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Thousands of US service members are refusing or putting off the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, thousands of healthcare workers are refusing to take the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe. Watch the video to know why there is vaccine hesitancy all across the world.  #vaccinehesitancy#covidvaccine​   Crux is your daily dose of the big, viral and relevant news in a few minutes. It’s your ultimate guide to staying informed on the latest in politics, international relations, sports, entertainment and social media


Why Are Millions Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine In US, Europe And China?

Thousands of US service members are refusing or putting off the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, thousands of healthcare workers are refusing to take the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe. Watch the video to know why there is vaccine hesitancy all across the world. #vaccinehesitancy #covidvaccine Crux is your daily dose of the big, viral and relevant news in a few minutes. It’s your ultimate guide to staying informed on the latest in politics, international relations, sports, entertainment and social media Follow CRUX on Instagram (@crux.india): https://bit.ly/3qSFx1K Follow CRUX on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Lte7iF #GetCloserToTheNews with latest headlines on politics, sports and entertainment on news18.com https://bit.ly/2Y4QccL Also watch: Crux One Take: https://bit.ly/3oNaLWf Crux Files: https://bit.ly/3mnbnjW Crux BTS: https://bit.ly/3oCjbQE



Mindless minions! This is the temple of Yah and if it ain’t from Yah himself. We don’t want no damn vaccines Shepherd. These people are clueless and are quick to shoot themselves with a bunch of poison for COMFORT in this wicked world. Praise Yah for was us up. HalleluYah!!!

AzaraYah (Straight Outta Judah) Yahsharal

Active duty Navy here 🙋🏾‍♂️ I am not taking anybody’s snake venom or monkey puss. 2024 is my end of service and I’ll be done, they can have all this crap....I WILL NOT SERVE 2 masters, I LOVE YAH!!