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Sorry for the wait! I ended up going with a few different outfit options and that usually takes longer than just one outfit of course. I kind of wanted to go with a sexy goth princess kind of vibe and low-key I feel like I'd wear this outfit too (the most covered up version though with shorts or something lol).

Also, my cat is well again! She recovered slowly over the weekend and is pretty much back to her usual self now so I'm very thankful for that.

I should have the new polls up in the next few minutes so please make sure to vote in them when you have a chance!

I hope everyone has a great week! Thanks for your support!




Conngrats on the good news about your cat. Love me some Raven. Who was your most and least favorite Teen Titan?


Thanks!!! Raven was totally my favorite titan. As for least favorite.. hmm. Maybe Cyborg? Not sure why per se. Maybe because he was the oldest and at the time I was watching Teen Titans I was closer in age to the rest of the titans so I felt more connected to them. What about you?


Probably Robin. He was so edgy and alone and cool 😂 I love characters like that. Which makes sense in why I like Batman.