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Hey everyone,

As Patreon backers, you get a brief i nside-look at what's coming up in the immediate future.

We're currently working on publishing a Watch Dogs 2 standalone CPU benchmark, following-up Patrick's CPU optimization guide in Watch Dogs 2. This is our way of getting mileage out of our extensive testing rounds we've lately been going through with all the CPUs (in preparation for Kaby Lake, then Ryzen), and we're able to do an extra day of work to really figure out how the game's options impact the CPU. This is useful for future FPS benchmarking in games, as we'll be able to carry the knowledge over.

We're also working on a review of the Be Quiet! Pure Base 600, and following that, will be working on the Bitfenix Shogun case review. Perhaps next week for both, but definitely within a week for the Pure Base 600.

The i3-7350K review is done in video form, and needs to be completed on the written side for publication tomorrow (probably).

Very busy week, but lots going on!

As an aside, I also just booked our team for Computex and about four other events. We'll be traveling quite a bit in the next few months, with on-site coverage for each major event.

Thanks for your support!

- Steve.


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