultimately been hers, and that knowledge utterly sickened her. The shame of the act flowed through her like venom, but still,  it literally was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten.

“Never mind! I guess Batgirl got more of a sweet tooth than I realized!” said Harley, another Ding-dong materializing in her hand. She tossed it on the ground as well, in front of the blushing Batgirl. Batgirl stared at it. The unbelievable feeling of satisfaction the last one had given her was fading fast, replaced with an even stronger need for more. Wincing with the disgrace, she reached out to pick up the  the little cake.

Her hand stopped. “Don't think so!” sand Harley happily. Try as she might, Batgirl found that using her hands was simply not an option. She bent forward and ate the treat off the ground,like a dog.

“Good girl!” said Harley, as Batgirl licked the floor clean. “Let's up the difficulty, shall we?”

Harley turned around, and pulled down her pants. Batgirl's eyes widened, first in horror, then in desire. Harley's butt was suddenly covered by a large chocolate cake. It couldn't have been covered by her jeans, but there it was all the same. “Oh no!” said Harley with mock concern. “How am I supposed to get this cake off my butt?”

“Noooo.” moaned Batgirl as the hunger grew stronger and stronger. She winced. She tried to breathe normally, but her hunger was too intense. The smell in the air were overpowering. Her four fellow heroes could only watch as she slowly approached the fudge-iced confection that covered Harley's ass with gritted teeth.

Slowly at first, then quickly, she bit into the heavenly cake. The cake was cream-filled, and Batgirl took bigger and bigger bites as it disappeared, getting more and more cream and chocolate on her face. Harley moaned in pleasure as Batgirl began licking the sweet cream straight off her bare cheeks. Batgirl was moaning too, the shame of the act fading from her mind behind the sweet, delicious, satisfaction of filling herself with dessert. As the final dollop of cream was licked off Harley's backside, the voice of the narrator began to speak again.

Barbara Gordan was once the keen and highly skilled daughter of Gotham's Police Commissioner! But when she fell into a vat of radioactive cream filling at a snack cake factory, she was irreversibly transformed! Cursed with a bottomless appetite for treats and junk food, Barbara now protects the city as the roly-ploy maiden of flab, Fatgirl! The criminal underworld had better watch out, unless an ice-cream truck is going by!

Fatgirl heard the words, and worse, she knew that they were now true. No longer was she the graceful acrobat, implacable martial artist, and ingenious detective, Batgirl. Her main contributions to crime-fighting were the ability to absorb bullets and smother criminals with her enormous flabby folds. Her intricately designed Kevlar armor fell apart around her as her body expanded. Her tight form-fitting pants were torn to shreds as her butt swelled to many times its previous size. Her utility belt, with all its high tech gadgetry, snapped in half as her belly spilled out over it. Her mask was torn as her chin gained a neighbor, an then another. Her bra had no prayer of containing her new bust.

She cried bitter tears as she looked down at what she had just been turned into.

“Awww, don't cry, Fatgirl!” said Harley, jiggling her belly as it continued to grow. “Your costume was lame anyway! I've got something wayyyy better for you to wear!”

She snapped her fingers. Batgirls's shredded outfit evaporated, replaced with a white tank top, a huge pair of daisy dukes, and blue sandals for her swollen feet. The tank top was tied in a bow to display her giant belly, and the image of a cupcake with an 'F' design decorated it. Only the mask and cowl with pointed ears remained of the Batgirl costume. Barbara, a.k.a. Fatgirl, only cried harder at the change.

Harley walked around her with her finger to her chin, thoughtfully appraising her handywork. She cupped the huge butt cheeks, pinched the drooping belly, jiggled this and wobbled that. Barbara could only stand, bawling in shame. She was blushing so hard that even her chins were pinkish.

“Hmmmm.” said Harly thoughtfully. “I dunno. Its missing something. Y'know I hate to repeat myself like this, but I think I'll go ahead and stick to what works!”

She snapped her fingers. Suddenly, Barbara was lying on her back on the conference table. She looked around in terror, finding that that she was unable to get up. The changing mat was back, and bigger than ever. The bottle of talcum powder and box of wipes were there too, expanded to even more ludicrous sizes. Supergirl, Power Girl, and Zatanna were standing over her. Harley was watching from the podium.

Their eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. Supergirl winced, feeling embarrassed on her friend's behalf. “Barbara! I'm sorry! I don't think we can stop her!” she admitted sadly.

“We sure can't!” said Power Girl excitedly, her eyes now pink and blue. “You're going to be a big ol' Pampers's girl, on top of being a chunker!” With that, Power Girl effortless tore away Barbara's shorts and underwear, leaving her huge butt and swollen crotch exposed. Barbara hid her face.

Zatanna, her eyes also multicolored, pointed her wand at Barbara's bare privates. “Ecnenitnocni Tnenimrep” she chanted. A shower of sparks ran from the wand to Barbara's crotch. Barbara farted loudly as all the muscles that normally served to keep her Batgirl costume clean and dry were softened into uselessness by Zatanna's spell.

“Fatgirl sure does need to be kept in diapers, doesn't she?” said Supergirl happily, her eyes now multicolored. She unfolded a diaper that nearly concealed her whole body.

“Oh, definitely!” agreed Power Girl, easily lifting Barbara's legs so that Supergirl could slide the diaper underneath.

“And she always will.” said Zatanna. She pulled out an enormous baby wipe and gave Barbara's crotch and butt a thorough and wholly unnecessary wiping.

“What a fucking loser!” laughed Supergirl. She hefted the three-foot long shaker of baby powder and showered Barbara's crotch generously.

“But soooo cute!” cooed Power Girl, lifting the front panel into place.

Soon, Fatgirl's size XXXXXL Pampers were securely taped in place. Her mind-controlled friends helped her to her feet, cooing at her like the baby she felt like. They gave her generously padded butt a series of hearty slaps, each one releasing a shower of talcum powder. Barbara continued to moan in shame as the waves wobbled back and forth through the soft bulk of her ass. She now looked more like a ridiculous parody of a sumo wrestler than than the lithe, graceful figure she had been a minute ago. She wondered when this nightmare would ever end. She felt her mouth open involuntarily, and Harley shoved another piece of cake in. Barbara was lost in pleasure as she mindlessly swallowed the sugary treat.

“You like that, don't ya Fatgirl?” said Harley, rubbing Fargirl's belly.

“Mmmmm. Please...stop!” she cried after forcing down the cake.

“Stop?” asked Harley quizzically, holding up another slice of cake. “Stop feeding you? Sure! I can do that.”

The cake vanished from Harley's hand. Barbara's hunger immediately returned with a veangance.

“Noooo!” she whined, knowing what was coming and utterly helpless to stop it. No matter how much she tried to ignore it, she knew that she was now a slave to her own appetite.

“No what, Fatgirl? Do you need something from me?” she asked, her voice dripping with false compassion.

“I...I need it.” admitted Barbara. She was drooling now, and she was beyond caring. She simply had no choice but to capitulate to Harley's demands.

“I know.” said Harley, jiggling Barbara's breasts. “But you have to learn to ask properly.” She leaned forward and whispered into Barbara's ear. Barbara winced and blushed as the conditions of her new existence were laid out. The others watched, knowing that what followed could only be worse that what they had already witnessed. Finally, Harley withdrew, her sadistic smirk firmly in place.

“What do you say?” she asked.

Barbara took a deep breath. “Fatgiwl need cake, Mistwess Hawwey. Fatgiwl need lotsa lotsa cake! Fatgiwl butt need be bigga, Mistwess! Fatgiwl need big, big butt!”

Barbara's face glowed with shame as she spoke, but Harley did indeed reward her. More and more treats were shoved into her mouth, and she swallowed them with growing pleasure.

“Where does Fatgirl belong?” asked Harley, clearly anticipating a specific answer.

“Fatgiwl belong on her big butt Mistwess.” said Barbara, sitting down with a plop on her pillowy ass.

“What does Fatgirl wear?” asked Harley, dangling a twinkie in her face.

“Fatgirl weaw her big diapees, Mistwess.” said Barbara immediately. Harley tossed the twinkie over her head, and she jumped up to eat it like a seal.

“Very gooood!” cooed Harley, rubbing Fatgirl's belly. “What a good  wil chunker! I'm gonna just love feeding your face and making your diaper butt bigger and bigger and bigger! Now, why don't you you tell 'Mistwess Hawwey' who should join you in diapers next?”


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