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Hey everyone,

I think I have a way to get our Patreon backers some access to some pre-builts at a slightly discounted price, but I'm not sure about it. Please stay with me:

I've always really liked doing "sting operation" reviews of pre-builts -- basically, we show up unannounced in a physical retail store or order from a website to an alias, then get the real customer experience. We did this for Walmart, Cyberpower, iBUYPOWER, NZXT, and others over the years, and now is a perfect time to do it again. I just bought an Alienware pre-built last night and would really like to buy a bunch of them from others this week to rip into them in the same way we have in the past (including our Beve Sturke secret customer service tests), hopefully finding one or two really good / stand-out ones in the process.

Here's the thing, though: I don't have the budget of Linus. If I spend $2000 on a computer for a video, I'm for sure going to lose money on that video (unless it blows up like the Walmart PC, but that's so rare that it won't happen on all of these). I can take a loss for a few videos, but I can't spend $10K on pre-builts and then be financially negative. It's too much of a risk for us. I also don't like buying and returning things these days. It just doesn't really feel right and it's a lot of extra hassle/timeline hassle, even if we rebuild it better than it was. A lot of the returns just get shipped around or trashed anyway, so it contributes to waste.

The idea: We buy the systems, as usual, and do all our reviews. As we finish them, we post the reviews for everyone. Via Patreon exclusively (not sure if via Discord or posts here), we then offer to sell the pre-built system at a slight price reduction. I don't want to make a big public deal out of it and would rather keep it to a small/exclusive group. There's no pressure to buy anything, but I figure it might be a nice way to get some of you access to a pre-built system with a usable GPU and CPU in it. You can then use the system as is or rip the parts out or resell it, whatever you want, doesn't bother us. We'd restore it to its original state or better, throw in a mouse mat or mouse pad or something, then ship it your way. If you want us to sign it, that's fine too. I wouldn't want any of you to do this just to do a favor for us -- it'd only be if you really need and can use the computer.

If we bought one for, say, $2000, I think I'd probably just offer to sell it to someone in our Patreon group for ~$1800 or something. We want to make sure you get a good deal on it as a thanks for the support. I probably won't even talk about the fact that we're doing this until after it's all done, because I don't want a bunch of people trying to game the system. The goal really is to make it available to our existing supporters but to also fund our efforts, because we just can't buy all these computers unless we either return them or resell them.

Would anyone want this? They're pre-builts. That means we might hate a lot of them if they're built poorly. But we'd at least discount it for you, then it's just up to you to figure out what to do with it. Our goal would be to get rid of it and recoup cost. The parts are still the parts, even if the assembly sucks.

I would probably have to limit it to the continental US just because shipping is expensive & risky at the size of a full system. We could maybe make it work, though, but I do have to make sure we don't end up scammed by anyone in the Patreon group (e.g. ship to another country and then get charged back where I can't fight it, though I don't suspect that'd happen in this more exclusive group). We'd probably try to get them out to people who regularly post on Discord or something first and foremost.

Anyway, I'm not sure the logistics. Let me know what you think. I'm basically trying to just sell the systems when we're done with them so that I don't have to do the weird buy/return dance or lose a huge amount of money every video. I want to do like a week of these.


- Steve



Considering the difficulty for the intended audience to get access to GPUs, and this how hot people would be on the trail of buying these from you I'm sure, it sounds like a win-win


Indubitably, where do I sign up?


Honesty I'd purchase one with a discount, currently stuck with an overheating Alienware laptop (105 CPU temps after repasted with kryonaut) with a 2060 I enjoy those videos


Yeah I would definitely like something if it had a decent GPU.


This is a great idea. Doesn't apply to me as I'm in the UK but seems like a good option for US supporters.


I’m down for this


It's a good win-win. I personally wouldn't be participating in it.


Sounds like a good idea to me. I wouldn't be in the market, but if you don't manage to sell a system to someone in the patreon group, you could always then open it up to others?


I would definitely be interested in purchasing one.


I would have a potential use case for this, but it depends on the system. I have a company that is growing and we have lots of designers, which means GPUs. Prebuilts are pretty much the only place I can get a reliable GPU source. "Fun" fact, just got a $2200 prebuilt specifically for the 3070 in it. I took a 1660 out of another system and swapped them around. If you do this, I think it would be good if you get a purchaser first if you are worried you might get stuck with inventory. I have zero concerns about the system functioning after test. Hell, it would probably be better.

Steve Streza

Man. I wish I could say yes. But I love the hustle 😄


I like the idea, and I'd love to see more of those videos. but I personally have neither the money or need for a system.


I think it's a great idea for your backers. Personally I don't need one and wouldn't feel right buying one out from under someone else who might legitimately need a system though. I'm good with my 10900K and 3080 for quite a while. GN best tech reviews out there. Love you guys


I think this is a decent way to do it, especially since we would get to see the review before buying. I personally would be interested in even buying the nuc from today's video for example (though it sounds like you guys will be getting more use out of it). I'd also suggest that this kinda thing may be a decent way to review more obscure/niche products


Count me in for the first $1500 or so worth of any computer/spec you pick out. Even if it's an awful deal. I'm fine on PCs, but I have friends who are not. Preference is smaller form factor or anything that just LOOKS unusual. I can pay ahead of time, plus shipping to the San Francisco Bay. If other Patrons who NEED computers bid ahead of me, I'll cede my spot to them. I care more about supporting the channel than I do specs/parts from a prebuilt.


Sounds like a good idea to me. I don't need one, so I don't want to skew the perceived interest, but it's definitely on the level and beneficial to all parties without being wasteful so it's a solid idea.


This sounds an all round beneficial idea. I think a good safe guard would be to have a minimum required time of being a patreon member say 6-8 months in order to qualify; or at least some way to verfiy that the buyer in question is not just joining to solely buy a discounted pre built. It is probably cynical but i am pretty sure someone is already going to spill the beans on this and I think you should picky to an extent on who qualifies to buy these pre builts


I don't need any system, also I'm from EU, but sounds like a great deal. Damn I would even get one just for the mouse pad 😅


Even though I can't buy any of those PCs ( I live in Asia), I still thinks it's a good idea to find a better use of them after the review. If for some reason the particular PC has some problem with it. GN can part it and see who are in need of a particular part. I think there are enough members with pocket deep enough to consume the prebuilts GN have no use for.

Kevin Wise

I'd definitely be game for it. Seems like a win-win to me. We get good content and you get a way to offload some of the upfront costs.


If any of the systems catch fire I'll take the GPU from it off your hands. I got 5 different friends that are stuck on gpus predating the 10 series and I would want to help... even if the card isn't in perfect condition.


Cool to hear that your company is doing well! 3D design work, or? And yes, we'd definitely make sure they're assembled the same or better (and working the same or better!)


That's awesome of you on all fronts. Good point on SFF -- I should look for a few of those.

Max Eliaser

I'm down if the right deal comes up.


Yeah, it'll end up on reddit or something at some point. We'll probably enforce a minimum time or something to be at least older than this post. That'd make it less likely we end up getting scammed or something by some opportunistic scalper. We'd share what we're doing eventually, but probably not until the series is done. Maybe a fun "how we were able to afford this" video


I'm definitely interested, but I probably can't make that commitment. Would be easier if it was individual parts but I completely understand thats a heck of a lot more work so I think this is a fair, if not generous, way to make the video work by also giving back to your supporters.


Yea I'd potentially be interested. And in a time where it's so much easier to buy a prebuilt PC this info is as important as ever


This is a super cool idea. Nice one, Steve!

William Kennard

I just shelled out for my system so I'm out on this but it does sounds like an awesome way to do things and give a benefit to Patreons so def worth!


Yeah, I'd probably be interested.


If you're buying at full retail, I think it would take more than a 10% discount to make sense. Routine discounts can be much greater than that. If it's at a good sale price, 10% off of that makes sense.


It's crazy how much more reasonable everyone on Patreon is than the chaos of a comments section. Thanks for your post. It's nice to see someone who really gets it. It'd be nice to part them out, but it sort of just compounds the problem since it costs a lot more time to do. I think if we asked this question of the general public, it'd mostly be "why not just sell the parts separately?"


Yeah, I could use an upgrade and show support for you at the same time.


I'd totally be interested. Any machine I bought would be for a customer or used for the local library so it's a tax right off. Win win for both of our companies


Yeah. I pinged you in discord. im always buying systems and parts. Hell i have a couple on hand as well, if you just want to minimize costs and just ship them to you and you ship them back when you're done. my DM's are always open on discord @demonmit1


While I've been thinking of upgrading my rig, I probably won't for a while since it's still good enough for now. I do think it's a very good idea, however. My only qualm is that 10% doesn't seem like very much (at least to me). I think, however, if the team signed the inside of the case panel or something to that effect, it would make it far more appealing.


I think it's a good idea although I am located in Canada, so logistics would unfortunately be hard for that.


I think this is a great idea. It would be nice if you could deduct your taxes too since this is both resale and a business expense. Also, check with people on their preferred shipping. I get a heck of a deal on fedex through my work and have used them to ship glass cases before so I know they work well.


I am definitely interested. I have been fortunate enough to snag a 3080, but I have friends who I would buy it for. Who would be elated to not just get a system in this climate, but also at a discounted price. On the positive side, even if you couldn't get enough buyers from predated patreon subscribers you would sell them very quickly to the new subs that will undoubtedly follow a public release of this information. Although, they may just scalp them for parts; however, you guys wouldn't be in the negative on the videos.


To clarify, the 10% seems like it would be overcome by any additional (potential) hassle if an issue came up later down the line. I could potentially see some companies throwing a bit of a fit if they thought something fishy was up. But I may just be overly cautious in that regard.


Its a good idea even though I might not have a chance in buying it (outside the US). Looking forward to the content gained from it.


I'd be interested in this, go for it!


I would be interested in buying one if I were in the us. I am fine with the idea.


really similar here, near the border. if I had the funds I would be willing to make it happen and just give them to schools libraries or whatever. shipping here isn't that affordable, and I don't have that kind of play funds to be dumping 2+grand a week or so into GN testing systems. thankfully looks like a few others may be able to assist Steve in finding good homes for the systems after testing. so I only have to worry about some of that permafrost the snuck south of the northeast border the past week, lol.


I dig it. Nice way to get some components in our hands given the current status of parts.


Before you start selling systems as a patreon exclusive, you might want to check whether you're running into any legal issues. As you probably know, LTT recently started selling GPUs and CPUs on their store, and you get access to the store pages from the content of random LTT videos. Linus mentioned on the WAN show that all sale videos would be simultaneus releases on both YT and floatplane because they couldn't have a situation where floatplane subscribers had an advantage, apparently for legal reasons. Someone on his team might have more information.


I'm totally on board with this and would most definitely get a prebuilt from you guys. Super excited to see the review of these systems as I've wondered about the quality of the newest ones.


I think it's a perfectly reasonable idea, but am in the UK so couldn't partake. I think you do need to consider carefully the YouTube reaction, a very vocal minority will no doubt be mad about it being patrons only. I don't know what to suggest to address that, or how up soften it somehow, but definitely think hard on that! Unfortunately, YouTube loves drama.


Ha, do you have my laptop 😝? Alienware overheating beast here too. I repasted etc. but I think it's the contact with the CPU that's the problem, it's a 3-point mounting system for the CPU heatsink?! Monstrous.


I'd be willing to buy a computer (even a relatively high-end one) to help support the channel. This is despite the fact that I have been building more computers than I need lately (is there a clinical diagnosis for computer building addiction). Anyway, I don't need it, but I would buy at least one anyway. I could figure out what to do with it later. [Edit: I'd even buy badly built ones, assuming they weren't complete rip-offs -- from the manufacturer/retailer]


I'm in. Sign me up. Guaranteed. I have a FB group of ~600 hardware fanatics that I can lean on if I don't need the machine myself, so it will go to deserving hands regardless. 90% of my group are current or former Microsoft employees who follow GN.


If I could sell half the stuff I buy for MustangsbyMatt, I would. I say go for it and if we all agree to keep our mouths shut, it would be a great success.


Fantastic idea, the only suggestion that I would like for you to consider. is to open it up so to speak, by ensuring that you are announcing that the prebuilt will be put up for sale, and if the patrons choose to not buy it and instead be put on EBay auction/sale for everyone else. This ensures that it is us the patrons both want to buy this PC and not being pressured to buy it as some comments unfortunately indicate. as the system should be going to someone who wants it or need to use themselves or give to a friend and family member not for us to put up for sale. And the 2nd point is that there is a possibility for the general audience to buy the prebuilt and again it is more of getting a priority to buy the system less so a requirement. As I definitely think that it is a good idea but can be either abused or misunderstood as power or greedy move.


Too bad my company is not big enough for you to get a build from me. I wouldn't mind being apart of that. Im a boutique though and not Ibuypower level trash.


I'm personally not looking for a new build right now, so these videos would not be useful or very interesting for me. I would prefer OC videos or knowledge videos (like that one you made about RAM timings). That is not to say the idea couldn't work.


Would an auction where X% goes to charity? What about, rebuilding them with proper PSUs and cases and selling them on the open market?


I've been wanting to get my nephew his first gaming pc so if the build is decent I might go for one. It's a maybe from me :)


Even though I know I can't get one (living in Europe), I'm in the market for one and really love the no waste side of the endavour. Do you consider opening up a shop to sell some other stuff that you don't need and is just taking up room?


Sounds like a good idea to me. Win-win for everyone, especially us, the viewers :D


I would definitely consider a post-reviewed system. I agree producing a dumpster of e-waste for views kinda sucks. You might consider discounting it pretty good if you really pan it in your review, or maybe addressing the worst issues with rework in the videos? "Now we will find the most cost-effective fix before we sell this off to our supporters on Patreon!" Edit: Thinking about this more, I think reviewing and then seeing if you can add substantial value with tuning, light upgrades etc would be great content. Is it worth it to buy a pre-built and upgrade/modify it? You have the expertise and parts to try - with before and after benchmarks.


I would be interested in buying a reviewed system. I have a perfectly good system that I am happy with, but I have friends who are interested in getting into PC's and this is definitely not the time for them to be dipping their toes in the market. This could be a way I could help one of them get a PC at a reasonable, non scalped price. I think it is a great idea. I don't know if not being a regular on the discord channel puts me at a disadvantage though. I like it there but generally when I am on discord my time is spent either gaming or chatting with IRL friends/coworkers.


I'd be interested, though I'm in Thailand so it'll have to be in a small case. Understand if it's US only and good luck.


I plan on buying a pre-built next gen system just because I have given up on a 3080 and my 1080TI is honestly doing anything I would use it for anyway. I would buy one at cost just to support the channel - put me down for next year ... ? Great work GN - keep it up.


I would be willing to buy one of the pre-builts you buy for review. I would prefer one with a higher end GPU, but am flexible. Would be an upgrade for a family member who is still using a GTX 970 that he has been using since it came out. He was ready to get a fully new system when and had gotten a Valve Index ordered, but then the global situation with shortages didn't improve and became what it is.


I would be interested also just for the free mouse pad lol but also to support the channel,


The content you produced for the prebuilt PCs was great, I really enjoyed them, and yea I am also interested in purchasing a pre-built from you.


Yes! I love this idea.

Egor A. Palchyk

You know. It's funny you should bring this up. Two days ago, I was talking with a friend and saying, "That's what I'm saying. Right now would be a really good time to stress test the pre-builts lads. I mean, when I worked at $usedBookStoreName, it was fine to Secret Shop us during the worst rushes of the year. Hell, I was Secret Shopped in the lead-up to christmas. If it wasn't ruinously expensive, it'd be a really good idea." That said, while it's a brilliant idea, I don't think I can personally pledge to buy any of the systems. So, while I support this in spirit, I can't put my money where my mouth is. That said, with the shortages, selling those systems not even at cost, but at a discount is a serious act of generosity.


If I'd live a lot closer, meaning the US, I'd defenately be intrested, as it stands, import duties, transport and all, not to mention not active on discord, stack all up to being vocal only. It's a great idea though, sort of seecret shopper with the Steve twist, and honestly, at least (as far as we know, Linus could have sold them or what not) ... safer for land fills etc, by reselling them. It's probably not much, but I'll try my way to get a bit more support going, it's not per say a prebuilt, but over a few years, it will be :) ...


Awesome idea, I was literally shopping for a prebuilt yesterday because my first hard line water cooled build is sitting on my work bench without a GPU. I ended up buying a 3400G for now (so sad I know) but eventually would like a 5900X &amp; 3080/70. The cheapest prebuilts I saw with a decent GPU were $2000 and were still 6-12 week backorder (this was on iBuyPower).


Would probably only be interested in high end builds with a 5900x and/or 3080/6800 xt


While I personally don't need any such systems (and S&amp;H to Europe would be insane) I think this sounds like a great idea. Very fair to the Patreons, you get to do the content everyone wants to see, and a few lucky people get the computers they've been wanting to get but just can't easily buy right now. Personally I think if you put in the effort to tune the performance, change the paste, fix up whatever obvious issues the manufacturer left in, etc. you could even ask for a slight premium 😄


I'd be interested in a 3070+ system. I.m on east coast too.


One option might be that you get some pre-commitments for people to buy a system you together spec out and buy, and only then you buy it - so you know who it's going to already and don't end up overcommitting to buying like $10k of hardware and then trying to figure out where it can all go to.

Matthew Fields

Wish I could say I’d be able to commit, but not 100% certain at the moment. I like the brainstorming on this though; good utilization of a potential market of people in need of a usable box (even if it just ends up mostly stripped for parts).


I'm outside of the US, but I think it's a good idea and it gives you guys a chance to recoup some money. Go for it.


The idea sounds awesome. Personally for me I’ve been blessed by the RTX 3080 gods and in no need of new components. Also I live in Belgium, shipment is indeed horrible. It’ll get here faster when you attach a buoy to it an throw it in the ocean.


I too am outside of the US sadly but I do like the idea. Seems like a very reasonable thing to do overall.


That's a great idea IMO. Perhaps customizing it would be a nice incentive as well. "Built better", or with some GN customizations. "Personally signed and blessed by the lord tech jesus himself, get yourself a GN Kosher PC"


I unfortunately don’t need one personally, but I think it’s a super cool idea!


I can't see this ending in a bad way and since it's something you guys seem really intent on doing, I say go for it. I still run into tons of people on hardware discords and forums trying to get a good deal on a pre-built.


I think it's a cool idea. I think you should probably have like the buyers lined up before ordering though so you can make sure you don't end up taking a bath on it. if possible.

Jason Toves

I think it’s cool, but I don’t know abut the post regularly on Discord part. I wouldn’t buy it myself because I promised my son we would build something. Anyways, I support you by buying merchandise, watching videos all the way through and Patreon, but I just don’t post on Discord. There might be other supporters who might not post a lot and want to participate.


Hey Steve I think this to be a Great Idea, I would suggest announcing it here vs discord but its up to you. Regarding shipping I would gladly pay any extra costs if you consider shipping to my country (Puerto Rico) we do use USPS as our main mailing system since we are a protectorate but there is also FedEx, UPS, Parcel Pool and DHL that I know of maybe there's more. Anyway man if you can't I still understand, keep up the good work, cheers!


I would very much be interested in this, and have a need for a new computer!


I'd totally jump on a opportunity like that if it was available to me in Brazil. Also, I think @Lietu suggestion on the pre-commitment is pretty good. BTW, if it crosses your mind to try to ship it to Brazil, don't. I'd be stuck in customs hell forever and end up being much more expensive and a major headache for the buyer and GN.


Just an idea: If you're worried about people cheating and publicly claiming they sent you money when they didn't, using a cryptocurrency with a public blockchain would make sure you can prove that they did.


Fantastic idea! If I was at a point where I wanted an upgrade, this would be an awesome opportunity.


What about people that don't have/use or are interested in cryptocurrency? Or is there like a conversion fee or something?


Excellent way to pay it forward. Thank you!


I would be interested in purchasing one of these. I have tried to purchased 2 cyberpower pcs in the past month from bestbuy. Both I had to return due to the gpu arriving dead. Buying a computer that is fully tested would be a relief!


In many ways, this is akin to our supporting GN with a known working system as a thank you.


Yeah, this crossed my mind as well so it wouldn't hurt to hit LMG up for that.


Im not in the market right this instant but I might be soon so I would be interested.


I think it's a great idea. I am not in the market for anything right now, but a lot of people are, and having an option to buy something that is fully tested and not deal with potential RMA issues is a bonus. Plus if this whole thing works out, you can do the same with other things in the future, if at some point an interesting review idea is going to be financially challenging.




This is an awesome idea


Thumbs up. Not in the market right now, but because pre-builts allow folks to get their hands on the hardware they want (RTX 30 series, Ryzen 5000), this would be an excellent way to do some consumer experience feedback. Specifically, since folks are more likely to buy them now, would be ideal for folks to know what they are getting.


I think this is a great idea, and I'm actually looking to upgrade right now, so I guess that would make me a little biased. But it gets a "2 thumbs up" from me.


Can we put in orders for what we would like?!


Sh*t, get a couple with 3080s in them, and I'm sure you'll easily sell them back at full pop. Myself included. (but I don't post in discord :P)


Sounds like a fun series! I've been thinking about upgrading the last couple years, but haven't felt compelled to do so.


I'm seeing a lot of positivity in the chat here about the idea, and I'm willing to volunteer to re-buy one of the pre-builts, assuming it'd have one of the new graphics cards in it (feels like a safe assumption)


With how hard it is to get the new GPUs right now, I'd be surprised if you weren't able to find enough takers to get rid of them within this group, even if they come as part of a pre-built, especially if you're reselling them at a discount


I don't think you'll have any trouble selling these to your patron backers, even at full price. I'm totally down to buy something as well


I like the idea, I'd say do it. I can't even think of a downside tbh


Great idea. There are a lot of disheartened gamers and prospective gamers these days


I think this is a good idea. Wish you had done that a few months back since I ended up buying a pre-built from iBuyPower in order to get my hands on a decent GPU and CPU. I wasn't about to throw money at scalpers. You may want to consider "enhancing" or "fixing" the bad ones to ensure they are reliable before moving them. In the spirit of it may be bad coming from the vendor but we gave it the GamersNexus treatment and its better now kind of proposition.


I also think this is a good idea. Most of the issues you've had with pre-builts in the past are the case or assembly. I'd be willing to bet that if these have current generation parts (CPU, GPU, MB, memory), there are enough Patreons who would put those components into a case they already own. I don't need a new PC, but if I did, I would definitely be a buyer.. and I'm on the fence now, anyway. ;)


This a great idea. Most pre-builts have several good parts, and if they includes a high-end GPU there'd be plenty of value to be had. Looks like you will have plenty of interested buyers, too. You'll have to have some sort of raffle, like maybe a 'Gamers Nexus Shuffle' !


Great idea put me down as someone willing to purchase one


Thanks for thinking outside the box. :) Sign me up as willing to purchase one.


Is this an appropriate time to use "Shut up and take my money?"


I think this is a fantastic idea


My first worry was shipping which you addressed. Before you addressed it though I had an idea that for one or some of the computers maybe you could just sell them locally or small local giveaway and create a second video out of that. Also, I keep a part time job at Best Buy selling computers. They now sell what we jokingly call a "pandemic special" with a GT710.... I hate it so much and I fear how many people are buying them off the website before talking to someone in the store for a real recommendation.


I think it is a great idea, there might be a lot of people wanting to upgrade for a while now. I got lucky and got what I need, but would buy if no one else wants it ( like a lower spec one ).


I think this is a great idea! It's important content that deserves to be made and seen, and this way you're not buying yourselves into a hole, and your backers get a chance to buy a system at a reduced price at a time when the market is hell. Sounds like the best possible solution.

William Sawyer

If you ever test one with minimal RGB... and you signed it maybe.... I would buy that!


I think it's a great idea. You'd always be able to show the video to your friends, and say "that's my PC!" :)


While I wouldn’t be interested in buying one, if others see value in it, I’m good with it.


I would be interested


I’m interested, I want to buy a computer for my daughters birthday( It’s August 10th) what kind of timeframe are you looking . If I give a percentage down could I pick the specs of the system? Would it be possible to pick it up in person (that would also save us some cash) me and my wife and kids used to live in Winston Salem and Lexington North Carolina would give me an excuse to visit some friends


I don't need to buy any systems. I just built a new computer in the last few weeks. But I think it's a good idea and you should go with it. If you have problems unloading systems, you might work with Linus and his verified gamer program.


I like this idea. hopefully the systems can go to those who really have a use for them. I know I could use one for my Dad as his laptop no longer works. Great idea GN.


I would buy one of those systems, especially if it happened to be from a good integrator. I know that Falcon Northwest used to have a great reputation and seems to have a good one still from what I saw in reviews online. It would be interesting to know if they live up to that rep!


I’m building a couple of new arcade machines and the lack of video card availability has put the projects on hold. I considered resorting to a prebuilt, but they’re overpriced too. For a good cause (this) I’d buy one.


I would try to buy one if you GN decided to do this. Also there is a brick and mortar store in the Bay area called Central Computers. They have pre-builts and custom pre-builts without inflating prices. I was thinking of building one from them when I get back to the states.


Interesting. I am curious, what type of GPUs would you be looking for, for those machines? What type of games are they running?

William Tillotson

If I hadn't bought a pre-built a week before this post I'd be on it. Still got 4-6 weeks to wait for it to arrive though.


Great idea! I won't buy any though, continental Europe here, not much of a active user on a Discord plus I need GPU only. Good luck Steve and GN team!


Sounds good to me - I'd be interested in buying one.


Great idea, but not likely one I would be interested in participating in. I just built a "new" PC with mostly 2nd hand parts (reused my 2200G after upgraded, then bought an old mobo, memory...new power supply because I didn't want to trust an old one). I got the inspiration of reducing ewaste from GN, so that you for that!


Love this idea. Tech Jesus, always fighting the good fight. Cheers!


Sounds good to me. Test it out with a system or 2 and see if it works. Small test batch if you will.

Dylan Larkin

Not interested myself as i prefer diy but i think this is an incredible idea!


I'd be interested.


I think this is a great idea and I am definitely up for purchasing a system you'd reviewed!


What a great idea &amp; thankx in advance from (I would think) all of us who follow you guys. Afterall, like that old Purdue chicken comercial, Parts is Parts!


Sure I’d be interested.


My friend is looking for a computer to replace his laptop, I'll point him to this


Not to necro-post (but I guess I'm doing it anyway), even if I myself would be unable to afford it right now, I think this is a great idea. Just don't send someone that terrible Dell. Mount that as a display of "how not to do it."


Not to necro-post again, but I think that reviewing pre-builts would be great for a lot of people who are getting into the world that GN inhabits but might not feel comfortable doing their own build. Three quick things to consider: 1) Auctions to recoup costs, anything more goes to one of the great charities you guys have already supported. (Have the team sign the chassis, or at least offer to). No need to Patreon-only in that situation. 2) Sell "fixed" systems. You guys have found more than one pre-built that's got decent enough bones but is hobbled by dumb mistakes (XMP not enabled, jeez). With ~30 min of TLC, and possibly a bit of money for say, a new/additional case fan, a bad pre-built becomes a good one. The added security of "guys who know what they're doing have looked this over" works well for used cars and can work well here (again, great for someone starting out). 3) I mean, at this point, if you get a pre-built with any GPU more powerful than a Tamagotchi, scrap it for parts? But that feels like less of an honest, and long-term solution.


I think it’s a good idea, at least if the prebuilts are not so terrible that noone wants them even at a discount. Personally I would not be interested, mostly due to import fees, taxes and the shipping cost.


What I've understood, US shipping system is horrible, even for local stuff. As even you received broken PC. Blame is on the shipper too partially. I really hope GN team will find a way :) . EU here, so I can't help. Thank you for your whole Team, making good and in depth analyses and reviews!


I'd say do it, and if there's truly durability issues with shipping the systems then offer them for sale to pickup. Heck, you could probably charge retail if you signed the case for them.


I actually really need to get my girlfriend a computer and honestly I could support you guys while getting an alright prebuilt PC. So yeah, that's a really good idea and I will most likely buy one if I can get my hands on it before everyone else lol.