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The Impossibility of Impossibilities

Part 2

“My mom is in the hospital. She's dying of a brain tumor. I want you to heal her.”

Will was surprised by this. “holy shit, you should have said something sooner. Of course I don't want your mom to die. Let's go sort that bullshit out. I wish we were both with your mother.”

The alleyway vanished instantly. Around Will and Christine appeared the sad, sterile cleanliness of a hospital ward. Pale blue curtains surrounded them. Hospital staff walked to and fro. Monitoring equipment hummed and beeped. Will pulled aside the nearest curtain. Inside was a cot containing an absolutely forlorn figure. She was bald, emaciated, and her eyes seemed dull and exhausted as she stirred awake. She peered straight through Will and Christine, obviously not seeing them.

“...hello? Is anyone there?” she called in a voice so weak as to be barely audible.

“Oh right, forgot. I wish we were visible and audible.”

Instantly the woman's eyes settled on Christine, then darted to Will, then back to her. A faint smile appeared on her thin lips.


Christine knelt down beside her mother and too her hand.

“Hi Mom.”

“Oh Cristi, it's so nice to see you. I know you're not really here, but it's so good to see you anyway.”

Christine returned her mother's smile. “I'm not here?”

“No sweetheart. Mommy is just having a nice dream. That's why you're in your dipees again.”

Christine blushed self-consciously at that.

“Mom, I am really here. You're not dreaming.”

“But you just appeared out of thin air. It's alright, dear. I'm not mad at you for not being real.”

“I can explain that. Really. But first, I want you to meet Will. He is, like, a wizard or something.”

“Of course he is dear.”

“I know it sounds crazy. I mean, it is crazy. But I think he can help you.” she turned to Will. “Can't you?”

Will nodded. “I wish that Christine's mother was in perfect health.”

Christine watched in amazement as the color poured back into her mother's face. The bald scalp darkened and vanished as a full head of shiny black hair spilled across her pillow. Every bit of her body  swelled as her atrophied muscles were revived. It was like watching a berry ripen in fast-forward. Within seconds, a plump, healthy, middle-aged woman was lying in the bed. Only the faintest resemblance could be seen between this lovely lady and the emaciated figure she had been a moment ago.

Will extended a hand toward the revitalized woman. “Hi there. My name is Will.”

She sat up in bed and took his hand, shaking it heartily. “Hi Will. I'm Sophie. And this... isn't a dream, is it?”


“It's really over? I'm healed?”

“Yep. That cancer bullshit is done with. How do you feel?”

“Better than I have in years. This is amazing. Are you really a wizard?”

“Something like that. I have all the power now, and I've decided that disease is not something I have to put up with. In fact, I wish that all illness would disappear from the earth.”

Christine's eyes widened. “Can you really do that?”

Will shrugged. “Good way to see how far my power extends.”

“Won't there be side-effects though? I mean hospitals will have to shut down, and there'll be tons of unemployment and environmental effects. Are you sure this won't be a bad thing?”

“The human race is just going to have to live without illness. I think we can manage somehow. But that's enough work for one day. Time to have some fun!”

Christine sighed. “Yeah, I know. Time to pay the piper.”

Sophie's face was marred by a look of concern. “Pay the piper? Does this have something to do with the fact that my daughter is wearing a diaper?

“You could say that. Christine and I have a little arrangement going. Nothing sinister, I assure you.”

“It's a little sinister.” said Christine.

“Sure, I guess. Anyway, we'll be on our way. Enjoy your long, healthy life Sophie.”

“You're leaving? But I just recovered! I want to spend time with my daughter.”

Christine gave Will a look that bordered on pleading.

“What was that look? I'm sorry, do you want to use one of your wishes?”

Christine pleading look turned to one of playful irritation.

“Oh fine. Sophie, would you like to come with us? I do have an important job that I think you would be perfect for.”

“What kind of job?” asked Sophie cautiously.

With that kind of setup, Will got to work putting his plans into action. According to the scroll, no one could overhear his wishes unless he wanted them to, so he decided in his mind that Sophie and Christine did not need to hear his next wish.

I wish that time would stand still.”

Sure enough, the two women froze in place. The sounds of the hospital ward were replaced by absolute silence. Rubbing his hands together with glee, Will set about making wishes.

I wish that Sophie would view me as a close, trusted friend.

I wish that Christine would become totally obedient toward her mother.”

I wish that Sophie would greatly enjoy taking care of her daughter in any way she needs.

I wish that Christine would develop a strong fetish for humiliation.

I wish that Sophie would want her daughter to be a cute as possible.

I wish that Christine would love everything about being in diapers and hate everything about toilets.

I wish that Christine would quickly and easily pick up childish interests and habits.

I wish that Sophie would be very open to any suggestion I make.”

“I wish that time would resume”

Will answered Sophie's question as though there had been no interruption, because in a real sense there hadn't been one.

“An extremely important job that I think you will love. You see, I know that you've gotten used to thinking of your daughter as a mature, intelligent young lady, but that's all behind her now. Isn't it, Christine?

Christine was taken aback by this turn in the conversation. Will was explaining that her life as an adult was basically over, and she felt...excited. Suddenly, she knew exactly what she wanted to tell her mother. It was so embarrassing, so mortifying, but somehow, it felt right.

“It's true Mom. I just don't feel like being a big girl anymore.”

“I don't understand.” replied Sophie, still looking concerned.

“Now that I'm here, there is no need for Christine to work or go to school. I've decided that her life should be as easy and carefree as possible. So she is going to be a big baby from here on out.”

A grin broke out on Sophie's face. “A big baby? In diapers?”

“That's right. I've worn my last pair of big girl panties.” confirmed Christine, her face reddening with embarrassment. She felt incredibly humiliated to be saying such things to her own mother, but somehow the embarrassment felt...good. She knew instinctively that she was supposed to be as embarrassed as she possibly could be.

“And we certainly can't have a big baby who wipes her own butt. I mean, what would the neighbors think?” added Will.

“You mean...you want me to...” Sophie's excitement was building. This sounded too good to be true!

“It's okay. You can say it.” encouraged Will.

“...change Christine's diapers?”

“Yep. But that's hardly all the position would entail. You would be responsible for feeding her, bathing her, comforting her, and generally taking care of her every need.  I need someone to make sure that Christine becomes the very best big baby she can be. It will be your job to make sure she doesn't backslide and start taking on big-girl habits and responsibilities. She needs guidance and discipline to get rid of all her nasty maturity and dignity. She needs to be taught how to be as adorable as possible, how to be sweet and obedient. Do you think you can handle that?”

There was a long pause. Sophie looked at her daughter, naked except for a thick disposable diaper. “Are you sure this is what you want sweetheart?” she asked.

Christine blushed and stared at her feet as she answered. “Yes. I want this so much. Diapers are the absolute best. I want you to be my Mommy again. Please.”

Sophie paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking deeply. At length, she suddenly bent forward, pressed her lips into her daughter's belly, and blew a loud raspberry. Christine doubled over with laughter.

Sophie attacked Christine with a rain of tickles, driving her to knees, then to her back. Christine laughed until tears tears appeared in eyes.

“Oh Chrissie, Mommy is so happy to have her little girl back!”

Christine rolled on the floor, laughing.

Sophie pulled back the elastic of her daughter's diaper and peeked inside.

“Look at that. My baby is all clean and dry! Maybe it means she's ready for potty training?” teased Sophie.

Christine's eyes widened in mock horror. “No Mommy, please! No potty training! Never ever!”

“Well I'm sorry sweetie, but if you keep your diapers clean like this Mommy will have to put you in panties.”

“I'm sorry, Mommy! I'll do better I promise, but please don't put me in panties!” whined Christine. Even she wasn't sure whether she was being sincere or not. She wanted to play along with her mother's teasing, but part of her genuinely found the idea of being potty-trained scary.

“I'll tell you what. If you can make a big stinky in your pants like a good girl, I promise to keep you in diapers forever.”

“Forever? Really?”

“That's right. You'll be my big baby forever!”

Christine didn't need any more encouragement than that. Still lying on her back, she tucked her legs into her chest and pushed for all she was worth. Within a few seconds her diapered rear erupted with loud squishy fart sounds. Christine squealed with delight as her diaper filled with hot, sticky shit. She writhed on the floor in pleasure as she squished her mess around her butt. Her hand shot to the front of her diaper and she began openly rubbing herself in front of her mother.

“Oh god, I'm pooping my pants! It feels sooooo good!”

Sophie put her hands on her hips theatrically. “Chrissie, shame on you for using that kind of language! From now on, when you use your diaper, I expect you to tell me just like you did when you were younger.”

Still digging into the soft padding of her diaper, Christine declared: “Mommmmmyyy, I made stinkies in my diapie!”

Sophie clapped her hands. “Very good! Such a big baby making a big wonderful mess! Are you going to clean yourself up?”

Christine shook her head. “No Mommy. That not my job!”

“What? Who's job is it then?” asked Sophie.

“Mommy's job!” declared Christine, giggling joyfully.

“Mine? You mean I have to wipe your butt for you?”


“But don't you want use the potty like a big girl?”

“Nope. No more potty! Me wear diapies now!”

Sophie turned to Will. “She sure is certain that this is what she wants! Can I have some supplies?”

“No problem. I wish that Sophie was fully equipped to look after Christine.”

Sophia's plain hospital gown immediately blossomed into a bright blue dress resembling a maid's outfit. White lace trim appeared on the hems and at the shoulders. A bright white apron appeared to complete the ensemble. Over her shoulder a matching blue diaper bag materialized. In case anyone might mistake it for a large purse, the words “Christine's Diapers” appeared on the side in colorful block letters.

“This is perfect!” said Sophie as she felt the material of her new outfit. She opened the diaper bag and began rummaging through it.

“Baby wipes, baby powder, fresh diapers...ooh these are cute!” said Sophie, drawing a thick disposable diaper from the bag. It was obviously sized for Christine, and was decorated with pink teddy bears around the waistband.

Sophie helped Christine onto the hospital bed and set about changing her diaper. Sophie seemed wholly unperturbed as her daughter writhed in pleasure. It was clear that getting her butt wiped by her mother would now be the highlight of her day.

Will's enjoyment of this lovely family moment was interrupted by a voice behind him.

“Excuse me, what's happening in here? There have been some complaints about the noise.”

It was an attractive Asian nurse in light green scrubs.

“My apologies, we were just about to head out. We just have to get Christine over there into a fresh diaper. Right Christine?” asked Will.

Christine's embarrassment came rushing back as she realized that other people could see and hear her predicament. “Uhh, hi there. Yes, we'll be gone soon, don't worry.” She smiled, partially from embarrassment, but mostly because she loved the feeling of her mother's gentle hands cleaning her butt.

The nurse recoiled in disgust. “Oh my god, how did you freaks get in here? You need to get out. Now!”

“Somebody just volunteered to join in the fun.” thought Will. Willing that no one would overhear him, he made a few more wishes in secret.

“I wish that time would stand still.”

“I wish that this nurse would be extremely open to suggestion for the next few minutes.”

“I wish that this nurse would repeat the suggestions back once they have fully taken hold.”

“I wish that time would resume.”

“Ma'am, that is no way for a member of the medical profession to behave. If you're feeling jealous of Christine, you can just ask to have a turn after her.” said Will.

The nurse blanched. Will watched as uncertainty clouded her face. The wind had gone out of her sails, and she was suddenly adrift. She rallied.

“What...what are you talking about? Just leave.” Her voice had lost so much of strength it had had a moment ago.

“I'm talking about how jealous you feel of Christine.” explained Will gently. “She is so happy and carefree, and you're so tired and stressed. It's only natural to feel jealous.”

“I'm not...not jealous.” She forced the words out, but they rang untrue even in her own ears. Her brow furrowed with confusion as she watched Sophie put the final tape securely into place. She watched  mother and daughter lovingly embrace as they celebrated the first of many diaper changes to come. She could not understand where this sudden feeling of longing was coming from.

“I think you are. I think you wish you could just be an adorable cutie like Christine.”

She was struggling now. She knew something strange was happening to her, but she had no real way to stop it.

“I'm...j-jealous of Christine.” The words tumbled unbidden from her mouth.

“It's great that you can admit that.” said Will with a wry smile. “What is it about her that makes you jealous?”

The look of confusion on her face deepened into full-on bafflement. She stared at Christine. Christine stared back with growing amusement.

“She...she seems really...relaxed?” She was clearly struggling to describe where this strange feeling of jealousy was coming from.

“She certainly does. She doesn't have a care in the world. Not like you. You're a smart, independent, hard working nurse, aren't you?”

“Yes, I am a smart, independent, hard-working nurse.”

“I have some good news then. I can change all of that for you. You can be as happy and relaxed as Christine here.”

“Really? You can do that?”

“Sure. Let's start with the basics. What is your name?”

“Margaret.” the nurse answered. Her confusion seemed to melt away. Things seemed to be looking up for her.

Will stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Hmmm...no. I don't think so.”

Margaret's unease returned with a vengeance. “What?”

“That's not your name.” Will stated simply.

“That...that isn't my name.” She knew it was true. Margaret was not her name. She didn't have a name. She searched her mind for any trace of a name, but all she could remember were people calling her Margaret, which she knew wasn't right. “This is impossible!”

“Saying that won't make it so.” replied Will.

“But I have to have a name!” she was starting to work herself into a panic.

“Sorry, you don't.”

She started to tremble. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. She fell to her knees and folded her hands in submission.

“Please, I'll do anything! I'm sorry I yelled at you. That was wrong of me. Please, please give me a name!”

Will reached down and gave the nameless nurse a comforting pat on the head. “It's okay. I'll give you a name in a moment. But first, we need to work on that personality a little.”

The nameless nurse's head bobbed a little as she stared at Will.

“Well, first things first. You made a great start by by getting down on your knees. But now you need to fully embrace your destiny. From now on, you are to be utterly submissive to everyone around you. No more standing up for yourself or having your own opinions. Anyone can boss you around, and you love obeying any order you are given. You are utterly subservient. Understood?”

She smiled and nodded. It felt good to have someone explain things to her like this. “I am utterly subservient.” she confirmed.

“You love to do anything you are told to do.”

“I love to do anything I am told to do.”

“Very good. It's very important that you learn not to make any decisions on your own. You must ask for help when faced with any choice, even if it's just deciding how to dress or what to eat. Just remember, your choices are always wrong, and your opinions are always stupid.”

“My choices are always wrong, my opinions are always stupid.”

“Good girl. Now, you need a nice bubbly disposition to go with your total obedience. You are going to feel extremely happy all the time.”

“I will feel extremely happy all the time.” she repeated. The words felt utterly delicious as they left her lips. She could feel pure joy pouring into her brain like honey. She felt the urge to grin and giggle. Everything was going so well!

“You sure will. One last thing we need to change. Christine over there has just decided that big-girl panties aren't really her thing. From now on, she's going to pee and poop in her diapers like a baby, and gets changed by her mommy. I think you should be following her example. You must always wear diapers, because you have no bladder control.”

“I must always wear diapers, because I don't have any bladder control.” repeated the grinning nurse.

Will turned. “Sophie, would you do the honors?”

Sophie could hardly believe her luck. “Of course. Come here you big baby! We'll get you out of those nasty panties and into some nice thick pampers!”

The nameless nurse leapt to her feet and eagerly ran over to Sophie. She was very excited to be ordered around by the nice lady. Sophie began stripping her of her nurse's uniform, and she cooperated completely. She threw her arms into the air to allow Sophie to pull her top off. She stepped out her panties, wondering why on earth she had been wearing such a thing. Sophie gently pushed her onto the bed and began generously sprinkling her crotch with baby powder.

“What a good girl! I sure hope Christine's diapers fit you!” cooed Sophie.

“Why hope?” said Will. “I wish that Sophie had the perfect diapers for whoever she changes.”

When Sophie reached into her diaper bag, she did not retrieve one of Christine' diapers. In place of the pink teddy bears, the new diaper had bright yellow blocks spelling out the word “Obedient”.

“Ooooh! These are perfect for you! Tell me who's a good, obedient diaper girl!” ordered Sophie.

“I am a good, obedient diaper girl!” answered the naked, grinning nurse.

“Sophie,” said Will. “Would you like to give our new diaper girl a name?”

“I would love to!” answered Sophie as she slid the new diaper under the delighted nurse. “From now on your name will be... Deedee!”

Deedee was in ecstasy as Sophie secured the tapes on her diaper. When she had walked into the room mere minutes ago, she had never dreamed that she would be stripped of her clothes, her dignity, and her free will. She certainly wouldn't have imagined being so delighted by all of it.

“Welcome to our little party Deedee.” said Will. “I think it's time we shifted locale. I wish that me, Christine, Sophie, and Deedee would instantly travel to the most expensive hotel in town.


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