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 The mainstream news media will not blast this across the air waves so I will. This is the state of this Country as the people protest the establishment.
Chaos erupts at Charlottesville City Council. The counsel only concern was appearance and how they looked on camera! 


Chaos Erupts at Charlottesville City Council Meeting

The mainstream news media will not blast this across the air waves so I will. This is the state of this Country as the people protest the establishment. Chaos erupts...


Sister Tawania

Absolutely incredible, looked like it was about to be a riot! Thank you for sharing and keeping us informed!

Paul L

You'll should note that the council was unapologetic and had No empathy for the people of their township. It reminded me of the slave courts of old and even today. Yet I agree it was a very healthy display of unity. Their rules of order where unbending and their seats blind to unethical responibilty..