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Beloved patrons - 

We sincerely hope everyone is doing okay in this time of uncertainty and unease.  Here are the Temporary Wicked Grounds Distributed World Headquaters, we are rapidly working on ways to keep our community connected, entertained and -- hopefully -- comforted. 

We launched our first two online classes yesterday, to great success. Mir taught their BDSM Negotiation Basics class to an international audience (!!!) and Mx Davey Faye launched an amazingly successful online version of Pack Night in which we really were able to get in our bodies despite the distance. Look for these to become core regular offerings. 

Starting today, we are launching a daily meditation class & sitting session with Mir, who was one of the co-founders of San Francisco's Queer Leather Meditation Group in 2015. If you want some time for daily grounding, you can attend any of the sessions at 1pm PDT/ 4pm EDT daily (including weekends). There are free ticketing options available (please give more if you can to keep this sustainable), but please pre-register for logistics purposes. At this time we're limited to 95 attendees, but as we move forward we'll be ramping up our online licensing to support larger audiences. 

We've also moved almost all of our classes through the end of March online, including amazing classes from Diana Rachel (author of Urban Witch), RodeoKitten, The Voice, and others. You can find the whole line-up at our Brown Paper Tickets Profile. Anything that is prefaced with the word online is confirmed and ready for ticketing. 

We encourage everyone to take your local shelter in place provisions seriously. Asymptomatic transmission is real, and not worth the risk. We encourage you to help one another. We encourage everyone to keep a sense of humor through this all. 

We are so very grateful for your continued support, which is allowing us to take these steps right now. 

So very much love - 

Mir & the Wicked Grounds team 



What a time to get started! I finally come out of the closet with regards to my cross dressing and of course all the stores are closed with rare exception so the first few munches or until the stores open up I will have limited close but will try them on and show off!