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Happy Friday, my friends! Here's a quick little warm-up sketch from this morning before diving back into more Spidey pages. Messing around with a softer brush this time around (just for fun).

BTW, thanks for all the kind words on that Barbie/StarTrek mash-up from earlier this week! It was kind of a silly idea, so wasn't sure how it would be received. Miiiiight post to the socials tonight just because of how hot those two properties are right now (and also because I'm thinking about including it in the next batch of wallpapers). Just for those new here though, know that it's pretty unusual for me to post the drawings I share on here so quickly elsewhere. Typically I prefer to let stuff age on here for a bit (plus y'all are paying for this content). I'll see how I feel!

Anyhoo, have a great weekend! 💚



Michael Ellis

Much as I liked Star Trek Barbie, I really like this one too. The whole outfit is that perfect retro vibe.

Steven Ng

Super cute.