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100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year.  Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.


CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, "Violated Multiple Federal Laws" Peer-Reviewed Study Finds...State, Local Governments Must Act

100 Percent Fed Up reports - Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive...


Kevin Nelson

These wicked ass people will pay.


Lol which way do they want it , the vaccine that is causing side effects killing people should open things back up cause it is working? Right? This evil Satanic system has a strong delusion that is going to get a lot of folks killed fast and slow. SMDH it’s bad!

David Russell

that is the sad part that people will die cause of them. How far do we keep moving the line that they already crossed long ago. People need to get a back bone and take back our rights