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Part 13

That night, the penthouse garden was decked out for a party. Will handled nearly all the arrangements himself. Invitations were sent flying through the air like paper airplanes. The garden was expanded until it could comfortably accommodate hundreds of guests. Most of the guests were animals. Adorable puppies and kittens ran across the soft grass. Penguins carried trays of drinks. Ferocious tigers wandered the grounds, allowing anyone who dared to rub their bellies. Huge fireflies provided eerie, multi-colored lighting. Dog-sized elephants served hors d'oeuvres. Long tables covered in gourmet food were arranged buffet style. Everyone from the penthouse was in attendance, of course, but also about a hundred other guests from around Willtopia and beyond.

Soon, cheerleaders and clowngirls were eating,drinking, and chatting nervously with dozens of women in casual clothes and business attire. Of course, most people who had come had come against their will. No one who received an invitation had had the option to stay home. A group of reporters had been flown to show the world what was happening in this mysterious, magical place that had once been an ordinary city. A troop of banner-carrying hummingbirds was employed to guide guests through the maze of hallways, through Christine's Nursery, and into the wonderland beyond.

The sky of Willtopia was just as awe-inspiring at night as it was in daylight. Will had bent time and space until all the seventeen new galaxies that he had added to the world were visible in the sky from his garden. Pods of sky-whales were chasing one another through the air around the hotel. Will and Christine had not yet made their appearance, and most of the guests had never met, so the as they started to mingle, things were slightly awkward.


“Hello! I'm Jillian DuChamp, with the BBC. Have we met?” asked a professionally dressed woman holding a microphone. A camerawoman hovered discreetly nearby.

“I don't believe so. Hi! I'm Lady Happiness!” said the short, blonde woman in a superhero costume.

“...pleasure to meet you.” said the reporter nervously. “What do you do for a living?”

Lady Happiness laughed. “Well, nobody does anything “for a living” around here. We just do whatever we want, or failing that, whatever Will wants! Personally, I'm a superhero!”

“...great. What does that job involve?” said Jillian, her smile becoming faker by the second.

“Well, thanks to Will, there aren't any criminals to apprehend or disasters to prevent, so I get to spend most of my time looking after Beverly and the Happy Cadets. They can be a handful sometimes, even for me!” she replied happily.

“These three over here are your...Happy Cadets?”

“Oh, yes! Girls, say hello to the nice reporter!”

Jasmine, Marcy, and Bitna waved at her. They were also nervous to be attending this party, but for slightly different reasons.

“I hope this isn't an insensitive question, but...is there a reason you're all dressed that way?”

“There sure is!” said Jasmine. She found her nervousness suddenly evaporating under the barrage of pride coming from her dry Pull-Up. “You see, we're all going through potty-training, so wearing pants would just get in the way. I used the big-girl potty three times today! See?” She gestured toward her thick, juvenile, but definitely clean underwear, on which her three well-earned stars were proudly displayed.

Jillian's smile hardened into a plasticy grin. These people were all gross and clearly insane. She didn't really want to talk to any of them, but she also couldn't bear to look at the flying whales or the shimmering galaxies that surrounded her. The beauty here was so intense it was almost oppressive. Just looking at the sky was like trying to eat an entire wedding cake. It was wonderful, but there was far too much of it.

“Good job! And how about you, sweety? Said Jillian, turning to Marcy. Marcy blushed deeply.

“Well...um...” muttered Marcy. As was her nature, Lady Happiness came to her rescue.

“She's not quite as far along as Jasmine, I'm afraid.” announced the cheerful superheroine. “She was doing well today, but she had a little accident before the party. Nothing to be ashamed of, sweety! We all know you'll get there eventually!”

“Even if she does, she won't be staying long.” said Bitna bitterly.

Lady Happiness' voice took on an irritated edge. “Bitna! That's no way to talk! You should be encouraging your fellow Cadets, not discouraging them!”

Bitna sighed. “Sorry Marcy. I'm just a little embarrassed, you know? This is the biggest party I've ever been to, and I'm stuck in these big baby diapers.”

The reporter's head was spinning trying to understand this conversation. These women didn't seem to have any disabilities, and yet they talked as though going through toilet-training in your mid-to-late twenties was perfectly normal and acceptable. She felt her own face flush on their behalf.

“Well, that's...uh...why does it say “Failure” on your...diaper? Isn't that a little...mean?” she asked nervously. This interview was really testing her professionalism.

Lady Happiness smiled demurely. “It's not mean, dear, its just the truth! Bitna here had a poopy accident this morning, so of course she's taking a break from potty-training. She just needs to be reminded that staying in diapers isn't an option for her, and she needs to try, try again until she gets there!”

Bitna blushed and hung her head. She had thought that the humiliation of walking around with a big, white surrender flag wrapped around her butt would wear off, but if anything, it was getting worse. She desperately wanted to change the focus of the conversation.

“Waaaahaaahaaa!” bawled Beverly from her adult-sized stroller. Bitna silently thanked her fellow diaper-wearer for the distraction. Lady Happiness reacted with heroic swiftness, lifting the crying middle-aged woman into her arms and gently patting her back.

“Oh, Beverly's crying again! I wonder what's got her all upset? Don't worry, honey, your babysitter is here for you!”

The reporter blushed more fiercely as she watched the crying woman in nothing but an enormous diaper be comforted by a woman close to half her age. “Could you explain...uh, Beverley? Is she also being...toilet-trained?”

Beverley cries re-doubled at this, but Lady Happiness just kept comforting her as she answered the question. “First of all, we don't use the t-word around here, we say “potty” if we mean the potty. Secondly, Beverly is certainly not being potty-trained. Potty-training takes a lot of effort and can be very stressful, and sweet little Beverly is much too much of a Crybaby to do anything like that! She will always need her Crybaby Diapers, and that's all there is to it! Isn't that right, honeybunch?”

As Lady Happiness spoke in her lilting, soothing voice, Beverly's sobs gradually subsided to small whimpers. Lady Happiness gave her a gentle tickle on her chubby tummy, and she giggled.

“There's my happy girl! Why don't you tell the nice reporter what's got you upset?” cooed Lady Happiness.

Beverly slowly turned her head, saw the camera and microphone trained on her like loaded weapons, then promptly tucked her face back into Lady Happiness' shoulder and resumed crying. Lady Happiness gave her an indulgent smile and patted her diapered butt. An audible “squish” followed.

“Oh, I see, sweetie. You're still so sensitive about your Crybaby Diapers, aren't you? There's nothing to be ashamed of. You'll feel ever so much better with a nice, clean tushy, won't you?”

Jillian sniffed. “Did she just...”

“Yes!” confirmed Lady Happiness. “She just got put back in diapers this morning, so she's still not comfortable using them in front of strangers! Oh, you know what would help? If you could just assure her that's she looks adorable, and that you don't judge her at all!”

Jillian winced. This morning? What the hell? But then, a cloud shifted in the sky above them, and Jillian saw the light of the galaxies above them caught in the bulging, stinking, glossy plastic of Beverly's diaper. Jillian was filled with a strange, unfamiliar feeling.

She walked over and began patting the loaded diaper affectionately. “Oh my goodness! You are so adorable Beverly! It's so wonderful that you still need such thick diapers, even at your age!”

Beverly peeked out from Lady Happiness' shoulder and smiled behind her pacifier, causing Jillian jump up and down with delight. She reached out and pinched Beverley's cheek.

“Yes, she is such a cutie in her Crybaby Diapers!” said Lady Happiness, playfully tossing Beverly into the air and catching her with casual ease. “Does the the little Crybaby need someone to wipe her butt? Yes she does! Yesheedoes! Pardon me, ladies!”

Jillian felt a blast of air hit her like a slap, and the two women were suddenly gone. She realized that she had been staring at the woman's loaded diaper as though it contained some hidden mystical truth. She shook her head and wandered off, hoping to clear her head.

Janet found a seat near the picnic table, where Sophie, Deedee, Missie, Shelly, and Fatty were already seated. Everyone was enjoying the drinks and the buffet. Fatty had a heap of food on her plate, but sat patiently waiting for her Mistress to feed her.

“Have you heard anything from Christine?” asked Janet.

“Not since she flew off, dear.” said Sophie. “I assume Will is planning some grand entrance with her. Why don't you grab a drink and wait with us? I'm sure it won't be long.”

Janet turned, and noticed that a penguin was presenting a tray of fluted champagne glasses to her. She shrugged and took one, and the little waiter waddled off. She sat down next to Sophie.

“Do you get the feeling that everyone is avoiding us? She asked.

“Wouldn't you if saw a table full of women in diapers?” asked Sophie.

Janet had to think about that one. In one of her two lives, she wouldn't have been caught dead wearing a diaper under any circumstances, especially in front of so many people. In the heavily-edited version of her life that Christine had created for her, she would have been mortified to be seen without her thick, babyish diapers. She decided to simply shrug and let the surreal world around her have its own way.

The crowd was full of women in a wide variety of funny costumes, giving the party a definite carnival atmosphere. There were certainly flashes of diaper here and there, but the majority weren't padded. Janet felt a certain sense of solidarity with her diapered sisters. She suspected that the real reason they were being avoided was that everyone knew that they were Will's personal favorites.

She felt Sophie stick two fingers down the back of diaper. “All clean. For now anyway.”

Janet wasn't bothered. Having her diaper checked just meant that someone was looking out for her. She noticed that Missy had a smile on her face, in direct contrast to her usual sour expression.

“What are you so happy about?” she asked the woman who was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of panties, both announcing her status as a “Loser”.

“I just feel so honored! I get to hang out with the cool crowd!” she responded excitedly.

“Oh, that reminds me!” said Janet. “I want a plate of Lo Mein and some butterflied shrimp. Go fetch!”

Without hesitating, Missy jumped up and ran off to fill Janet's order. Janet turned back to Sophie, who was enjoying a plate of filet mignon and beluga caviar. “Are you ever going to let her wear diapers? She wants them so badly.”

“Eventually, sure.” said Sophie, wiping her lips with a silk napkin. “She has to pay off what she's done to my daughter and I first, but we'll forgive her.”

Janet adopted a quizzical expression. 'You know, she couldn't have done any of that if Will hadn't allowed it. Why are you mad at her, and not him?” she asked.

Sophie arched an eyebrow. “Since you brought it up, weren't you there, cheering and laughing when she humiliated both of us?”

Janet knew she had gone too far, and hung her head in a well-practiced expression of acquiescence. “Point taken. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up.”

“Good girl.” said Sophie, finishing off her steak. “Just remember your place and we'll get alo...”

A fork clattrered onto the plate. Janet turned to find that Sophie was no longer there. Her seat was empty.


Sophie suddenly found herself suspended in mid-air. Underneath her, she saw the penthouse garden with fireflies glowing and people mingling. She saw the sky-whales putting on their show for Will's guests. In front of her, she saw a velvet couch suspended in mid-air. On it was Will, lying in a relaxed pose with Christine's head resting on his chest.

“Hi Mommy!” said Christine, waving at her.

“Oh there you are, dear. Welcome back, Will!” she called to them as she drifted though the sky.

“Thanks, Sophie. Christine was just telling me how busy you've been lately. You've really proven yourself to be a capable leader the last few days. I appreciate it!” said Will.

Sophie gave a little bow, which is difficult when you keep rotating in mid-air. “That's kind of you to say, but it'll be nice to take a break. Now that you're here, I'm ready to do whatever you require of me! Does Christine need a change, yet?”

Will laughed. “Christine's doing fine, Sophie. I brought you up here because this is a party! What can I do to make you happy?”

Sophie smiled. “Oh, I don't need anything. I'm thrilled just to be healthy and have my daughter to look after! I wouldn't dream of asking for anything more.”

Now Christine laughed. “You are such a Mom! Don't you ever just relax and take time for yourself?”

“I had plenty of that back in the hospital, and I didn't enjoy it one bit!” Said Sophie. “It's lovely just to be needed again.”

Will bent his head and stage-whispered to Christine. “Ya know, I think your Mommy needs a little help to relax and unwind. She doesn't have to be running around wiping butts all day.”

“Yeah!” agreed Christine mischievously. “She needs a chill pill, stat!”

Sophie twisted in the air to shoot her daughter a warning glare. “Chrissi, don't you be giving Will any ideas! He has too many of those as it is!”

Will ignored her. “Your daughter's right, Sophie. You've been working so hard lately, and now that you're at a party you're still in “Mom Mode”. You need some help relaxing.”

Will snapped his fingers. Sophie saw something approaching her out of the tableau of spiral galaxies that surrounded them. She had no time to react before it arrived and landed in her hand. She looked and saw that she was holding baby bottle. It was full of creamy pink liquid and had the word “Lazy” written on the side.

“Lazy? What is this?” she asked.

“Drink up, Sophie.” said Will.

“But...this is a baby bottle.” said Sophie warily.

“Mommy, be a good girl and do what Will says!” said Christine forcefully. “Drink your baba!”

Sophie blushed at her daughter's words. “Oh, very well! I can play along. Here, aren't I cute?” she stuck the nipple in her mouth and playfully sucked on it. To her surprise, the squirt of liquid that it produced tasted absolutely heavenly. The thick, sweet, creamy liquid seemed to spread warmth through her whole body. She lost track of time as she closed her eyes and sucked the marvelous substance.

“Yes, you look absolutely adorable. See Sophie? There's no need for work or stress. Everyone is doing great. You can just lean back and take a load off.”

As she drank, Sophie felt her mind fill with a warm, pink fog. Thoughts of caring for others faded from her mind, replaced with thoughts of rest and relaxation.

“Why don't you take a seat?” said Will.

Sophie found herself collapsing into an extremely comfy easy chair. The footrest was already extended, and the cushioning was warmer than her own body. She felt utterly at peace.

“Are you comfy, Mommy?” asked Christine.

“Mmmmmmhhhmmm!” said Sophie, the bottle still lodged firmly in her mouth.

“Good. No more working today. You need to sit on your butt and vegetate! How about a bottle that you don't need to hold? Would you like that?” asked Will.

Sophie tilted her head in what she hoped was a visible nod. Her arm was starting to get tired of holding the ba-ba to her lips. She would certainly have already dropped it if it wasn't so delicious.

“Of course you would. No need to feed yourself tonight!” said Will.

The baby bottle sprouted a pair of wings and hovered in place. Sophie let her arm fall the the softly cushioned arm rest. This was the life!

“There, you look much more relaxed now. The only thing that could interrupt you now is having to go to the bathroom!”

Christine rolled her eyes at that. “Mommy, do you wanna have to get out of that nice, comfy seat to go pee, or do you want to piss yourself like a silly little baby?” she asked in her sweetest tone.

Sophie was lost now. Her whole being was melting, and it felt amazing.

“Mmmmm...” she mumbled behind the flapping wings of her ba-ba.

“I choose to interpret that as a yes.” said Will, to the surprise of absolutely nobody. “Sophie, I am officially declaring you an honorary big baby for the evening. Let someone else handle the dirty diapers for once!”

Sophie continued to suckle the wonderful liquid as she felt her dress liquefy into a warm, fuzzy blob. Her dignified underwear expanded under her butt, and her apron and dress were converted into a set of blue fleece footie pajamas. She felt the blessed relaxation increase as she began peeing in her new diaper.

“Enjoy the party, Sophie! See you soon!” called Will as Sophie felt herself drifting downward. The couch, the pjs, and the diaper already felt like they were part of her.

“Sophie?” said Janet's voice. It sounded so far away, so disconnected from her. It was like she was hearing the moon. “Where did you go?”

“Hmmm...” muttered Sophie behind her ba-ba.

“Sophie?” came Deedee's voice. “My diaper is dirty, ma'am. Could I please be changed?”

Sophie couldn't even think about standing up, much less changing a diaper. She felt her own diaper absorbing her piss. But there was something she wanted to say. She spat out her bottle, which fluttered briefly in the air.

“Can't someone else do it?” she muttered softly.


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