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Realized I've been neglecting Streaky in the past few of these so decided to bring him back in a BIG way. Happy Caturday! Got a late start on this one, working well into last night, so forgot to snap a pic of the inks. Sorry. I had a good run at least!

Speaking of cats getting bigger, the two kittens we adopted over the summer are no longer kitten sized and getting into EVERYTHING. Mostly Neptune here, who would climb a skyscraper if we lived in one.

It has also become very risky to leave any LEGO build lying around. He can be calm and sweet at the same time though. My son put a blanket on him once and he calmed right down. Like a cartoon character.

And here's Apollo helping me out. This is pretty much how I have to work most afternoons these days. He's a horrendous coworker, but cuddly so who cares.

Becoming more whisker than fur too. Reminds me of a rockhopper penguin.

And I like this pic of all three cats checking out one of daily birdseed thieves (that's our slightly older cat, The Lady Vanellope, in the back).

It's great to have muses!



Casey Storm Northern

This is your best post yet. In every respect. Omggggg


That reminds me of "Kitten Kong" bit from the old BBC series "The Goodies". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb59dEHRt5Q