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This...is...impossible!” groaned Wonder Woman, as she delicately massaged Harley Quinn's shoulder entirely against her will. “How are you doing this?”

“Well, I got a little bored sitting through the mystical mumbo-jumbo, so I'll let my Zatanna Banana explain.” said Harley airily.

“Oooh! Thank you, Mistress Harley!” said Zatanna with a cheerful smile, continuing to rub Harley's foot. “You see guys, I was running around being all independent and junk, and then Harley kissed me with her mind-controlling lipstick! She made me come up with a series of magical rituals to empower her with a ton of supernatural forces! I had to use a lot of the dangerous magical objects I've acquired over the years, but its all worth it if Mistress is pleased! Basically, what we're in now is a pocket dimension entirely controlled by Harley's consciousness. She can do anything here, and she can summon people from Earth and trap them here! We're gonna be totally under her power until she sends us back, if she ever does!” Zatanna's demeanor shifted from excitement to doe-eyed submissiveness. “Did I do a good job, Mistress Harley?”

“Very nice, Zatty Bo-batty! As a reward, here's your old personality back!”

Zatanna's eyes returned to their normal piercing blue. She winced and hung her head, blushing intensely at what she had just said.

“Regardless of what power you have, your victory is temporary.” said Wonder Woman. Despite continuing to massage Harley's shoulder, her voice was like steel. “We will find a way out of this, and when we do, you will pay dearly for this offense to us!”

“Bla bla, how dare you, bla bla, never get away with it.” mocked Harley, rolling her eyes and using her hand as a puppet. “Don't you ever get tired of these speeches? I know I do. I think you need a little break from that tough, heroic attitude of yours. Take it away, narrator guy!”

Wonder Woman felt herself suddenly lifted into the air in front of Harley. As she watched her four compatriots grimace and struggle as they attended to their captor, a familiar voice boomed over the speakers.

The Amazons of Themyscira are some of the bravest and most feared warriors on Earth! But when Diana was born among them, they held their heads and cried in sheer embarrassment! Wussy, Whiny, Prissy, and thoroughly useless in combat, Diana was banished to the world of men, in the vain hope that it might toughen her up!

Wonder Woman seethed with rage as the recording vibrated through her. “That is utter nonsense!” she shouted. “I left my home to redeem the world of men! I earned the respect of both worlds! I will not stand for this...this...”

The words died in her throat. She felt the words sink into her mind. Like a finger flicking back and forth in a magazine, she felt the sound begin to trickle through her mind. She struggled to recall the memories that she knew ought to be there, but every time she looked backward into her own past, she instead found the horrible, twisted version of her story that Harley's twisted mind had devised for her. Memories of her time on Themyscira took on a very different, and very humiliating, tone. As she reflected on the day she was sent out from her home, one of the screens on the wall came to life, displaying the altered memory for all to see.

“Mooooommmmmyyy!” whined Wonder Woman after yet another embarrassing failure in the training arena. “The other Amazons are sooo mean to mee! I'm a pwincess! Why do I gotta learn to fight? All I do is get hurt! Look, I bwoke my nail again!”

Hippolyta pinched the bridge of her nose. Her face was red from humiliation. “How could I have raised such a whiny, spoiled brat? You're an embarrassment to me and to all of Themyscira! Your fighting skills are non-existent, and even when I ask my warriors to go easy on you, you're too much of a weakling to even face them! Even the lightest blows send you screaming and crying for mercy! I've had enough of your pathetic excuses! Until you've gained the courage and skills expected of an Amazon, I can no longer shelter you here. You, Diana, are banished from this island. Go and make your home in Man's World, where pathetic weaklings belong!

“Mommmyyy! No! I'll be good! I'll try harder! Don't send me away! Please!”

As the screen mercifully faded to black, the booming voice returned.

Determined to prove her worth in spite of her pitiful lack of courage, Diana was forced to ally herself with the only league desperate enough to take her in. Look out, forces of evil! Its...Wonder Wimp!”

“It's a lie!” screamed Diana, her voice become weaker and whinier by the second. “It's not true! It can't be!”

“It's true now, Wonder Wimp!” jeered Harley from Batgirl's back. Suddenly, the force that had held Diana aloft gave out, dropping her down to the conference table. She landed gracelessly, right onto her butt. Diana felt the incredibly mild pain that the fall had caused. It was nowhere close to being the worst pain she could remember. A moment ago, she would have barely noticed it. Yet now, it felt so urgent, so immediate. It pierced her very soul with its minor discomfort.

Diana felt her eyes blur with tears. Her bottom lip quivered. Every part of her felt so weak, so delicate, like she was made of spun glass. Her butt felt like a ripe peach, ready to bruised by the slightest pressure. A high-pitched sound began in the back of her throat, gradually gaining strength.

“wwwwwWWWAAAAHAAAHAA!!!” cried Wonder Woman as she sat on her butt. Everything was beyond her control, even, or maybe especially, her own emotions. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Her face was red and puffy. Even her nose began pouring freely.

Harley Quinn leapt from Batgirl's back, somersaulted across the podium and landed on her feet next to the bawling superhero. “Awwww! Did somebody fall down on her widdle bum-bum?” she asked in her most saccharine tone.

“Aaaawwwwaahaaahaa!” cried Diana, recoiling from her tormentor. “Stoooopp itt! I'm a hewo! Imma wawwiuh! Change mmeee baaaack!”

“A wawwiuh huh?” asked Harley, lifting Diana's chin in one hand. “nooo, I don't think so, Wonder Wimp! You're just an adorable little weakling who needs someone to comfort her and tell her everything is gonna be okay!”

“Noooo!” whined the newly-minted wimp. Harley began rubbing her butt through her star-spangled panties. To her further shame, her enemy's gentle rubbing motion actually made her feel better.

Harley pulled a large, white handkerchief out of thin air like a stage magician. “Blow, Wonder Wimp.” she ordered. Diana noisily blew her nose, and Harley delicately wiped her face.

“Let's see if you've learned your lesson, Wondie.” said Harley, her voice dripping with sarcastic compassion. “Are you still a big, tough, brave hero?”

Diana struggled with herself, trying to muster her courage. Where was it? It had always been there before. “You...you can't do this to meeeeheee!”

Harley pursed her lips. “Oh, Wondie. We both know that's not true. Do you know what happens to little girls who tell fibs, Wonder Wimp?”

` Diana didn't know, but she winced in terror at Harley's words. Her tormentor leaned in close and whispered in her ear.

“They...get...spankies.” she said, punctuating her statement with a very half-hearted slap to Diana's backside. The Amazonian warrior princess screamed in pain at the impact. She stuck her face in Harley's shoulder as the villain again rubbed her slightly sore rump.

“There, there. Its all over now. Can you tell me the truth, little Wondie?” asked Harley.

“I...I...I nodda wowwiuh no mowe!” moaned Diana into Harley's shoulder. She felt her back being patted condescendingly.

“And what are you now, sweet-cheeks?”

“A wimp!” she cried. “A wuss, a cowwad, an embawwassmenn!”

“Very good!” said Harley softly. “You're doing so well! I think somebody deserves a little cushioning to protect that soft, delicate bum-bum of hers, doesn't she?”

Diana's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't be serious! Even the shame she had already faced would be minor compared to that! “Wh...what?”

Harley embraced her and rocked her back and forth. “You need some padding on that butt of yours, Wonder Wimp! And you're going to beg me for it. You're gonna beg for it like the pitiful little thing you are, or I'm gonna put you over my knee and give you the spanking of your life! You don't want that, do you, Wonder Wimp?”

Diana sobbed. Her pride was wrestling with her fear, and her fear was wining handily.

“I can't hear you, Wonder Wimp.” said Harley gently.

“Pweeese! Pweese put me in diapuhs, Hawwweee!” she cried, feeling utterly and thoroughly defeated.

Harley's eyes went wide. She stuck a finger to her chin, as though the notion were just now occurring to her. “Huh? I was just gonna stick a pillow down your pants! But hey, if you insist! I guess it's diapey time for Wonder Wimp!

Harley sat Wonder Wimp down on her back. A pink and blue changing pad materialized under her. Her four comrades could only stare in horror as her degradation was made complete. With soft puffs of smoke, a giant shaker of talcum powder and a box of wipes came into being.

“Say bye-bye to your big-girl panties, Wonder Wimp!” chuckled Harley, as she pulled them down Diana's legs.

Diana covered her eyes in shame.

“That wasn't a suggestion.” warned Harley.

“Buh...bye-bye.” said Wonder Wimp, giving a little wave.

Harley laughed. With a theatrical flourish, she materialized a diaper in her hands. It was thick, glossy, and decorated with tiny pairs of pink 'W's.

“Lift your delicate widdle bummy-bum!” ordered Harley. Diana obeyed. The diaper was slid under her. She felt Harley gently wipe her every fold and crevasse with the wipes. She winced at the slight coldness. Soon, a shower of baby powder coated her nethers in soft fluffiness. The diaper actually did feel unbelievably soft and comfortable as it tightened around her delicate rump.

“There we are!” sang Harley, giving Diana's nose a tweak. She was clearly having the time of her life. “A cute little baby doll for my personal toybox! Who's next?”


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