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Hello Wicked friends - 

We have decided to open our daily meditation group to all Patreon members, without any further ticketing required. 

Several of us have been sitting daily since March, and we are delighted to build a virtual community where all kinksters & community members can feel free to be themselves in all their parts. 

We meet daily at 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern for about 30 minutes. On weekdays, we have a bit more structure and instruction from Mir; on weekends, the group tends to be purely peer-led. 

Here is the Zoom link to join:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/989185218?pwd=MUsxcmpZWVZ0UGpXWGFyOVNPUnM3QT09 

Please note that Mir is not an empowered Buddhist teacher, just a witch and dilettante kabbalist who has been meditating regularly for twenty years.

Techniques & topics will include insight meditation basics, lovingkindness meditation, basic Jewish meditation, and more. This is a Zoom meeting (not webinar) so you are invited (but not required) to share your own video and audio. 

No one turned away for lack of funds. Please do feel free to share this link with personal friends you believe would like to join us, but we are not sharing this widely beyond our Patreon members. 





Is this still occurring?