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Part 12

Will moved through his new domain, making wish after wish. The city was warped and transformed, building by building. The remaining inhabitants, all women, found themselves suddenly living much different from the ones they had become accustomed to. New branches of Princess mart opened all over the city, each with an adorable Diaper Princess to rule it with an iron fist and a thickly padded tush. 

No aspect of daily life in the city was unaffected by the barrage of reality-warping wishes. Women went to work in the city's large financial district, only to learn that everything in the city that could be owned was available for free, and that money simply didn't exist anymore. Bank accounts all read “Who Cares” in place of a number, mortgages and student loans totals read “Pffftttt”, and the stock market ticker just displayed “What are you looking at me for?” on a loop. Real estate agents discovered that every house and building in town was owned by one William C. Freely, and no properties at all were listed for sale. Lawyers and paralegals opened up legal texts and precedent books, only to find “Whatever Will Wants” printed in huge letters on every page. Hundreds of women in dignified suits were left asking themselves what they actually wanted out of life, when all was said and done.

 Shopping malls were now offering anything a woman could desire free of charge, including a suspiciously large number of new shops offering baby furniture, toys, and supplies in unusually large sizes. Forever 21 lost it's Number “1”, but gained a massive new inventory of designer pacifiers, bibs, onesies, and footie pajamas. An entire new wing of the mall was devoted to displaying all the available diaper options. Higher education also experienced a sudden and unexpected series of changes.


Angela was having a strange day. It was her second year at college, and so far it had been fairly pleasant, if a bit dull. She was pursuing a B.A. in Business Administration, although thus far she had no particular plans on what to do what she actually got it. The first class of the day had been Introductory Microeconomics, where she had listened to a lecture on why demand curves typically have a downward slope, and some situations in which they don't. There was a strange feeling in the air today as she walked though the campus to her second class. She couldn't understand why, but she felt lighter somehow, as though the world around her were suddenly calmer and more friendly. Maybe that also had something do with the fact that all her male classmates seemed to be absent today. Oh, well. She had more important things to worry about than a few guys playing hookie.

When she reached her second class, Calculus II, she found that something was a bit off. Her usual professor, Professor Greenblatt, wasn't there. Instead, a professor she hadn't seen before was standing next to the blackboard. The woman wore a neatly-pressed black pantsuit, but oddly she wore her long black hair in a pair of pig-tails with big purple bows. Once the class was seated, she began writing on the blackboard as she spoke.

“Welcome Class. My name is Dr. Samia Butler, and I'll be your instructor here going forward. As some of you probably already know, there have been some unexpected changes to the school curriculum in the last few minutes. Don't worry, all the times and classrooms in your schedule will remain the same. However, if you check your schedules, you'll find that some instructors and most subjects have changed. Now, without further ado, let's get started on the first day of Obedience 101.”

Angela put her hand up. “Yes, dear?” Said Dr. Butler

“Uh, I think I must be in the wrong place. Where is Calculus II being held today?” she asked.

Dr. Butler giggled at the question. “No, you're definitely in the right place. It's just that math classes have been canceled indefinitely. Now that we live in Willtopia, boring stuff like Calculus is totally unnecessary to learn. All classes must now be adjusted to match the needs of our current social circumstances. Do you understand?”

Angela frowned. “No. What do you mean math classes are canceled? How is that even possible? I signed up and paid for my classes! You can't just change them around.”

The professor giggled again. “Well, good news and bad news on that. The good news is that tuition is no longer required to attend this University, on account of money having no value in Willtopia. The bad news is that your attendance to these classes is now mandatory.”

There was a murmur among the other women present, but Angela wasn't letting what she had just heard pass. “What do you mean? What you're describing is absurd! Did our entire economy just change in the last hour? That's ridiculous!”

The professor sighed. “Well class, it looks like I need to fill Angela here in on some foundational concepts of our subject. Listen in, you might learn something.”

The professor reached behind her desk and placed a framed portrait on the blackboard. It showed a smiling man with unkempt hair and a strange, dreamy expression on his face.

“This is William C. Freely. He is a man who possesses unlimited power, and has chosen to use it to, among other things, transform this city into his own personal playground. As such, we who live here in Willtopia must adapt to serving as his servants, pets, and playthings. All goods and services in Willtopia are provided for free, so conventional education is essentially useless now. We don't need doctors, because illness does not exist. We don't need business managers, as all money has been eliminated from our society and business has no purpose. We don't need lawyers, since all laws have been suspended, except for the wishes of Will. What we do need (here she pointed at Will's face), is to make sure this man remains happy. If he became angry, our new idealic existence would be in jeopardy. The best way to keep Will happy is to obey him and submit to his every little whim. In this class, you're going to learn how to be Good Girls. Some of you are now Obedience Majors, who will go on to classes in Advanced Obedience, then Utter Submission, then Utter Submission II, and may eventually find positions as Maids or Slavegirls for our majestic lord and master. No matter your major, however, Obedience 101 is a requirement, not just for your degree, but for existence in general. It might be hard at first, but if you work hard and persevere, I'm sure each of you is capable of doing as you are told. Any questions?”

Angela listened to the professor rattle off this speech with growing horror and confusion. This had to be some kind of joke. Did she seriously say “Slavegirls”? Angela looked around. Her classmates were mostly staring at their desks with blank, blushing faces. They were obviously having trouble processing what they had just heard. Once again, it seemed that the task of being assertive had fallen to her. She raised her hand.

“Yes, dear. What is your name?”

“Angela Partridge. What exactly happens if we decide we'd really rather not participate in this? Frankly, it sounds ridiculous and more than a little demeaning. I think I'd rather just opt out. Anyone else feel that way?”

Her classmates didn't answer, or make eye contact.

The professor sighed again. “There's one every year, isn't there? Angela, I think there's only one way to impress upon you how essential it is for you to master this subject. I apologize in advance.”

There was a silence. Angela began to wonder if the teacher simply hoped that she would fold under the pressure. She narrowed her eyes, determined to stand firm on her principles.

“Bad Girl.”

Angela's eyes widened. The words struck her like falling anvils. She was overwhelmed by a sudden surge of emotions. She felt dirty, like she had just committed some terrible, mortal sin. It felt as though the ground under her feet was crumbling, and could give way at any moment and send her plunging into a dark abyss. Her hands trembled. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Her heart raced. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she had felt so...so Bad.

“You need to apologize, dear. It will make you feel better.” said the teacher in a stern but sympathetic tone.

“I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Pl...Please! I didn't mean it!” her eyes were watering now. The feelings of terror and guilt did subside a little, but she still felt awful.

“Good Girl.”

The terrible feeling was instantly swept away, replaced by ecstatic joy. The feeling was both emotional and physical, filling both body and sole with warm, silky pleasure. She felt utterly content and validated. To call the feeling orgasmic would be accurate, but totally insufficient. She was swimming in pure happiness. It was so, so Good!

“Do you understand now, dear, why you need this class?” asked the professor.

“Y...yes, Dr. Butler.”

“What are going to do now, dear?” asked the professor with a knowing expression.

Angela thought fast. She had always had a talent for feeding her teachers what they wanted to hear, and now was the time for that talent shine.

“I don't know, Ma'am. I'm waiting for you to tell me.” she said, smiling.

Her classmates groaned. The teacher arched eyebrow.

“Now class, that sort of behavior won't be tolerated. I know this is only Obedience 101, so you won't be punished this time, but you should congratulate your classmate on making a major breakthrough in her studies.”

A round of muttered, insincere congratulations followed. Angela blushed. She knew she had caved in like a souffle, but the afterglow of being called a “Good Girl” made it all feel worth it. She heard one classmate at the back of the room mutter the words “Teacher's Pet...”

“What was that?” demanded Dr. Butler, pointed directly at the source of the comment.

The woman who had spoken was silent as the class turned to look at her.

“Speak up.” ordered the professor.

“I said 'Teacher's Pet'.” she said, her voice dripping with contempt and defiance.

Dr. Butler clapped her hands excitedly. “Good Girl.”

The woman's face melted into total bliss. Her mouth hung open and her eyes rolled backward. Angela wondered if she had looked that stupid. She kinda suspected that she had.

“What a fantastic suggestion. Angela, come to the front of the class, please.”

Angela was worried about what was coming next, but she didn't dare run the risk of displeasing the teacher. She hastily rose and stood beside Dr. Butler. The professor reached into her desk and pulled out a large, shiny object.

“Put this on.”

Angela took the item and stood staring at it for a moment. It was a black leather dog collar. The dangling charm attached to it was several times larger than normal, so that the words “Teacher's Pet” were easily visible from across the room. Blushing fiercely, Angela saw no alternative but to affix the silly-looking object around her neck. She carefully tightened it to fit snugly and straightened the large tag.

“Good Girl.” Angela's knees bent as another blast of pleasure rocketed through her.

“Now that you're my pet, you need to look the part. Take off your other clothing, dear.” said Dr. Butler.

Angela lost no time in obeying. The humiliation of having to do a strip tease in front of her classmates was nothing compared to the possibility of being a “Good Girl”. Soon, she stood with her clothing in a pile. Her classmates could easily see her blushing from her head to her toes.

“On your knees, dear.” ordered the teacher. Again, there was no hesitation. Not even the idea of hesitation. The words seemed to go straight from her teacher's lips to her knees.

Dr. Butler patted her head affectionately. “Good Girl. Good, Good Girl!”

Angela was gone. The the classroom around her, her classmates, and her own thoughts were blown away by a nuclear inferno of pure joy. When her senses finally returned. She was writhing on the floor. The teacher was stooped beside her, rubbing her bare belly and cooing sweet nothings at her.

For the remainder of the class, Angela sat on her knees next to Dr. Butler's Desk, eager to please her teacher in hopes of receiving yet more 'Good Girls'. She watched as student after student was ordered to bark like a dog, or slap themselves on the butt, or sing “I'm a Little Teapot.” That student had done the accompanying dance without being asked, and was called a 'Good Girl' as reward. Angela felt very jealous.

Finally, the bell rang and it was time for Angela to move on to her next class. Dr. Butler wished her Pet luck, then pulled down her panties so that Angela could give her a goodbye kiss on the butt. Angela did so in an instant, giving each cheek three kisses, despite no specific number being asked for. She didn't receive a 'Good Girl' for this, which left her wondering if she shouldn't have given ten, or perhaps twenty kisses. The professor tossed her clothing, including her cell phone, wallet, and keys, into the waste paper basket. She was then ordered to wear her new uniform to school every day from now on.

The day went on. Angela's dog tag slapped against her bare breasts as she ran eagerly between classes. Next on the schedule was Intro to Babysitting. This class replaced her lunch break, as today's topic was basic feeding techniques. By the end of class, her stomach was full, her nipples were slightly sore, and she had made a new friend who didn't quite feel like looking her in the eye today. Next was History of Horniness, although the teacher of that class just showed a video.

 Her last class of the day was Basic Stupidity. Angela decided that this was her least favorite class. She had turned out to be the smartest woman in the room, and as such had been required to wear a ridiculously-oversized graduation cap on her head. The teacher warned her that she needed to work hard to become dumber, or else she would be forced to repeat the course next semester, instead of moving on to more advanced classes such as Extremely Basic Stupidity, then Real Real Basic Ditzery, and then to Super-Duper Dummerness. Worried that the teacher might call her a “Bad Girl”, she promised to work very hard to be as idiotic as she possibly could.


The architecture of the city became wildly variable as Will walked the streets. Mayan temples, spooky-looking ruined towers, Buddhist temples, circus tents, classical Greek shrines, and fairy-tale castles were now interspersed among the modern buildings. He adjusted the animal life of the area as well. In place of the usual pigeons and stray cats, Willtopia now sported golden marmosets, great horned owls, polar bears, sugar gliders, parrots, zebras, camels, penguins, flamingos, gorillas, and even a few wandering dinosaurs. Every creature of this city lived in peace with all others, and they were all subservient to humans. The zebras wandered the roads and gladly allowed any human to ride them. Gorillas would happily carry anything heavy. Parrots were content to land on any shoulder and repeat any utterance, and would carry messages if asked. Packs of tiny kittens haunted the streets, ready to pounce and demand tummy rubs from anyone they encountered.

Soon, more fantastical creatures joined the already amazing ones. Tiny winged dragons played in the trees that lined the streets. Unicorns moved through the city invisibly, only seen if caught reflected in glass. Flocks of multi-colored sea turtles swam through the air. Enormous humpback whales could be seen weaving carelessly among the towering clouds in the upper sky. Creatures that seemed to be made of living fire roamed the streets.  Winged orangutans played among the skyscrapers of downtown, climbing up with their enormous arms and gliding between buildings on majestic orange wings.

Sophie watched from the penthouse garden as the city was turned into a bizarre wonderland. A winged orangutan smiled and waved from the side of a nearby building. She had a breathtaking view of the sky, which now included three intense but very isolated thunderstorms. The sky was filled with clouds of every shape, size, and color, chopping the sunlight into heavenly beams that wandered the city at random. The northern lights winked in and out among the clouds, as did the sky-whales. A snowstorm suddenly burst over a distant bank building, while the warm sun streamed down like a spotlight nearby. The silence that had taken hold as the last of the cars drove away was replaced with the voices of thousands of living things. The city was alive with the gibbering of great apes, the calls of thousands of birds, and the ever-present whale-song. It was breathtakingly beautiful and frighteningly chaotic at the same time. Everything she saw frightened her, but everything seemed so utterly joyful and friendly. Down below, streets were being turned into meadows and streams. The last of the cars floated away into the sky like balloons. The transformation was approaching like a wave, emanating from a spot on the street below. Will was walking slowly toward the hotel, and turning the universe inside-out as he came.

Sophie wanted to turn around and address the crowd of women, most of whom were dressed in ludicrous costumes of various kinds. She wanted to show her leadership skills in this confusing and frightening time. But all she could do was stare in awe. Having actually met Will, she could never think of him as a god, but looking at this, what else could he be?

Christine was staring too. She had known that Will was powerful, powerful enough to do things far more impressive than this. Never the less, she couldn't help but be impressed. A great white shark swam lazily past the hotel, apparently unaware of any distinction between air and sea. She noticed that Janet was looking, not at the flying shark, but at her. With everyone around her distracted, she nodded. Janet nodded back.

Christine heard a faint rustling sound from below. It sounded like she was wetting her diaper, but she couldn't feel anything. Her potty-training had been declining steadily lately, but she thought it odd that she could hear the sound but not feel the heat or wetness. Glancing down, she realized her mistake. That sound wasn't coming from inside her diaper. It was coming from a pair of wings that had just sprouted from them. Tiny white wings were growing out of either side of her diaper, and they were flapping excitedly.

“Uh...” Christine was uncertain how to react when she felt her feet leave the ground. Deedee, Sophie, and Janet turned to watch her as she rose through the air, but surprisingly few others did. Her friends waved to her as she continued to gain altitude. She couldn't tell if they were expressing condolences or jealousy, all she saw was confusion. She waved back to them. As her diaper lifted her over the edge of the garden and flew her across the city, she reflected that she now lived in a city where the sight of woman flying through the air in a winged diaper was bot even enough to draw the attention of a crowd.

Christine was usually a little nervous about heights, but as the little wings stopped flapping and began gently gliding her over the streets, she didn't feel afraid. The situation was too much like a crazy dream to allow fear. She decided to just relax and enjoy it like a roller-coaster ride. Around her, the city was continuing to transform. Huge vines emerged from the ground nearby and began draping an apartment building in giant roses. She saw hippos and crocodiles playing together in a lazy river that had recently been 14thAvenue. A gorilla spotted her in the air and politely tipped his top hat to her. After a few minutes of gliding through the air of this strange world, the wings suddenly banked and sent her gliding down to the ground, where Will was waiting.

“Good to see you Christine! How is everything?” said Will. The winged diaper brought her into a hovering position, but did not land.

“You are such an asshole!” she shouted. She realized that this wasn't her best move strategically, but it was all she could think to say. Will just laughed.

“I guess I'll scratch “flying” off my list of potential presents for you. Here, you can walk around now, like a pleb!” said Will, snapping his fingers again.

The wings vanished, and Christine fell several feet to the street below and landed on her padded butt. The asphalt had been replaced with a field of clover, so she was more embarrassed than hurt. Will extended his hand to help her up, and this time, she accepted.

“Thanks.” she said.

“No problem. How have you been?” said Will nonchalantly.

“Really? You made my ass sprout wings just to ask me that?”

“Well, that's not the only reason, but its on the list.”

Christine gave an exaggerated sigh. “Things have been...interesting. Mom put Shelly into Obedience Diapers. Janet and I slept in the same crib last night. Everyone seems to be getting used to the whole...situation. We're just a little nervous about what's happening next.”

“I'll bet. Been following the news?”

“Yeah. Saw those portals you've created all over the world. What's the deal with that?”

“Just adding a bit of breathing room. People need to explore new worlds. If they can't, they start getting crazy.”

“And...all this?” said Christine, gesturing to a nearby flock of flamingos, which were busy playing basketball with a flock of penguins.

“This is just for fun. I've given humanity plenty, and this is what I want for myself. A little space of my own, where I make the rules. Like it?”

“It's cool, don't get me wrong. It's just a little...unnerving.” she admitted.

“Well, no rule says it has to be like this forever. I'm just in kind of a party mood today. You know, I traveled around a bit just to clear my mind, worked on getting human civilization to stop destroying itself, and now I feel like taking some to celebrate. What do you think?” he asked.

“A party? Like...what kind?”

“Nothing too crazy. I was thinking of an intimate little affair, with a few friends, candlelight, wine, classical music, that sort of thing. We can chat a little and discuss where we want to go from there.” said Will.

Christine felt her spirits lift. That didn't sound half bad. “Really?”

Will snorted. “No! I mean, can you imagine?

Christine sighed. Of course.

“So, any thoughts on that wish of yours?” asked Will nonchalantly.

Christine had spent a lot of time recently thinking about what to wish for. It was risky, of course, but she knew that had to take a swing soon or just accept that Will would dominate the universe forever. She made a show of being embarrassed. She knew that would appeal to him.

“Could we just...hang out tonight? Like...together?” she asked with blushing cheeks and downcast eyes.

Will smiled. He snapped his fingers, and was instantly holding a full mug of beer. Christine discovered a glass of red wine in her hand. Will offered her his arm, and she accepted. The pair walked toward the hotel across the fields of springy turf. “Your wish is my command.”


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