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Hey, everyone!

We've picked up a lot of shirt-tier backers lately. It's gotten to the point that I can no longer keep up by manually shipping all the shirts, so we've now hired a company to handle the shirt printing and shipping/sales for us. This is the same group that does merch for Paul, Kyle, and formerly Tek Syndicate (now doing merch for Level1 Techs). We know they're good, and we're excited to add a few new options. Anyone who is a $14+ backer will be messaged once we have this new store/team set up. We kicked off the process this week, so I'm hoping we'll start shipping within 2-3 weeks.

As for options, we're going to be doing all 3 shirt options that we described here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-what-8199078

I'm doing a mix of S/M/L/XL/2X/3X for the first run. We'll see what sells out. I've also got a few plans to do more than just shirts, since everyone does those, but we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that we're making progress on this front. Thank you for your ongoing support! It has been incredible to see the community build around GN, and I'm excited to have you all on board. The Discord has been a lot of fun lately, and you're all a part of that. I've never felt a better connection with our core community. If you haven't joined us there yet, find that here: https://discord.gg/u4F5fQc

Ti Hybrid

As for the GTX 1080 Ti Hybrid, that's mostly done. The second part (build / tutorial) goes up tomorrow, and was the smoothest build-up of a Hybrid we've done yet. The final part (results) will go up the day after. I will be traveling again this week, joined by long-time GN contributor Patrick  Stone, and will be busied out by the coast-to-coast travel. This should be the last trip for a little while, so that's nice. We'll carry on with other reviews once back, though our backlog does suggest plenty of content in the meantime.

Cheers, all!

- Steve.



I've been trying to figure out how to get one of the new 1% .1% low shirts, patreon kept messing up


Tnx for keeping us up-to-date. Can't wait to see how that gpu acts under cool temperatures.


On another note, sad to see you discouraged in that Ryzen video. I could see it on your face, you are full (sick) of those negative comments, humiliation and other fanboyism BS under YouTube comments. I know you always hear "just ignore that" and that it's hard not to take it personally, fully, but i hope you guys DO in fact find a strength and get passed that shit and keep delivering us top of the line content no one else does to your extent.


Very much looking forward to the 1080 Ti hybrid content.