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The Archway

Part 1

Today was the big day. Yesterday was my 22nd birthday. In some cultures, the 21stbirthday is given special attention, due to it being the age at which one is allowed to drink alcohol. Of course, I live in Utopia, and alcohol is forbidden for everyone of every age, so my 21stbirthday was a fairly modest celebration at home with a few friends.

Two months ago, I learned that my 22ndbirthday was going to be a little more special. My mother was overjoyed when the letter came in the mail. The Precognition Core had released the list of names, as they always did, and my name, Miranda Hubble, had come up. On my next birthday, I was scheduled to pass under The Archway. I was Special.

We have no religion in Utopia, but if we did, The Archway would be our god. Its origins are a mystery. It has been part of our lives here in Utopia since the nation was founded seven hundred years ago. No records survive from that long ago, but even then, the Archway existed.

It is an object whose true nature is unknowable. It is not a piece of technology, or if it is, it is so far beyond anything the Brights can create that it may as well be magical. At one time, everyone who was born in Utopia passed under The Archway. That was disappointing for most people, as it had no effect on five sixths of those who passed under it. But for the Special few, it gave a fantastic gift.

In the Archway Park, in the very heart of the city of Grand Unity, the center of Utopian civilization, I sat in the waiting area with the three others who would undergo the ceremony that day. Two other girls and one guy, all the same age. Like me, they were all dressed in white ceremonial robes. We were all turning twenty-two today. A silver-haired woman of about forty addressed us in the waiting area. She didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, but it was part of the ceremony, and she rattled off her speech just as she had yesterday and would again tomorrow.

“Listen up! My name is Alice Bridge. I am a Knight, and it is my privilege to serve as the Guardian of the Archway. I'm sure you are very excited, but it is essential that proper protocol be observed throughout this ceremony. This may be a little different than what you have seen on television or read about in the historical records. You will not just run under the arch and start trying to use your new abilities the first chance you get. I am on hand here precisely to prevent that. Due to accidents and other tragic events, precautions are in place to protect you and those around you. You will pass through when and only when I call your name. Is that understood?”

We all nodded enthusiastically. In reality, we had heard this entire speech already in several of our favorite historical records.

“Excellent. I will hold you to that. Once you do pass through, you are to relax yourself as much as possible while our team of analytical Brights examines you. They will attempt to determine scientifically which category of Specials you belong to. Once that has been determined, you will be given further instructions. You are to obey all directions given to you by the analytics team. Is that understood?”

Another round of perfunctory nods.

“Good. Now, soon you will learn which category of Specials you will belong to for the rest of your life. I'm sure you are all familiar with them, but we will go over each of them just in case. The four most common varieties of Special are, in no particular order, as follows:”

The Espers: These Specials are granted mental faculties that defy our understanding of science. These can include telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, clairvoyance, and some rarer abilities. Espers serve in all areas of Utopian society and governance, and are responsible in large measure for our extremely safe and secure society. If you are found to be an Esper, you will be sent to the Esper Academy for training and eventually assigned to the Thought Police, the Precognition Core, or to Special Forces, depending on the details of your abilities.

The Knights: These Specials are granted extreme physical characteristics, such as heightened senses, strength, reflexes, speed, endurance, and agility. Knights are the primary reason that our society has no fear of attack by outside forces, as a small group of Knights is a match for any conceivable enemy. If you are found to be a Knight, you will sent to the Elite Training facility in Perfection Grove for advanced discipline and combat training, and then be assigned to Special Forces.

The Sweets: These specials are transformed into physically ideal versions of themselves. They become incredibly attractive and charismatic, as well energetic, optimistic, empathetic, and gregarious. Although they are often derided as simple-minded, allow me to assure you that this reputation is largely undeserved. Put simply, Sweets are happy, and they exist to spread that happiness to others. They have an instinct for finding ways to foster joy and cooperation in everyone they encounter. They are the glue that holds Utopia together. If you are found to be a Sweet, you will be allowed to return home without additional training.

The Brights: The Archway grants the Brights cognitive abilities far in excess of what is possible for normal humans. Brights are responsible for most of the advanced technology that Utopian society depends on. If you are found to be a Bright, you will be assigned to training in the Science Core, the Engineering Core, or to Central Administration, depending on your particular area of expertise.

“Now, these four categories together represent ninety-seven percent of all Specials, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Rare categories as well. Odds are no one here will fall into these categories, but you have already beaten the odds once, so who knows?

Knaves: Although the Archway gives us many incredible gifts, it is not perfect. It can make mistakes. Knaves are altered in mind so as to be incompatible with Utopian ideals, and given powers that enable them to act on their twisted desires with impunity. Quite simply, they are either evil, deranged, or some combination thereof. Their special abilities are unique and unpredictable, but always serve to sow chaos and destruction on those around them. We do not yet possess the means to identify Knaves with perfect accuracy, but if you are suspected of being a Knave, you will be directed to the Special Containment Facility in the Bountiful Gulch for further analysis, and possible termination. I am sorry to bring up this unhappy reality during your big day, but you need to be aware of the possibility, if only to understand why we insist on heavy security during this ceremony.

Nobles: Nobles posses two or more of the ability sets of the four common categories. These individuals serve as the primary directors of Utopian society, forming the highest ranks of all key organizations. Nobles come in a variety of subcategories, such as Priests (Sweets and Espers), Judges (Knights and Brights), and Paladins (Sweets and Knights). Nobles who possess traits of Knaves are called Dark Nobles, and represent a tremendous threat I not identified and apprehended early. The most prized Nobles are, of course, the Royals, who possess the traits of all four categories. These incredibly rare individuals alone possess the wisdom and strength to rule over all Utopian society.

Oddballs: About 1% of Specials are truly unique, and cannot be sorted into any of the preceding categories. They possess abilities and traits that often have no obvious purpose or utility. Because of their anomalous nature, they are difficult to distinguish from Knaves. As such, if you are found to be an oddball, you will also be sent to the Special Containment Containment Facility to ensure that your abilities do not pose a danger to those around you. After that, your fate is uncertain. Oddballs may have potent abilities, or severe disadvantages, or some combination thereof, and each must be dealt with as a separate case.

Are there any questions before we get started?” she finally concluded.

There weren't. The only question we truly wanted answered was “What will I be?”, and no one in Utopia, even those who could see into the future and perform six-dimensional vector calculus in their heads, could answer it. We were all just waiting to see.

“Alright. The Brights will signal when their equipment is set up. Feel free to talk among yourselves while we wait.

I glanced around the small alcove. I didn't know any of the others. Utopia is fairly small as colonies go, but there were still many thousands I had never met. Everyone was awkwardly looking at each other. I turned to blonde woman on my left.

“So...what are you hoping for?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Maybe Esper or Sweet. As long as it isn't Knave, I should be okay.”

I was surprised. “You wanna be a Sweet? Why?” I asked.

“What do you have against Sweets?” asked the guy. He had long black hair and a serious expression.

“Nothing.” I answered, which was only sort of true. “I have an older sister who is a Sweet. Its just isn't what I want.”

“Sweets have always been there for me whenever I felt down.” said the blonde girl shyly. “They're always so positive and upbeat. I've often thought how nice it would be to have no worries and just spend your time making others happy.”

“Yeah, leave her alone.” said the guy.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Do you wanna be a Sweet?” I asked.

“Of course not.” he answered. “I'm a man.”

This was a common attitude. Men were just as likely to become Sweets as women, but boys rarely saw themselves in this role. Sweets aren't actually any dumber than anyone else on average, but their personality is altered to be more friendly and accessible. Things like enjoying obscure topics, holding controversial opinions, or contemplating the darker aspects of existence don't fit into that frame, so they get removed if they are present. I didn't want that to happen to me. I didn't express any of this openly, though. One advantage of being a Sweet is that anyone who antagonizes or criticizes you ends up looking like a jerk, and people almost instinctively protect you. My own experiences with my sister confirmed this.

“So you're hoping for Knight, I guess?” I answered instead.

“At the risk of sounding stereotypical, yes. I'll take what I can get, obviously. Bright or Esper would be pretty nice, too.”

“Bright is what I would prefer.” I admitted. I knew that one's personality and desires counted for jack shit to The Archway, but I had always been a bit brighter than average, so the idea of being turned into a super-genius appealed to me.

“Right on.” said the other woman. She was tall and had neatly-combed and short-cropped hair. She had the air of a confident, assertive type. “Brights and Knights are the cool ones. Anything else is a consolation prize.”

The group lapsed into silence again. No had even mentioned the possibility of becoming a rare. It was remote, sure, but a 3% chance isn't nothing. Depending on what happened in the next hour, I might spend the rest of my life in a research facility, in the outlands battling monsters, or ruling on high as a new Queen. My heart was pounding with the uncertainty.

A light above the door switched on.

“They're ready. Show time!” said the Guardian. She opened the big double doors.

Outside, a long red carpet stretched across the park, leading all the way to The Archway. The path was sectioned off with velvet ropes and flanked by uniformed security guards. They were probably Knights, but that was kept secret to improve security. Around the path, over a hundred family members had come to cheer on the new Specials. I spotted my mom and older sister Rebecca cheering for me as I stepped out onto the carpet. I remembered three years earlier when I had been here to see Rebecca cross the same threshold. I had gotten some teasing in school when it got around that my sister was a Sweet. Some of my classmates had suggested that this made me more likely to become one, which I knew from statistics was nonsense. When I told them this, they mentioned a family that had three Knights in it, which of course proved nothing on its own. Damn, people can be dumb.

Alice the Guardian motioned for the four of us to stop. She stood near the base of The Archway and addressed the crowd.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! We are gathered here to witness the miracle that defines our civilization. Today, four of our beloved sons and daughters shall realize their destinies!”

She waited as the cheering gradually died down. My nervousness grew stronger as the moment of truth approached. I was glad these ceremonies weren't open to the public. Only direct family members were permitted to witness it, and even they weren't allowed any cameras or recording equipment. Depending on the results, it was sometimes necessary to conceal who got what ability set. The brilliant white marble of The Archway towered over all of us.

“Linda Rene, pass under the Archway!” came the Guardian's call. The tall woman strode confidently forward. The instant she crossed the threshold, I knew what it had chosen for her. Her white ceremonial robes blossomed into a light blue off-the-shoulder dress with a white rose corsage. The Brights surrounded her with their intricate analytical devises and scanned her as a formality, but it was obvious.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Linda Rene, Utopia's newest Sweet!”

The crowd cheered. Linda smiled and blew kisses into the crowd. Her hair had exploded into a silky mane of natural pink, and her eyes shone with deep purple. Her figure and poise were more graceful now, her smile radiant. The warmth she exuded lifted my spirits, even at this distance. A Sweet could light up any room. When I thought of the proud, tough woman she had been a moment earlier, I shuddered.

“Garrett Edwards, pass under the Archway!”

He did. As he crossed the threshold, his robes transformed into a suit of black leather battle armor, with blackened steel pauldrons and wolf pelts held together with a set of leather belts. He pumped his fists triumphantly in the air as the team scanned him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Garrett Edwards, Utopia's newest Knight!”

Well, one dream had come true, anyway. I wondered if he would still feel the same enthusiasm when he was trained as a soldier and sent to fight in the outlands, or forced to join Special Forces. Being strong enough to mold solid steel like play-dough is cool and all, but a Knight's lot is seldom a happy one.

“Miranda Hubble, pass under the Archway!”

Here it was. The moment of truth. I hesitated for a second on the threshold as the cheers rose up again. I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, and stepped forward.

A ringing sound that I had never heard before filled my ears, and filling of intense warmth ran through my body. I felt my skin crawl as my clothing was rearranged by the mysterious forces of The Archway. I knew something was wrong when I heard the cheers and applause from the onlookers abruptly die down. I heard the buzzes and beeps of scanning equipment. Slowly, I opened one eye and looked down to see what had been done to me.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

My white robes had disappeared as expected, but in their place was what I could only describe as a baby costume. My legs and feet were bare. I was wearing a lavender-colored tee shirt with a picture of a cartoon squirrel and  the words “Big Baby” written across it is white all-caps lettering. My belly-button was also exposed, and I was wearing a baby bonnet on my head that matched my shirt. But nothing else came close to drawing attention away from the diapers. They were so thick that they seemed to double the size of my butt. They were a bulging mass of glossy white plastic, decorated with images of colored blocks, rattles, and teddy bears. I felt my cheeks burn.

Now I was really glad that cameras weren't allowed here.

Beside me, the array of strange-looking devices were squealing and beeping like a flock of robotic geese having a rave. The Brights were discussing the readings with great concern.

“Alpha waves normal. Stress hormones up 35.4%. Metabolic indicators within normal parameters.”

“Radiation nominal. Quantum fluctuations much stronger than the background.”

“Results inconclusive. Recommend evacuation pending more detailed analysis.”

“What is this? What the fuck!” I yelled over the technical jargon. I was frightened and confused, and nothing around me was reassuring.

“Ladies and gentlemen, an unexpected event has occurred.” came the Guardian's voice. This time, however, her voice sounded genuinely concerned. “I'm afraid our analysis team is unable to identify Miss Hubble's unique trait. She will have to relocated to the Special Containment Facility until we are able to determine whether it is safe to release her.”

I closed my eyes and buried my face in my hands. I so didn't want to cry in front of all these people, especially not dressed as I was, but I was overwhelmed. What did this mean? I was supposed to be turned into something powerful and important, and instead I was being publicly humiliated.

“Miss Hubble, you need to listen to me very carefully.” It was Alice, speaking in her indoor voice. “I know this isn't what you were hoping for, but I need you to focus right now. You need to accompany these Brights to Special Containment. They have the equipment and facilities there to help us determine what you represent. You are probably an Oddball, but since we can't definitely identify you, we aren't certain that you aren't a Knave. It is important that you not attempt to use any special abilities during transit. Do not touch anything, do not speak, do not allow yourself to succumb to strong emotion, and relax your thoughts.”

The Guardians voice was cool and clear, and it cut through my confusion and embarrassment. I slowly opened my eyes. The three Brights were standing in their lab coats and gesturing toward a building on the far side of the park. There, I knew, a helicopter was kept ready to go at all times, in case of emergency. One of the Brights, a short man with glasses and sideburns was gesturing for me to follow him. None of them were willing to take the risk of actually touching me. Struggling to get myself under control, I headed toward the helipad.

I didn't get far before I heard a commotion behind me.

“Laura Peterson, your name was not called. I told you very...AAAAAAHH!”

I turned just in time to see Alice fall to the ground, screaming and writhing in pain. The blonde-haired woman who had been last in line was standing over her. She had passed under The Archway during all the confusion over me, and now she wore a black and red robe with a dramatically flared collar. She looked like a sorceress out of a cartoon. The biggest change was her eyes. The shy girl I had met briefly had been replaced with a cruel and arrogant woman, her eyes filled with confidence and contempt in equal measure.

Alice's pain did not last long. Within seconds, her body darkened and expanded, shredding her ceremonial uniform. A huge, hideous, snarling beast rose from the ground in her place. The creature was struck in the side by Garrett, sending it rocketing through the air, knocking over the velvet ropes and sending the crowd scattering in every direction. Garrett had no chance to enjoy his victory, however. Laura reached out and touched him, and he fell to the ground as Alice had. The monster that had been Alice rose from the ground and began chasing the fleeing family members with huge claw-tipped fingers, confirming that this transformed Knight still had a Knight's incredible durability.

My wrist was grabbed and the Brights dragged me toward the helipad. In their terror of the new Knave, they had completely forgotten their fear of me.

“Come on, Miss Hubble, we have to get out of here.” one of them said.

I struggled against her. “My family is back there!”

“The Knights will handle it. It's why they exist. Move!”

I was unceremoniously dragged to the helipad. Several members of the crowd managed to join us before take-off, but my mother and sister weren't among them. I could do nothing but hope that they escaped. As the chopper rose above Grand Unity, I saw dozens more monstrous figures spreading out from Archway Park. It seemed that even the Knights could not handle Laura's new powers.


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