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Oh boi !
What a week this was ~

Hello everybody, AmazInky here !
Today, we look back on what I did the past 7 days >:3 !

You can join the Discord if you want to follow the progress "live" Through regular screenshots of my work day by day ~

Find how to join the Discord right here ! 💙
(it's super easy, even a children could does it. what ?)

👀 What's New ?

🦈🔐| Comic Completion:

I took back where I left during last the last roundup, so if you're curious, here it is:

Here is the rest of the progress process !

First, character shading !

Then I reunited everything on the page, and added a paper-like texture to it :D

Here are the finished pages !

I also Wrote a 11 Page story to go with the story, this one was a big success and readers loved it !
So I recommend you check it out here ~

🥜❌| NNN Emotes:

Then it's onto the break between commissions !
And we begin with new Emotes for the discord server, these 2 celebrate those who participated and won this year's NNN challenge !

Here is the emote for those who participated but failed,

And the emote for those who survived the challenge !

(As you can see, this boy survived, he is in fact, a good boy ;3)

You can also see the progress here !

⚠️🦦⚠️| Otter Warning:

Following up with another bonus recommended to me by the fellows over on the Discord, an Artwork inspired by LLUIS's Work !

"If you are thirsty for some Otter Daddy, please, feel free to push the door ;3"
I've wanted to Draw Inky in his accurate size (2.20m !) for a while now, and it's finally here ~

As always, here is the progress:

And last but not least...

💦🥛| For Breeding Purposes:

A new commission is now on the way !

The prompt is rather simple:

"A male character (whom I don't know yet) was dr*gged and kidn*pped.
He wakes up in a room, strapped to a table and is milked by a machine.
A mysterious feminine silhouette watches him and keeps him horny by blowing an aphrodisiac gas right onto his face.
He struggles, but cannot escape.
This lady wants his seeds... For Breeding purposes !"

I've taken the background to heart, because it's a good way to convey the narrative of his abd*ction without words...
So I hopped onto this new exciting project, and started sketching a background !

Here is the Background sketching process !

The table is tilted back in a way that his feet are higher than his head !

And the objects on the ground narrate how the character got t*ken *way !

I'm obligated to say this tho: "This character is fictionnal, he actually really enjoys it, loves how he is being treated, wanted it, would do it again, please don't sue me I don't have the money."

What's Next ?

I won't take more of your time, it's easy:
I'll finish up this commission, work on a bonus for the discord/Patreon, and move onto the next !

So get ready to see this drawing really take shape in the coming week !

That's it for now !
Thank you all dearly for your support, the community just keeps on growing, and that's super cool, you guys are awesome 🖤

I'll see you again next week, for the next Weekly Roundup :D

Toodles ~🖤




really Naughty wokrs :3


Always <3 Thank you for the support ~ More naughtiness, coming your way ! So open wide :p