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I had another idea for maids at the beginning of the month but I completely forgot what it was lol. Anyway, I felt like drawing some interesting dance poses so this is what happened. I don't think Komi would be comfortable dancing like this alone let alone in front of anyone though lol. I was kind of thinking that she could have learned interpretive dance and this is her new way of communicating but that's a stretch.

Sorry for the lack in posts this week. This week has been pretty stressful. At the beginning of this week my A/C broke and I've been trying to deal with getting it fixed. And last night my cat was acting lethargic and not eating so today I took her to the vet but she is still not better so I might have to take her to the vet again tomorrow. The vet didn't see anything wrong with her besides a fever which might be making her nauseous but it is still unsettling that she has not recovered yet. I'm very worried about her. And also, it looks like something weird happened with Patreon payment system and a bunch of people's payment methods were declined or something so if you're in that boat, I am truly sorry about that. I have no idea what's going on with Patreon...

Anyway, I should have the second poll winner up sometime this weekend or on Monday if my cat doesn't recover. Fingers crossed that I'll wake up tomorrow and she'll be running around again.. 

If you're a $10 patron or higher, please send me your character suggestion for this month's polls!



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