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"Now, there's no need to be nervous, Ericka. I've got the results back from your tests, and while we aren't exactly where we need to be, I think I see a fairly simple set of steps we can take to get you back on track." said Dr. Allanis, running a finger down Ericka's chart.

 "Umm, okay...that's not...I mean, exactly what I wanted to hear..." said Ericka, her voice barely above a whisper. Her wife Nancy patted her back reassuringly.

 "I know. It can be a bit of a shock to finally look under the hood and see what's going on after so long. The good news is, for the most part, you're in good shape. Not many issues to show for..." she wrinkled her forehead in thought. "...how many years without a check-up?"

 Ericka looked down at her feet. " Um...I had a physical right after my eighteenth, so I guess...eighteen years?" The other two women shared a good-natured chuckle at her expense.

 "Half your life with no modern medicine." said Nancy, patting Ericka's back. "See babe? Even if you seem fine, you shouldn't go that long without seeing a doctor."

 Ericka's lips tightened. "I just...could never really afford it without insurance..."

 Nancy blew a derisive breath through her lips. "Sweetie, you had insurance at your old job for like, four years. You could have gotten an appointment at any time."

 Ericka drew her knees together. "I just...never got around to it, okay?"

 "Well, now that you're on my insurance, you're all out of excuses." said Nancy, her gently patting hand wandering down toward Ericka's rear. She stage-whispered to Dr. Allanis. "She's a little shy, is all. Doesn't like making phone calls. Always worrying that she's bothering someone. It's so cute! A little bit scared of doctors, too, I suspect. Just needs someone to give her a little push sometimes."

 Ericka blushed and clasped her hands together in front of her.

 "I understand completely." said Dr. Allanis, her voice full of professional-grade reassurance. "You are definitely a very good wife for encouraging Ericka to come in. We were lucky to catch something like this with some time left for treatment."

 "I...I...uh, that's good I guess..." muttered Ericka.

 "So what's the problem?" asked Nancy, cutting off her wife. "Should we be concerned?"

 "Not really. Just a simple problem that we can correct with a very minor procedure."

 "Procedure?" squeaked Ericka.

 "Relax, babe. Doctors will call trimming a toenail a 'procedure'." said Nancy.

 "Well, yes. Because it is, and so is this." said Dr. Alannis. "The issue I've noticed is a...shall we say, a marked imbalance of personalities."

 "Huh?" asked Ericka, suddenly confused rather than shy.

 "Did you say personalities?" asked Nancy, equally perplexed.

 "Well, you see Nancy, based on the fact that your wife has taken so long to sign up for a basic medical examination and needed you to push her into finally going, and further reinforced by the dynamic I've observed between the two of you, I get the distinct impression that you're really the more mature, assertive one in this relationship. Is that accurate?"

 Nancy broke into a choking laugh and covered her face with her hand, then nodded. It was clear that she had been thinking it, but hadn't wanted to compound Ericka's embarrassment by voicing the thought aloud.

 "Yes. It is pretty funny, isn't it? A woman of thirty-six who needs her wife to haul her in for a check-up like a toddler? It's really very...funny." said Dr. Allanis, her face displaying not even trace of amusement.

 Ericka furrowed her brow in indignation as Nancy began to choke with laughter. She couldn't believe her wife was allowing her to be spoken about like this.

 "Absolutely hilarious, in fact. I really get the impression that Nancy often has to be the "grown-up" in your relationship, doesn't she? And that hardly seems fair. A couple should be able to help each other to learn and grow as human beings, but due to the...let's say "maturity gap", I'm not really seeing how Ericka here is supposed to grow with you essentially acting as her parental figure. We really need to shake up this dynamic before it calcifies."

 Nancy continued to tremble with laughter as Dr. Allanis spoke, while Ericka grew more and more flabbergasted at the bizarre shift in topic. Finally, she had had enough. She rose from her chair and put her hands on the desk.

 "What...what the hell are you talking about, lady? None of what you're saying has anything to do with any medical issues! What the hell? Why are you just giggling at this bullshit Nancy?"

 "There, you see?' said Dr. Allanis, seemingly ignoring Ericka's obvious anger. "Here you see your wife acting a little less capable and on-top-of-things than she usually is, and suddenly you're a lot less shy and nervous, aren't you Ericka?"

 "What? What is this? Nancy, did you set this up?" asked Ericka, turning to her wife, who was now practically apoplectic with laughter.

 "No, not at all." continued Dr. Allanis, her delivery still perfectly smooth and clinical, her face still relaxed into the mask of a consummate professional. "I just want you to see how being the one who has it together affects you. See how much more decisive and confident you are now that your wife is just a giggling mess?"

 Fear and uncertainty shot across Ericka's face. "Nancy? Honey? Are you okay?"

 "I...heh heh ha! I can't...oh my gawd..." gasped Nancy, seeming to struggle to regain control of herself before collapsing back into peals of laughter.

 "She's fine. Here, let's go ahead and take this discussion a little more seriously."

 Nancy suddenly stopped laughing. In seconds she went from barking with laughter to gasping for air. Ericka rubbed her back as she recovered, making occasional furtive, fearful glances at the doctor.

 "There. Take a seat, both of you. We need to go over your prescription."

 Ericka felt her legs suddenly wobble underneath her. She found herself dropping back into her seat for fear of falling over. Nancy was fidgeting in her chair, clearly struggling to rise, but unable to make her butt leave the seat.

 "Very good. Just relax. We need to go over a few simple, basic little things, and then you'll be on your way. Now, Nancy, we need to discuss your potty training situation, okay?"

 Nancy blanched. "I...uh, wha what?"

 "Potty training. See Ericka, Nancy here has been having an awful lot of difficulty managing her bladder lately. It seems like she just gets a sudden urge, completely out of the blue, and then she has only a minute or two to find a restroom. Isn't that right, Nancy dear?"

 "But...I haven't...I, I don't..."

 "No, no. That's not any good around here, sweetie. You can't contradict me, silly. I'm the doctor, I know what I'm talking about. The more you think about it, the more you'll see that I'm right. About everything. Now, I know it can be awfully embarrassing to have to discuss something like this in front of your wife, but it's really not a big deal. We're all friends here, we're not here to judge you. It's just very important that you accept that you have a little problem that we need to work on. Come on now. Admit that you have trouble holding your pee."

 Nancy blinked over and over, trying to focus. "I...errr, I...I...haaaave trouble holding my pee?" said Nancy, her eyes displaying her surprise at the words trickling out of her mouth.

 "There we go! Good girl, Nancy! I'm afraid your bladder muscles just aren't very strong, are they? You can't help but have embarrassing little pee-pee accidents, all the time. You just can't seem to remember to visit the restroom before it becomes an emergency. And even if you can get to the toilet in time, using those things can be very confusing and intimidating, can't it? But don't worry. I think with a little patience, a little discipline, and a little tender, loving care we can get you back on track."

 "But, but I don't understand..." said Nancy. She grabbed hold of Ericka's sleeve, as though to steady herself.

 "What is this? Wha...what is happening?" asked Ericka. She too was opening and closing her eyes, trying to clear her mind.

 "I know it's a lot to take in, but this is something that you both need to accept. Nancy is not potty-trained. She can't help but have embarrassing accidents in her pants, all the time. It's not easy to hear, but she is going to need your help to get her bladder under control."

 "That doesn't...ugh...that can't..." Ericka tried to object, but she couldn't seem to get the words out.

 The doctor pressed on, as though she had heard nothing. "Nancy is going to need your help with her potty training, Ericka. It'll be okay. I think it will be a very nice little change of pace for your relationship. She'll need your guidance, your emotional support, and your assistance, during this difficult period. It's really quite embarrassing to need help learning to use the potty at her age, so she'll need a lot of comfort and reassurance, as well as a firm hand to keep her in line. But she's lucky enough to have a caring, responsible, mature wife to hold her hand through this tough transition. I have no doubt that you'll rise to the occasion, Ericka."

 Ericka winced and shook her head. "But...why, though? This...achh....this doesn't make sense."

 Dr. Allanis smiled compassionately. "Yes, I can see that that's troubling you, but don't worry. Try to relax. It'll get easier and easier to just accept what I tell you, without any of your memories or logic getting in the way. Just take a deep breath and take it one step at a time. Everything is going to be okay."

 Ericka drew in a ragged breath, held it for a moment, eyes still wide with fear and confusion, and then slowly blew it out.

 "Good girl. Now, Nancy, I certainly understand that it's very difficult for you to avoid having potty accidents, particularly considering how weak your bladder is, and how much pleasure you get from wetting yourself."

 "What?!" exclaimed Nancy, but her shock and outrage quickly turned to desperation as her hand shot to her crotch. "No, no, no no no! Errrr..."

 Ericka put her hand to her wife's shoulder. She looked concerned at Nancy's apparent discomfort, but there was no longer confusion or outrage in her expression.

 "Yes, I know it's not an easy thing to face, but put simply, the fact that peeing yourself is tied to your sexual instincts makes it really quite difficult to avoid an accident. I mean, it would be tricky enough to remember how to use the toilet like a big girl, and recognize that feeling in time, and find your way to a potty, but adding to that the fact that letting your bladder go gives you such a mind-shattering orgasm...it might just be a little too tempting to resist. I think this little cutie has a lot of embarrassing little accidents to look forward to."

 "Ahhh...ahhh! Oh, gawd! Oooooh my gawd..."

 "Nancy? Are you okay, honey?" said Ericka, as her wife shook and moaned, a wet patch appearing on the front of her jeans. "Oh, you wet yourself!"

 "Yes, sure enough." said Dr. Allanis, smiling benevolently. "Nancy is a pantswetter."

 She leaned forward and dropped her voice, as though whispering a secret. She repeated: "Nancy is a pantswetter."

 "I'm...a pantswetter?" asked Nancy, her eyes unfocused, breathing heavily.

 "Nancy is a pantswetter." muttered Ericka absent-mindedly, still patting Nancy's back reassuringly.

 "Yes indeed. What a cute little problem for a woman your age to have. I know how embarrassing this must be for you, Nancy. But don't worry. Ericka and I will be here to help you every step of the way. We're going to help you get your pantswetting under control. We're going to start your potty-training."

 "But...but, didn't I...already?" Nancy sounded completely at sea, struggling to find anything solid to cling to.

 "No, no. That kind of thinking isn't going to help you stop having your little accidents, sweetie. Ericka, tell Nancy that you're going to help potty-train her."

 "I'm going to help...ohh...potty-train you." whispered Ericka unsteadily.

 "Very good. Nancy is very lucky to have such a kind, gentle wife to help her through this tough time. I won't pretend it'll be easy. You are going to have to be firm and set consistent rules and boundaries for Nancy if you want to see progress. I'll help you come up with an excellent program to help Nancy get a hold on her bladder control. I think you'll really start seeing the fun side once you catch your stride."

 Ericka nodded. Nancy narrowed her eyes in confusion, still trying to clear her head.

 "Ericka, Nancy needs you to remind her to use the potty. You should ask her very frequently throughout the day, about every hour or so at first. It can be awkward when you start out, so I want to hear you give it a try. Ask Nancy if she needs to go potty."

 "Do you need to...use the restroom, honey?" asked Ericka hesitantly.

 "N...no. No!" whimpered Nancy.

 Dr. Allanis chuckled. "Well, of course you don't right now, Nancy! Silly girl. We're just getting some practice in. Now Ericka, that wasn't bad, but you need to be very clear about what you're asking. You're only going to confuse poor Nancy if you speak in such clinical terms. Try asking if she needs to 'go potty like a big girl'. She'll understand that."

 Ericka tried again. "Do you need to go potty...like a big girl, Nancy?"

 "Noooo..." whimpered Nancy.

 Dr. Allanis nodded. "Good. One more try."

 "Do you need to go potty like a big girl, Nancy?" asked Ericka, more forcefully this time.

 "Stooopiiit." whined Nancy. "I...I aaam a big giiirl."

 Ericka looked concerned at her wife's clear discomfort, but Dr. Allanis reassured her. "Oh, that's very normal, Ericka. Learning to use the potty can be a very scary and emotionally turbulent time for a little pantswetter like Nancy. Let me give you something to help manage those big feelings of hers."

 The doctor reached under her desk and and retrieved a little plastic package. She popped it open and dangled its contents on the end of her finger. It consisted of a little sky-blue ring attached to a matching plastic shield, terminating in a large yellow bulb of rubber.

 "P-pacifier?" muttered Nancy as she stared at the object in disbelief.

 "Very good, Nancy! Yes, this is an adult pacifier. Well, to the extent that a pacifier can ever be 'adult', I suppose. Now Nancy, in a little bit, your wife is going to put this lovely Big Baby pacifier in your little mouth. Once she does, you are not to pull it out under any circumstances, okay? You'll enjoy sucking on your pacifier. It'll help calm you down, and it will also make it easy to remember that you're not the one in charge. Ericka, this pacifier gives you the right to decide when your wife is allowed to speak, and when she isn't. You can use it when her emotions start to get the better of her, or just when you're tired of listening to all her silly little objections. I know, I know. You want to listen to your wife and take her concerns seriously, and that's a wonderful thing, but it's important to remember that she's only a pantswetter. She needs you to be in control of her, because she can't control herself, okay?"

 Ericka nodded. "She...she needs me to be in control...because she can't control herself?" She sounded like she was coming to a grand realization.

 "Erickaaa..." whined Nancy, but Dr. Allanis cut her off.

 "Very good. Nancy can be a little bratty at times, and she might try to wear you down with endless complaints and objections. She might even try to undermine your confidence or question your authority over her. That's all very normal stuff for a woman her age who's still learning to use the potty. This will be a good way of letting her know that you've heard enough and you're ready for a little peace and quiet. Remember Ericka, you're in charge, you know what's best, and when you're done listening, the pacifier goes in. Here you go, use it wisely."

 Ericka took the pacifier from Dr. Allanis. She slowly turned it in her hand, examining it like it was a mysterious magical talisman. She glanced at Nancy, then back at the pacifier, then back at Nancy.

 "D-don't you dare!" growled Nancy, eyes wide with anger.

 A mischievous smile played on Ericka's lips as she pointed the yellow rubber bulb toward her wife's mouth. Nancy drew back and bared her teeth, but she seemed unable to escape the bulb as Ericka slowly pushed it toward her. When it touched her lips, her mouth opened wide to receive it, and closed tight around it.

 "There you go. That'll help her feel much more relaxed, and you get to enjoy the sweet silence. Give Nancy a little pat on the cheek."

 Ericka's smile widened as she did as the doctor instructed. Nancy's eyes were still confused and annoyed, but as the pacifier bobbed in and out of her mouth, she did indeed begin to look more relaxed. For a moment, her arms lifted up as though to reach for the little plastic ring dangling on front of her mouth, but then they fell back at her sides.

 "Try giving her nose a little boop." suggested Dr. Allanis, smiling faintly.

 Ericka smiled, tapped a fingertip against her wife's nose, and let out a burst of laughter. She covered her mouth as Nancy crossed her arms and began to pout.

 "There we go. Much better. A nice big pacifier makes Nancy feel a lot more docile and compliant. I think we're ready to get her changed out of those wet pants and into something dry."

 Dr. Allanis stood and pulled a large plastic package out from behind her desk, where she had apparently been concealing it throughout the consultation. She laid it out on the desk for Ericka and Nancy to see. It was longer than it was wide, the thin plastic surface concealing a single row of pressed, folded squares of material. The decorations were light purple and pink, with playful cartoon bunnies frolicking happily across a field of yellow stars. Across the front, in puffy purple lettering, were written the words: "Tinkle-Pants: Disposable Underwear for Women". Below the label, a smiling blonde woman was sitting looking over her shoulder with her back to the camera, wearing set of pink bunny ears, a pair of the purple training pants, and nothing else.

 Nancy goggled at the package, eyes wide in confusion and terror. Ericka was uncertain, but if she had any objections to the idea of her wife being put into adult pull-ups, she didn't voice them.

 "Now, these pull-up style diapers will be what you change Nancy into in the mornings. They have these cute little stars on them that fade away when they're wet, see? They're gonna be a wet an awful lot, of course. Nobody stops being a little pantswetter all at once. These are absorbent enough to handle about one real accident, and maybe two or three little dribbly whoopsies. Come on, let's get Nancy out of her wet clothes so I can show you how to put them on."

 Dr. Allanis helped Nancy to her feet, despite the muffled sounds of protest coming from behind her pacifier. Ericka also rose, and together they pulled off Nancy's shoes, unzipped her jeans, and got her ready for her new underwear. Nancy struggled feebly to resist being stripped naked, but D. Allanis gave her rear a light slap, and she found her shoulders immediately slumped in surrender. Ericka gave no sign of protest at this, only smiling faintly and nodding along as Dr. Allanis spoke.

 "Now, You'll want to pay a lot of attention to her butt through this process. She might get a little fussy or try to block you with her hands, maybe even try to pull away a little. That's normal. When that happens, a nice, firm swat to the rear will help her understand who's in charge. On the other hand, if she's being a good girl and holding still for her change, give her butt lots of reassuring little pats. It's a simple, fun little way of showing her how much you care about her, while still reminding her of your authority. Remember Ericka: You are in charge of Nancy. You know what's best, she doesn't. As much as you care about her and want her to be happy, it's vital that she not forget who's boss. Understand?"

 "I...I think so." muttered Ericka nervously. She gave Nancy a few light pats to her bare rear, uncertainly at first, but then with more confidence. Nancy's blush intensified, and she crossed her arms and pouted. "Good girl, Nancy." stated Ericka. Nancy didn't look very reassured, but she also didn't squirm when Dr. Allanis produced a pack of what purported to be Huggies "Lady Wipes". Apart from the elegant-looking woman smiling and holding a cigarette holder on the front panel, they looked exactly like baby wipes. Ericka took one and began delicately wiping between her wife's legs. Dr. Allanis tore open the package of pull-ups and unfolded one for the couple, stretching the waistband in her hands to demonstrate its elasticity.

 "Oh, Nancy's being such a good girl for her wife!" cheered Dr. Allanis, "I think she's ready to try her new undies on!"

 Ericka took the pull-up and helped Nancy get her feet though the holes.

 "One foot...now the other...good girl!" Ericka pulled the juvenile-looking garment up her wife's legs. Once she was certain it was properly fitted into place, she gave Nancy's rear a few more firm pats in celebration.

  "These will be what you pull up and down Nancy's legs when it's time to help her use the potty. It's very important that you accompany Nancy when she's going potty, Ericka. Take her by the hand, lead her into the restroom, pull her training pants down, help her position herself. Don't ever let go of her hand. Using the big girl potty can be very scary for a little pantswetter, so be sure to encourage her and let her know that you love her very much and that you are so, so proud of her, all the way through the process. I don't recommend letting her wear anything over her pull-ups during the day. Both of you need to see them at all times, so it'll be fresh in both your minds that she's being potty-trained and that she needs to be actively engaged with keeping herself dry. Besides, you'll want to be able to check if her little stars are still there. Here, let's see you practice pulling them up and down for Nancy."

 Ericka did as instructed, causing Nancy to hide her face in her hands as her pull-ups were carefully pulled back and forth between her knees and her waist.

 "Excellent. Now Nancy, I hope you understand that handling your pull-ups is best left to the professionals. Under no circumstances are you to try to pull them down yourself. Understand?"

 Nancy blushed redder still, but she gave two big nods of supplication as this new order came into effect.

 "That's a good girl. Now, as I said, these will be what you put Nancy into first thing in the morning, but they can only handle one or two of her little accidents. Getting to wear pull-ups all day long is a good goal to shoot for, but let's be realistic here. Nancy is a silly little pantswetter, and even with all your help using the potty, staying dry for more than a few hours is going to take a lot of practice. She's going to be wetting these. A lot. Sometimes barely a half-hour after you've put them on her. When that happens, you'll need to put her potty training on hold for the day and get her into her nighttime wear early. She already had a big accident in her jeans today, so let's go ahead and get you some practice putting her in her diapers."

 The word affected Nancy like an electric shock. However resigned she had been to idea of her wife putting her in pull-ups and wiping her after using the restroom, the idea of having to wear diapers was evidently a bridge too far. She inflated her cheeks trying to shout through her pacifier, and held her hands up as though trying to physically shove away the very idea of diapers.

 "Diapers?" asked Ericka, skeptical but obviously open-minded at the idea.

 "Oh yes." said Dr. Allanis matter-of-factly. "They're going to be quite a necessity for our Nancy for quite a while. Here, let me show you."

 From behind her desk, Dr. Allanis retrieved a massive cube of soft, white plastic. It absolutely dwarfed the package of pull-ups in every dimension. Nancy whimpered and dropped to her knees at the sight of it. Balloons, blocks, teddy bears, rattles, and bibs were scattered across the glossy plastic surface. The chubby middle-aged woman sitting cross-legged on the front was not smiling. Her face was downcast and her bottom lip protruded in mortification. Across the top, in colorful balloon-like lettering, were written the words "Huggies Ultra-Thick Big Baby Diapers".

 Perhaps the most disturbing element was in the bottom left-hand corner: 100 Count. The pull-ups were only 36 Count. Dr. Allanis clearly had some idea of which type of underwear Nancy would be needing more of.

 Ericka drew in a breath through her teeth. "Um, well...those are awfully cute, of course, and I really like the colors, but um...aren't they little bit...much? For Nancy?"

 Dr. Allanis chuckled and patted the giant package.

 "Why yes, the diapers are quite cutesy and juvenile, aren't they? Really drives home how much of a big baby our Nancy here is, wouldn't you say? That's by design, naturally. The humiliation of having to wear babyish diapers after an accident will help cement in Nancy's mind the fact that her potty issues are separating her from her status as an adult. She needs to understand that mature, intelligent women like, say, the two of us, use the bathroom regularly and responsibly, whereas silly, overgrown toddlers like her have accidents in their pants and need their soggy diapers changed. It helps to clarify where she is, as opposed to where she needs to be. Pull-ups are for training, diapers are for punishment."

 "But..." Ericka stuttered. She looked conflicted. Nancy was staring at her with desperation in her eyes, hoping beyond hope that she would see how wrong all of this was. "...I don't know if I really want to...punish Nancy...just for having accidents? That seems..."

 Dr. Allanis smiled. She strode out from behind her desk and placed a hand on Ericka's shoulder. She spoke in a gentle whisper as Nancy gestured and fidgeted, trying to get her wife's attention. "I know. Of course you love Nancy, and you hate the idea of causing her any discomfort. But I'm afraid this situation calls for a good dose of tough love. Nancy needs to be potty-trained. That's not going to happen without some firm discipline. The more you care about Nancy, the more you need to realize that punishment and humiliation is exactly what she needs from you right now. Now, when she's in her pull-ups, you're allowed to heap praise and encouragement on her. Even if you're not really all that confident, you need to at least pretend that you really think she can stay dry all day this time. You want to encourage her to try her hardest and really put in the effort it takes to go potty like a big girl. That's called positive reinforcement. But after she soaks her pull-ups, that when the negative reinforcement has to begin. You need to help Nancy recognize that staying in diapers full-time is not an option. And that'll be tricky, because remember, Nancy is going to be having quite a few orgasms in her big baby diapers. That means she'll be very tempted to just wet and make big smelly messes in her diapers all day, and leave you to clean up after her. That's why it's so important to make it clear that diapers are so very embarrassing to wear, and how babyish and silly she is for still being in them."

 Nancy was back on her feet, pointing desperately at her pacifier, demanding to be heard. Ericka's eyes were locked on the doctor's.

 "It's time to put Nancy back in diapers, Ericka."

 Ericka nodded agreement.

 "Tell her sweetie. Tell Nancy what she has to wear now." breathed Dr. Allanis.

 Ericka looked at her wife. The couple stared at each other for a moment. Nancy's hysterical attempts to voice her complete and utter opposition to this idea was lost in her wife's compassionate eyes.

 "You need to wear diapers, Nancy." said Ericka, kindly but firmly. Nancy winced. Her shoulders drooped. her arms hung at her sides.

 "Tell her why, Ericka. It's very important that she understand just why she needs to wear these diapers." prompted Dr. Allanis.

 Ericka cleared her throat. "You had an accident in your pants, sweetie. That means you're just a big baby still, okay? You need to wear these big baby diapers, now. Come on, lets get you changed."

 Nancy nodded sadly.

 "Very well said, Ericka. I'll help you get her changed."

 Dr. Allanis retrieved a changing mat and a bottle of baby powder. She laid the mat out on the floor of the office and arranged the changing supplies beside it. Ericka patted the mat, indicating where Nancy should sit. Nancy stepped forward, clenched her fists, then began to shake her head.

 "Now, Nancy." admonished Dr. Allanis softly. "We've been through this. Ericka has every right to decide what underwear you'll be wearing from now on. She's in charge of you, and she knows what's best. If she decides that you're in diapers today, then you are. Come on over here and be a good girl for your wife."

 Pouting and fuming with every step, Nancy settled herself on the changing mat and leaned back, allowing her wife to pull her training pants down and off. As silly and embarrassing as they were, she clearly didn't want to lose them now. Dr. Allanis tore open the massive package and displayed a glossy white diaper to the couple. Its surface was peppered with pink and purple teddy bears, baby bottles, and rattles. "Big Baby" was spelled out in blocks just under the waist-band.

 "You fluff the diaper up like this. See how it expands? That'll make it more comfy to wear, increase its capacity, and also make it much bulkier. The bulk is very important. Nancy needs to be aware, every second of the day, that she's in diapers. It'll help the embarrassment sink in. You'll enjoy changing Nancy's diapers, Ericka. It'll be loads of fun, you'll see."

 Nancy's face blazed as her wife slid the massive diaper under her and gently powdered her. With loud crinkles and snaps, she fitted it around her and lovingly secured each tape into place, under the watchful eyes of Dr. Allanis. Finally, Ericka stood Nancy up and gave her a few hearty swats to her now-much-larger rear. Nancy tried to draw her knees together, but the fluffy material between them was far too thick. She would have no choice but to waddle when wearing something so bulky.

 "Very well done, Ericka. Now Nancy will be able to have as many accidents as she wants for the rest of the day. These big baby diapers are so thick and absorbent that you might only have to change her once or twice more today. How are you liking being a big baby in diapers, Nancy?"

 Nancy only hung her head in response. Ericka stood and pulled her her into a comforting hug.

 "It's okay, Nancy. I love my big baby wife!" whispered Ericka.

 "Oh, you are so cute together! I'd say Nancy should have plenty of incentive to work on making it to the potty now. In a few months, she might start to have days when she won't need her big baby diapers until it's nighttime! That'll be fun, won't it?"

 Nancy stomped her bare foot against the floor.

 "Oh, doesn't she look so cute?" said the doctor.

 Ericka nodded.

 "She looks very cute. You love the way your wife looks in her diapers."

 Ericka smiled. "Nancy is very cute in diapers." she agreed. She reached forward and patted the top of Nancy's head.

 Dr. Allanis laid a hand across Ericka's shoulders and spoke just loud enough for Nancy to hear every word.

 "Now, I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind that your wife being in diapers might interfere with your intimate times together. I understand that this isn't what you want to hear right now, but honestly, it's not really advisable for the two of you to try being intimate with each other until Nancy has a much better grasp on on her toileting habits. You see, that issue where she has an orgasm whenever she wets yourself...well, I'm afraid that goes both ways. I'm afraid that Nancy here is going to find that it's quite impossible to stay dry through any kind of significant arousal. Under the circumstances, I think it would be best if you simply forego that aspect of your relationship for the time being."

 Ericka cast her eyes downward sadly. "Oh...I see."

 Nancy's reply was once again lost to her pacifier, but it sounded fairly lengthy and emphatic, whatever it was.

 "Yes, its a real bummer, for sure. After all, Nancy here will be receiving plenty of pleasure and arousal, thanks to all her silly little accidents. She gets to have wonderful, explosive orgasms every time she makes you a big, soggy diaper to change, but you're really going to be left out in the cold as far as sex goes. That doesn't seem fair, either."

 Ericka shook her head. Nancy was hopping up and down and screaming through her pacifier.

 "That's why I think it would make a lot of sense for the two us to start having sex." explained Dr. Allanis, never dropping her smooth, clinical tone.

 Ericka looked up, startled. "Huh?"

 "Yes. An elegant solution. We need to drive home how Nancy's silly baby diapers have stolen all her grown-up privileges. What better way to do that then for her to have to see her wife having sexy fun with another woman? You'll get to have a good time, fondling my body, kissing me passionately, rubbing and bouncing up and down, all while Nancy watches and learns a valuable lesson about keeping herself dry. We can set her up a nice crib at the foot of the bed, and I can pay you two a few fun little house calls every week, whenever you feel that you...I mean Nancy, needs it."

 Ericka's eyes were wide. She was trembling with confusion. Her eyes shot back and forth between Dr. Allanis' calm, clinical smile and Nancy's pleading eyes. "But...but...can't we? Couldn't we...?"

 "No, no. You can still hug and cuddle, but I'm afraid there's nothing that Nancy could do to pleasure you now that she's just a big baby in diapers. You'll have to save all that for me."

 "Um, I...I don't know..."

 "You do, though." interrupted Dr. Allanis. "You've found me extremely attractive, ever since you set eyes on me. You can hardly wait for the opportunity to kiss me on the lips, fondle my breasts, cup my ass, and have your way with me. And it's the very best thing for Nancy. She needs to see us. She needs it badly. She needs to sit there on her big, silly, humiliating diaper butt while she watches her wife pleasure another woman. It's what's best for her."

 Ericka was panting. Sweat beaded on her her forehead. Slowly, awkwardly, moving like a sleepwalker, she dropped a hand behind the doctor's waist and pulled their bodies together. The two women locked their lips together in a passionate kiss. Nancy's legs gave way beneath her, falling backward onto her well-cushioned butt. She sat and stared, face red with anger, shame, and increasing arousal, as her wife and her doctor pressed their faces together and began pulling off each other's clothes.

 Her stomach rumbled. A wet fart escaped into her diaper as she listened to the moans and whimpers of delight. She dropped a hand between her legs and rubbed the thick padding back and forth as the two of them collapsed onto the desk. As they writhed against each other again and again, slowly at first and then faster and faster, Nancy felt her toes curl up. Her own moans of pleasure were muffled by the pacifier, but the hot, stinky load that she pushed into her diaper as the first orgasm struck her made more than enough noise to make up for it.


Little Miss Darling

This is excellent! I love the role reversal. It was a delicious surprise!


There are a few things I really liked about this story. The power loss element through hypnosis is a big classic from you. But I love the twist where even the caregiver is actually also being hypnotized and control rather than being the person doing the depowering. The "benevolent" hypnotist is also a great trope I always like to see for power loss. It walks the line between caring and condescension, which makes the shrinking person seem even more weak because this is all the effort it takes. It's not even hard enough to be worth getting angry about. Like they're already as weak as a tantruming toddler. I also really like stories where we get to see the characters respond and try to resist the hypnosis. Whether it be through physical squirming or trying to argue. It's especially nice when the argument they bring up just ends up being the next thing on the chopping block of regression. Like their struggle just makes them offer up more of their adulthood for shrinking. Love it.