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Happy start of the week, everyone! Here's Link hoping it was a great weekend for you.

I keep having bouts of Breath of the Wild withdrawal. I mean, you let any game consume you for a good eleven months or so, you're bound to feel its absence from your life from time to time.

This has increased over the past week however, as my ten-year-old and I (now that he's out of school for the summer) have been watching this show on Disney+ called Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon every morning while we eat breakfast. If you're not familiar, Primal Survivor is about this guy trekking by himself* through various terrains of the Guyana rainforest with nothing but a machete and a backpack. He doesn't even wear shoes. His goal is to go from a specific west end all the way to the Atlantic. This is his main quest. Along the way he has to find and cook food to survive, scale mountains, traverse waterfalls, and avoid venomous creatures that could end his journey right then and there. Of course, mostly he antagonizes these creatures out of their burrows but this is mostly for our benefit.

One episode he accepts a side quest to deliver some special poison to a camp deep within the jungle. Another episode he finds a bunch of wild horses, tames one, saddles up on it and delivers it to a bunch of cattle ranchers. They then give him another side quest to take the horse to another village who can provide knowledge for the next leg of his journey. This is about when I exclaimed to my son, "This show is just like Zelda! Minus saving the princess and maybe the entire world part." To which my son responds, "Dad, everything reminds you of Zelda." Which is true. Like I said, you let any game consume you for a good eleven months or so, you're going to be reminded of it at every turn.

In this case though, I'm totally right and my son had no choice but to agree with me. All of this is to say, Primal Survivor has been a pretty fun way to spend time with my son these past few mornings and that BotW2 can't get here soon enough.

*Of course he's got a camera crew and a director and stuff with him, but they do a great job of maintaining the solo illusion.



Gina Alongi

I also suffer from BotW withdrawal, which is why I’ve played the game all the way through 3 times now. I also just finished my second playthroughs of Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. I cannot wait for BotW2. Also, I love this drawing. ❤️

Stephen Williams

More than twenty years ago, I played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the N64. When the end credits rolled, I remember a feeling that I can best describe as "...it's all finished; what do I do now"? Other games have had a similar effect, but Ocarina of Time was the first time I remember it really registering.