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Rose sat back down and drew from the commoner deck, giving everyone present a dirty look.

                                                                           The Prisoner

                                          Bound in iron, weighed down with lead.

                       Place this card face up in front of you. Discard it when a one or a six is rolled. The player to your right rolls in your stead until then.

A rattling of chains was heard from the wall of the kitchen. Rose jumped up from her chair and ran toward the door, but it was already too late. Chains emerged from wall, writhing in the air like tentacles. One encircled Rose's wrist. More grabbed her arms and legs. She thrashed and kicked at them, but they dragged her backward and pinned her to the wall. Soon they stopped moving, when every bit of Rose except her mouth was completely immobilized.

There was a pause. Then, Staci, Stacy, and Chelsea began cheering and applauding.

Rose groaned and rolled her eyes.“I'm gonna be out of this in no time, idiots! How long do you think it'll be before a one or a six is rolled? That's probably, like two turns!”

“That's true.” squeaked Staci. “Still, all we need is one challenge without her interfering to get rid of one of these stupid “Punishments”. Stacy, you're next. Let's hope its a red.”

With another loud, whistling fart, Stacy grabbed the die and rolled. She got a two. She chose the  flat pawn and pushed it forward to a white square. It transformed into a her exact likeness, right down to the buck teeth, the bulge around her crotch, and the load accumulating behind her.

Chelsea exhaled. “That could have been way worse.”

“White. A “Blessing”. I hope those do what I think they do.” squeaked Stacy.

Stacy really hoped that this game had something in it besides failure and humiliation. If it did, it should be in the white deck. She close her eyes tight as she drew the card and placed it on the table.

                                                                                     The Honey

                                   Anything can be sweet and delicious. And a little sticky.

                       Place this card on top of one card of your choice that is face up in front of you. These two cards will  now treated as a single card, and cannot be removed by Challenges.

Stacy read the card over and over, trying to make sense of it. Chelsea and Staci did the same.

“Well?” shouted Rose from her position on the wall. “Don't leave me in suspense!”

“It's really weird.” said Chelsea thoughtfully. “It just says 'The Whore', and there's a picture of you and an entire football team.”

Staci snickered, which sounded weird in her new voice. Rose just groaned and rolled her eyes.

Stacy was not amused. Another blast of diarrhea landed in her adult diaper. “Can you please take this seriously? If I'm reading this right, I have to put this on The Skunk. Does that mean I can never get rid of this?” She gestured to her diapered rear, which was still slowly filling up.

Staci put her hand on Stacy's. “It's okay. Whatever it is, we'll all deal with it. I think it's still a positive effect of some kind, but I'm not sure what kind. Just put the card down and we'll see what happens.”

Stacy put The Honey on top of The Skunk. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then the cards started to bend and twist together, folding like origami. Stacy backed away from the table, wondering what horror she would face next. For a second, there was nothing in her mind except the awful stench of her poop in the air and the disgusting feeling of it on her butt. Then, it all began to change.

Stacy felt her heart rate drop. The fear and anxiety she had felt since starting this game, and even since arriving at this house, seemed to drop away all at once. Everything around her began to change, yet it also stayed exactly the same. The smell in the air was the same smell. The feeling of the messy diaper was the same feeling. And yet, Stacy felt a smile break out on her face. The scent of baby powder filled the air, changing the character of the smell entirely. The warmth of her diaper intensified. Her poop no longer felt disgusting. The smell was pleasant and relaxing, like a perfume. Instead of a grown woman forced to crap herself in front of her new sisters, she felt like a happy, well-cared-for infant in a nursery. Her diaper felt warm and squishy, and that made her whole being feel warm and squishy, as though she was constantly being given a big hug by someone she loved and trusted. She grinned at Chelsea and Staci as they stared at her in horrified fascination. She didn't mind. There was no longer room in her soul for embarrassment or fear. Only happiness and comfort.

She looked at herself. Her outfit had transformed. Her pants and shoes had vanished, leaving her legs bare. Her diaper was exposed, and what a diaper it was. It wasn't a medical diaper, intended for adults with continence issues. It was shamelessly and outrageously thick and babyish. It forced her legs apart with its sheer bulk. Across the front panel and all over the butt were colorful little pictures of pacifiers, rattles, teddy bears, and safety pins.

Stacy looked up, and giggled at the three slack-jawed expressions. She squeezed her legs together, feeling the soft bulk against her vagina. She slapped her butt as hard as she could, and was delighted when she barely felt the impact through the thick padding. She rubbed the glossy plastic backing up and down, feeling the smoothness of the material. She loved her diaper. That thought bounced around in her brain, making her feel silly. She loved everything about it, the smell, the texture, the way it made her move. She even loved the fact that her friends could see her in it.

“Look! Everybody! Look!” she cried gleefully, as though everyone's eyes weren't already glued to her enormous padded ass. “I got-ta dia-per! I got-ta dia-per!” she sang as she waved her padded rear at her three companions. “Dirty, dirty, stinky diaper!”

“I...” started Rose. “I can't even...” For once, she seemed completely at a loss for words. How were you supposed to poke fun at someone so utterly shameless?

“Stacy?” squeaked Staci. “How are you, uh...how are you doing over there?”

Stacy dropped to the ground, rolling around on top of her huge mess. She loved the feeling of her poop being smashed back and forth within the confines of her diaper. She wasn't the least bit worried that it would leak. The feeling of security was overwhelming. She trusted her diaper completely. “I feel great! I love this thing! Being in diapers is the best! Ooh, I gotta make more poopies!”

She giggled as a fresh round of farts and squelches emerged from her butt.

Chelsea rested her head on her arm. “This game is just all kinds of fucked up.” she muttered.

“Stacy, can you sit down at the table for me?” squeaked Staci. Stacy jumped up and eagerly ran over to her seat. She gasped in pleasure as her mess pressed against the chair. Staci and Chelsea, having put it off thus far out of politeness and solidarity, grabbed their noses.

“Are you, like, still in there, Stacy? Do you understand what's going on?” asked Staci. With her nose pinched shut, she sounded a little like Donald Duck.

Stacy giggled. “Yeah, Staci, I'm good! I just feel a lot better now. I don't feel bad about my diapees now! I wanna keep wearing them forevers and evers! But I still have my brains, and I'm gonna help you guys win this game! It'll be fun!”

“Right.” said Chelsea. “Cuz it's been such a goddamn blast so far.”

“It's your turn!” called Rose from the wall. “Hurry up!”

The three at the table looked at each other. Without speaking, they reached a consensus.

A few minutes later, Chelsea was ready to roll. Stacy had spent the break giving Rose a front row seat view of her diaper while Chelsea and Staci took a break in the back garden.

“Nothing like fresh air!” said Chelsea as they filed back in and took their seats.

“You guys suck.” snarled Rose. She had tried her best to mock and belittle Stacy, but it was just hopeless. Stacy found that she just couldn't feel bad with a dirty diaper on ass, and being remind of it over and over just made it even better.

Chelsea rolled the die and got a five. She chose the pawn with the pointed head, and moved over the same space as The Fool, which was red. Rose muttered angrily to herself.

“Alright.” squeaked Staci, rubbing her hands together. “Good roll. We can choose between commoner and royal for this one. What do you think?”

Chelsea stroked her chins. “Hmm. Royal probably means a harder challenge, but also a bigger payout if we succeed.”

“Plus...” said Stacy happily, still waving her diapered rear in Rose's face. “...Rose might be free to stop us next turn, so this could be our best chance at clearing a Royal challenge without having to deal with all  her stupid bullshit!”

“On the other hand,” warned Staci. “we all have black cards that weaken us or slow us down, and Other Stacy's white card doesn't seem all that practical. No offense.”

“None taken.” said Stacy, playing with her squishy butt.

“...so it might make more sense to try for something a little easier, and save the royal challenges for when we have a bigger advantage. Still, it's totally up to you. You're the one who's taking the risk, either way.”

Chelsea thought it over. “No. We can go big or go home, and we can't even go home. Royal it is.”

“That's the spirit!” cheered Stacy. Staci nodded gravely as Chelsea reached for deck.

                                                                             The Cavern

              A set of caves has opened up. At the back of one of them is a treasure. Touch the treasure within five minutes.

             Success- Draw one royal white card. Remove a silver coin from each black card you have, and discard any that do not have a coin.

              Failure- Add a silver coin to each black card in front of you. If none are available, draw a black card instead. Move back 2 spaces, but do not draw another card.

The hourglass rose from the board, indicating that the timer had started. A loud crashing sound came from down below, vibrating the entire kitchen. Chelsea rose from her chair, wincing at how much harder it was to move with at least an extra fifty pounds weighing her down.

“Clock is running! Let's move!”

The trio ran out the back door and pulled open the cellar door. They realized that none of them were breaking any speed records with their new curses. Stacy found that running was a lot harder with thick padding between her legs, although it was a lot more fun. Staci was actually lighter than she had been, but that was mostly countered by having shorter legs. It wasn't long before Chelsea was breathing hard, but she had a look of determination as she pounded her way forward. She knew she would be in real pain before long, but the prospect of losing all this weight in one go was a very strong motivator.

The cellar was utterly destroyed. The cinder block floor had collapsed, as though a sinkhole had formed. A massive cave stretched away, deep down into the earth. Burning torches lined the walls. The three transformed women picked their way over the piles of broken and scattered masonry.

“This place is awesome! It's like a dungeon from a video game.” said Stacy as she waddled along.

Chelsea was huffing and puffing as she charged down into the earth. At least it was downhill. “...which means...(huff)...that there's gonna...(huff)...be something nasty waiting for us...(huff)...goddamn this is hard!”

As the trio ran forward into the darkness, they began to spot strange objects along the wide tunnel. Large cookies, cakes, ice-cream cones, and other pastries began to appear, as well as large wedges of yellow cheese with holes, and giant stuffed animals.

“Great!” squeaked Staci. “this place has a theme.”

“More than one.” observed Stacy. Stacy was surprised at how little their surroundings concerned her. Her ridiculous diaper seemed to cast a sheen of unreality onto her surroundings, doubling the dream-like atmosphere of the cave.

Up ahead, the tunnel abruptly divided in two. There was a sound of a trickling stream coming from up ahead. Between the two paths was a crude stone monolith lit by torches on either side. Carved into it were the words “Speak my name, and I come to an end.”

“Goddamn that stream sounds wonderful.” panted Chelsea. “I should...(huff)... have brought water. So thirsty.”

“No time!” squeaked Staci, already running down the right tunnel. “It's this way! There's no sound this way.”

“What does...(huff)... that have to do with it?”

“C'mon Chelsea!” said Stacy, waddling down the corridor after Staci. “That's such an easy one!”

Chelsea was really tempted to head toward the sound of water, but she knew that time was running out. Realizing that her companions were probably right, she focused on her breathing and followed them. Luckily, Chelsea was in quite good shape underneath her newly expanded fat folds. She would have left her two companions far behind if not for the black card.

She heard a high- pitched squeal from up ahead, followed by another. Hearing her new sisters in danger, she suddenly found herself picking up the pace. The tunnel turned and twisted as she ran, and more and more random items began to appear along the sides. Suddenly, the cave opened up into a small clearing, where she saw what had scared the Stacy(i)s.

Staci was backed into a corner. A huge, upright, animated gingerbread man was closing in on her, his shapeless arms reaching out to capture the diminished woman. On the opposite side, Stacy was being dog-piled by a team of animated teddy bears. She screamed and kicked and punched at the plush monsters, but their just too many of them. Chelsea wondered if she would be better off running past these two and going straight for the treasure. After all, she could only guess how much time remained. But no, she had agreed to face this game with them as a team, and she would do so.

First, she ran at the gingerbread man and body-checked him, bearing him to the ground and crushing him under her weight. As big and mobile as he was, he still fell apart like any cookie. Staci helped her up, and together the ran to rescue Stacy. The bears were light enough that Chelsea was able to grab one and use it to bash the others. Even Staci, in her reduced size, was able to grab one and stop it from rejoining the fray. The trio managed to disentangle themselves and retreat further down the tunnel. Even slowed down and tired, the bears had no chance of catching up on the their soft, waddling feet.

The tunnel rapidly narrowed, until Chelsea found herself having to squeeze through. She emerged into a much larger cavern. The ground was littered with oversize objects matching the themes of the three women's curses. In addition to cheese, various deserts, and giant stacks of disposable diapers, they're were a few large mouse traps, readied and baited with cheese. There were no torches in here. The only light came from the top of a giant two-layer cake at the back of the cavern. A beam of light illuminated a golden treasure chest sitting atop the giant pastry. The cavern was so large that the corners could not be seen in the light from the treasure.

They began picking their way through the thick carpet of junk. Staci had the easiest time slipping through the gaps between the large objects. She reached the edge of the cake easily, but when she tried to climb up, she only slid down with her hands full of buttercream frosting.

“I need a boost!” she squeaked. “Hurry!”

Chelsea was already hurrying, which was why she kept tripping over the various objects. Exhaustion made it even harder to coordinate herself.

Then, out of the darkness, came a sound that none of them wanted to hear.


Staci screamed when she saw it. It was a commonplace, ginger-furred, Felis Domesticus. A common housecat, but bigger than an elephant. It's huge white paws slid over the giant clutter easily, its grace still cat-like in spite of its ludicrous size. It was headed straight for Staci as she desperately tried to climb the cake.

Chelsea lost no time. As terrified as she was, she knew that this cat could gobble them all up and still have room for more. Even if it wasn't hungry, it would just beat them to death for shits and giggles, because cats of every size are assholes. Chelsea wasn't as big a nerd as Staci or Stacy, but she had played Zelda, so she wasn't totally at sea. She positioned herself behind one of the huge mouse-traps and attempted to lure the giant cat away from Staci, in the best way she could think of on short notice.

“Here, kitty kitty kitty! Here kitty!” she shouted at the massive creature. She grabbed her generously padded belly and jiggled it alluringly at the monster. “Ooh, doesn't that look rich and tasty? Come and get it, pussykins!”

Meanwhile, Stacy reached the base of the cake. She grabbed Staci around the waist and lifted her up onto the second layer. Staci realized almost immediately upon getting to her feet that they were in major trouble. The surface of the cake was so soft that even her feet sank in up to the calf. She was covered in frosting. She realized that even if Stacy could climb up, there was no way she could lift Staci up to the top layer without sinking herself into the cake. Getting Chelsea up here in any way didn't bear thinking about. Their only chance was for Staci to reach the top on her own, and that was even more impossible on this yielding surface than it had been below. What could she possibly do now?

The cat turned and ran at Chelsea. It's feet, despite their padding, vibrated the rock floor as it came. The color drained from Chelsea's face as she realized that this could easily be how she died. She wouldn't have guessed death by giant underground-dwelling housecat if she had had a billion guesses.

When the cat's paw landed beside her, carefully avoiding the mouse-trap as though it were a coffee mug, she knew she was in trouble. The cat's paw became a blur, and it swatted Chelsea across a huge chocolate croissant and into a stack of diapers. In spite of all the cushioning, the cat could easily have shattered every bone she if had meant to. Evidently, it was in playful mood. She sat choking on the soft diapers, the wind having been knocked from her lungs.

Stacy was suddenly in front of her. She turned and aimed her diaper-butt at the monstrous cat. The cat shut its eyes as the appalling stench hit it like a sledgehammer. It jumped back in disgust, its foot landing on the mouse-trap.

“Reeeeaaaaaoooow!!!” it screamed in feline terror and pain.

Meanwhile, Staci had been hard at work. Taking her “Mouse” curse to heart, she had chosen to burrow through the cake rather than climb it. The soft pastry tore apart with ease, and she found that she could pull chunks nearly as big as herself out with no difficulty. She soon reached the treasure and hefted it up. It was heavy, but a good throw could still send it a decent distance. She looked out across the cavern. She suspected that Chelsea was the one who had to acquire it to win the challenge. Thinking quickly, she spotted two mouse traps that were lined up in the way she needed. With all her remaining strength, she chucked the golden chest.

Chelsea was dazed and bruised, but otherwise unhurt as Stacy helped her up off the stack of diapers. Judging by their size, they must have been intended for baby elephants. Ignoring the awful stench, she pulled Stacy into an embrace.

“Thank you.” she whispered to the diapered woman. She was brought back to reality (or what passed for it tonight) by the sound of two loud metallic clangs. The cat, still struggling to free its injured paw from the trap, spun round to look as the golden treasure chest spun through the air. Staci had thrown it into one trap, which in turn had launched it into another trap, which had sent into a stack of chocolate-chip cookies the size of truck tires, which had deposited it quite close to where Chelsea and Stacy stood. As Chelsea lunged at the shining box, she heard an incredibly high-pitched squeal of triumph coming from the top of the cake.


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