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 Anger boiled over at the first Charlottesville City Council meeting since a white nationalist rally descended into violent chaos, with some residents screaming and cursing at councilors Monday night and calling for their resignations. (Aug. 22) 


Anger Boils Over at Charlottesville City Council

Anger boiled over at the first Charlottesville City Council meeting since a white nationalist rally descended into violent chaos, with some residents screaming and...


Stan Barnett

Yea Pastor the powers that be in this land is pushing a race war to keep the people distracted from chaos in the government.

Zsa Zsa Rambeau

The problem is the people are not consistent. If local citizens showed up at EVERY City Council meeting it would stop a lot of corruption. We the people should active instead of reacting to bad situations. I bet the next city council meeting the seats will be empty and it will be business as usual for corrupt politicians.