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Warning: The following is an AB/DL-themed fantasy story. Includes scenes of mind control,  messing, and humiliation. Reader discretion is advised.

Part 3

Things were quieting down at the Denver branch of Unilever. Diana Hoffman was nearly finished with her work for today. She had spent most of the day interviewing a string of a prospective new accountants. Thus far, none of the interviewees had really stood out to her, but that was par for the course when it came to her department. Accountants don't need style and flair. They need to be hard-working, organized, sensible, and well put-together. As Department Head, it was Diana's job to both embody these qualities and demand them from her subordinates. She finished filling out her notes on the young woman who had just left. She had been perfectly acceptable, if in no way remarkable. Once she was certain her first impression were recorded, she touched her office intercom.


“Yes, ma'am?” answered Pauline Azule , her efficient and long-suffering secretary.

“Are there any more interviews on the schedule today?”

“Not on the schedule, ma'am, but Marie Toole has just arrived.” answered Pauline.

Diana pinched her forehead. “Refresh my memory.”

“She was scheduled for 2:25, but she didn't show up.” responded the secretary.

Ah, yes. The woman who had no-showed. Diana had had a chance to catch up on her weekly report to Upper Management thanks to her. So, she was here. That was...good. Diana ran that through her mind again. Yes, she was a little over two hours late. That was good. It showed humility and respect for other people's time.

“She's a real go-getter, I can tell!” said Pauline, with uncharacteristic enthusiasm. “Shall I send them up?

“Them?” asked Diana.

“Yes, her mother is here as well.” answered Pauline.

“Oh, Excellent! Yes, send them both up.” said Diana. So, she had brought her mother to her job interview. That showed the kind of tough, independent spirit that it took to survive in today's fast-paced business environment.

As soon as Diana saw the door open and her interviewee enter, she knew she had a winner. This woman had a truly professional air about her. She wasn't sure what it was, but she radiated power and maturity. Diana rose to greet them as they filed in.

“Welcome!” she greeted her guests as they filed in. “My name is Diana Hoffman. Just take a seat and we'll get started. Sorry, I only have the one chair her. Most of my interviews today came alone, if you can believe that!”

“Hi Dianne! Great to meet you! Don't worry, my Mommy can stand. She's just here in case I need a change. But of course, if you hire me, I guess that will be your job soon!” said Marie, plopping down into the stuffed pleather chair and sticking her bare feet up on the desk.

Diana was very impressed. She had only just walked in, two hours late no less, and already she had gotten her interviewers name wrong, and stuck her feet on her desk. This woman would clearly be an asset to any organization.

They were both dressed very professionally. The mother wore a sensibly-cut plum-colored dress with reserved but still attractive make-up and jewelry. Over one shoulder was a powder-blue satchel with “Marie” written on it colorful block lettering. But the main attraction was Marie, who wore absolutely nothing except a comically oversized disposable baby diaper. It was decorated with images of teddy bears and rattles. Marie's bare breasts jiggled as she drummed her heels against the hardwood desk. Diana had never seen anyone so well put-together.

“Oh, yes!” said Diana, happy to be getting to the important things. You're referring to your diaper, I suppose! Is this your usual manner of dress, or just something you wore for the interview?”

Diana's mother piped up. “Oh, she will definitely be wearing the diaper every day. An important lady like my Marie needs to be dressed to impress, don't you agree?

Diana smiled. “Well, I'm glad to hear that. I have to say, that is a really fetching look, Marie. Do you were diapers for practical reasons, or is it more of a fashion thing?”

Marie flashed her a lazy grin. “Well, they definitely are fashionable, and it's true that I don't technically need them. But you see, my Mommy here put me back in diapers because she knew I ought to be in them. So yes, I won't be going to the potty like a big girl any time soon. This is my bathroom now!”

Diana nodded. “That's a very mature attitude! You know, I would normally consider you a little young for a position like this. I usually direct candidates that are fresh out of college to our internship program. But I have a certain knack for spotting real talent, and I can tell by that diaper of yours that you're very mature and capable for your age. Have you brought a resume?”

“Nope.” said Marie happily. She picked a stack of papers off Diana's desk and began finicking with them, pulling them apart, rearranging them, and wadding them up as she spoke. “You see, I'm not really all that interested in the whole “work” scene, ya know? I mean, I barely had the grades to pull out a B.A. in Accountancy, and by the time that was over, I was just fed up with the whole thing. So what I'm thinking is, you'll give me this job, and then I'll just kinda hang out here sometimes. Not every week, but sometimes. I wouldn't actually be working, mind you, but maybe just chatting with people, knocking stuff over, throwing things, that kind of stuff. You should really think of me as more of a source of work than as someone who does work. But hey, the pay is the same, right?”

Diana could hardly believe what she was hearing. Was this really happening?Was this woman for real?

“That sounds amazing!” She said, hoping she wasn't showing too much eagerness. “No work at all, and you'd even be prepared create more work?”

“Not a word of a lie.” said Marie, although she seemed like she was trying to stifle a laugh. “If I'm not even going to wipe my own butt, probably pissing in the wind to get me to work with Excel!”

“Oh, yes, let's circle back to that.” said Diana, trying to reassert her control over this process. “You mentioned earlier that you use your diapers exclusively in leau of a toilet. Were you serious when you said I would be responsible for changing you? I could easily assign an intern to take care of it. I could even use that as incentive to the other employees! You know, lowest productivity, on diaper duty for the week, something like that. What do you think?”

Marie shook her head and threw the tormented stack of papers at Diana's face, sending them scattering everywhere. “No, no, that doesn't make sense at all. Incentive? C'mon, that might increase productivity! Can you imagine? And those interns are overworked as it is. No, I think you're going to be my go-to dipee-wipee babysitter whenever my Mommy isn't around.”

For the first time, Diana seemed a little skeptical of this whole arrangement. “Hmm. I don't know. Seems like it might be distracting to have you coming in to my office all the time looking for a diaper change.”

Marie seemed to falter for a moment, but then she took a deep breath and smiled. “Oh, there's no need to worry about that! I can just go, and then you can come running to catch me whenever someone complains. I don't want to be chasing you down for a change when I could be playing!”

Diana sighed, clearly relieved. “Well, that sounds much more convenient. Hmm, well I've got some questions about your qualifications and schedule here, but that all seems a bit redundant now that I know you won't actually be doing any work. Have you made adequate arrangements for transportation to and from work?”

“Well, I don't actually have a car, and it would be really inconvenient for my Mommy to be driving me over here all the time. I was thinking, what if you drove me to and from work? It'll be like carpooling! Think of all the money I'll save on gas!” said Marie.

Diana nodded, and made a note of this. “What would you say your biggest strength is, and how have you demonstrated it in the past?” She hated asking such a cliched question, but the interview was moving so quickly that she was running out of questions.

“I'd say my biggest strength is...Hm, you know what? It'd be better if I just demonstrate. Here Mom, why don't you take my seat?”

Marie stood and walked around Diana's desk as her mother sat down behind her. She approached Diana, turned around, and sat down in the older woman's lap before she could react.

“There! Wow, you're really comfy Dianne! Maybe I'll be sitting on you on a regular basis!” said Marie. She was really enjoying herself.

“Oof! How...how is this a strength?” asked the woman who was now helplessly pinned under Marie's padded bottom.

“Just a second...” said Marie. She had eaten a large Chipotle Burrito for lunch in preparation for her interview. Hiking her feet atop the desk again, she strained and pushed a massive, mushy load into her crisp diaper. Diana felt the mess spread and mush around inside the thick plastic backing. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She had never met someone so confident and assertive!

“Wew! I stand corrected! That is...that is certainly very strong.  Damn! Is it always gonna be like this?” she asked the diapered woman in her lap.

“Not always! I bet I can make it stronger if I really apply myself. Maybe try some asparagus for lunch next time. But yeah, that big stinky mess is gonna be your problem from now on. Be sure to keep the office well-stocked with wipes and baby powder!”

Diana was struggling to speak with the weight pinning down her legs and the overpowering stench in the air, but she was a professional. “Have you...ack! Have you had a chance to look at the compensation package?”

Marie leaned back against the gasping woman and shrugged. “I don't think it really matters. I don't have much patience for the whole steady-career-advancement concept. I think what I'll do is just take your compensation package. Sound good?”

“I beg your pardon?” she asked, suddenly confused as to where the conversation was headed.

“Well, you have a lot better benefits and better pay than this entry-level nonsense, so what we'll do is, we'll just swap paychecks. We'll figure out the difference, and then you can just write me a check for all your extra. Sound fair to you?”

Diana felt a strange tickle at the back of her mind. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something felt...well, “off” about this situation. Somehow, the idea of giving a large part of her salary to this woman sitting on her lap in a dirty diaper seemed...well, she wasn't certain what it seemed like.

“Um, it's a very interesting idea, certainly. I think I ought to consult with some of my superiors before before committing to something like this though.” said the Director weakly.

Marie was prepared for this. She had practiced in front of the mirror every day for the last week.

“Waaaaaahhhhaaaaahhhaa!!! I want it! I wannawananana want it! Gimme the job!!! Gimme the money! Job and money! Money and job!!! Gimme gimme gimme!” she wailed. She kicked the desk with her bare feet and mashed her smelly butt around in Diana's lap.

Diana felt terrible. Clearly Marie had had her heart set on this, and it was unthinkably mean of her to deny her over such silly little doubts.

“I'm so sorry! Oh, there there, honey.” Diana began rubbing the sobbing woman's bare back to calm her. “I was just kidding! Of course you get the job! You can start as soon as you like! I'll give you my Director's salary, and I'll live off the entry-level salary. I'll drive you to work and back home whenever you like! And when you have a dirty diaper, I'll drop everything to come and get you all nice and clean! Don't cry!”

Marie theatrical sobbing abruptly ended, replaced by a warm grin. “Yay! You're the best boss in the whole world! Now, can I get fresh diapee or what?”

Diana rolled her eyes, exasperated. “Marie, we just discussed this. What do you need to do if you need a change?” demanded Diana in a stern voice.

Thinking quickly, Marie jumped up and ran out the door. She felt so utterly free. A runaway toddler with a stinky diaper, ready to run roughshod over the accountants outside. Diana rose and followed her. She felt tired and angry, although she had no idea why.

Marie's mother passed her the diaper bag. “You can borrow it this once, but I expect you to purchase your own changing supplies in future. There's no reason for me to be paying for your company's business expenses.”

Diana accepted the bag and offered her hand. “Thanks, Mrs. Toole. I guess we'll be in touch now, since I'll be driving your daughter to work!” she said.

Marie's mother shook her hand. “Please, call me Stella.”


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