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Baby Dolly was sitting on the couch in the living room watching Black Mirror on Netflix. She still didn't look very enthused about her situation, but at least she seemed to be distracted from her new diaper-wearing existence by the tense sci-fi story playing out on the screen. Mrs. Sugartits wanted to let her sit and relax a bit longer, before being confronted again by the sick joke that Mistress had inflicted on the two of them. But what Mrs. Sugartits wanted wasn't important. She had her orders. She strolled into the room, grabbed the remote, and solemnly exited out of the show.

 "You said I could watch that." groaned Baby Dolly.

 "I know. I'm awfully sorry, Droopy-Drawers, but Mistress has given me new orders. No more grown-up shows for you. This shirt also isn't appropriate for you." she informed Baby Dolly. Baby Dolly sighed deeply, but said nothing as Mrs. Sugartits raised her arms to pull her shirt off. Her bra came next, leaving her naked apart from her babyish diapers. As much as Mrs. Sugartits hated being the instrument of her Mistress' cruel orders, she felt her pulse quicken with excitement.

 "Let's pick out something for you to watch that Mistress will allow." she said consolingly, running through the Netflix menu until she found the baby shows. There were a lot that she wasn't familiar with, most of which looked incredibly silly and dumb. but after some searching, she saw one that she remembered fondly from her own childhood. "How about Sesame Street? You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

 Baby Dolly rolled her eyes and sighed. Then, she laid her head back, crossed her arms over her bare chest, and exhaled sharply. "Whatever."

 Mrs. Sugartits hated seeing the look of resigned unhappiness on Baby Dolly's face, despite how forcing her to watch a silly kid's show made her toes curl. She wondered how much more exciting it would have been to make her watch a proper baby program, something not even remotely intended to be educational. Still, this was appropriate enough for a dumb diaper baby's viewing, and Mistress hadn't been all that specific. A dumb diaper baby could watch Sesame Street, even if they would likely gain little from the experience. Anything intended for adults was clearly right out, though.

 Baby Dolly sat and boredly watched Ernie and the Cookie Monster explain the intricacies of the letter R while Mrs. Sugartits got to work digging through the pile of remaining boxes, searching for all the new equipment she would need. There were plenty of odd items hidden among the many small packages, and Mrs. Sugartits could only guess at the purpose of a few of them. Of particular interest was a new multi-pocketed diaper bag, along with the mat and boxes of wipes that she needed to stock it. This would be much more convenient than having to search around for supplies whenever Baby Dolly needed changing.

 She came across the box containing what she guessed were Baby Dolly's new outfits. She managed to stop herself from squealing in delight at them. All had clearly been selected for the express purpose of being as embarrassing and infantile as possible. She picked out a pink baby tee with large white bows at the shoulders and ruffles at the fringes. The words "Me Wuv My Mommy!" were displayed prominently across the front, along with a small decal of a rabbit in an apron hugging a smaller rabbit in a diaper. When she pulled it down Baby Dolly's arms and adjusted it into place, it didn't even reach her belly-button, let alone conceal her thick diapers.

 "I mean...I want to say it's better than nothing...but not, like, really." muttered Baby Dolly sulkily.

 "I think it looks really, really cute on you!" said Mrs. Sugartits, still trying unsuccessfully to suppress her excitement. Baby Dolly's glare made it clear that this information was no comfort to her. Shame-faced, Mrs. Sugartits returned to digging through the piles of boxes, and Baby Dolly continued watching the Count's attempt to convey the concepts of "more" and "less".

 Eventually, she found the pair of inflatable plastic panties that her Mistress had mentioned. They were were made of bright white rubber, decorated with huge plastic safety pins at the top corners, to make them look like a diaper from an old cartoon. They looked so embarrassing, so shamelessly infantile and ridiculous. Mrs. Sugartits realized that she really wanted to see what Baby Dolly would look like in them. The very idea made her want to jump for joy. And she had no choice. No choice at all. She gritted her teeth and tried to get her heart rate under control. Baby Dolly would hate them, she thought. Because they would look so ridiculous, she reflected. They would make her feel like a dumb diaper baby, she mused. She bit her inner lip.

 She had no choice. She didn't need to feel any guilt because she literally had no other options. Right?

 "Um...Pamper-Butt? I...I found your special balloon pants." said Mrs. Sugartits, awkwardly holding up the article for Baby Dolly's viewing pleasure. Baby Dolly winced at the sight of them. Her cheeks were glowing.

 "Pleeease tell me you're kidding."

 Mrs. Sugartits shook her head, "Mistress says you need plenty of time wearing your special balloon pants around the house now. Come on, let's get these on you."

 Mrs. Sugartits couldn't keep her excitement off her face. She wished that Baby Dolly was not so clearly unhappy, so that she could enjoy the fitting process without feeling so guilty. Baby Dolly practically growled as she grabbed each of her feet and pushed them through the silly thing. She pulled it up her legs, gently fitting it around her already obnoxiously bulky diaper.

 "Here, Potty-Pants, stand up so I can inflate them for you." said Mrs. Sugartits, pulling Baby Dolly to her feet.

 "Gawd." muttered Baby Dolly.

  Mrs. Sugartits got on her knees, pressed her lips to the nozzle on the back of the rubber pants, and began slowly filing the silly-looking plastic garment with air. Baby Dolly glowered down at them as they swelled into shape, one puff of breath at a time. Mrs. Sugartits could hardly believe how big they eventually got before the surface finally tightened. The extra layer of inflatable material was so thick, it reached nearly half-way to Baby Dolly's knees.

 "Gaaawd, this thing is fucking ridiculous! How am I even supposed to walk in this?" grumbled Baby Dolly bitterly. Her cheeks were practically steaming.

 "Well, you don't really walk, as such. You more...sort of...waddle around in them, like a toddler." explained Mrs. Sugartits, sweat beading on her forehead as she spoke. "Mistress says you need lots of time to waddle around your special balloon pants."

 Baby Dolly closed her eyes and clenched her jaw.

 "Fucking...Why?" she whispered.

 Mrs. Sugartits knew the question was rhetorical, but found herself answering anyway. "I think they are supposed to make you feel silly. You know, embarrassed? Embarrassed to be a grown woman who still isn't potty trained and wears her big silly bathroom on her butt?"

 Mrs. Sugartits clapped her hands over mouth. She hadn't been prepared to hear herself say something so hurtful. She certainly hadn't expected to enjoy it so much. It filled her with shame and remorse. "I'm so sorry, Diaper-Butt! That just slipped out!"

 Baby Dolly let out a long, slow groan. "Yah, I get it." she reached and placed a hand on Mrs. Sugartits' shoulder. "You're just a toy too, aren't you?"

 Mrs. Sugartits felt her throat tighten. It was strange to think that she was the one getting upset in this situation, while the young woman she had spoken to so thoughtlessly merely looked frustrated and annoyed.

 "Thank you." she whispered, head bowed and hands folded before her. "I feel so terrible."

 Baby Dolly rolled her eyes and blew a long breath through her teeth. "Eh. Look. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you can't help it, any more than I can. You have to do what Mistress says. I get that."

 "You don't understand!" whimpered Mrs. Sugartits. "She...She's making me enjoy this, Baby-Britches! She/s making me want to degrade you and make you feel pathetic! She's turned me into a monster!"

 Baby Dolly scowled. "C'mon. That isn't fair at all. I mean, fucking none of this is fair, but you're beating yourself up for no reason. I'm not even all that bothered, really. It's just a pain in the butt to be so helpless, is all."

 Mrs. Sugartits was somewhat relieved to hear this, but she did want to know more.

 "But...why? I'd be absolutely miserable in your shoes." She glanced down at Baby Dolly's bare feet as the last word left her.

 Baby Dolly rolled her eyes. "Look, if you really must know...Mistress kinda...turned most of my emotions off. Or, like, down? Like, I'm allowed to get annoyed, but not really angry, and...bummed, but not like, really sad? I don't get to have any strong emotions until Mistress decides that I should. It's part of her game."

 Suddenly, Baby Dolly's strangely indifferent attitude made a lot more sense. "That...well, it isn't my place to question Mistress."

 Baby Dolly arched an eyebrow. "Well I can! She's some awful bitch who somehow got superpowers and is running around being a serious jagoff with them. Hopefully, this will all wear off and we can go back to our real lives. In the meantime...Just, like, do your thing, okay? You don't have to cry about it. I won't." She considered a moment, then added: " Until Mistress decides she wants me to, that is."

 Mrs. Sugartits pulled Baby Dolly into a hug. The act was sudden, instinctive. She hadn't even considered that she was wearing nothing but a lacy apron. Baby Dolly seemed surprised at first, but she gradually settled down and returned the hug. Mrs. Sugartits had tears in her eyes. She hadn't even noticed when she had started crying. Her whole body was glowing with arousal. The crude plastic bulk of Baby Dolly's inflatable diaper cover pressed against her apron. She felt awful, but she also had to fight the urge to rub herself against the glossy material.

 There was a long silence. Mrs. Sugartits was overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions running through her, but she no longer felt adrift in the madness her Mistress had inflicted on her. She was no longer alone.

 Baby Dolly patted Mrs. Sugartits' shoulder. "There, there." she said in the same affectless tone. "This isn't your fault."

 Mrs. Sugartits whimpered. Tears streamed down her face. She realized that as dull and apathetic as Baby Dolly seemed, she had been sympathizing with her situation all along. She wasn't even sure whether she was trying to comfort Baby Dolly or be comforted by her, but she knew she wanted to hold onto her like a shipwrecked sailor clinging to a chunk of driftwood.

 The pair held each other for a long time. At length, Mrs. Sugartits realized that she was neglecting her responsibilities, and she needed to get back to work. She disengaged from the hug, and guided Baby Dolly back toward the couch. She loved how awkwardly the younger woman walked with her balloon pants forcing her thighs apart.

 "Ugh. What is it now?" muttered Baby Dolly as she waddled toward the couch.

 "Mistress wants you to suck on my breasts." informed Mrs. Sugartits.

 Baby Dolly looked confused as she was settled on the couch, her inflatable diaper cover tightening around her. "And...are you, like, okay with that?"

 Mrs. Sugartits shrugged. "It's my purpose to look after you, and if Mistress says that that includes you sucking on my breasts, then I have to do that."

 Baby Dolly arched an eyebrow. "But...do you want to?"

 Mrs. Sugartits pulled aside her apron to expose her nipple. "I guess I don't really mind. Mistress said I would enjoy humiliating you and treating you like a stupid baby, and I suppose having to suckle on my breasts falls under that. I really don't want you to feel bad, but I do have to do it either way."

 Baby Dolly considered this. Then, she shrugged. "Alright. Guess it has to happen then."

 Baby Dolly latched on to Mrs. Sugartits and began running her tongue across her nipple. Mrs. Sugartits gasped at the sensation, while Baby Dolly simply stared into her cleavage with the same air of bored apathy. As the minutes passed, the suckling rhythm became regular and established, and Mrs. Sugartits began to relax and enjoy herself.

 "This feels...nice." said Mrs. Sugartits.

 "....hhhmmm..." said Baby Dolly noncommittally.

 "Are you...okay? I really love treating you like this, but I just hate that isn't fun for you. It feels..." Mrs. Sugartits let her voice trail off. She had almost thought that it felt weird, or even worse, wrong. But that would be awfully close to questioning her Mistress' orders, and there was no way she would ever do anything like that.

 Baby Dolly just rolled her eyes as she continued to noisily pop Mrs. Sugartits' nipple back and forth.

 "Still not ready to use the potty like a big girl. Must be so embarrassing to be so far behind your peers, eh?" whispered Mrs. Sugartits absent-mindedly.

 Baby Dolly detached and looked at Mrs. Sugartits, cheeks burning, eyes half-lidded. "Is the friggin commentary really necessary?"

 "Mm-hm. Mistress ordered me to remind you all the time about how you're still in diapers, and how embarrassed you ought to be. You can just ignore me, Pamper-Butt. I know it isn't your fault, either."

 To Mrs. Sugartits' surprise Baby Dolly seemed to consider this seriously. "And...I guess its a similar story with all the cutesy-ass nicknames?"

 Mrs. Sugartits nodded. "I'm afraid so, Poopsy-Doodle. I'm sorry it bothers you, but I'm going to keep doing it anyway."

 Baby Dolly considered further. "How specific was she? Like, could you say it in a really silly voice, so it's easier not to take you seriously?"

 Mrs. Sugartits eyes widened. "I...I don't see why not! Oh my gawd, that's brilliant!"

 "Huh. Not bad for a stupid baby doll." said Baby Dolly, cocking an eyebrow.

 "Very clever, Smelly-Pants!" said Mrs. Sugartits, imitating Donald Duck with the final epithet. The pair of them giggled, more at the absurdity of their situation than the voice itself. "Now, I really must insist that you suck my breasts some more." stated Mrs. Sugartits matter-of-factly.

 "And if I don't?" asked Baby Dolly, as dryly as ever.

 "Then...I suppose I'd have to make you do it, no matter what it took."s aid Mrs. Sugartits. Her face paled as she considered what lengths she might go to to avoid disobeying her Mistress.

 "Geez. Sorry I mentioned it." said Baby Dolly. She latched back on and began suckling away again.

 The breastfeeding (although no actual feeding was involved) continued for about half an hour. It was only interrupted when Baby Dolly suddenly strained. Mrs. Sugartits heard a rude squelch, muffled somewhat by the inflatable diaper cover, and an unpleasant smell hung in the air. Baby Dolly looked momentarily surprised, but soon returned her attention to Mrs. Sugartits' nipple.

 "Oh my! It looks like I need to change your diaper, Stinky-Britches." said Mrs. Sugartits in a silly imitation of a British accent.

 "Yeah...looks that way." muttered Baby Dolly, releasing Mrs. Sugartits nipple. Her eyes were still dull.

 "It must be so embawwassing to still be needing diapey changes at your age." said Mrs. Sugartits, this time trying for something in the area of a Brooklyn accent. She wasn't great with voices, but she was willing to put some effort in if it made this ordeal easier for Baby Dolly.

 "That'd be my guess, too." said Baby Dolly, sighing and rolling her eyes.

 Mrs. Sugartits smiled. Now that the awkwardness between them was fading, she found that she was starting to genuinely enjoy her guest's company. Being forced to play out these pointless humiliation rituals was becoming almost comical. She found herself giggling and chuckling as she laid out the changing mat on the living room floor and set about removing the silly-looking inflatable diaper cover.

 "Imagine, a woman your age needing someone to wipe her butt for her! Sooo embarrassing!" she said in a high-pitched falsetto.

 "Yep. You got you me again, Sugartits."

 "Waddling around in dirty diapers, smelling like a nursery. How old are you, anyway?" she asked, making her voice squeaky and nasal.

 "...None of your business." said Baby Dolly, blushing heavily.

 "Well you're definitely too old to still be making messes in your diapers, I'd say. And far, far, too old to still need someone to wipe and powder your butt like a helpless little baby." She said in a Southern drawl. As she spoke, she opened Baby Dolly's diaper and drew wipe after wipe across her bare skin, until she was quite clean.

 "Yah, yah, you've mentioned that. Uhhh, aren't you missing a step or two of this process?" asked Baby Dolly, seeing no clean diaper on the way to replace her dirty one.

 "I think it's time I gave you a proper cleaning. Come on, let's get you in the tub."

 Baby Dolly drew in a long breath through her teeth, the exhaled. "Whatever."

 Mrs. Sugartits took Baby Dolly into the bathroom, released her from her silly-looking top, and got to work bathing her. She blushed fiercely through each phase of the ritual, for even with Mrs. Sugartits' silly voices, being repeatedly reminded of her helpless, diaper-dependent situation was not pleasant for her. Still, both women gradually relaxed and settled into their role. Mrs. Sugartits was careful to carefully scrub every inch of Baby Dolly, as per her Mistress' instructions. Part of her purpose in life was to keep Mistress' toys clean, and she would do so, no matter how awkward or embarrassing. Baby Dolly didn't enjoy having her most private areas diligently scrubbed with a soapy sponge, but after having her diaper changed, she had very little privacy left to miss. Soon, Mrs. Sugartits was helping her out of the tub, drying her with a towel, taping her into a fresh diaper, and much to her chagrin, putting another of her silly-looking tops on her, this one made of blue satin and decorated with the image of a diapered chipmunk sleeping soundly in a crib. It was labeled "Bedwetter Extraordinaire",

 "It's about time for you to be in bed, I think, Diaper-Girl." said Mrs. Sugartits.

 "That's fine. I'm not sorry to see the end of this day." grumbled Baby Dolly.

 Mrs. Sugartits flossed and brushed Baby Dolly's teeth and made her a bed in the living room. She pulled the covers over Baby Dolly and gently tucked her in.

 "I'm sorry today was lousy, Baby-Booty. Maybe tomorrow will be easier." said Mrs. Sugartits.

 "Here's hoping this bullshit is over when I wake up." muttered Baby Dolly.

 Mrs. Sugartits let the comment pass. She didn't want to dash Baby Dolly's hopes, but she harbored little doubt that this situation was permanent. This was her life now, and she had to learn to adapt to obeying her Mistress' whims. She turned her attention to getting herself ready for bed.


Little Miss Darling

This is so good! I love the little nicknames and want them all for myself!

Little Miss Darling

I gasped when I read the part about what her caregiver would do if she disobeyed. It got my spanking fantasies started. The cute humiliation is so yummy! I was hooked the moment I started reading it. I like how they bonded. You captured that so well. I also like how the caregiver is excited for everything! It’s so good that I had to play with my toy.