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Now yes! Here we have what I've been working on all month haha, I feel like it was a job of constant learning, my dream was always to make a comic haha ​​and having done it this time with one of my favorite characters, the truth is that I had more fun than I thought what I expected, it should be noted that this comic was born by a commissioner (@TSFsingularity) who has allowed me to dedicate myself thoroughly even to making its cover and creating the color manga.

It is my first time working on this and it does not indicate that it will be the last, there is already talk about a continuation of this part with Ichigo and to see how the story ends or continues, I have no dates or promises so let's just hope that it can arise.

Next month we return with the voting and clearly Rukia will not be in it, jaaj it will be time to give her a break so that others can participate again in the exclusive NSFW commission of the month.

And for those who have already read it, what did you think?


Ahora si! aquí tenemos por lo que he estado trabajando durante todo el mes jajaj, siento que fue un trabajo de constante aprendizaje, mi sueño siempre era hacer un comic jajaj y haberlo hecho esta vez con uno de mis personajes favorios la verdad que me divirtio mas de lo que esperaba, cabe destacar que este comic nació por parte de un comisionante (@TSFsingularity) que me ha permitido dedicarme a fondo incluso para hacer su portada y elaboración del manga a color.

Es mi primera vez trabajando esto y no indica que sea la última, ya se está hablando para una continuación de esta parte con ichigo y ver como termina o sigue la historia, no tengo fechas ni promesas asi que solo esperemos que pueda surgir.

El próximo mes volvemos con las votaciones y claramente Rukia no estará en ella jaaj tocará darle un descanso para que otros vuelvan a participar en la comisión exclsuiva NSFW del mes.

Y para los que ya lo leyeron, ¿Que les pareció?




OMG I can hardly wait for part 2


How do I access the comic?


There is a file right in this post at the bottom, a .zip file that has the pdf and exclusive covers