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Mientras estoy trabajando en las ilustraciones que subi de sketch ya que tomarán mas tiempo del que pensaba jajaja quise hacer una actividad rápida con Frieren donde tuvimos que hacer personajes Emo y bueno ajaj siento que le queda algo divertido este estilo, es casi un estilo gotico juntado al emo pero ahi me entienden ajaja

While I'm working on the sketch illustrations that I uploaded since they will take more time than I thought hahaha I wanted to do a quick activity with Frieren where we had to make Emo characters and well aha I feel that this style is somewhat fun, it's almost a gothic style put together emo but there they understand me hahaha






Frieren going through her emo phase - will last a few decades


hahaha I was thinking that, if our stage lasted a decade for her it will be several haha, it was just a stage 🗣️