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Warning: The following is an AB/DL-themed fantasy story. Includes scenes of mind control, dubious consent, spanking, ass-kissing, and a variety of fetishes. Reader discretion is advised.

Part 6

Larry, Princess Boom-Boom, and Nurse Wipes agreed to stay in the basement and hide until we returned. Megan, Dr. Yamamoto, and I headed out. The “alternate route” Suki had devised took us though a plexiglass window on Level One. I have to say, there is something viscerally satisfying about the ability to punch through any conceivable barrier. Once outside, Megan lifted us through the air along a path that Suki knew to be out of range of all the facility's external defenses. There were no windows on Level 4, but even solid walls of tempered steel had no chance against me now. With a scream of steel being molded like clay, we entered the most secure cell block in all of Utopia.

The recessed lights in the ceiling were flickering randomly. Beams of electrical force blasted the hallway, not seeming to aim for anything.

“Excellent.” said Suki, with her usual lack of enthusiasm. “My algorithm is affecting the electrical grid and automated turrets in this section. They are a threat to the guards, as well as us. Megan, I believe your telekenesis can be of use here as well.”

Megan bobbed her head compliantly as she set us down on the floor. The nearest turret glowed blue, and then jerked upward, so its fire would pass over our heads. “I think I can keep them off us, Mistress.” she stated. She had her game face on now, but I could tell how delighted she was to have such power.

We slowly advanced down the corridor, giving Megan plenty of time to divert the beams. We arrived at a wall that appeared to be made from hundreds of steel ball bearings, locked together as though by magnetism.

“These are Adaptable Containment Spheres.” explained Dr. Yamamoto.  “Do not attempt to interact with them physically or telekenetically under any circumstances. I was part of the team that developed them. They are intended to serve as an effective deterrent to even the most potent Knaves. Each one contains a distinct weapon system, arranged in no predictable pattern. They are designed to utterly destroy anything that attempts to pass through them, however powerful. Ironically, they are currently being used to house someone that can readily bypass them.”

“She won't though.” said Megan, still sitting cross-legged in the air.

“No. Which is why I'll have to open the way forward. Ms. Hubble, could you remove this panel?” asked Suki.

I ripped the steel plate that she indicated off the wall. Behind it was a series of computer components I couldn't begin to identify. Suki pulled several tools and devices from her lab coat and got to work, tying into the complex tangle of wires and circuits. After a few minutes, a small red light beside the panel turned green, and the wall of steel spheres reformed itself into an opening.

Inside, I saw a truly harrowing sight. My five teddy bears were in there. They were gathered around a pale, scrawny woman with stringy black hair. Three bears were standing around her, shaking their plushy heads and looking very concerned. Two were embracing the woman from either side as he sat on a low bench with her head in her hands. She ignored the animate toys as they tried to comfort her. As we filed into the cramped and barely furnished cell, she glanced upward, staring at us with dull incomprehension. I don't think I've ever seen eyes so full of despair.

“Sammy? Did they hurt you?” asked Megan, floating over to her. She stared back at the flying Diaper Genie. “M...Megan? Is that you?” she asked in a weak voice.

Megan smiled gently. “Yeah. It's been a weird day for me. Are you okay?”

An alarm blared behind us. The steel balls that composed the walls of the cell suddenly shifted, closing off the opening to the outside hallway.

“No!” shouted Suki, suddenly breaking her professional demeanor.

“Yes.” blared the voice of Duchess Cross over the intercom. “You really overestimate your abilities, Doctor. We neutralized your invasive algorithms quite quickly, and set up false replacements under our control. None of you are going anywhere.”

Samantha buried her face once again. “Of course. There's never gonna be an escape. It's not worth trying.”

The teddy bears did their best to console her, but she ignored them.

“Don't give up!” said Megan. “Can't you teleport us?”

Samantha glared up at Megan, who hung her head in shame. “You know better than that. I can't do that again, not ever. It's like swimming in a boiling hot soup of ashes and dead spiders. And the more mass I try to carry with me, the more painful it is. I'm sorry, but you're stuck here.”

“There is hope. Mistre...I mean Miranda here can change your powers. That's how I can fly now! She could help you too!” insisted Megan.

“No, she can't.” said Suki bitterly. “Miranda's power has returned to normal. Without my energy booster, it takes hours for her quantum effect to build up to the point where conversion is possible. Even if she could alter your powers enough to make them usable, we will be captured and separated long before then.”

“Oh, more good news!” came the voice of Duchess Cross. “That little device you created has been a very instructive research subject. With your laboratory notes, my team and I have found a way to adjust it so that it actually can eliminate Miranda's quantum effect. Soon, everything will be back to normal around here. Don't go anywhere now! Heh.”

“That bitch is enjoying her work way too much.” I muttered when the intercom finally cut off.

Dr. Yamamoto had clearly lost her cool with this latest development. She whipped out another of her devices and began pulling it apart and rearranging it.

“Can you get us out of here?” I asked, already suspecting the answer.

“It is highly improbable. I have severely underestimated the competence of my former colleagues. I'm afraid we have been outmaneuvered..” she answered.

I looked around the room. “What about the floor? I might be able to bust through it.”

Suki shook her head. “There are more spheres down there. I would have mentioned it if it were an option.”

I was getting frustrated. Suki may a genius, but she can't know everything. If she missed the trap that the Duchess set for her, maybe she also missed a way out. If everything reasonable was closed off, maybe it was time to blue sky.

I turned to Samantha. “Samantha, would you allow me to convert you if I could?”

She raised her head and looked straight through me. “She just said that you can't do anything.”

“Forget that. She doesn't know how this works any more than I do. I'm asking if you're willing.”

Her expression didn't change. “Why does it matter? I'm never leaving here. I've made peace with that. You should too. Cross always wins.”

“Forget that! We're not giving up just because there's no obvious way out. When I came here, I thought my life was over, but I was wrong. We can beat this. Now tell me, are you willing to try?”

Samantha wasn't impressed. “You've been here less than a day. In a year, you'll be done hoping, too. You're not the first Knave to break out and make a big scene. They show up, they make a mess, they get captured and end up in a cell like this one. Some last longer than you have. I know it feels like a big adventure to you, but for Duchess Cross, you're just another inmate. And you always will be.”

I wasn't giving up. “Cross isn't invincible. She's on the ropes, and she knows it. I need one more big push, and then she won't have a prayer of stopping me. You could be that push.”

Samantha scowled at me. “How?”

“When I converted Megan, it was different than when I did it to the others. She wanted it, and that made it different. I think that if you let me in, I can transform you, inside and out. You'll have new powers, just like Megan.”

“Plus, it feels, like, amaaazing!” cut in Megan.

Samantha didn't budge an inch. “So what? You brainwash me into some kind of happy little diaper elf, and then maybe I get to teleport you around whenever you tell me? Pass.”

Samantha was a tough cookie, but I had one more trick up my sleeve. “Suki, stop messing with that thing and get your butt over here.”

Dr. Yamamoto vanished her tangle of wires like a magician and was at my side almost immediately. “Yes, ma'am?”

“Didn't you subject Samantha here to terrible, inhumane experiments to test her powers?” I demanded.

“That is a valid perspective, Miss Hubble.” answered the doctor.

“Let me rephrase that. You, Suki Yamamoto, are guilty of torturing this woman. You will apologize, and unless she forgives you, I will punish you very severely for your actions. Is that clear?”

Suki sighed deeply. “As you wish, ma'am. Samantha, I must apologize for the pain I put you through. That was wrong of me. I should have respected your right to basic well-being and personal autonomy, rather than ruthlessly pursuing scientific knowledge. I am sorry.”

Samantha stared at her. “That was fucking pitiful.”

“I agree.” I said, because it was. “I think a punishment is in order. What do you think is appropriate, Samantha?

Samantha paused to consider her words. “There's nothing I can do to really drive home what you did to me, Yamamoto. Teleporting is something only I can experience, and even I can't really describe why it's so awful. Instead, I'm willing to accept a real apology.”

To my surprise, Samantha rose from her bench, shoving the teddy bears roughly aside. She turned, bent over, and presented her pale butt cheeks. “Make Dr. Yamamoto kiss my ass. Do that, and I'll go along with your “conversion” thing. That's my offer.”

There was an awkward silence while Samantha mooned us. Suki broke it. “Ma'am, I do not believe she intends to be cooperative. I recom...”

“Shut up.” I snapped. She did. “I've had it up to here with your self-important attitude. You don't get to hurt people, say you're sorry, and then go back to acting superior. You're losing your dignity, because you never deserved it in the first place. Get on your knees and kiss those cheeks like they're your lover come home from the war. Now.”

Suki looked so sad for a moment. I wasn't sure if she was actually feeling remorse, or was just unhappy that this was where her life had lead her: In a jail cell, wearing a disposable diaper, with her hair in pigtails, about to french a woman's butt cheeks. Slowly and hesitantly, she bent down and gave the butt a quick peck.

“You heard my instructions, Suki. I expect you to carry them out.” I reminded her. As ordered, she began kissing in earnest. Long, deep kisses. Dainty, rapid kissed. Kisses that drew the soft, pale flesh outward. Megan and I watched in silent fascination. The teddy bears watched too, but I don't know if they were fascinated. Finally, Samantha straightened up and pulled her prison slacks up.

“Good enough. I won't forgive you, Suki, because I don't think you're even capable of understanding why what you did was wrong. Still, a deal's a deal. How do we do this?”

I narrowed my eyes. “Well, physical contact isn't required, but I think it helps, so here, take my hands.” Samantha did. “And look into my eyes. Again, don't know if it's necessary, but we're kinda stretching ourselves here. Now, focus on what you want out of this conversion. What are you hoping for?”

Samantha stared into my eyes. She seemed so beaten down and defeated. “I want to feel good for once. I want my power to not suck. I want real freedom.”

I felt the power start to flow between us. This was working! “Very good. Now, tell me...that you are mine. Mine from now on.”

Samantha looked embarrassed to be seen with me, but she powered through. “I am yours. I am yours from now on.”

The feeling of flowing energy intensified. It was somewhere between an electric jolt and a high-powered water hose. As it intensified, I saw Samantha's face transform. Her skin swelled and filled out, taking on a rich tan color. Her hair lightened until it was a golden blonde so vibrant it seemed to glow. Her eyes went from pale blue to sparkling emerald. I smiled when I saw her ears change. Her earlier sarcasm was being turned into her reality.

In seconds, I found myself holding hands with a completely different person. She wore a red and green striped coat, a matching hat that dangled over one shoulder, and a bulging diaper decorated with pictures of candy canes and gingerbread cookies. Her ears had taken on a definite point. There was no denying it. She grinned with a careless glee as she looked herself over. Her weariness and depression had been completely replaced with joy and energy. She giggled as she playfully felt the plastic surface of her new diaper.

“It worked! It worked! I'm a happy little Diaper Elf!” she squealed. As weird as it was, Megan and I couldn't help but giggle as well. Like Princess Boom-Boom, she had infectious enthusiasm.

“It appears the conversion was successful.” interrupted Suki. “May I inquire as to the status of your tele...Ow!”

Suki was herself interrupted by Samantha slapping her ass. The Diaper Elf had teleported in a literal instant, without even a flash or a noise. Suki spun around to confront her, but by the time she did, Samantha was already gone. Suki felt another hard slap on her padded butt. “Ow! Mistress, make her stop!”

“No.” I said, trying unsuccessfully not to laugh.

Sammy kept appearing and vanishing around the room at a frantic pace, giving Suki a thorough spanking before finally settling into place.

“I take it the teleporting problem is fixed?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

The elfin woman gushed. “Omygawd, its amazing! Its like swimming in a warm bath of birthday cake and high-fives!”

“Perfect. Can you get us out of here?” I asked.

“You're the boss! Where to?” asked Sammy.

I bent forward and whispered softly into Sammy's pointy ear, in the hopes that the Duchess wouldn't hear our destination over the intercom.

“Great!” said Sammy. “And who's coming?”

“Uh, everyone?” I said hopefully.

Sammy shook her head, sending her floppy elf hat wagging behind her. “No can do, Boss. More mass, longer distance, bigger cost in energy. Same rules as physically carrying people around, basically. You changed my power a lot, but you can't change everything. I can bounce myself around for practically nothing, but bringing passengers is gonna tire me out in a huge way.  I can definitely spring one, maybe even two people from this cell, but only if I don't have to go very far.”

“This discussion is a waste of precious time.” said Suki. “Mistress, you must leave. As long as you haven't been captured, the Duchess hasn't won. Hurry.”

I looked at Megan. She sadly nodded agreement.

“But you just got your new powers!” I protested. “What if that device takes them away forever!”

“Suki is right.” said Megan. “If you're free, you can fix anything that the Duchess destroys. Go, before it's too late!

I felt awful, but they were right. I couldn't see a better option.

The spheres that composed the walls suddenly shifted again. I knew that Duchess Cross was outside, and had her new toy ready to delete all my power.

I hugged Sammy. “Now!” I ordered. Sammy hugged me back.

The cell vanished. I was suddenly surrounded by weird-looking golden shapes. I couldn't speak or move. The air was warm and strangely thick around me. Sammy was carrying me, dragging me through incomprehensible space. The shapes rotated around us, indicating a change of direction. I realized that I was looking at the building from an angle that shouldn't exist, from outside of three-dimensional space. Sammy's bare little feet were walking on an imaginary surface, as she carried me down through floors and ceilings. Everything was twisted and unrecognizable to me, but my diapered little elf seemed to know exactly where she was going.


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