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Part 6

“Captain! Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!” said Dr. Wonan Nixila as she turned the corner. She had tears in her eyes.

“Doctor!” said Ara, still carrying Tamar over her shoulder. “What happened to you? Your uniform...”

Wonan blushed intensely, but she saw that she wasn't the only one wearing a humiliating outfit. Tamar's padded bottom was as visible as her own. She turned and showed the back of her neck to the captain. The pinkish remains of her surgery were still faintly visible.

“They got me, Captain. I was one of the first. I've been forced to watch while they put these devices in everyone who has gone through sickbay.”

Ara carefully sat Tamar on the ground. She rested her back against the wall of the corridor.

“How many?” asked the captain, fearing the answer.

“Seventeen.” said Wonan sadly.

Captain Lee hung her head. That was better than half the crew. She cursed under her breath, but forced herself to remain focused. She hadn't allowed Tamar to give up, and she couldn't either. “Commander Basu?”

Dr. Nixila nodded. “She's still in there, Captain. I can sense her feelings, even from here.”

Captain Lee felt her eyes burn. “Is she...in pain?”

Wonan shook her head. “She was, but not now. She is...in ecstasy, Captain. She has given in. She had planned to only pretend to give in, but...you don't know what it's like, Captain! The way they can make you feel...”

“Stay with me, Doctor. I need tactical info. What can you tell me about those devices? Is there a way to deactivate them? Remove them?”

Wonan shook her head again. “They replace part of the spinal cord. Beam them out, remove them surgically, or cut them off from transmission, and the result is the same. I'm sorry. You may have to accept that there is no saving us. Even if you can somehow regain control of the computer, we are done for.”

“I can't accept that.” said Captain Lee. It wasn't a shout of defiance. It was simply a statement of fact.

“Captain, this situation is dire” said Tamar, the graveness of her tone greatly undermined by her new attire. “Rescuing even part of the crew may require great effort and sacrifice. Perhaps even some...fortuitous circumstances.”

Captain Lee smirked in spite of herself. Even after everything she had just been through, Tamar could not bring herself to invoke the human concept of “luck”.

“The situation is indeed dire, but I do not bow to it. You and Wonan and Priti's lives are not negotiable. I will save you, no matter what it takes. Wonan, unless you have something else to contribute, I suggest you stay here while we retake sickbay.”

“They have control of the medical hologram. Your phaser won't protect you from her.” warned Wonan.

“I am aware of that. I will take precautions. Dunmore, let's move!”


The doors of sickbay slid open with a light hiss. Captain Lee entered, alone. Priti lay moaning on a medical bed, decked out in a ridiculous outfit identical to the one Wonan wore. A device like a steel mask was covering her eyes and ears.

“Priti! Can you hear me? Are you alright?” called the captain. She swept the phaser around the room, warily.

“Welcome, Captain.” said the EMH, materializing near Priti's writhing form. “I would not attempt anything foolish, were I you. I can snuff out your first officer like a candle if I choose, as well as your two friends outside.”

“So, are you the one who tried to take over my ship?” demanded Captain Lee.

“Oh, I'd say we're well past “tried”, Captain. What do you think of the new uniform I've created for your crew? I think it'll look just great on you.” said the holographic woman in a sweet, nurturing voice as she stepped forward. Her body began to fade as she stepped forward. Half her body disappeared before she took a step back.

“We have disabled all but one of the holo-emitters in this room.” said Ara. “I left you that one, (she pointed at it with her phaser pointedly) so that we could have a conversation.”

“That was good thinking, Captain, but I'm afraid you are too late. This holographic program of yours has been of tremendous use to me, of course, but it is hardly essential to my plans. Your ship is mine, as is the majority of your crew. I have already defeated you, Captain, and watching you learn to accept that fact will be most entertaining.” said the hologram with a warm, caring smile.

Captain Lee's poker face was on full display. “I wouldn't celebrate just yet, whoever you are. I've locked the helm controls. Without my access code, this ship will stay exactly where it is.”

The hologram shook her head sadly, as though she had to reveal to a small child that Santa did not exist. “Ah yes, your access codes. I remind you, Captain, that I have locked you out of navigational controls. Without my approval, you can't move the ship either. You are trapped here. I control the shields that keep the deadly ionic discharges at bay. I control the replicators that your crew relies on for food and water. I also control the neural impulses that keep Little Priti's heart beating and her diaphragm contracting. In short, your survival now depends on my cooperation. You cannot beat me, Captain.”

Captain Lee suspected all of this, but to have it spelled out still frightened her. She gritted her teeth, refusing to be dominated. “Why are you doing this to us? Who are you? What do you want?”

“Ifit helps, you can think of me as one of those little trickster spirits from your world's myths.” said the hologram with an infuriating little smirk. “I was created by the Tumoh Qew, as I already essentially told you. Dozens of my kind were created, and scattered throughout the nebula like mines. My purpose was twofold: to protect the secret fortress of my creators, and to gather vessels and servants for them to use as they see fit. I myself sat in the darkness for centuries, waiting for some poor fools to pick me up and try to understand me.”

“You are an artificial intelligence? Like the EMH?” asked Captain Lee, trying to keep the hologram talking.

“I am quite a bit more sophisticated than your little toy, Captain. My creators had nothing but time with which to perfect their technological artistry, and they used many captured vessels such as your own to learn still  more. When I interfaced with your systems, it was quite simple to co-opt your hologram, along with all your other systems. Some of your vessel's systems cannot function without direct intervention, of course, such as your helm control and your transporter technology. Still, I have enough to work with. You will bend to my will, Captain, or your crew will pay the price for your stubbornness.”

Captain Lee narrowed her eyes. “Release Priti. Then we will talk.”

“But we are talking now, Captain, and your first officer is having such a good time! I'm filling her mind with lots of wonderful new ideas, which will serve her well in her new existence.”

“What new existence?” asked the Captain, although she suspected the answer.

“You and your crew have been captured by the Tumoh Qew, Captain. You will travel to their fortress, where you will spend the remainder of your lives serving their every wish. You will be cowed, broken down, and humiliated over and over, and you will love every moment of it. I must say, your specie's susceptibility to humiliation is greater than most. What an effect a simple absorbent undergarment has on your sense of self-worth! I can't wait to please my creators by finally bringing home my prize after all these years.” said the smiling blonde woman.

“How long have you been floating in the nebula?” asked the Captain.

The smile on the hologram's face flickered for a moment. She had not expected that question. “That is irrelevant to our discussion.”

“Humor me. How long?”

“Two hundred forty-eight years, if you must know.” said the hologram, no longer smiling.

“Then what makes you so certain that your creators still exist? A lot can happen in a couple of centuries. They may have died out, or moved to a new location, or been attacked by someone else. Your purpose may be obsolete.” said the Captain.

“As I stated, Captain, irrelevant. I will fulfill my purpose by bringing your ship to their fortress. Nothing you say will ever persuade me to abandon my core objective.” said the hologram.

“Be that as it may,” said Captain Lee, sensing an advantage, “what would you do if we travel to this fortress and find no one there? What would you do then?”

“This discussion has no meaning to me, Captain. They will be there, and I will bring you to them. It cannot be otherwise.” said the hologram, her voice no longer even imitating good cheer.

“No? What if I destroy the ship? You know that I can.” said Captain Lee.

“I know that you will not. Few captains would be so uncaring of their own lives, let alone those of their crew. You are not so cold and heartless and you may like me to imagine, Captain. Your threat is empty.” said the hologram.

“Your threats are empty. You won't kill any of us. It isn't your way. You want to break our wills and turn us into your puppets. Can't do that if we're dead.”

The hologram chuckled humorlessly. “Oh Captain, do not imagine that the Tumoh Qew are any sort of pacifists. I would prefer to bring you all back to my creators alive, but if a few must die to complete that goal, well...which of your crew are your favorites, would you say? I wonder what you would do to save just little Priti here, or your dear little crybaby Tamar?”

“If you harm any of them, I will make sure that you never reach your destination. That is a promise. As for my other threat, death is preferable to existence as your slaves. I will destroy the ship before I will allow that.” said Ara.

The hologram was smiling again, and it was not a warm, pleasant smile. “Oh? Well, I suppose you might as well start your little countdown them, because I promise you, if this ship still exists, I will  bring it to my creators, and I will ensure that you and your crew are in suitable condition to be accepted by them. Go on. Kill yourself, and all the people who counted on you to keep them safe. I'll wait.”

Ara seethed inwardly. This program was not going to be easy to fool. It was truly a sophisticated artificial intelligence. There had to be another way.

“We could find another way.” said Captain Lee, out loud.

The hologram's grin widened. “Oh, could we? How delightful.”

“I consider the odds that anyone is waiting for you at the location they gave you two-and-a-half centuries ago to be fairly small. Things change. You don't have to accept that, but it is true.” said Ara.

“Go on.” said the hologram, still grinning.

“You can't get where you want to go without my crew's cooperation. That is a fact. If we fight you, you will end up floating in this nebula by yourself all over again.” said Captain Lee.

The hologram pursed her lips and waved her head from side to side, in an unconvincing display of doubt.

“I am willing to order my crew to give you the cooperation you need.” said Ara, baiting the hook.

“But...” said the hologram, drawing out the word.

“But I will need certain concessions. Certain assurances. If you want my help, you have to make it worth my while.”

“Are the lives of your crew not sufficient motivation?” asked the hologram, her bullshit cheerful demeanor reasserting itself.

“You won't kill them. They're your prizes, should you win our bet.” said Captain Lee.

“Bet?” asked the hologram.

“I'm betting that your creators are long gone. You cannot contemplate such an eventuality, so naturally you will bet the opposite. If you're right, I will agree to place myself and my crew at the disposal of your creators. If I win, you will likewise serve us. You will assist us in removing or neutralizing those devices. Since it would be impossible for you to complete your core objective in that circumstance, you would be losing nothing by agreeing to my terms.”

The hologram tapped her finger against her chin. “And in exchange...”

Captain Lee hesitated. It was a desperate plan, and no one, least of all Tamar, was going to like it. Still, as she had herself said, circumstances were dire, and sacrifices had to be made.“In exchange, my crew and I will spend the journey doing exactly as you desire. You will not be permitted to kill us, cause us pain or injury, alter us permanently, or install any more of your devices, but everything else is on the table. We will dress ourselves, eat, sleep, and perform our duties according to your dictates. We will not resist, sabotage the ship, or attempt to undermine your control. We will go straight and without delay to your Tumoh Qew fortress, and once there, we will either become your slaves, or you will do everything in your power to serve us. You won't get a better offer.”

“What assurance do I have that you will keep your word?” asked the hologram.

“You have our records. You know what the word of a Starfleet officer, especially mine, is worth. You, likewise, were created with the values of your creators. For all their underhandedness and deviancy, even they wouldn't just break their word of honor. Certainly not when there is no advantage to be had by doing so. Are you willing to make a deal with me? Conflict between us is in neither of our interests.”

There was a long pause. Priti continued to moan and sweat as the two stared at each other across the sickbay.

The hologram raised her hand. “I swear to abide by the conditions you have set, provided that you also keep your word. No pain, injuries, installations, or deaths for your crew, and in the absurd event that my creators are not there to receive you, I will put myself entirely at your disposal.”

Captain raised her hand. “If you abide by those conditions, I and my crew will obey your every command, until we reach our destination. Then, if your creators are there, we will surrender to them.”

The hologram clapped her hands. Priti stopped writhing, and the mask she wore audibly powered down. “Wonderful. We will have such fun together, Captain. I release Priti to you as a show of good faith. Another hour or two and the effects of my device on her psyche would have become permanent. As it is, she will recover in a week or two.”

“Recover from what?” asked Ara.

“You'll see. I expect you to return my show of good faith, Captain. Listen carefully.”


Tamar, Wonan, and Crewman Dunmore waited nervously in the corridor outside sickbay. Dunmore had emerged from the Jefferies tube that ran over sickbay mere moments after the Captain entered. Tamar had given her very specific instructions on how to disable the power conduits that fed the holo-emitters.

When she emerged, Dunmore was surprised to see Wonan embracing Tamar. This was surprising because Tamar did not appear to resist the Betazoid's attempt to comfort her. She rested her head against Wonan's shoulder as the doctor gently stroked her back. Dunmore privately thought that the two of them looked adorable, if more than a little ridiculous, but she was smart enough to keep these thoughts to herself. Even dressed in diapers and humiliating outfits, they were still her superior officers.

Everyone jerked to attention as the sickbay doors slid open. The captain stepped out into the corridor, leading Commander Basu by the hand. Captain Lee looked grim, but more relaxed than she had been. Basu looked dazed, as though she were heavily intoxicated or extremely sleepy.

“Captain!” called Dunmore. She immediately bit her tongue in embarrassment. There were four of the command crew present, and she had not been given permission to speak. Just because she had been asked to accompany the captain for a brief period did not make them equals.

“At ease. I'll explain what happened on the way to the bridge. But first, I have a special assignment for you, Dunmore.” said Captain Lee.

“Yes, Captain?” said Dunmore, nervous but ready for action.

“I have struck a bargain with our captor. Well, more like a conditional surrender. It was the only way to ensure everyone's survival.”

This news was greeted with looks of confusion from Wonan and Dunmore and tired resignation from Tamar.

“We will have to comply with her wishes for the time being. As such, Dunmore, you are officially reassigned. Until otherwise noted, you will be serving as the Captain's Nanny.”

“N..nanny?” said Dunmore, her face heating up.

“I'm sorry, but this is the best option we have. This artificial intelligence is programmed to humiliate us, and to appease it we will have to humiliate ourselves. As such, crewman, you are ordered to take me out of this uniform, and put me in an outfit similar to those worn by Wonan and Tamar. Everyone is getting a new uniform, but I've got to have mine on immediately as a show of good faith.”

Dunmore's eyes were wide with confusion. “I..um, Captain...couldn't you put it on yourself?”

Captain Lee sighed. “Yes, but that wouldn't be as humiliating as having you do it for me. In addition, you are ordered to address me as Baby Ara, and speak to me in the most condescending tone you can manage. In your new position, you will be in charge of caring for all my physical and emotional needs. A full set of instructions will be in your duty roster soon. Do you understand?”

Dunmore was struggling with this, but she was a trained Starfleet crewman. “Yes Ca...er. Baby Ara. I can handle that.”

“Thank you. We'll all be needing a diaper change before long, I suspect. I'll take care of Baby Wonnie and Crybaby if you take care of me. Is everyone clear?”

“I...this...this is...” Wonan gave up.

Tamar embraced her and patted her back. “Yes, Baby Ara, we understand.”


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