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For our Patreon backers, you have the privilege of getting some insight as to what content is coming up shortly. We're excited to announce our CPU revisit series, following on the popularity of the GPU revisit series (which has another episode coming up next month).

This first CPU revisit is for the Intel i5-2500K. We'll likely next look at the 3570K, 2600K, and probably FX-8370 or 8350 CPUs. This is all in prep for Zen and Kaby Lake taking over the CPU market from previous generations.

We'll probably be posting on Friday or Saturday; it is not confirmed yet in the calendar. The content will be accompanied by a big article, as is often the case, and will also have a full-length video for analysis of the 2500K in the modern era.

We are also trying to work on some new shirt designs. It's a long WIP because of how overworked we all are, but I'm hoping to have some before Computex.

Thanks again for the ongoing support!

- Steve.



New Moon

Steve, could you please respond to AdoredTV's seemingly well thought out and empirically backed video on Ryzen's gaming performance. Nothing he says discounts the way you test games and you've already sort of touched on the topic of current performance and IPC/Clocks Vs. cores for the future, but it'd be interesting to see whether a sort on consensus has formed within the leading tech reviewer minds. I believe it is an important topic that NEEDS to be discussed right now. Tests must be done.


Gotta love adored TV. They guy does an hour of google search, slaps a couple charts made by others together, comes up with watever argument he has and "disproves" hundres of hours of hard work of actual reviewers who actually tested the products. This blows my mind in two different fronts: One, that this guy has the balls to do this and talk to his peers with that serious voice, and second that people actually support that. And now after thoroughly and methodically explaining his whole methodology and reasoning GN still needs to adress this? You know what Steve? Why don't you buy a christal ball? Why are you wasting your time doing this benchmarks if all you need to do is say whatever you want and predict the future to back it up? I predict in the next 6 months aliens will come from space with incredible organic technology and will render everything we have in tech utterly obsolete. I also predict that Alien space will decimate humanity, so you're better off just buying what works now, cause in 6 months we'll all be dead. It's been prophecised.


BTW: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-8-4qcpPo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-8-4qcpPo</a>


I imagine there are more people still on the i7-920 than there are on the FX-8350 and 8370 combined.