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You can read the full 11 pages Story that goes with this comic here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/captive-shark-11-93267781

Hey everyone ! Amazinky here ~๐Ÿฆฆ

Today I'm releasing the full 2 pages comic I've been working on this month !
It's been a wild ride and I honestly think it looks great !

The people of the discord have had it since yesterday !

If you haven't joined already, Find how right here ! ๐Ÿ’™
(it's super easy, even a children could does it. what ?)

I'll see you again very very soon for the next Weekly Roundup !
Toodles ~๐Ÿ–ค



Lexif Xilef

So, this'll be my first comment here (I'm not someone to leave a comment usually), but I just gotta say....you're awesome. Your storytelling is so immersive and I really like the writing style, plus your art style is incredibly unique and I just love the facial expressions you draw, they're perfect (not to mention they line up pretty well with my kinks;) ). Keep up the good work!


Aww thank you <3 What youโ€™re saying means a lot to me ~ Itโ€™s the first time someone compliments my writing (I am French so I am still learning), that must mean I am improving ! So thank you a ton >:3 ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿคโค๏ธ